Spiritual world

Chapter 151: Successful ancestor worship, enter Tongyun Mountain

"Ling Yuanxian's nephew, the news has been found out. At present, Tongyunmen has gathered a total of 25 spiritual practitioners in the infant period and 150 masters in the spiritual silence period. If it is just this kind of strength comparison, our strength is very dominant, but the other party has two masters in the period of spiritual change, which makes our advantage suddenly become nothing.

After all the preparations were completed, Ling Yuan and others made the last pre-war mobilization in the Juxian Hall. On the Juxian Hall, Li Qiming was a little happy, but he was still a little worried.

After the assembly in the past few days, almost all the top strength on the whole Nanzhan continent has come to Lin'an City. The strength of Yanmeng has reached a peak, and the master with the infant period has reached an unprecedented forty-nine. Counting Xiao Daofeng, a master in the spiritual change period, these masters alone have half a hundred.

But although he is a baby master, he is nearly twice as much as the other party. However, the facts are not optimistic. The so-called protection method is too secretive. Moreover, the overall strength of the other party's spiritual infant master is much stronger than that of Yan Meng.

Except for the eleven baby masters of Tongyunmen, most of them have advanced recently, all of them are one or two levels of the spirit baby. The mysterious door owner of the other party is rumored to be a master of the fourth floor of the infant period. Moreover, the masters of the Brave Mercenary Regiment, the Canglang Mercenary Regiment and the Destiny Mercenary Regiment convened by the other party are more than five floors of the Lingying period.

On the other hand, on Lingyuan's side, there are only three masters of the Lingying period, who are above five levels, including Tan Mingzhe, Song Jiang, the head of the Cangshan Mercenary Regiment, and Wang Ming, the head of the Disc Brake Mercenary Regiment. Most of the rest of the people are one to three levels of cultivation in the infant period.

Just a gap of one or two, it is doomed that Yanmeng will have to pay nearly double the price if they want to deal with each other's masters. Even Lingyuan, with his own speed and physical strength, can resist a five-level spiritual scholar in the infant period, but the gap between the two sides is still infinitely narrowed.

Coupled with the other party's protection method and Yun Kuang, one more spiritual transformation master will consume at least ten spiritual infant master to stop it. And it's just a block, and it's even more difficult to defeat it.

"So, our situation is indeed not very good. However, I think it should not be a problem to deal with the strength of Xiao Daofeng or the so-called protection method. As long as we send a few people to delay the other party's spiritual period, it only takes half an hour to win.

Ling Yuan thought for a moment and came to a conclusion. Xiao Daofeng, who was next to the chairman, nodded. Although he was asked to deal with two masters who were also in the spiritual change period, Xiao Daofeng could not guarantee it. But if he wants to deal with a person, he believes that it is extremely easy. After all, where is Xiao Daofeng's background? 300 years of cultivation. Although Xiao Daofeng has not yet broken through to the second floor of the spiritual transformation period, he is still at the peak of the first floor. He even has to work hard. Xiao Daofeng's strength is still above Xiao Daolin.

This is why the people of Tongyunmen still dare not kill Xiao Daolin after seriously injuring Xiao Daolin. Yun Kuang and the two dare not guarantee that once Xiao Daofeng goes crazy, they can resist Xiao Daofeng's desperate impact with only one layer of initial cultivation.

"Since Elder Xiao has nodded, there is naturally nothing to say. Then let's arrange it first. At that time, the head of the blood wolf, brother Donglin, brother Nie Feng..., you ten people will display the yin and yang gossip array together, and drag Yun Kuang or one of the mysterious two guardians, and must be dragged until the victory of Elder Xiao. Do ten of you have confidence?

Li Qiming stood on the hall and began to arrange troops. Ling Yuan and others are not good at this kind of thing, and although Chen Liu Wang Liu Wenzhe, meritorious Zhao Kai and others are the princes of the same country, after all, the Tang Long Empire is the most powerful empire in Nanzhanbuzhou. Therefore, these princes and dukes also consciously handed over the position of the platoon to Li Qiming.

"Haha, King of Light, don't worry. Our brothers, if you want to practice to defeat the masters of the spiritual change period, that's called bragging. But if you want to delay the other party, don't say half an hour, even if it's a day, it's no problem.

The words of Blood Wolf are a little arrogant, but they really raise everyone's morale. Therefore, Li Qiming also smiled and did not care about the arrogant move of the other party. It was only after arranging all the fights that he quietly told everyone to be careful again.

Outside the East Gate of Lin'an, Li Chao, the emperor of the Tanglong Empire, personally led 10,000 Niuwei to see him off. In the front of the vast brigade was a team of 300 people. Although the number of this group of people is small, even the Qianniuwei of this 10,000 people feels great pressure. This is still when these people do not exert their own spiritual pressure.

These more than 300 people, led by 50 people, are all representatives of big forces, standing three people in the front. Ling Yuan, Xiao Daofeng and Li Qiming, King of Light. More than 200 people in the back are the elites selected by the major forces and the Xiao and Wang families, all of whom are masters of the spiritual silence period. The leader stood a man and a woman, the man was Xiao Qingyu, and the woman was Feng Lin.

In Li Qiming's arrangement, both of them are young and proud, although they came with Ling Yuan. But Li Qiming also knew that nothing could happen to these two, so he was arranged in the team of monks during this period of spiritual silence. Let them fight foreign aid and control the overall situation of the battlefield.

As for Ling Yuan, that's not what he can manage. One is that the hatred between the other party and Tongyunmen is too big. Another Ling Yuan is the real leader of the Yan League, although the arrangement is arranged by him. But the ultimate leadership still needs the leadership of Ling Yuan and Xiao Daofeng.

"With the thousand-year merits of the Li family, I beg Li's ancestors to bless the Yan League to break the Tongyun Gate and benefit my Tanglong Empire and even the whole Nanzhanbuzhou for thousands of generations."

Li Chao's words can be said to have done enough face. It also shocked the people present. Ling Yuan doesn't know much about this kind of ancestor sacrifice. However, princes and nobles from various countries such as Li Qiming, Liu Wenzhe and Zhao Kai all know it. This kind of ancestral sacrifice ceremony, especially the vow made by Li Chao, is one of the most powerful vows inherited in ancient times.

Once this vow is successful, it means that their action, blessed by God, will definitely succeed. And once it fails, it means that the thousands of years of foundation of the Li family will be cursed by God. It is possible to subvert Li's imperial dynasty in the short term in the future.

However, Li Qiming and others were relieved that after Li Chao's ancestral ceremony was completed, a blood-red cloud floated over the sky, followed by a colorful glow. The glow scattered the bloody red clouds and created the whole sky with colorful colors.

"Long live my emperor, the Tanglong Empire will last forever, and it will be auspicious."

A thunderous cry came, and the crawling shouts of 10,000 Niuwei was earth-shaking. Ling Yuan, standing at the front of the team, couldn't help but be infected by this atmosphere. Some of the blood boiled up.

"Kid, what's wrong? Do you look puzzled about this kind of thing? It's really amazing how powerful the Ling family was back then. Nowadays, alas, Ling Yu and his wife are too much of a matter of course. They want to retire, but they don't know that once they step into the world, they can never really quit. Unless you abolish your cultivation to be a real ordinary person.

Xiao Daofeng, standing beside Ling Yuan, saw the doubts on Ling Yuan's face. I can't help sighing. 300 years ago, how powerful the Ling family was. Even if he migrated to Nanzhanbuzhou, Lingtian is still full of wind and clouds. On the whole flexible continent, no one knows it, let alone dares to face each other.

Now, the descendants of the Ling family are not clear about this kind of ancestral ceremony. What a sad and regrettable thing.

"This ancestral ceremony is said to be a method inherited from ancient times. In particular, Li Chao's vow is the most powerful one. He is gambling on the foundation of the Li family. The bet is that our operation can be successful, which also shows how much the royal family of the Tanglong Empire is looking forward to destroying Tongyunmen.

Under Xiao Daofeng's explanation, Ling Yuan understood this ceremony. The first bloody floating cloud represented bleeding and casualties in this confrontation. Of course, it is normal for casualties in this kind of battle. But this does not mean that the emergence of blood clouds represents good luck. On the contrary, the emergence of blood clouds means huge casualties, which is more likely to mean that the failure of actions and the vows made will be cursed by God.

But the later appearance of colorful clouds represents auspiciousness. That is the immortal soul of Li's ancestors, blessing Li Chao's vow to succeed. The auspicious glow dissipated the blood cloud representing disaster and truly announced the success of the ancestral ceremony, which also made everyone present very excited. Because this means that their action will be successful this time. And in the end, it will be a great victory.

The successful sacrifice of ancestors is divided into three levels. The best situation is the colorful glow to scatter the blood clouds. Secondly, the white light broke through the blood cloud, and the second is that a gray floating cloud slowly shrouded the blood cloud, and finally suppressed the spread of the blood cloud. That situation shows that even if this action is won, it will be a tragic victory, and the winning party will be killed and injured.

"Okay, the ancestral sacrifice is successful. I am here waiting for the return of heroes and predecessors. Toast."

A glass of wine was served, and Ling Yuan was listening to Xiao Daofeng's explanation. Although he felt unreasonable, he was extremely happy. At present, after the representative raised their heads and drank, they waved their hands boldly, turned around and began to move forward with the crowd.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, all the people who belong to the Yan League and participate in this operation, prepare and set out."