Spiritual world

Chapter 158: Fenglin's Identity

"Miss, the wind instrument is late. But now, it seems that Yanmeng seems to have the advantage over the overall situation. Haha, Li, do you still know me?"

The old man did not pay attention to the bright moon, but floated to the mountain gate of Tongyun Gate, stood above the mountain gate, and arched to Fenglin inside. After Feng Lin nodded slightly, she turned her head and looked at the protector.

"Ah, wind, wind instrument, how can it be you? Why did you appear here? Have you forgotten the agreement between the ancient clans?

"Haha, do you Li remember the agreement between the ancient tribes? Is it true that others don't know what the Phantom Palace has done for nearly a thousand years? The Ling family is also one of the four ancient clans. Why don't you stop at your Phantom Palace? Instead, it's pressing step by step. Ling Tian 200 years ago, don't tell me that there is no interference with your Phantom Palace.

The dialogue between the two people was confused by the protection method and the wind instrument. Ling Yuan, in particular, doesn't know what to say. But he also understood that the Ling family was also one of the four so-called ancient tribes. And there seems to be some agreement between these ancient clans that they can't do it casually. However, the Li family, to which the Phantom Palace belongs, does not follow the agreement.

Even Ling Yuan heard that the death of his ancestor Ling Tian 200 years ago seemed to have nothing to do with the Phantom Palace. But Ling Yuan is a little confused about who this wind instrument is. But when everyone was confused, the protector shouted loudly, "Everyone, retreat."

"If Tongyunmen belongs, everyone immediately retreats to the front of the hall and go quickly."

With the words of Li Hufa, the cloud madness also shouted. The two took out their own life-saving magic weapons. After sacrificing, they turned around and fled. Zhao Zengqing and others did not dare to neglect it. They sacrificed magic weapons regardless of the loss, jumped out of the circle and fled in the direction of the hall.

The disciples of Tongyunmen also fled after these people retreated. Suddenly, the pressure on Xiao Qingyu and others was greatly reduced. After the people of Tongyunmen retreated, the people of the Yan League led by Ling Yuan did not attack.

Although the war did not last long, less than an hour in total, everyone felt extremely tired. The struggle between Bozhong made them desperately regardless of their gains and losses, but the consequence was the rapid consumption of spiritual power. After suddenly stopping, I found that both spiritual and physical strength were consumed too much, and there was a trace of unsupportable fatigue.

For this reason, no one continued to pursue, and everyone wanted to know who the weatherman who came to help the soldiers was. What is the so-called ancient people?

Up to now, no one knows why this weather instrument came here. Only Xiao Qingyu, because he was closest to Feng Lin, saw Feng Lin's head slightly, and then the old man turned around with respect and scolded the guardian. This also shocked Xiao Qingyu, although Xiao Qingyu felt from the beginning that this Fenglin was not so simple.

Even if ordinary people are talented, Fenglin rarely enters the Juling Pavilion to practice, but still cultivates her cultivation to the period of spiritual silence within three years. From the ninth floor of the spiritual gathering to the period of spiritual silence, three years, this can not be achieved by the so-called talent alone.

However, Xiao Qingyu never thought that the power behind Feng Lin would be so great. He also knows some of the news of the Phantom Palace. On the flexible continent, it is mysterious and abnormal, but every action shows the power behind it.

As for the Ling family, not to mention how powerful the Ling family was in Dongsheng Shenzhou thousands of years ago. Just look at the Ling family 300 years ago and you will know the strength of the Ling family. A triple spiritual disaster near the peak of the evil spirit, 13 elders under his command, all of whom are masters of the spiritual change period. If this strength is put to the present, there is no need for Ling Tian to take action, even the 13 elders will be enough to sweep Nanzhanbu. Even Cangling Academy, with Xiao Qingyu's understanding, can't stop this power sweep.

But that's it. In Fengyi's mouth, it is not difficult for Xiao Qingyu to know that the Ling family is still an ancient family after the decline. This shows how powerful the ancients are. Xiao Qingyu can't imagine. Therefore, when he knew that Feng Lin was such an ancient person, he couldn't help but be surprised and couldn't help looking at Feng Lin in surprise.

For Xiao Qingyu's eyes, Fenglin has a panoramic view. It's just that she made a decision at the moment she played the note. Since you want to reveal your identity, there is nothing to hide. And when everyone knows their identity, they will definitely look at themselves with this surprised eyes like Xiao Qingyu.

"Senior, I don't know what you just said? 200 years ago, did the death of my Ling family's ancestor Ling Tian have anything to do with the Phantom Palace?

Sure enough, when everyone gathered, Lingyuan arched his hand at the wind instrument, and his face was a little questionable. Fengyi saw Ling Yuan coming forward and asked himself. He smiled, but did not answer directly, but turned around and looked at Feng Lin. Seeing the other party smile at him, he understood what Feng Lin meant and turned around and punched Ling Yuan.

"Haha, Master Ling Yuan, don't worry about this matter. Although I am also very clear about this matter. But it's better to let the lady tell you these words.

"Oh, miss? I don't know who the lady you mentioned is?"

Hearing Fengyi's words, Ling Yuan was puzzled and didn't understand who the lady Fengyi meant. The wind instrument turned around and smiled at Fenglin.

"Master Ling Yuan, you are so polite, you are really old. Miss, aren't you going to explain it? Alas, I'm really old. I don't understand what you young people think. If I had been an old man, I would have told Master Ling about his background, so that after the clan came, Master Ling would not know anything.

"Hmm, Uncle Feng, you are playing tricks on me again. Don't you know the rules of the clan? I'm afraid that Brother Ling Yuan will do something bad after knowing these things. After all, the strength of Brother Ling Yuan was indeed a little too low. But now, I don't have these concerns."

As she spoke, Feng Lin quickly came to Ling Yuan and saw that Ling Yuan's eyes were full of unbelievable, and Feng Lin's face was full of guilt. After hiding it for so long, Feng Lin didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Hehe, wind girl, don't feel so guilty. No matter what your identity is, Ling Yuan will not have any other opinions about you. You'd better talk about the so-called ancient clan and Ling Tian first.

Seeing Feng Lin walking to Ling Yuan, she looked like she wanted to stop talking, and Xiao Daofeng immediately saw the sign. At that moment, he smiled and gently reminded him by twisting his beard.

"Yes, yes. What Elder Xiao said is that Linlin, no matter what your background is, in my heart, you will always be the little girl at the beginning, and you will always be Linlin.

Xiao Daofeng and Ling Yuan said their words, and Fenglin looked much better. After calming down a slightly excited mood, he slowly said his identity.

It turns out that Fenglin is the daughter of the patriarch of the Feng clan, one of the four ancient clans. The reason why she left Feng's house at the beginning was not exactly what she said to Ling Yuan. Although some of them sneaked out because they were playful. But the main reason is that Feng Lin left the Feng family to find the descendants of the Ling family.

Because a thousand years ago, among the four ancient families, the Feng family and the Ling family have always been friends. The people of the two clans also interact with each other from time to time. But a thousand years ago, I didn't know what happened. The Ling family lost three peak spiritual practitioners almost overnight. The rest of the people, the most powerful one is Ling Tian's grandfather, Ling Yun.

But at that time, although Ling Yun was a patriarch, his strength was only eight layers of spiritual change. In this way, with the support of the spiritual practitioners who lost the spiritual disaster, the Ling family can no longer continue to stay on Dongsheng Shenzhou. Although there is an agreement between the ancient clans, they can't do it casually. And the Feng family also has a good relationship with the Ling family.

However, above Dongsheng Shenzhou, not only the four ancient tribes are respected. In addition to the four ancient clans, there are two sects, three sects, four schools and one college, all of which are the top forces on the whole flexible continent. In fact, it is not weaker than the ancients.

Two of them are Longhu Sect and Jingming Sect. The three gates are Luofumen, Shushanmen and Shengxuanmen. It is said that the three gates used to be four gates, but later, for some reason, Ziyunmen also faded on the stage of history. So it became three doors. The four schools are the Kuntong School, the Lingbao School, the Three Emperor School and the Northern Emperor School. Above Nanzhanbe, Tan Mingzhe's former Shimen Shangqing School is also said to be one of the immortal Taoist sects inherited in ancient times. Later, he did not fall here and moved to Nanzhan Province.

A college refers to the spiritual martial arts college. These forces are only above the top strength and lack the existence of the spiritual disaster period. But the masters of the spiritual period are no less than the ancients. Therefore, after losing the protection of the master during the spiritual disaster, the Ling family could only leave Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Sure enough, after Feng Lin said this, everyone present secretly took a cold breath. Originally, these people are the heads of major forces and a wide range of people. But what Feng Lin said was really beyond their ability to understand. On Xiao Daofeng's face, there was only a smile, but not too much shock.

This is also understandable. At the beginning, Xiao Daolin and Xiao Daofeng brothers accepted the inheritance of the ancient sect Ziyunmen together, and it is understandable to know some news.

"Brother Ling Yuan, I've been hiding you for so long, you won't blame me, will you?"

After telling all her secrets, Feng Lin was relieved and suddenly felt much more relaxed. He immediately came to Ling Yuan's side, gently stopped Ling Yuan's arm and snuggled up to Ling Yuan's arm.

"How come, as I said, you will never change in my heart. No matter what you hide, I won't blame you, because I know that if you don't say it, there will naturally be your reason.

While talking, he gently stroked Fenglin's hair. Feeling the fragrance of the beautiful woman, the hatred in Lingyuan's heart gradually faded a lot. Ling Yuan did not find that the violent breath in his body became much more empty with the passage of these things, which made Ling Yuan get through this heart disaster safely.