Spiritual world

Chapter 172: Large Attack, Daxia State Alert

"Master Zhang Fengcheng, why are you so nervous? Is there any emergency military situation?"

Zhang Feng ran in in a panic, and Li Qiming suddenly felt bad. In the past few days of contact, Li Qiming has a deep understanding of Zhang Feng. This person is very deep, experienced and peaceful. No matter what kind of accident he encounters, he can easily think of a solution. I have never seen him so nervous.

"King of Light, you are really as bright as a torch. I don't have much time to explain it to you. Look at this note for yourself.

After saying that, Zhang Feng didn't care about his etiquette status. He quickly took out a passing note from the sleeve robe and handed it to Li Qiming. Li Qiming released a trace of spiritual power and introduced it into the note. In the note, a sonorous and powerful voice slowly sounded. Obviously, the news came from a battlefield-old general.

"Dear kings, princes and family masters, I am Xiao Meng, the general of the spiritual saint empire. At about three o'clock today, the seal was completely broken. But somehow, there are not many vanguard troops in the Holy Light Continent, only some ordinary soldiers, about one million. Fighting with our army. I had three million troops, suppressed them with all my strength, fought with the other side twice, and defeated the enemy. But the other side sent five million troops again and has fought with our army. The continuous army of the Holy Light Empire is about to overwhelm, hoping that all the people in charge will make an idea.

3 minutes, about 745. The time in the transmission note stays at a quarter of noon, that is, 11:15. And now it's seven o'clock in the afternoon, 1245. The forces of Yomo should be fighting again.

"What do you think, everyone?"

Everyone heard the news clearly in the notes. After a while, many people frowned. In particular, the monarchs of various countries are even more sad.

"This has used six million ordinary soldiers, not even the lowest-level holy light warriors. It seems that they just want to test our reaction. What do you all think?

Li Chao, the monarch of the Tanglong Empire, thought for a while and looked up to everyone what he thought. Other monarchs also nodded and said yes. But no one dares to say how to deal with it.

"I think that since the other party did not directly use the master, it should be to test the reality. They don't know the situation on our side either. Although for thousands of years, countless spies have entered Nanzhanbu. But the blow 3,000 years ago, I think the people of the Holy Light Continent still haven't forgotten it. Most of the masters on the smart continent will not appear easily, which is also known by the other party according to previous intelligence. Therefore, I think it's better to take this opportunity to give a blow to the other party first. Send several spiritual masters and some spiritual infant masters to form an elite team and give them a thunderbolt.

"I agree with the words of Lingyuan Alliance Leader, which is very reasonable. It's better for Elder Dan to go together and follow him. Of course, Elder Dan can't do anything, try not to do it, just to deter it, and prevent the other party's great magic tutor or swordsman from going to take action.

Ling Yuan's opinion has been supported by many people. Feng Shang thought for a moment and seconded the discussion. At present, without delay, everyone quickly divided the generals side by side. Headed by Dan Chenzi, Xiao Daofeng and Xue Lin led ten Lingying masters such as Bloody, Song Jiang and Wang Ming to form an elite team, and immediately prepared to go to the transmission array in the back mountains of Cangling Academy and go to the Lingsheng Empire to start a deterrent attack on the Holy Light Empire.

Immediately after that, Li Qiming and others summoned 10,000 spiritual practitioners to automatically invite the defeated generals on Tongyun Mountain such as Zhao Zengqing and Xu Meijiao. Fifteen spiritual baby masters led 10,000 spiritual practitioners to prepare to start.

Zhao Zengqing and others know that this time, it must be more or less auspicious. However, for the sake of their respective forces in the future, they can stand on the southern continent, and they can't care about their personal safety at this time. Unlike others, they are all good friends with Ling Yuan. He is a defeated general, and also has no greater value than the strong strength of the Underworld.

Everyone is fully prepared. When it is about to start, a spiritual practitioner from the period of silence rushed outside.

"Your Majesty. "I, my minister."

The spiritualist broke into the hall, lifted his clothes and knelt on the ground, kowtowed his head and said breathlessly.

"You don't have to be polite. If anything happens, come quickly. Here are all the monarchs and heads of all families. What's the news about your biography when you go to Daxia?

This spiritual scholar turned out to be the captain of the group of envoys sent to Daxia during the Wuling Village. After receiving the sign of the monarch, he stood up and saluted the others deeply before saying quickly.

"Yes, Your Majesty. My lords, something is not good. Dongsheng Shenzhou has been in chaos. Somehow, the seal above the East China Sea was broken. Countless immortals rushed into Dongsheng Shenzhou. Daxia sent 30 million troops, and millions of spiritualists have gone to stop it. The major forces in Dongsheng Shenzhou competed to send masters. Even the Phantom Palace, the Wind clan and another Jiang family known as the ancient clan sent masters to help during the spiritual change period and even the spiritual disaster period. Rhino Hezhou's meditation, 20 million troops and 500,000 meditation. Even the demons in Beiju Luzhou have sent 15 million troops and 300,000 demons.

"What, there is such a variable, what should I do? It's really a blessing and misfortune.

After listening to the man's report, the monarch of the Pluto suddenly turned pale and sat down on the chair. Ling Yuan and others were also surprised. No one expected that there would be such a big variable at this critical moment. In this way, not to mention looking forward to the rescue of other people from the three continents, maybe Daxia will send people to help.

After being surprised, Ling Yuan was also surprised by the strength of the other three continents. Needless to say, Daxia has always been orthodox and outstanding. I'm afraid that 30 million troops are not the limit of Daxia. After all, you can't empty all the cities in order to fight. Some military guards are also needed to prevent people with ulterior motives from taking the opportunity to get into trouble.

Rhino Hezhou and Beiju Luzhou, one is a continuous desert, and the other is the cold winter in the north, can even take out 35 million troops at once, which makes Ling Yuan feel a little incredible. Although Nanzhanbuzhou is not as good as Dongsheng Shenzhou, it is also much better geographically than the other two continents, with fertile land and abundant aura.

After thinking about it, Ling Yuan came to the conclusion that the biggest reason why the strength of Nanzhan Province is the weakest now is that the countries of Nanzhan Province are independent and constantly disputed. Although there is no large-scale national war, there has never been a break in the past 3,000 years. As a result, people are unable to live and work in peace and contentment, and naturally their strength in all aspects is much worse than that of other continents. From this time on, Lingyuan suddenly came up with the idea of unifying Nanzhanbuzhou and even the whole flexible continent.

"Okay, don't worry. The soldiers come to block it, and the water comes to cover it. What's there to be afraid of? I think it's better. The plan just now remains unchanged. First, give a thunder blow to the army of the Holy Light Continent. Then he sent an envoy to negotiate with the Holy Light Empire with the information known to him. The reason why they want to invade us is nothing more than that they feel that they can get more resources and have more room for maneuver when they enter the flexible continent.

Dan Chenzi looked at the messy people in the hall, his face sank and scolded loudly. Suddenly, everyone woke up. Seeing that everyone was no longer panicked, Dan Chenzi continued to say. It is worthy of being a long-standing senior. This Dan Chenzi's experience and knowledge is very old-fashioned, and his eyesight is even more poisonous. In a few words, he said the key points and easily resolved the originally chaotic things.

"They have this idea, but now, the spiritual continent has also been invaded by non-dead spirits. At this time, I think the king of the Holy Light Empire will definitely not hurt his troops and fight with us again. Once the undead take the opportunity to enter, no one in the two continents will be able to do it alone. In this way, we can not only have a way to retreat from the enemy, but also take the opportunity to make a request for alliance. Once we form an alliance with the Holy Light Empire, won't everything be fine?

"Exact, Elder Dan really has extraordinary insights. I agree with the elders.

"I agree, too."

Everyone agreed with Dan Chenzi's view that the elite team was still advancing, and in order to make this negotiation more confident, after everyone's discussion, all the practitioners and tens of millions of troops pulled anchors and entered the spiritual empire. Just like a military parade, let them see it. And they also discussed their excuses and deceived the other party by saying that these armies were only one-third of Nanzhan.

After the plan was completed, Dan Chenzi put forward another suggestion: "These alone are not enough. I think we still need to send several masters of the Lingying period to inquire about the news in Dongsheng Shenzhou. Meet the other party's monarch by the way. The messenger did not see it, but returned directly because of the urgent news. The people sent this time must meet the other monarch. First, find out the reason why the seal was broken, and then find out the battle situation. Maybe after settling down the Holy Light Empire, we still need to send troops to help the battlefield in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

"Ye�, this really needs to be done. But who is better to send?

After hearing this, Li Qiming twisted his beard, frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded. But it's a little difficult for who to send. It's not easy to send ordinary people forward. There is no idle person in the backbone of the Yan League. Finally, after discussion, the only thing that can go is Ling Yuan.

"Master, let me go ahead with this matter. First of all, I am the leader of the Yan League. After seeing the other party, I am not rude, but can make the other party feel our sincerity. Besides, everyone has their own plans and things, and only I, the leader, am extremely idle.

Seeing the words pointing at him, Ling Yuan knew that he could not avoid it. Instead of letting everyone say it, it was better to put it forward first. This can also make everyone feel more comfortable, and it won't seem that you, the leader, is bullying others.

"Okay, but you can't go by yourself, Zhao Hua and Tan Mingzhe, you two go with Ling Yuan. There is not much you two can do here. Follow Ling Yuan and help him. You are his elders, more experienced than him. If Ling Yuan can't reach some things, point them out.