Spiritual world

Chapter 224: Burning War, Garrison Elf Canyon

After killing Lauren, this strong spiritual power entered the body, which not only restored Ling Yuan's physical strength and spiritual power to the peak state, but also made Ling Yuan faintly feel that he had a sense of breakthrough.

The Huiling liquid on the spiritual platform faintly appeared the virtual shadow of nine stars, but in an instant, it disappeared. But in this way, Ling Yuan also touched the peak of the spiritual disaster period and broke through the bottleneck of the spiritual disaster period. The benefits of this battle to Ling Yuan are absolutely incalculable. At least let Ling Yuan be flat when he breaks through the spiritual disaster period.

This means that Lauren's strength is too strong, and her cultivation is comparable to that of a peak spiritual scholar during the spiritual disaster period. Absorbing a whole body cultivation during the spiritual disaster period, you can imagine how beneficial it is to Ling Yuan's cultivation. In fact, this is also because Lauren is too afraid to fight at all. Otherwise, he will go all out and be fully prepared to deal with Ling Yuan's words. With Ling Yuan's current cultivation, it is impossible for him to kill Lauren easily.

After Ling Yuan killed Lauren, he did not stay too much, stabilized the state in his body a little, and immediately entered the battlefield. This battle was a complete victory. This is also the first victory of the Holy Light Empire since it helped the Thunder Fortress. Because of the victory of this battle, the morale of the soldiers of the Holy Light Empire was greatly boosted. Because of this victory, everyone in the Holy Light Empire knows the strength of the flexible continent, so that they will no longer dare to move the mainland in the next thousands of years.

30 million undead troops were destroyed. The news soon spread to the council chamber of the undead army. A group of senior undead led by Arces were shocked to learn the news. In particular, the death knights of Artes and Picas, who fled from the flexible continent, have changed their faces greatly.

No one expected that the two continents that have always been at war would join hands at this juncture. Especially when Arsis and others knew that Ling Yuan, a teenager with a Xuanyuan sword and the powerful monk, had come here, Arsis had the intention to retreat. Because two days ago, he suddenly got a voice from Naozu, saying that Naozu could have used the control of the Lich King to quietly come out of the seal of the void and turbulence, but it was re-sealed by a teenager named Ling Yuan, and it would take another year to wait for a year, which greatly hit Alce's confidence.

But just as he had the idea of retreating, the meaning of the Lich King came from the void again, making him insist for a year. You can not attack, but you must not let the coalition forces of the two continents enter the dark continent. Because after the last appearance of the power of the Lich King, he used the power of the moon well to resurrect Kersugard. Now this lich is in the Silver Moon City. With the help of the power of the elves' divine moon well, he formed an altar to remon the Lich King.

For a year, if you hold on to the Lich King, you can return. Otherwise, the Lich King will stay in the void for at least ten years. Ling Yuan and others did not know about this, and even the Gourd Venerable did not know that his seal this time just knocked the Lich King Naozu into the frozen throne in the depths of the void, and caused the void to collapse, completely freezing the Lich King.

Upon learning the news, Alcez discussed with these senior undeads, and everyone decided to withdraw the army from the Elf Canyon. Block the other end of the Elf Canyon. Here, there is a fortress elf city. This fortress is no less than the Thunder Fortress. Because outside the Elf Canyon, there is also a terrain with two mountains and a ditch, the Elf City stands on this terrain.

The whole elf canyon is like a huge gourd, and the thunder fortress is like a bottom, blocking one end. And the Elf City is like a gourd plug, blocking the other end.

The day after Arsis withdrew the undead army to the Elf City, Tanma reported the incident. After the senior officials of the coalition learned the news, they frowned one by one. In particular, the people of the Holy Light Empire and the elf king of the elf clan sighed even more. They know that the defense strength of Elf City is not as strong as that of Thunder Fortress, but its defense power is absolutely not inferior to that of Thunder Fortress.

The Elf City was built by ancient elves. The magic defense shield outside the city alone makes people look away. However, compared with the people of the Holy Light Empire and the Elf clan, the people of the flexible continent have no feeling. Especially the people of the Xia family, led by Xia Ming, felt that this battle made Ling Yuan out of the limelight.

And their Xia family has almost become the foil of others. This makes Xia Ming, who has always been the protagonist, feel unbearable, so Xia Ming took the initiative to fight and lead his five million soldiers and Xia Zhong, a master of the spiritual disaster period and more than a dozen spiritual change masters, to attack the Elf City.

Originally, 120 people were not happy with this proposal of Xia Ming. But seeing that Xia Ming was very persistent, he didn't say anything more. Immediately ordered to go down and let the army be stationed in the elf valley to correct it. After three days of correction, the meeting was reconvened. Xia Ming asked again. Lie Aohun and others couldn't hold on at a glance and could only agree.

However, in order to prevent the Xia family's army from being completely destroyed and causing trouble to the future battles, Ling Yuan and others decided to send some masters to watch the battle after consultation with Master Jiaye to prevent Arses from fighting at a critical moment, causing a lot of losses to the Xia family.

Lie Aohun can't hold on, and it's also to show it. After all, they come to help themselves. Therefore, Lie Aohun waved his hand and sent 10 million troops to attack the city together with Xia Ming under the command of the fierce wind. Although Xia Ming felt that the action of the arrogant soul was too much, he did not refuse.

Summer led the army to the outside of the elf city. Before the attack, Xia Ming began to be discouraged. Because he looked up, good boy, this big city, located between the two mountains, with huge walls, is daunting. On the moat outside the city wall, there was also a beautiful magic shield floating. Xia Zhong looked behind him, and Xia Zhong waved his hand and slapped him.

But this palm hit the shield, as if a stone sinking into the sea, without causing a little fluctuation. Xia Zhong quietly shook his head at Xia Ming, which meant that the city could not be beaten. But Xia Ming was still a little unconvinced and scolded under the city. Those undead people in the city don't eat this at all.

The senior undead are discussing things in the temple in the city. The undead outside are naturally useless without any human emotions. Seeing that the scolding array was useless, Xia Ming ordered the flag to swing and sent 200,000 vanguard troops to test the defense ability of the city.

200,000 troops came to the city and immediately began to take a ladder to attack. But these people's cloud ladders were also set up, and then they found that they couldn't get in at all. Whether jumping into the moat or breaking through from mid-air, this layer of defense shield can't be broken at all. The moat lurks to the bottom of the water, and there is still a shield. Xia Ming looked at it and was completely dumbfounded.

It's not only him, but also the people of the other three continents, including Ling Yuan, are also dumbfounded. At this time, everyone understood that the Elf King and Lie Aohun did not lie. The defense of this fortress is only stronger than that of the Thunder Fortress. This is why the Elf Fortress has no attack equipment, so these 200,000 people returned unscathed.

If there are also turrets and magic towers like those in the Thunder Fortress in the Elf City, coupled with this layer of magic shield, not to mention the attack of five million soldiers of the Xia family, even if all the flexible and holy light continents come here, there is no possibility to attack together. Of course, the premise is that there are enough energy crystals in the city.

After playing for a long time, he didn't even break through the shield. In the end, Xia Ming was also a man and did not continue to persist. With a wave of his hands, he led the army to retreat back. After this test attack, everyone began to frown and tried their best to find out what was wrong with the Elf City. The most important thing is to find a way to break this magic shield.

But after learning about the elf king and the elf sacrifice, Ling Yuan and others gave up this idea. The two elf kings told Ling Yuan and others that there was another imitation moon well in the elf city. Although the energy is not as good as the one in the Silver Moon City, it is also full of energy. Maintaining this defense shield, it will never dry up if it continues to be attacked for half a year. The reason why this moon well is regarded as a sacred object by the elves is that it also has the most important ability, which is that the energy** in the well will be automatically replenished after the moon rises at night.

This is equivalent to endless power supporting, but it worries the high-level group of the coalition army. In the end, Ling Yuan couldn't help it and was not in the mood to practice in the army. Therefore, after discussing with Dan Chenzi, according to the mouth of the Elf King, there is a mysterious forest in the mountains north of the Elf Canyon. It is said that advanced elves have gone in to explore, but they have never survived, but there has been news that there is an underground passage in the forest, and it is not clear where to go.

This aroused Ling Yuan's curiosity. They thought that if that channel was an ancient spy or something, and secretly built a secret passage that could lead to the Elf City, it would not be easy to solve. At present, accompanied by Ji Yun, Ling Yuan, Xiao Qingyu, Bloody and Zhao Hua went to explore this mysterious forest in the Elf Mountains.