Cold president's only favorite little wife


At 1 a.m., a white car slowly stopped on the roadside in FG.

The back door of the car was opened, and a little girl in a white lace princess skirt hurried out of the car, white stockings and a pair of beautiful red leather shoes. A long wavy hair spread over the shoulders, with a white feather bow on the right side of the hair.

White skin, bright and dark eyes with tears, pink lips, long eyelashes are clearly visible under the street lamp, beautiful like a little fairy who does not eat fireworks.

She ran out of the car, held the street lamp and bent down to vomit. Her face was painful, and tears overflowed from her eyes and stained her long eyelashes.

A 30 or 40-year-old woman came down from the co-pilot's seat. She was tall and had well-maintained skin. She was a great beauty.

She held a black suit jacket in her hand, went to the little girl and put it on for her, and then gently patted her on the back. "Yuyu, hold on for a while, we will be there soon."

The little girl nodded, wiped her mouth with a tissue, and then got up and walked to the car with the woman. As soon as she turned around, a strong white light shone. In an instant, the white light shrouded everything, and then a harsh brake sound started in the quiet night.

Before she could react, the little girl was pushed and fell to the side.

"Bum!" Almost at the same time, the little girl fell heavily on the ground. She turned around and saw a black luxury private car crashing into a white car. The white car was directly knocked over and turned down the bucket slope down the place where the little girls had just stood.

"Ah..." When the car rolled down, it directly scraped the woman down and escaped because the little girl was pushed away just now.

"Mom, Dad, Dad..." The little girl got up and saw that the white car had been deformed, and the whole car turned over.

The front of the black car also changed shape. The door of the driver's seat opened, and a man in a suit in his thirties staggered down. His face turned red and his eyes were a little confused.

Seeing the little girl standing by the roadside crying, she cursed a few words of unlucky, so she turned around and walked to the car.

"Uncle, save my parents, please, save my parents." The little girl ran to pull him and cried pleadingly.

"Get out of here... Damn, why are you so unlucky?" The man turned around, kicked the little girl away, got into the car and started the car to leave quickly.

The little girl got up from the ground. She ran to catch up with the car, but she could only cry and watch the black car drive away and disappear into the night.

It was late at night, and there was no one on the road. The little girl cried loudly, and she could only hear her crying quietly on the whole road.

Cold fear filled around the girl. Looking at the flat road without any sound, she gradually cried and knelt down, and tears blurred her vision. She got up and ran to the place where the car overturned, but heard a horn not far away.

The little girl ran to the middle of the road and saw several cars driving in the distance, driving the headlights, shining far away. She stretched out her hand to stop the car. Because of fear and sadness, her body began to tremble and her face was pale and terrible.


The black car in the front slammed on the brakes and stopped. The little girl saw three or four black cars behind, one of which was an extended black luxury car.

The car stopped, and a middle-aged man about 30 or 40 years old came down from the passenger seat, dressed in a black suit with a more charitable and kind face.

"Little sister, what's wrong?" The man looked at the little girl standing there trembling and crying and frowned slightly.

"Uncle, please help my parents. They fell there. A car hit them just now. Uncle, please help my parents." The little girl suddenly knelt down, hugged the man's leg, and cried loudly.

The man's face was a little hesitant, and then he helped the little girl stand up. "Come on, get up first. The ground is cold." Then, the man walked to the second extended car and knocked on the window.

"Young master, there was a car accident in front of me, and the little girl's parents fell down."

"Young master, please, save my parents, save my parents." The little girl ran over with the man, standing there crying, with tears in her eyes, looking at the teenager sitting in the car and nodded indifferently, and then the window slowly closed.

The car drove away, leaving only the middle-aged man and four people in black suits to help save the little girl's parents. After calling the hospital and the police station, the police and ambulance came quickly.

When she arrived at the hospital, the little girl sat on the bench outside the emergency room. Two policemen came to accompany the little girl, and the middle-aged man who helped the little girl save people did not leave.

"Mr. Han?" One of the policemen looked surprised when he saw the man, and then he was very respectful.

"Ye�. The little girl's parents had a car accident. You can arrange to make a record, investigate the driver who caused the accident, and contact her relatives as soon as possible. Mr. Han looked at the police, stood up, and held the little girl in his arms. He was a little distressed. His daughter was about the same age as her. Han Mi was very distressed to see her crying like this.

"Yes, we will deal with it as soon as possible." The policeman nodded and couldn't help looking at the little girl a few more times.

At this time, the light in the emergency room went out, and the little girl quickly stood up and watched the doctor come out of the operating room. The little girl quickly greeted him: "Doctor, doctor, how are my parents?"

The doctor looked at the little girl and said, "Do you have any other relatives in your family? What about grandparents? Do you have uncles and aunts?"

The little girl shook her head with tears in her eyes.

"How is the patient?" Mr. Han came up and looked at the doctor with a grim look.

"If there is only this little girl, things will be difficult. The man's brain is seriously injured. Although he has been saved, he will become a vegetable and have little chance of waking up. The woman was not seriously injured. Her legs and arms were impacted and fractured. She needed to recuperate for a period of time, and she could not do heavy work in the future. The doctor took off his mask. He has been in contact with a lot about these, but looking at the only little girl in the family of the injured, the doctor was still a little distressed.

The little girl didn't know whether she understood or not, but just kept crying there: "Doctor, mom and dad won't die, right? They won't leave me, right?"

"It won't die." The doctor stretched out his hand and touched the little girl's hair, with tears in his eyes.

They were pushed out from the emergency room and placed in the intensive care unit and general ward. The police also came to the little girl to make a confession, wrote down the license plate number and model of the car, and left.

Mr. Han helped the little girl find the insurance company. The little girl had a biological uncle, but the uncle had already disappeared. Fortunately, the little girl's parents had bought insurance, and the medical expenses were finally no problem.

"Uncle, wait a minute." The little girl was in the ward, watching Han Mi leaving and hurriedly chased after him.

Han Mi stopped and looked at her, "What's wrong?"

"Uncle, what's your name? What about the young master? Who is the young master? I want to repay you when I grow up." The little girl was full of tears and a solemn face.

Han Mi couldn't help smiling bitterly and stretched out her hand to touch the little girl's hair. "No, take good care of yourself and take care of your parents as soon as you grow up, you know? I have paid the medical expenses, and the amount of insurance compensation should be enough for your future life. Your mother is also awake. It's time for me to go.

Looking at his back, the little girl had tears in her eyes and clenched her fists tightly. Overnight, everything changed. All this was attributed to the man, the man who drove into his parents but ran away.

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