Cold president's only favorite little wife

Chapter 18 Come with me

Someone was pressing himself. Yuan Manyu pushed him away with difficulty, turned his head, and saw the handsome side face of the boy. On his hair, scarlet blood slid down the hair.

"Are you all right? Wake up... Wake up..." Yuan Manyu stretched out his hand, turned up with difficulty, held the boy in his arms, and gently patted him on the cheek. Only then did he find that the boy had shed a lot of blood on his head and was unconscious.

"Here, someone here is injured. Come on." Yuan Wanyu shouted quickly, with tears in her eyes. At this time, she was also scared, and her hands were stained with blood on the boy's head.

On the street, the scene was messy. This is located on the main traffic road, just at the intersection. Four roads have been blocked, many cars have been parked, and police cars have been closed, which is very grand.

At this moment, with a bang, the burning bus made another explosion, and the explosion was very loud, and the airflow of the explosion spread far away. Yuan Manyu quickly lay down and protected the boy under his body to avoid the scattered iron debris.

Soon an ambulance came and saw the boy with Yuan Manyu. The police quickly came to lift the boy and send him to the ambulance. Yuan Manyu sat there with blood in his hand. In the other hand, I don't know when there was an extra white jade pendant. The jade pendant was not very big, but it could be hung around his neck. The jade is of good quality and must be very expensive.

What about the families of the injured? Are you? Please come with us as soon as possible. A nurse ran over and called Yuan Mangyu, and then she ran to the ambulance and waited for Yuan Manyu to get on the car.

Yuan Manyu was stunned for a moment. In anxiety, he quickly put the jade into his pocket, turned around and held the money from his big schoolbag and followed the ambulance.

In the ambulance, doctors and nurses quickly began to rescue the boy. Fortunately, the boy was not deeply injured, but his head was hit by a patch and had a slight concussion.

But he has been in a coma. Yuan Wanyu carries his schoolbag and has been taking care of him by his side.

When she arrived at the hospital, the doctor and nurse quickly arranged the boy into the ward, and then a nurse took a list to Yuan Wanyu and asked her to pay the hospitalization fee.

"Nurse sister, I don't know him." Yuan Manyu was a little confused and looked at the nurse.

The nurse was stunned for a moment and frowned, "Aren't you his girlfriend?"

"No." Yuan Manyu shook his head, and then the nurse was stunned and found the doctor together to find the boy's mobile phone and contact the boy's family, but he couldn't find the boy's mobile phone for a long time, and there was no identity certificate and contact information, which made the hospital worried.

"Otherwise, I'll pay for him first." Yuan Manyu carried his schoolbag, took the list in the nurse's hand, and walked out.

When he came back after paying the fee, he looked at the boy lying on the sick ** infusion. Yuan Mangyu sat down and carried the money in a schoolbag. He felt a little tired. Looking at the boy's sleeping face, he always felt very familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere, but he had never seen him.

He went to the bathroom to wash the blood on his hands and combed his messy hair. Yuan Manyu smiled at the mirror and tried to make himself look less nervous.

I wanted to find my uncle, but the boy didn't wake up, and he couldn't leave for a while. He was a little anxious and could only sit by the boy's bed and wait for him to wake up.

"Dad, Mom..." The boy suddenly muttered in a daze in his sleep. Yuan Wanyu frowned, looked at his red face, bent down and touched his forehead, feeling a hot hand.

quickly called the nurse over and gave the boy an antipyretic injection. After that, Yuan Manyu repeatedly applied a wet towel to his forehead to depress the fever.

After working for more than two hours to dispel the heat, Yuan Wanyu lay by the bed and was a little tired. As soon as he took a nap, his mobile phone rang.

"Xiaoyu, where are you now? Why haven't you come yet, Xiaoyu..." Yuan An's fierce voice was a little anxious, and a big phone call quickly shouted.

Yuan Manyu was stunned and almost forgot about it. "I have something to do at the moment, and I'll go there right now."

Hanging up the phone, Yuan Manyu saw that the boy's fever had subsided and seemed to be about to wake up. He told the nurse and left the hospital with his schoolbag on his back.

According to the address, he came to the balance footway of Pingjie and stood at the door of the store. Yuan Manyu pulled the schoolbag strap, summoned up his courage and walked into the footway.

Entering the footway, a man greeted him, looked at Yuan Manyu, and said harshly, "What do you do?"

"I, I'm looking for Brother Hu, Brother Long... I, my uncle's name is Yuan Anmeng, here, here." Having never seen such a fierce person, Yuan Manyu was a little scared and looked at the room. There was a large and clean living room. There was a well-dressed woman standing on the counter, wearing a headset on her ears and staring at Yuan Wanyu with bad eyes.

The man was wearing the waiter's clothes. He held the walkie-talkie in his hand. "Someone downstairs is looking for Brother Hu Long, yes, a little girl..." After saying that, the man paused for a moment, looked at Yuan Manyu, and then said faintly, "I know."

"Come with me." The man put away the walkie-talkie and looked at Yuan Wanyu in a flat tone. He turned around and walked to the stairs.

Yuan Manyu carefully held the bag and followed the man up.