Cold president's only favorite little wife

Chapter 147 Let go of your dirty hands

Xia Mangyu didn't know how he got out of the Lu Group. Sitting in a taxi, the driver looked back at the lost Xia Mangyu and asked softly, "Miss, where are you going?"

"Miss? Miss?" The driver shouted twice, and Xia Wanyu realized it.

Hearing someone talking to herself and looking up at the driver, Xia Wanyu's tears suddenly fell down. She stretched out her hand on her face and wiped a handful of tears randomly, "Go, go to the snowflake porridge shop."

"Good." The driver was a little strange to Xia Manyu's reaction. He politely handed over a pack of tissues and started the car.

Xia Wanyu leaned against the car window and looked at the scenery outside. Her head hurt badly, and there was a burst of blur in front of her eyes. She closed her eyes, frowned, and endured the pain in her head...

Smelling the fascinating temptation on Han Yueer, Lu Ziqi suddenly thought of Xia Manyu and Xiaobei's face and Xiaobei. He suddenly reacted and pushed Han Yueer away. Looking at her, he was a little angry. He stretched out his hand and wiped the corners of his mouth and said coldly, "Han Yueer, I just treat you as my sister. I hope you can be self-respecting. Don't I did something that you regret."

Han Yueer trembled and was a little scared. Lu Ziqi had never talked to himself like this. Just now, he took the initiative to kiss him. If he hadn't sprayed seduction on his body, he would not have touched him. But why would his self-control be so good that he couldn't even seduce him?

"Brother Ziqi... I... I really don't want to leave you. Dad is dead, and I really only have you." Han Yueer looked at Lu Ziqi and burst into tears. At this time, she looked like an aggrieved child.

The tears of women are the most not seen, especially the few women that Lu Ziqi cares about, and Han Yueer has always been like a sister in Lu Ziqi's heart. Naturally, he can't see Han Yueer's tears.

However, in this matter, he can't betray Xia Wanyu and his children's family.

Han Yueer, you can't stay.

"Yueer, do you want to continue to go to school or work? I will send you abroad to give you the best living conditions." Lu Ziqi opened his mouth slowly and his eyes were indifferent.

Han Yueer's body trembled and was a little depressed. She looked at Lu Ziqi in disbelief, her eyes full of despair and hatred, and kept shaking her head: "Lu Ziqi, are you going to drive me away? Okay, okay, I promised my father to take good care of me. Now that my father is dead, he has no contribution to your Lu family. My daughter is just a drag. Now she will drive me away. Okay, I'll leave. After I leave, you won't worry.

Han Yueer laughed and burst into tears. After saying that, she turned around and was about to run away.

Lu Ziqi quickly grabbed Han Yueer, "No, Yueer... I..."

Without waiting for Lu Ziqi to finish speaking, Han Yueer turned around and hugged Lu Ziqi and lay in his arms and cried loudly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Ziqi brother... I was wrong. I'm just too scared. Dad left and no one accompanied me. I'm just afraid of losing you. I won't do that in the future. I beg you not to drive me away, okay?"

Hearing her words, Lu Ziqi wanted to push Han Yueer's hand away, and then slowly fell on her back and patted her gently. He also suffered the pain of losing her favorite person. If he drove Han Yueer away at this time, it would be too cruel for her.

comforting Han Yueer to leave, Lu Ziqi went to the office, took out his mobile phone and called home, "Mother Li? Where is Xiaoyu?" Hearing that it was Li's mother who answered the phone, Lu Ziqi asked.

"Lu Shao, Miss Xiaoyu went to the company to find you. Why didn't you go?" Li's mother frowned. Just now, Xia Manyu went out dressed beautifully. Obviously, she said she was going to find Lu Ziqi.

Hearing this, a trace of coldness flashed in Lu Ziqi's eyes, and he was a little uneasy. He quickly hung up the phone, walked out of the office and stood in front of the receptionist: "Has Xia Manyu been here just now?"

The receptionist was shocked by Lu Ziqi and felt the coldness on Lu Ziqi's body. She shuddered all over and stammered: "Yes...Yes...I just came here..."

"When did you come? Where are you going now?" Lu Ziqi forced his anger and regret, afraid that Xia Manyu would hit Han Yueer**'s scene just now.

"When Miss Han Yueer was here, Miss Xia just stood at the door and left, as if... there was something urgent." The reception lady didn't know what had happened between Lu Ziqi and Xia Manyu. At this time, Lu Shao looked really terrible.

A trace of anger flashed in Lu Zi's eyes, and she was a little angry about why the receptionist didn't stop Xia Manyu. However, on second thought, she was no wonder that Mrs. Lu of the future Lu Group did not have the courage to stop her.

Now, it's time to find Xia Wanyu first.

I hurried out and took out my mobile phone to call Xia Manyu, but no one answered.

In the taxi, Xia Manyu held his mobile phone in his hand, hoping to receive a phone call from Lu Ziqi and listen to his explanation, but he didn't wait for him to call.

"Miss, the snowflake porridge shop has arrived." The driver made a sound and reminded Xia Wanyu, who was in a daze. Xia Wanyu reacted and quickly took out the money from the bag and put his mobile phone on the bag.

The driver took the money and looked at Xia Wanyu with a smile: "I haven't had breakfast yet, and I'm on my way. I don't need to collect so much."

"Thank you." Xia Wanyu opened the door, took the driver's change of money, and completely forgot the mobile phone on the bag. Together, the mobile phone fell under the seat.

The driver also parked his car in the parking area and got off to eat on this snack street.

came to the porridge shop. At this time, it was time for lunch. He was very busy. Xia Wanyu saw that he was too busy, so he went to the kitchen to find a waiter's clothes to change and come out to help.

The waiters in the store all knew Xia Wanyu, greeted her with a smile and worked with her.

Aunt Xue and Uncle Zhuge went out to buy goods. After noon, Xia Wanyu sat on the window sill and saw Aunt Xue and Uncle Zhuge driving back.

As soon as Aunt Xue came in, she saw Xia Hanyu sitting on the window sill drinking milk tea in her work clothes. She quickly came over with a smile and said, "Xiaoyu, how much salary should I pay you?"

"I work for free, and I still need to pay in my own home." Xia Wanyu smiled, but there was some sadness in his eyes that could not hide.

I could see the tears in Xia Wanyu's eyes. Aunt Xue sat opposite Xia Wanyu and stretched out her hand to hold her hand. She was a little distressed: "Good boy, what's wrong? Tell me."

The tears in Xia Wanyu's eyes couldn't help it. She shook her head and smiled at Aunt Xue: "It's okay, just a little unhappy. It'll be fine in a while."

"Aunt Xue, weren't you sad when Xiaoxiao left..." Xia Wanyu suddenly opened his mouth, and the smile on Aunt Xue's face gradually solidified. Looking at Xia Wanyu, tears flashed in her eyes.

After thinking for a long time, he slowly said, "Yes, Xiaoxiao is my daughter. The daughter I have raised for so many years is gone. At that time, I had the idea of dying with her. Now you are also a mother. You should be able to understand the mood of a mother."

"Okay, let's not talk about this. What's the most important thing is that we have each other now and cherish everything around us, you know?" Aunt Xue was afraid that Xia Manyu and Lu Ziqi would still have estrangement because of Ning Xiaoxiao, so she quickly smiled and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Xia Wanyu nodded and slowly wiped away her tears.

I rummaged through my bag and found that my mobile phone was missing. I remembered that I was still holding it when I was in the car. It should have fallen into the car when I got out of the car, and it seemed that I couldn't find it.

"Aunt Xue, I lost my mobile phone. If Lu Ziqi calls, tell him that I'll go back in a while, and I'll go first." Xia Wanyu got up, took his bag and said goodbye to Aunt Xue.

When he came to the hospital, Xia Wanyu was a little nervous. Recently, his body has been getting worse and worse. He knows his body very well. There must be something wrong with him.

I found a relatively small hospital, and Xia Wanyu was going to have a check-up.

When rowing outside, Xia Manyu sat on the bench, trembing violently and his face was extremely pale, "No. 203, No. 203..."

The nurse shouted Xia Wanyu, and Xia Wanyu quickly got up and followed the nurse to check.

Doctor's office:

The doctor looked at Xia Manyu and was a little puzzled. He pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, "You came alone. Are you accompanied by a family member?"

"No, doctor, I..." Xia Wanyu was a little nervous and held his hands in front of him.

The doctor's eyes were a little sorry. A beautiful girl like her... sighed slightly, "The situation is not optimistic. We are a relatively small hospital here. You'd better go to the First People's Hospital to check. Those medical conditions are good and should be helpful to your condition."

"What..." Xia Wanyu slowly opened his mouth, a little unbelievable, and his face was also a little pale.

"Have you been hit and injured in the brain before?" The doctor looked at Xia Hanyu coldly and seriously and pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose.

Xia Manyu nodded, his face was pale, and his body kept trembling.

"That's the damage to the brain, causing the tumor in the brain. If it is benign, there should be a good way to solve it, but if the tumor is malignant, I'm afraid..." The doctor said in embarrassment and couldn't bear to hurt Xia Wanyu.

Hearing the doctor's words, Xia Manyu seemed to be a bolt from the blue. He took a step back and realized that he grabbed the medical certificate in front of the doctor and wanted to see it clearly, but he was excited and blurred again.

"Miss, don't get excited. We don't have such high conditions to detect benign and malignant for the time being. However, there are many opportunities for healing. First of all, don't give up the idea of living. Now that the medical conditions are so developed, there must be a way." The doctor saw Xia Wanyu crying and quickly persuaded her to comfort her.

Leaving the hospital, Xia Man Yu did not know where to go. He sat on the bus platform. People around him came and went, and the lively voice made Xia Man Yu less lonely and sad. However, the more lively he was, the more he seemed to be incompatible with everything around him.

Sitting there with his bag in his arms and watching the buses coming, the people around him crowded up one after another, and only Xia Manyu himself sat there quietly.

At this time, when a man saw the strange Xia Manyu, he couldn't help but be a little curious. He came over and took the initiative to talk to him: "Don't you get in the car? It has been several ways."

Xia Mangyu raised his head and looked at the man. He was very ordinary, wearing a suit. It can be said that he grabbed a lot of people in the crowd. Xia Manyu was stunned and shook his head dullly.

"Where are you going? I'll give you a ride." Men are very enthusiastic.

Xia Wanyu looked at his sanctimonious appearance. Maybe he was thinking something. There was a little alienation in his eyes and stood up to leave.

As a result, his arm was grabbed by the man, "Let's go."

He was particularly disgusted with the strange man touching his body. Xia Manyu was excited and his body trembled. He wanted to shake his hand in disgust. As a result, he firmly grasped his arm and said, "What are you doing? let go."

Xia Wanyu narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the man coldly. The coldness and coldness on his body made the man feel a momentary fear.

However, he quickly laughed and said, "Okay, don't lose your temper. Am I wrong? Let's go."

At this time, in the eyes of others, it was like a couple quarreling. In addition, the man chatted with Xia Wanyu just now. At this time, no one thought that they did not know each other.

When he pulled him to the car, Xia Mangyu was stunned and thought that he must have met a bad guy.

At this moment, a sports car sped over and stopped at the bus stop. The sound of brakes made everyone pay attention to the luxury car, and soon someone exclaimed.

"It's so handsome..."

"How much does this car cost..."

"The driver is so handsome, more handsome than the star..."

Xia Manyu and the man coincidentally put their eyes on the car, and then a trace of surprise flashed in Xia Manyu's eyes.

"I'll count three times and let go of your dirty hands..." A cold and chilly sound came from the car. The man touched the driver's eyes, and his whole body was thrilled. Xia Manyu's eyes just now had scared him. It turned out that the woman in front of her only learned the fur of this man.