Cold president's next wife

211 Prayer

What is life? Only when you are about to die with the tears of your loved ones, you will know that it is useless to call a person.

Shen Wenxuan didn't know how to wake up. One day plus one day, what the result would be. Leng Xueqing didn't dare to think about it.

Since the car accident that day, it seems to have been a month and a half, but he hasn't opened his eyes, and the doctor can't say anything. He can only look at himself.

"Wenxuan! You can open your eyes. I believe you. Whether it's tears or hatred, why did God do this and start a little happiness? Why take it back? Why?

Who did something wrong? Is it possible that they really shouldn't eat that day, but they won't be like this? They didn't swear. What's wrong? What's wrong?

The hospital is a haunted place. I don't want to stop here all the time. I really want to leave.

facing the sun, facing the sky, standing high, looking up, what can you think of, hate and suffering can't say. After a month and a half, what did you get? What is it? In the future, everyone will have a car accident again. What does this car accident mean? Who can say something to her?

"Oh, my God!" With a scream, she knelt down and closed her eyes and slowly prayed for something. It was all about waking up. It was all about Shen Wenxuan's affairs. She loved him. Without his words, she couldn't hear his voice. It was so painful in her heart.

"God! Hurry up and let him wake up. I can live more than ten years less. Hurry up. I really can't live without him. As he said and shouted, his voice was not very loud. He stood outside alone and watched. He didn't know what to say.

Shen Wenxuan is like this, which he doesn't want to see, but it's been a month and a half. Why do the police have no clue at all? What he said is the same as in those years? Maybe someone did it. Maybe it's not. One thing is certain, that is, no one has moved the car. What's the matter? Is it a ghost? It's hard to understand.

Anyway, Haifeng knows that if he goes in by himself, he doesn't know what it will bring to Leng Xueqing, so he can only do this. Looking at her, his heart will also hurt.

"What's wrong with me? This is a friend's woman. I can't think about it." Mumbled, I also hated Shen Wenxuan. I met a woman who loved him so much, but I was still playing in my life. I don't know when I could meet such a woman and say anything for myself.

In order to live decades less, it's really better to live well. I believe Shen Wenxuan doesn't want to see her beloved woman say this.

What will happen if a person falls in love with another person? Is it possible to lose himself? When I first met Leng Xueqing, I found that this woman was not like this. Recently, I stood here and slowly looked at her, as if she was changing little by little. For what purpose? If I fall in love with her, I won't change myself. To become another person, this is something he doesn't want to see.

"If there is a god in the world, I can swear to God. If I can open his eyes and be safe in the future, I can do anything, and I will be happy to die." Tears fell, drop after drop, for what, my heart was aching, but no one opened his eyes and gently called her name.

slowly got up and said nothing more. He came to Shen Wenxuan and stamped his lips. Don't worry, it's different. You will wake up. You said you would take care of my generation, so you won't be okay. Yes! Nothing will happen.

She has a lot of things to do, but now there is another thing. Without him, other things are not important. There is nothing about the negative. If he dies, she will not live.

He picked up the fruit knife on the table and shook it in front of him, shining brightly, as if he could really see another place, where he could see a man, smiling at him all the time, waving at him.

With the knife in his hand, Haifeng stood outside and watched. He was also worried. His heart hung in his throat. He was afraid that with a knife, the person in front of him would fall down. The ground was full of blood, so he broke in and quickly grabbed the fruit knife in Leng Xueqing's hand.

"You're crazy. What are you doing with a knife?" With that, his forehead was very tight, staring at each other.

Leng Xueqing took a look and heard it. She didn't know what Hai Feng was talking about, but what did this mean? Ha ha, if he goes on like this, I will be with him, so you don't have to worry about me, don't worry about me." Without him, I couldn't live.

At the same time, I also know why Haifeng said this, thinking that he would commit suicide, yes! Suicide! She died once, and the feeling that life is worse than death is coming again, but Shen Wenxuan is alive, just in a coma.

"He's not dead yet. You just do it. What do people think of you?" Haifeng doesn't know what to say. It's all like this when he falls in love with a man.

He really doesn't know, but if Leng Xueqing lay on **, Shen Wenxuan would not have chosen to commit suicide for a woman.

"If you let him know how it feels to see you when you wake up like this for him, think about it. It's true that you don't commit suicide." He roared. Fortunately, he had been standing outside and looking at this woman, otherwise he really didn't know what would happen.

is what Haifeng dares not think about, yes! Why is a good person like this? Is love like this? No one is a normal person, just like a man lying on a sick ** face. Love may be poison.

"Who is going to commit suicide?" Li Xiuyun came in and looked at Haifeng. With the knife in his hand, it was shining and there was a trace of blood on it. He knew what was going on and looked at Leng Xueqing.

"You committed suicide!" Li Xiuyun asked, couldn't believe it was true, and Leng Xueqing chose this path for her son.

"Is it that heavy or not?" I don't want to go on, and I don't know what's wrong with Haifeng. Suddenly, she broke in. For something, she just held a knife, and she didn't mean to commit suicide. She knew what suicide was, so she wouldn't, at least not now, because she wanted to look at a person and watch him open her eyes. , smile at him, this is what she wants. For Haifeng's suicide, she just smiled bitterly and didn't say anything. Just think of it as suicide.

Li Xiuyun doesn't know what to say. All right! Don't do this. I believe you have done this. At that time, Xuaner will ask me what's going on. What do you want me to tell him as a mother? You still think about it and will open your eyes. Maybe it will be tomorrow. Really, if it hadn't been for Haifengye's words, this woman would have died. Oh, my God! What is this? A car accident, this time again, but what is his husband doing like nothing? Sometimes when he is his wife can't figure it out. What's going on? Is it an accident? I've been staying with the police recently and asking Dong, which is an accident. Tell her the words, and there is nothing else.

is a ridiculous word. Obviously, it is man-made. Why do you have to say it's an accident? Find your husband? It's also an accident. Really.

Anyway, it must not be an accident, it must not be. One time is okay, and the second time is still ridiculous.

"It's okay. You can leave." She just wants to look at the person she loves. For these two people, she doesn't want to see it now. She knows what's going on with her heart.

There are some things you know how to do. Have you found that side?" Yes! What she wants is the truth, not the truth.

"No! It was said that it was an accident. After Li Xiuyun finished speaking, he didn't know why he wanted to say sympathy or concern to Leng Xueqing.

"Is that right? I don't think so. Is it that someone on the police side bought it? Otherwise, you can say these two words. Look, the person behind him must be caught sooner or later, so that he can't live and die. Well, did Tianyufeng find someone to do it? He wanted to tell her something. You don't have to think about it. Let's die one by one.

Death is not terrible. The terrible loss of a loved one is the only one living alone in this world, which is what everyone does not want to see, and it is also a beloved person.

It's a happy thing to fall in love, but it's getting more and more terrible. What is it like? I want to leave, but my heart is not my own. I can only stay here and accompany my beloved.

The two listened and didn't know what to say, so they could only look at each other. All right! Don't choose to commit suicide. You will wake up. It was the same in those years. Everything will get better. Comforting Leng Xueqing, Leng Xueqing doesn't care about what happened in those years, as long as he is fine now.

"I know." He whispered, and there was no expression at all. He was still praying to wake up early. Even if he died, he would laugh happily, but it was not necessarily a good thing when he woke up and died, so it was better to live.

Living is the hope that everything will gradually get better and everything will pass. It will be like this. Happiness will definitely wave to this side, and it will definitely.

The two didn't say anything, so they went out. At this time, they quieted down again. Some people dared not leave. They were afraid that as soon as they left, the woman shook around with a knife in front of her. They didn't know whether they wanted to commit suicide or not, so it was better to stare at it.