Cold president's next wife

220 doesn't mean very well

Hai Feng heard it and said, "Let's go." I don't want to say anything more, and I don't want to see Li Xiuyun. This woman can really say that if she is not allowed to go back to have a good rest in this way, she is really not human, so she'd better leave quickly.

When the mother is not here and when the relatives are not there, what will happen? Let Leng Xueqing be here every day. If you are not a good person, you have to change it, otherwise you can do this.

"Do you want to call a doctor to help you have a good look?" He is also very concerned. If Li Xiuyun is still staring, Haifeng will not pay attention to it. No matter what the old woman said to Shen Wenxuan, she has nothing to do with him, and I believe she does not have the courage to say how she did it.

And his face said, he stared at Li Xiuyun indifferently and looked at Leng Xueqing's bitter smile. No, I'll be fine. As long as I eat on time in the future, it will be fine. It's okay. Thank you, Haifeng. If you don't come, I don't know if I will fall down. When he said this again, he didn't want Li Xiuyun to think that there was something wrong with them.

I believe Shen Wenxuan knows best who Haifeng is, and he will not let Haifeng be his master, so he is very relieved.

"Shen Wenxuan, you must open your eyes quickly. I'll go back first and see you later." Yes! I came to him, stroked his face, looked at him, and wanted to cry, but there were two people who could only keep them in mind, and they would not cry in front of Li Xiuyun's face.

If she cries, she will also cry. Maybe there is a reason why she doesn't come. It's no wonder that her son doesn't feel uncomfortable when he comes like this. Although she doesn't have a mother and no children, what does it feel like when she loses her children? It's painful, and she can't wait to do it. Go with your children.

Li Xiuyun looked at it, it was not unreasonable, but at first it was also for the sake of his son. Now it seems that he fell in love with such a son. It is all his own choice whether it is good or bad. Who can be blamed?

Haifeng doesn't know what to say. Do you want to go back or stay for a while? He whispered and also looked at Shen Wenxuan, the man. I raised my hand and slowly wanted to hit the man who had been sleeping all the time.

"Do you want to open your eyes? How many days have you been? You won't want to go on like this. If it goes on like this, just watch." It's hatred and fire. A smell of gunpowder spread around and will burst out at any time.

Li Xiuyun took a look. What do you mean? You'd better touch my son less, or you'll die." I don't want to say it, but I also want to say it, but I didn't say it. I don't know how to say that I am a mother. I believe that my son doesn't want to go on like this, but there is nothing I can do. Who can be blame for the car accident? Looking at a pair of men and women who love in front of me, one is watching and lying down, and the other is not sad in my heart. It's fake. There is also Haifeng. If this Haifeng also wants to think about someone, that's great.

But I can't think about it. Haifeng is his son's friend and also talked about him, so he thinks too much.

"Okay! Don't say anything. The more you talk, the more annoying it becomes. You'd better go back and lie down for a while and have a good sleep. That's the only way. If you are tired, you won't be able to do it.

Leng Xueqing smiled. Got it. Call me if you need anything. He would run over and slowly help him out of Shen Wenxuan's sick room by Haifeng.

I saw that someone had left. Really!" I didn't know what to say, so I had to call my husband and tell him what happened here.

"What do you think? Do you want to come and see your son who hasn't opened his eyes yet?" I'm so angry that I don't know what to say. Why don't you wake up now? Do you want to change to another hospital? But it's necessary. Otherwise, what should she do as a mother? If she doesn't let her go back, will she also fall into a coma? That Haifeng doesn't say to her son.

"What are you doing? It's not you. Take good care of your son. There are still a lot of things to do on this side. The son woke up and said." After Shen Tianwen finished speaking, he hung up the phone. What can all the family do if they go there? Is it still the same? Will it take another year? If he doesn't want his life like this? It used to be like this, but now it's like this. Is it related to women? Otherwise, it won't be like this.

In those years, there was a car accident for a woman, and now it was Yuyin who had a car accident for, but this woman did not have the courage to do this. If anyone treats his son, he will not die, and she will not look at who Shen Tianwen is, what he does, and who she is afraid of.

"Look at Tianyufeng, who is the king in the end? What are you? No matter what you are doing now, it's useless at all. You have also seen how the woman named Leng Xueqing treats my son. Look, it may sell you in the end. This is also possible." He spoke slowly in his son's office, with a ruthless face and no intention of going to see his son.

I know that my son will get better, just like in those years, so I was very relieved and smiled. What is this smile? More ghost ideas flashed in my mind, and may be slowly implemented. Finally, I have to see how I knocked Tian Yufeng under my feet. In those years, I robbed women from him, no Death is fake, and it is also killed alive.

In the hospital, one person is doing it, or he will lie down, or he will go out to see who will replace her, but he is not alone, and it is even more boring and boring.

If you let your son come, I don't know if he will come. Maybe he won't come. Why did he come here if he has nothing to do? Really, but if he doesn't come, Haifeng doesn't know what he will do to Leng Xueqing. He is also worried.

"Why did I let them go together and let Haifeng send her away? Why didn't I send her back by myself?" With that, he hit his forehead and patted him gently, but now it's too late to say anything. Everything is in vain. What she thinks is the opposite of what she does, that is, she is a woman.

But if you don't say it and won't let you go back, it's really tired. If you die, you will be even more doomed. Your son doesn't hate himself for the rest of his life, and he will be miserable if he doesn't talk to each other. Just like what he said in those years, he won't even want his parents for a woman. This is something Li Xiuyun didn't want to see. That's it. Now I'm going back. I really can't forgive myself.

When a person dies, it may be a good thing that his son lost all his memories due to a car accident, but once his beloved died, maybe one day he thought of what happened back then, that is, he died, and he would not say that she was a mother or something. Anyway, it's over and now it's for the heart. The woman she loves lives well, but she just ignores herself and will forgive the day, so it is also because of this that she has a good rest and stays here by herself.

A hospital is a place where patients stay, a sad place, and a place where people die. It is also a place where people don't want to come in, but there is nothing they can do. They still have to come in. People always have to come in their lives. Otherwise, they are not human beings, and it is impossible to live without illness. That's impossible to happen. Really If you are really not human like this, you will become a monster.