Cold president's next wife

229 Haifeng's words

Thinking about it, I came to the second floor and came to the place I began to see. One person did it. This is the second floor, a place that only sells clothes.

"There are still so many people, and there are also people around." It seems that the business in this place is still good. I don't know what would happen if one day it could be opened like this. Ha ha! I just don't want to do that. I just want a little bit. If it's so big, it's up to you. No one else can rely on you, that is, the parents of the Shen family can't rely on it. An inhuman family, a person who can't see through, so rely on yourself.

And Shen Wenxuan, although this man is good to himself, if he knew about her and Tianyufeng, what would he think of her and would choose to divorce?

When it comes to the word divorce, once your face changes, it is a terrible word, and you will think of death. No one knows how this death was caused.

How did that year come? Life can't live, death can't die, and maybe it's also living in a dream.

The mobile phone rang and smiled. What's the matter? When asked, there is only one person without looking, that is, Haifeng. Only Haifeng calls himself, and no one else has to think about it. The Shen family will not have to think about it, otherwise it is Shen Wenxuan, but he is still sleeping in the hospital. I don't know how long it will take to open his eyes and call her name. Xueqing!" An affectionate cry, what is the exchange for? It's tears, a cry of happiness.

"Where are you? I heard that you are going to marry him. Is it true or false?" Haifeng asked at the other end of the mobile phone and listened to his voice.

"Yes! I told them, what's wrong with you? What's wrong? You can come that day. How can I say that you are our friend, a friend like a relative. Slowly speaking, with a happy face, having such a friend will laugh happily even if he dies one day.

Friends are like this. It's really good to make this friend in your life. Some people make a lot of friends, but in the end, they all leave one by one. If you have something to do, all your friends will stay away from you, and at the same time, there will be relatives, and Haifeng, a friend, Leng Xueqing believes that she will never do it, unless one day she is disappointed with her friends, she will leave, just like her.

"That's what you said." Haifeng couldn't believe what he heard on his mobile phone.

"I said that I can't live without him. Anyway, I will definitely marry him. I believe I will open my eyes. You should be happy for me. Are you tall?" The mobile phone is in my ear, and the voice of my mouth is not loud enough for the other party to hear.

Haifeng listened and didn't want to say anything more. As long as you are happy, as long as you are happy, you can do anything. I don't know what to say later. What it's like to marry him like this.

"Do you want to have a wedding or something?" Haifeng asked even more.

"No, as long as the family cooks together and eat together. What else is Shen Wenxuan doing like this?" What's good to hold, as long as it's good. In addition, it was also held in those years, let's take it as a remarriage, yes! Just think of it as a remarriage.

"That's fine. If you have anything to say, hang up. Have a good rest and don't be too tired." After saying that, Haifeng hung up her mobile phone, and Leng Xueqing smiled at her mobile phone. This man is the same. He came quickly and hung up quickly. I wanted to talk to him for a while. With that, he put down his mobile phone and looked at everything in front of him.

"It's really good, and my heart has been quiet for a while." Is it because of this friend, otherwise what is the mood at this time?

No matter where he goes, he will always appear beside him, unlike Shen Wenxuan, who will only appear at work. "This is good, it's really good." It was like this, but it's still like now, but how is it now? In my sleep, I don't know how long it will take to open my eyes. After that, do I have any thoughts? How happy I feel when I see myself getting married? Or do I still want to call her for being a stupid woman?

"Ha ha!" Thinking is also a kind of happiness. If there is love, there will be hope. Without love, there is nothing.

Wing up, "Ah!" A scream made everyone look at her, but at the same time, she stopped looking at her. "Don't look at me, just scream. It's okay. You can turn it to you." As he spoke, he gave a smile. It didn't matter. Someone also screamed and shouted one after another.

Leng Xueqing looked at it and didn't know what to say. She found that most of the calls were children, and few adults screamed like this.

Looking at the children of several people, if they didn't have it back then... Is it that their children are also older and how old they are? Do they also learn when they hear their screams?

"But you don't have to think about anything." Don't worry, there will be, there will be.

I have always wanted to give birth to a child for Shen Wenxuan, but why did the two have a relationship, but not? Did he eat or do something? If not, he could do this.

"Anyway, you have to marry him first." Things have to take their time. You can't have everything all at once. The lost man came back. Now it's just a remarriage, and there's nothing to be afraid of.

Women always want to get married, but what if they don't get married? It's not the same way to live. A person's life is also very good. When you get old, you can enter a place. It's also good to have food, live and people to laugh with you.

But I don't want to live alone. That's what I thought back then. When I met him, I wouldn't have this idea.

"No matter how much, just treat yourself well. If others are cruel, I have to be cruel to myself, otherwise everything about myself will be like that. Be good to yourself." Yes! This is also what Haifeng once said to himself.

"Yes! Don't be cruel to yourself, be cruel to others. What is this cruelty? It is what you say to yourself, or what it is, that is, women have to be better to themselves. What is a man? It's almost enough to say more and teach more lessons. Otherwise, it will fly to the sky. It is something that all women don't want to see.