Cold president's next wife

266 This is a family

"She's here! Stay with her, and she will go down in a while. Yes! He closed his eyes, as if he could feel that his beloved was still living in this world. Would it be Xueqing? He was also afraid. What happened if he could do that day? It's really a terrible thing. If Diqing died, what would his son think of him as a father, so fortunately, it's okay. It's okay.

Shen Wenxuan went out and didn't want to say anything more. He came to Xueqing and found that Xueqing was talking and laughing with his sister. This is what he looked like. Otherwise, he would stare at it. I really didn't know what to make him look at it.

"Second brother! What are you doing?" Turning his head and asking, Shen Wenxuan had a white eye. Wenyu, don't go to find Haifeng. A painting exhibition is about to start recently. Don't bother him. Have you heard? Do you know what is the most important thing for a man? It's right to let her know what she's doing.

Shen Wenyu's face changed as soon as he heard it. Got it. You'd better take care of yourself. Otherwise, I'll let someone deal with you, and then you won't have a good life. Just leaning on Xueqing's side. Right? Sister-in-law." He pulled and said, with a smile on his face, with a sharp smile.

"Oh! That's right. She can't talk to Chinese like this in the future. She is still young, and she can coax her when she is a child. With that, he winked at Shen Wenxuan.

"That's right. I'm a child. You are all adults. You can't bully me as a little girl. Look at my face. That's the most naive face, and that smile is the same." Humph! But after saying that, I didn't feel right.

"You two are really, so I Shen Wenyu." Shen Wenyu screamed and hit his second brother and Leng Xueqing, "You two."

Shen Wenxuan heard it. It's good to know. You're not a child. It's good to know. Haha! Haha! Shen Wenxuan laughed loudly and let the two of them see it.

No! It's all talents." You will laugh, second brother. Shen Wenyu pointed and said, and Xueqing heard this. Oh, dumbfounded!" It's also a smile.

Yes! It will laugh. Everything is full of laughter. There is no hatred. Without everything, everything is very happy.

"Yes! My son will laugh, and we will laugh too." Haha! Haha! Li Xiuyun knew that it was all a credit, otherwise his son would not laugh all his life. What it looked like was terrible and hated himself.

Leng Xueqing came to Shen Wenxuan. Did you hear it? Have a good laugh. What is laughter? It will make us everything and bring us happiness, so what are we? We are a happy family. After speaking loudly.

After Leng Xueqing saw Shen Tianwen, her eyes changed, and her face slowly changed, but she still talked and laughed.

With Shen Wenxuan, Shen Tianwen will not do anything to herself. She believes that he didn't want to do it that day, but she doesn't know what's wrong. Like Haifeng, he is a calm man and a devil like Tianyufeng. In laughter, he will kill the people who are right against him one by one, and finally All the people left behind are those who obey him, or they will die.

"Yes! We are a happy family. Shen Wenyu roared, and at this time, Shen Tianwen listened, yes! They are a family, a happy family.

This is a happy family. What can I say? Shen Tianwen came to Xue Qing and smiled. Xue Qing wanted to live in another place, but Shen Tianwen's eyes scared her and did not change places.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. You are my daughter-in-law. When a father doesn't do anything to his children, don't worry. Why do you have to take that day seriously?" He whispered and smiled at Xue Qing.

Leng Xueqing listened and smiled. It's okay. Don't worry. As long as what happened that day doesn't happen, you are still my father and Shen Wenxuan's good father. Otherwise, don't blame me for Leng Xueqing for not coming here in the future. I'm also for your son, or I won't come here today. He also whispered.

"That's good!" Shen Tianwen knew that he had done a good job, but what if it happened? If he could go back to that day, the later things would not have happened, so he just smiled and changed to another place.

After that, Leng Xueqing breathed a sigh of relief. What is this? I believe that nothing will happen in the hospital in the future.

They are a family, and they won't be like this. In addition, as long as Li Xiuyun is still there, the man won't do anything to her. He just looks a little like a person. To be honest, there are still many things that don't look like him.

Maybe it's because of this Tianyufeng that saved himself, or save a ghost.

"Okay! I'm exhausted. It's not just that I can laugh, and it's nothing. It really fell on the sofa. Now Shen Wenyu has found something. This family is really happy, but it can also be happy, but it's true. Maybe it's because of Xueqing. I don't care. I have to have a good rest. I've been annoyed recently. I don't know when I can find such a family. People are also happy.

"Second brother! Where's the big brother?" Looking up and asking, the eldest brother is the same. I can't see a shadow in a day. I don't know what he has been busy with recently.

"I'm not busy, just walking around." Shen Wenguo came in and said to his sister. He didn't see a person he didn't want to see, but he still shouted. Why are you all here?" At the same time, seeing Xueqing, this woman became more beautiful as soon as she got married.

Originally, he didn't want to come back, and it was also Tian Yufeng who asked him to come back. He didn't know why. He said that Xue Qing was there. He didn't know what he was designing. He was happy or sad. Looking at this smile, he must have been happy and only sent the matter.

I don't know what's wrong with Tianyufeng. Now money is the main thing. There is nothing else to do. I didn't want to do anything to my father, but since Wenxuan got married, he always said that he was not that, as if he had something great. He was just a man and did something for a woman. Others don't know that he is clear, but they just don't want to say it, otherwise his mother won't be sad.

There is also a little bit of my biological father. I also watched it, but I didn't say much. I found a new place for him to live. To put it bluntly, I bought a house, and there were also great changes. People are changing. Only he didn't have it, and it's still the same.

"Wen Guo is back, pay attention to your side, be careful not to be too tired, when to bring us a girlfriend." It's also a question.

"Let's wait a while." For women, they don't want it. What they want is money. As long as they have money, there is nothing they can't do without, so money is the main thing. Women can be exchanged like clothes, and it's not a big deal.

But looking at this Xue's love with Shen Wenxuan, is it wrong to think? I have to change my mind, but what can I do?

has been mixed with Tianyufeng. If you go on like this, it's no wonder if you don't learn bad. Do you have to go one day? Like his biological father, it's what Shen Wenguo doesn't want to see.

So you have to think about it carefully, that is, to own the Shen family's money, and only when you don't go in can you belong to yourself. Otherwise, you won't want it. In addition, to see what Tian Yufeng is playing, it won't be as simple as money.

"Okay! After a while, I don't have it now, haha!" It's also a smile, learning from everyone's appearance, yes! You have to think about it.

He is a man who has been a policeman. He knows what the word law is, and he also did it for his biological father, but in the end, it is ridiculous to be fired.

Leng Xueqing doesn't know anything about Shen Wenguo, and doesn't want to. She believes that she is also a good person, but why sometimes people can't see through it, as if she were herself, and she also has her own husband. It seems that she hasn't said anything. Everyone has a story, and she won't write it in the end.

"Play important news today!" The TV sounded, and everyone listened to it, watched it one by one, and made it on the sofa.

"A body was found beside the sand. After being introduced, someone had seen him in the middle of the night, and some people were in the bar. Someone had been by his side and heard him say who he wanted to kill..." Slowly listening, Leng Xueqing's face changed.

"Impossible, impossible." He panicked, got up and screamed, pointed to the TV, and couldn't believe what he heard. "It must be fake and can't be true. Do you say it?" Is it tears or something? Drops of tears came down and covered my ears. "I don't want to listen. Don't listen. It must be fake." Roaring, still angry, and I don't believe it's true.

Shen Wenxuan looked at it and didn't know what to say. When such a thing happened, he could only go to Tianyufeng to see what he was saying. He knew whether it was true or false.

Shen Tianfang heard it. What is this? What is this? This is retribution. This is retribution. Yufeng did too many bad things that day, otherwise it would not have been like this. Pointing to it, he looked even happier. When someone died, he was happy. It was really sad.

Li Xiuyun looked at it and didn't know how to say his husband, but he didn't dare to say it. There was nothing he could do. No one wanted this to happen.

Shen Wenguo went out without saying a word. Maybe he had to find someone to ask why he died like this and who killed him.