Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 67: The Shackles of imprisonment

The wind blew up his hair, softly mixed with a trace of fragrance in the dense forest.

His hair swayed gently on my cheeks, a trace of itching, and a slight cool...

"You may feel that you don't care about anything, but don't forget that I have the final say in this school. I can remove all the people you care about from you one by one. Including the Ye Yichen you rely on now.

His words were like a sudden blizzard on the top of the snowy mountain, destroying everything in an instant.

He is like a noble and cold demon. If he doesn't destroy me, he will never stop. Two years ago, my escape undoubtedly frustrated him, and his debt to me has long been lost over time. As he said, now Situ Lei is not the gentle man in his eyes before. Except for his hatred for me, he has no feelings to stay in the present.

But why do we hate each other, but we still have to be entangled like this? Obviously, as long as you are never involved like a stranger, you can no longer touch the past injury.

Why did he force me to go to hell with him for what he couldn't do?

"I'll stay here for the invitation first. As for whether to come or not, I hope you can think about it. Minghui will never treat students badly.

He got up and reluctantly touched the corners of his mouth. Maybe that was his smile.

And his smile seemed to be fixed in my heart. It was not that time had stopped, but that it was gradually condensed, and the smile jumped frame by frame like a phantom lamp. It seems that an old and rusty saw is cutting my heart one by one. Even if you will eventually die under this knife, you will have to taste the heartache of every time.

With Situ Lei's distant back, Liu Ziyang could only stare at me with resentment and left here with Situ Lei.

I looked at the exquisite student union invitation on the table, and the brilliant embedded gold-edged decoration was like a strong iron chain, bound to tie me to death. Life is not free.

Perhaps the biggest difference between him and Ye Yichen is that he seems to be born with a chill in his body. Looking back on our beginning, I only feel that he is indifferent, and there is gentleness hidden in that others can't see in that indifference. At least at that time, I can clearly feel his unknown gentleness. And longing for someone to give him more warm expectations.

But I never thought that the indifference would lead to such a bitter cold over time.

Every time I came into contact with him, my body seemed to have been pumped out of air by the vacuum machine, losing all my vitality and vitality.

I picked up the invitation, just a few simple words: "Minghui College Student Union, looking forward to your arrival."

Clean and beautiful words, I can recognize this as Situ Lei's handwriting at a glance.

Recalling what he just said in my ear, he is almost 100% sure that I will definitely go, because he knows best what my weakness is. In his current capacity, it is also easy to do.

Just like two years ago, he drove away my family in the same way, making me lose my only support and destination.

Now, he wants to deal with me in the same way, but how can he be so sure that I can't leave here, Ye Yichen and even Yuan Meng.

These two years have made me a little iron-hearted. The definition of the word family has become more and more vague, and I can't remember what kind of temperature and what it looks like.

I looked at the environment in front of me. The place I live in now, the life I have, and even everything is given by his Situ family. I clearly want to escape, but I still live under his roof.

"Are you going to the student union?" Yuan Meng came over and patted me on the shoulder and asked.

I looked at Yuan Meng's worried face and couldn't tell her what Situ Lei had just said to me.

If I tell her, what will happen to her, give up the existing peaceful life, and worry with me about how the people of the student union will deal with us?

Or will it be worse than expected?

"Think about it." I pretended to be indifferent and patted Yuan Meng's hand, because she is so nervous that I have never seen before.

At the end of the day, none of us mentioned this matter, as if nothing had happened, but I always felt that Yuan Meng and I had our own minds and no one wanted to mention it.

After Di Lan came back, no one had the heart to ask him about the photos in his room. Instead, it made her heartbroken because we broke her baby lamp.

"Meng Meng, did you peek at the photo album under my pillow yesterday?"

As soon as the sky was bright, Di Lan kicked open Yuan Meng's door with a blanket and a pillow and roared!

"No, no..." Yuan Meng didn't know whether she was talking in her sleep or had a trace of consciousness that she had not completely slept to death.

She is like a hibernating bear, pulling over the quilt and turning over to continue to sleep. But what I have to admire is that Yuan Meng can tell lies leisurely and freely in any place and under any circumstances, and can naturally be impeccable without any modification.

"Dream, you wait!"

Di Lan returned to her room with a suspicious face and came out with the album in her hand. She did not go to Yuan Meng again, but hurried to my room.

Then I was treated the same as Yuan Meng, first a manic knock on the door, and then her long shouting like a beautiful singer.

I put the quilt on my head and picked up two pillows to make my head stuffy. The spirit of suffocation rather than death is in my mind.

"Sister Luolin, get up quickly!!!"

Seeing that Di Lan couldn't wake me up, she kicked me open the door of my room again.

Then he pulled off my pillow and quilt and pulled me out of the quilt. I really don't know where she got so much strength. The 155-tall petite girl picked me up 10cm taller than herself and then leisurely put me in a wheelchair and pushed out of the room.

At the same time, she also pulled Yuan Meng up in the same way after cleaning me up.

It's just that Yuan Meng was not treated by my princess because of her strong body, but was pulled out of the room like a dead pig.

"Well, at the first meeting in dormitory 301, let's focus on the serious problem of Meng Meng peeping at my privacy." Di Lan cleared her throat and said solemnly.

"Prisoner Yuan Meng, can plead guilty of spying on the private album under my pillow in the name of helping me clean up the information while I was away?" Di Lan said and slapped the album hard on the table.

I opened my eyes in a daze and saw the opened pink photo album. In an instant, I shivered like a basin of cold water and immediately cheered up.

"Di Lan, why do you have a picture of me with him!" I pressed Di Lan's shoulder as if yesterday's memory suddenly woke up.

"Sister Luolin, is it you watching it!" Di Lan's eyes widened, as if it was reasonable for Yuan Meng to do this kind of thing, and I couldn't get along with her.

And Yuan Meng was lying on the ground, hugged the stool beside him, and continued to be drowsy.

"Don't care who looks at it. Tell me how these photos came from and if they have been shown to others." I have never been so nervous, because this album contains the past that I have always wanted to destroy.

"No, no, Ming Han was always dead and peaceful at that time, until I found you. You were like the wind of a tornado, the center of gossip, so I paid a little attention to it." Di Lan seemed to be scared by my abnormal reaction and said as carefully as making a report.

"Is that true? Then why can you grasp my whereabouts so clearly?"

I still won't let her go. I can't feel at ease if I don't let me know it clearly.

"I want to be promoted to the Department of Journalism on campus, so I can have a special approval of freedom of access. I really didn't mean it..." Di Lan looked at me with watery eyes as if she was about to cry by me. The voice also choked a little.

"I'm sorry, I'm too excited. Seeing that Yuan Meng and I did something wrong first. With that, my hand slowly let go of her.

I tried to ask for this album, but she refused to give it to me, saying that it was full of memories of her youth. And he also promised me that I would never show it to anyone. Because this is the fruit of victory that only belongs to her, as the controller of the first-hand materials of campus gossip, the copyright undoubtedly belongs to her Di Lan.

But what I don't understand is that it is obviously full of my images. How did it become a memorial of her youth?

"A Lei, why did you ask Xia Luolin to come to the student union? Don't you feel uncomfortable facing her every day? Liu Ziyang trotted all the way out of the student union office.

The sun shone on his body through the leaves, and his cold face did not soften because of the sunlight, but looked colder. If he could, he would probably want to freeze all the warmth.

"Why do I feel uncomfortable?"

Situ Lei turned his head and looked at Liu Ziyang.


For some reason, Liu Ziyang suddenly stopped and blurted out immediately. He looked at Situ Lei's indifferent eyes and the seemingly smile at the corners of his mouth, as if he had been frozen here.

They have brother-like feelings, but at this moment they have become so strange and elusive.

"Why don't you go on."

"Do you want to hear it? If I say it, it's nothing more than hurting you once."

"If you get more injuries, it won't hurt anymore."

Situ Lei leaned against the tree trunk beside him and looked at the light from the leaves. Although he was dazzling, he still did not avoid it.

"You still love her, don't you?" Liu Ziyang looked at him and squeezed these words out of his mouth.

"What do you think?"

He smiled, which was a long-lost smile, and the smile was like the setting sun on the edge of his love despite his own comfort. Even if you turn into a pool of water and lose everything, you will always have the warmth that makes people feel at ease.

Even if it evaporates with the air, I would rather die in this sunshine.

"Ziyang, I admit that I love her, but now, how deep that love is, how strong the hatred is now. Everything has just begun. I will make them pay back the scars here. Situ Lei touched his waist with a cold smile on his face.

Seeing this, Liu Ziyang didn't know what to say, let alone what to do for Situ Lei now. Even as his good brother, he had all kinds of unbearance in his heart, he had no choice but to shake his head helplessly at this moment.