Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 70: The Conspiracy of Quiet Approach-1

After vaguely seeing my father's figure from Situ Lei's room that day, I couldn't calm down. Is it an illusion of trance or real?

I really want to go back to that room to find out again, but I'm just thinking about it. As long as I have something to do with him, I won't get close to him, not to mention that it's his room, where he lives every day. Even if I am willing to go, he will kick me out without hesitation.

But at least this makes me more convinced that there are not so many coincidences in the world, but only inevitable and unrecoverable truths.

And that truth is exactly what I seek and need. No one can stop it.

I was thinking that Yuan Meng's return interrupted my thinking. I only like to think nonsense when there is no one. Once someone breaks the tranquility and breaks into my world, my thinking will stop abruptly and it will be difficult to recover.

Yuan Meng threw his tennis bag aside and fell weakly on the sofa, like a pool of mud.

She buried her head in the cushion of the sofa and made a humming sound of an inexplicable biological variant that two different species, pigs and cats, were combined by chance.

"What's wrong with you? You are listless as soon as you come back. It's not like your style." I patted her generous back and said.

Yuan Meng is still buried in the cushion without saying a sound.

I'm a little worried that in such a summer when the average daily temperature is as high as 35°, even people in good health are prone to hypoxia.

" Luo Lin, what should I do? The coach said that I was not strong enough and wanted to send me to the Inner Mongolia team for intensive training. Yuan Meng finally said a few words in my increasingly violent shaking.

"Will you also be deficient? Should your coach change his glasses?

I can't believe the authenticity of Yuan Meng's words. Her strong body is as tall as well as a male player. Her body curves and muscle texture are enough to explain everything. How can she lack physical fitness?

"I don't know. I was full of confidence during yesterday's test, and I was immediately put to hell as soon as today's results came out."

Yuan Meng said so, but she still maintained the mud-like posture and refused to come out to breathe.

"What should I do now? Are you really going to Inner Mongolia for training?" I asked her.

"What can I do if I don't go? Will you let me quit?" Yuan Meng said as she hung the back of the sofa with her hands.

"Bear by the way, what about Liu Ziyang? Why is he willing to let you go so far? Didn't he help you think of a way?"

My mind instantly thought of Liu Ziyang and his student union, which almost covered the sky. As long as the student union has a document, the black one can be washed white, not to mention this little thing.

"Liu Ziyang!!" Yuan Meng suddenly sat up, and her hair was as messy as a cauliflower that had just been boiled in water, bulging and messy.

The hot summer temperature and she covered her head under the impervious mat for so long felt like she had burned her head for free at home. It is rough and chic.

"Don't mention that bastard. He knew that I was going to training and didn't help me. He also went to pack his luggage immediately and said he would go with me."

Yuan Meng said and twisted the cushion in her hand hard. I was even worried that the cushion would burst under pressure if she tried a little harder.

"What's the reason why you don't want to go there? If Liu Ziyang has at least one companion with you, it's actually good for you to travel." I comforted her and took the mat back from her hand.

"Actually, it's not. When I went to Inner Mongolia for training, I said that I couldn't represent Minghui in the national competition this summer vacation. The training is just a good thing to say. The bad thing is that I was disqualified from the national competition.

"I, I'm out of the pass!"

When Yuan Meng said this, tears suddenly flowed down and hugged me and cried loudly.

"Why did you remove me in the end after working so hard for so long? I'm not willing..."

She kept holding me and crying, as if to vent all her grievances and unwillingness from tears. I sobbed and helpless, constantly hammering my back. But I hardly feel any pain, because such pain can't be compared with Yuan Meng at this moment.

The clothes are getting wetter and wetter, and almost all of them have stuck to the body, including Yuan Meng's tears and the sweat of our embrace. Her words became more and more vague, and in the end, she couldn't say anything. I just faintly heard the sound she made in my ear, which was small and weak.

Is this Yuan Meng? Is this the careless girl, the one who met because of a collision and has never abandoned her sincere treatment for me no matter how time changes?

Her heart seems to be broken and unable to piece together, the national competition. A person can have several opportunities to participate in his life.

She has been playing tennis since junior high school. No matter where she is, her sports talent is an unconcealed light, but this keeps her away from the field she has been yearning for because of her lack of four words. Abandon all efforts.

Is this world fair?

I have asked myself more than once what the so-called fairness of the world is. Every time I begin to believe in and regain my worldview and my values, I will be smashed like this.

Maybe I'm used to it, or maybe I don't care. No matter how many times I defeat me, as long as I am alive, I will get up again and try to reach the highest peak.

But this time, I was no longer defeated by reality.

Doom is the same as good luck. It will only favor one person and cast all the light, applause, and all the wealth or glory he wants.

If a person continues to have undispelled bad luck, she will be overwhelmed when the god of good luck comes and feel that God has finally seen her and acknowledged the value of her efforts and existence.

But vice versa, it becomes difficult to accept.

Yuan Meng kept crying that her sobbing strength was exhausted before she slowly fell asleep on my shoulder.

When Di Lan came back, she saw me holding a sleeping cabbage head and quickly bypassed me back to the room as if she didn't see it.

The next day, Yuan Meng's eyes were swollen as if he had been punched twice. There was brown in red and blood in the brown. Even Liu Ziyang, who regarded him as loyal to death, could not bear to look directly at him.

"Xia Luolin, since I have come to accompany Mengmeng, can I ask you to leave?"

Liu Ziyang sat next to Yuan Meng and didn't bother to see me leave. Don't make a light bulb here.

"This is my territory. I don't like you." I'm not willing to show weakness.

"Believe it or not, I'll change a dormitory for you right away! Who do you think gave you the opportunity to be a roommate with Meng Meng..."

Although Liu Ziyang's atmosphere is, the childishness that can't be changed still haunts him.

"Do you think the life committee is great? To put it bluntly, it's the aunt of the neighborhood committee in the school who runs errands all day to deal with trivial matters."

"Do you think anyone can do this job? This is a job that only a responsible and thoughtful person can do. Far away, your dormitory 301 is a bomb. Do you know how much trouble Meng and Di Lan can cause in a day? Do you know how hard it is to talk to the discipline committee all day long? Do you know the hardships of the management class? Do you know..."

I seemed to touch Liu Ziyang's pain, and he began to complain to me like Tang Sanzang chanting scriptures.

But this extremely unfriendly complaint quickly stopped after Yuan Meng's dry cough and Liu Ziyang's delicate thighs.

"Xia Luolin, don't you have class today?" Liu Ziyang suddenly asked me after being quiet for a while.

"The foreign teacher asked for leave, so the class ended early. What about you? Why are you so idle? Has your godlike student union been idle to let you wander around in the dormitory area?

"I was worried about Mengmeng, so I asked for leave. You think they are all as opportunistic as you.

Liu Ziyang said and looked at me for the first time since he entered the house. His eyes were full of contempt and a trace of contempt appeared on his face. I knew what was thinking in his head at this moment.


The room was almost able to hear the sound of the clock crossing on the wall. Liu Ziyang and I looked incompatible. Yuan Meng was already in a period of depression, and he didn't have time to pay attention to us.

"Do you think I ate too much this summer, so I gained weight?"

After a moment of silence, Yuan Meng took the lead in breaking the awkward silence.

"How come!"

Liu Ziyang and I spoke almost at the same time.

"Xia Luolin, can you not learn from me?"

"Who learned from you? Is it possible that I want to open a stopwatch to see who said it first? Joke."

After that, we entered a silent embarrassment,

"Do you think I still have a chance to participate in the national competition? I'm 20 years old and how many 20 people can squander in my life."

Yuan Meng buried his head in his knees and curled up into a ball, an extremely solid meat ball.

"No, there are still many opportunities. Maybe this accident just wants you to accumulate better strength and wait until the next time multiple champions come back..."

I don't know how to comfort her. I can only try my best to persuade her not to be bully about it. Since it is doomed, even if I am sad, I can't change it.

But my words seemed to make Yuan Meng more sad, and his body shrank in hard.

"Xia Luolin, no one treats you as mute if you don't speak. She will graduate from the next national competition. Liu Ziyang's last sentence was very small, afraid that Yuan Meng would hear it.

But there was also a powerless self-reproach in his tone, and this condemnation of myself also targeted me because I said something wrong and began to vent my incompetence and arrogance on me.

I was silent, holding Yuan Meng's curled body and gently stroked her hair.

Unexpectedly, Liu Ziyang also came over. We surrounded Yuan Meng left and right and stopped him in our arms.

Yuan Meng's negativity made it impossible for us to continue to quarrel with our emotions, so we had to temporarily put away the edge and protect the injured child. The only dream that we don't have differences and see together as a treasure.

"Puff... Sister Luolin, you, you, what are you and Liu Ziyang doing!!"

Di Lan was dumbfounded at the door and watched Liu Ziyang and I hold a dark green sphere in a very strange posture, and the popsicle in his hand fell on his feet.

Then Di Lan added physical shock after the sudden visual shock. She jumped up and shook off the ice on her feet and rushed in to break the warm arms of Liu Ziyang and me holding hands.

Yuan Meng raised his voice and looked at Di Lan with a shocked face.

"...It turned out to be a dream. I thought, hehe, hehe..." Di Lan smiled awkwardly and then went back to the door to pick up the popsicle and threw it into the trash can at the door.

This series of actions seems to go back in time. She experienced the feeling of fast-forward and rewind in the moment just now.

"Why do you think?" I stared at her and asked.

"Nothing, it's a nice day today, isn't it, senior Yi Chen?" Di Lan giggled.

At this time, Ye Yichen opened the door leisurely and poked his head out.