Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 74: Invisible Facts

In the gray morning, the morning fog enveloped the whole campus, and a refreshing feeling mixed with haze makes people say whether it is comfortable or depressing.

Wheelchair is like this, no matter how anxious you are, how fast you move forward. It is not just a tin machine with a limited speed. There is no anger, no temperature, and I won't listen to your heart to speed up beyond your own load.

The machine is always a machine. It does not understand people's hearts and has no love and hate. The cold texture is similar to that person, but there are dots of difference that cannot be explained.

At the gate of the student union office building, the doorman is sleepy with his chin in the duty room, and his head will fall down and hit the corner of the table at any time.

I was about to sneak in when I saw a faint white figure coming towards me from a distance.

Walking in the morning fog, he looks like an elf who has gone beyond the real world. The white fog is shrouded, clean and transparent. It seems that he hasn't seen him wear casual clothes for a long time. The last time he met him at my home.

For a long time, he seems to have always been a student union uniform. Even in this sultry summer, there is no cool feeling.

He hasn't slept all night, or has he sorted it out? There are no wrinkles left by sleeping on the clothes, and there is no fatigue on the face.

The noble breath, the indifferent appearance, time did not dissolve his coldness, nor did it heal the lack of warmth in his heart, but made him more and more cold and inhuman, as if the place he walked would be frozen by the breath.

"What's the matter with seeing me so urgently?" He came to me, looked at me calmly, and then went straight to the topic and asked.

"Did you do Yuan Meng's thing?" I asked coldly.

"She is not from our student union. If you have any questions, you should go to the tennis club instead of coming to me."

"No matter which club, don't you have the ability to cover the sky?"

"So what? I have to be fully responsible if something happens to your friend, right? Situ Lei looked at me with a trace of cunning in his eyes.

My eyes did not dodge at all, and we looked at each other quietly.

His dark eyes are bottomless, and he can't tell whether he is friendly or hostile. The flashing cunning seems to contain that he already knew that I would come to him because of Yuan Meng's incident.

"How do you know something happened to her?"

"The representative of the national competition is Minghui. It is the responsibility of the Student Union to understand and familiarize the strength of the team members to represent Minghui in the competition. If you are interested, I can also tell you the name of the person who replaced Yuan Meng's quota." Situ Lei said lightly.

"Don't pretend to be stupid with me. Did you do Yuan Meng's cancellation this time?"

"What do you think?"

"Don't want to admit it, do you still want to deny it? When I broke into your room that day, I saw that the tennis club was printed on the file bag you took away. And you once said that you would get rid of the people around me one by one. First, it was my family, and now it's Yuan Meng's turn. Who's next? I looked at him with inexplicable disappointment in my eyes.

Last night's light rain wet the leaves, and many gardenia floated down. The raindrops condensed on the leaves shone brightly in the sunlight and fell to the ground and fell into countless fine drops of water.

I'm calm at this moment. I'm not angry, let alone roar. The peaceful tone was not questioned or doubted, but completely sure that all this was done by him.

"I'm glad you remember my words so clearly. Next, do you want to know?"

I looked at his proud and cold pupils, and an unprecedented cold surged in my heart. Then his mouth moved slowly and said the three words "Ye Yichen" slowly.

My heart suddenly trembled, and I couldn't tell clearly what Ye Yichen weighed in my heart at this moment, but more or less existence trembled in such a situation, and a sense of crisis was approaching.

"Are you afraid?" Situ Lei still looked at me coldly.

"Do you think you still have the capital to threaten me?" I looked at him equally coldly.

The summer wind blew gently, blowing away the morning fog and hurting my heart. I don't know how long it will take for such hostility and hatred to end. Why didn't he let me go, and I don't want to forgive him.

"I hope what you are saying now is not trying to be strong."

He turned around and wanted to leave, and suddenly a voice came to me saying, "No, you can't let him go. Only he can solve Yuan Meng's matter. Stop him. Don't let your senseless pride hurt your friends who still need to cherish."

"Wait a minute..."

I instinctively stretched out my hand to pull him. Every time he turned around, I couldn't hold his figure anymore. This is Yuan Meng's last hope. You can't let him go anyway. If you let him leave at this moment, there will be nothing left.

Suddenly leaned forward and fell to the ground. I haven't hugged Mother Earth for a long time. This long-lost hug is still hard and painful.

"What are you doing!" Situ Lei saw me fall to the ground and rushed over to help me up.

I could feel the long-silent blood boiling in his body at that moment. He was no longer cold and inhuman, and there was a trace of enthusiasm in it that had not been completely condensed.

"You, can you restore Yuan Meng's quota to participate in the national competition?" Before I grabbed his arm and waited, I asked to blurt out first.

"This is not my authority." He simply answered and picked me up and put me back in the wheelchair.

I suddenly put one hand on the wheelchair, and the other hand dragged his arm to prevent him from putting me down so easily.

"There is an end. All this is caused by you. As long as you want, Yuan Meng can return to the national competition team, as if nothing had happened."

I looked at him and said everything in my heart. But I was the only one who caused all this.

"Is it really that heavy?" He looked at me.

"Yes, can you give her a chance? If she loses this opportunity, she will no longer participate in the national competition."

This is the first time I begged him. No matter how sad or bitter it was before, I never thought of begging him to let me go. But this time it's different. I'm not doing it for myself. What I shoulder is Yuan Meng's hope and dream, the only one dream.

"Well, how about coming to the student union?" His eyes softened and he looked at me and said plainly.

There is no free lunch in the world. This is simply something that fools know. Why do I still foolishly expect this person who hates me?

There is no plain love in the world, let alone plain hatred. How can I brazenly beg this person who only hates in my heart to help me for no reason? What's more, all this was done by him. His purpose is the same as at the beginning, and he will not let go just because he meets me and listens to my plea.

Thinking of this, his body softened with the change of his attitude. He was not resisting or begging him for it. I know that nothing will change. As long as I don't make a decision, it will be a fore.

Seeing that my body was relaxed and my hands were no longer holding his arm, he put me in a wheelchair: "Well, it takes time to think about it, or give me an answer now."

"No, no."

"Didn't you beg me just now? Are you afraid of what I will do to you when you come to the student union, or is it so difficult to get along with me every day that you can sacrifice Yuan Meng's future?"

He put away his chilly eyes and looked at me, just to prove an answer to the extent that he was disgusted by me.

"I don't want to see you, let alone being coerced by you to live like this. If you don't like me, you can kick me out. There is no need to put me in front of you."

"If you think the purpose of asking me to join the student union is to turn around under my eyes, then you overestimate yourself. The student union is not so rich to support idle people."

He smiled, as if he was laughing that I was too high and too overpowerful.

"So, what's your purpose?"

"Look, you have to face me every day and want to escape the pain..."

It was already dawn, and the sun penetrated the thick clouds in the sky and shone on me, but it could not raise my already cooled body temperature.

"Why do you have to tie me firmly to your side?"

"Because I want to compensate myself for the injury you suffered, is this answer satisfactory? Is it in line with the person you have already arranged for me?"

He looked at me blankly, and his face looked so pale and weak in the sunlight. It seemed that what was flowing in his body was not blood, but white, like an ice crystal combination**.

Obviously, he is the one who did the knife. He cut off my meat with one knife, made me bleed and hurt me, but he didn't give me a chance to shout and resist. But such a person, a person who hurts me to fill my empty heart, actually raises himself as the most pitiful existence that should be sympathized and protected.

The injustice of this world appeared in front of me again, destroying the remaining worldview in my heart again and again.

"Have you ever been injured? The injured person is clearly..."

Although I know it's useless to say anything now, I still want to refute him, criticize him, and even say something that makes me feel happy and can vent my emotions.

But he suddenly rushed to me nervously, and I was overwhelmed by him with a car. This seems to be the second time I fell to the ground today. The wet ground smelled of dirt after the rain, and the clothes had been dirty and didn't care how many times I fell.

I felt that I was surrounded by a pair of big hands, warmly blocking all my body in my arms, tightly, and his body still exuded the same smell as before, as if it seemed to be clean and clear.

This fall did not feel any pain because of the big hands. When I opened my eyes, I saw him fall to the ground with me in my arms, and the wheelchair fell next to me, and the car rotated leisurely.


He slowly got up and looked at me in his arms with a nervous face. Originally, I remembered why he scolded him for suddenly rushing over and pounced on me, but he was speechless for a moment.

He looked up at the sky, then got up and hugged me and rushed into the teaching building of the student union.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

His sudden nervousness made me a little unsteady.