Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 82: Indelible Injury-1

He knows the importance of his family to me. If it is for family affection, I can easily give up everything I have now, including him.

After seeing the photo, he didn't say anything to stop me from seeing Anlan, but it became extremely quiet.

But this quiet makes me feel uneasy than ever.

During the period of doing chores in the student union, Situ Lei passed by me countless times, but we were all like strangers, and no one looked at each other.

Maybe Ye Yichen and I always appear under his eyes at the same time. He was not happy with my contact with him, but now he wanders in front of his eyes every day, which makes him more jealous.

And Ye Yichen is also the same as I expected. Whenever Situ Lei passed by or accidentally released him, he showed the posture of a organizer and hugged me tighter.

The arm that wrapped me around me was not only a victory, but also a strong sense of tension and fear to me. He was afraid that if he didn't hold me tightly, I would disappear from his arms at any time to a distant place where he could no longer recover me.

In fact, Ye Yichen and I have no other intersection except eating together every day. Maybe time does not allow it, or maybe we both have a glass wall in our hearts. He thought he had me, and I think he saw through him. But the wall really exists between us, but she is transparent, which creates the illusion that we are already exchanging paths in each other's hearts.

But in such a situation, even if I began to pay attention to him and began to want to be with him more, his loom is always impossible, sometimes I feel close to him, and sometimes I feel strange that I have never met.

Soon, under his arrangement, I met with Anan.

"Do you want to see me?"

An and I sat in the cafe opened by the school. It was 5 o'clock in the morning, and there was almost no one here. I also deliberately avoided the crowded time to find a quiet and suitable place to talk.

Ye Yichen didn't come. I don't want him to know too much. If he knows too much, the impression and feeling in each other's heart will easily change in the accumulation of things, like a few drops of thick ink into the originally clear water, so that it is not simple and transparent.


"If there is anything, just tell me. I can't come out for too long." Anan looked at the time and seemed to have something important to finish.

"Then I'll say it directly. That day, was it you who was stopped from throwing garbage at the gate of the student union? I asked.

Anren was stunned for a moment, and then gave a "um" stunned.

Although Ye Yichen had probably told her that I was here for photos before he came, he didn't expect that it would go back to the bag of garbage she threw away.

"There is a picture of my father in the bag of garbage you threw away. When was that? Do you know where he is now?"

"I don't know, it's not mine."

"You threw things, and it's not yours. If it's really not yours, why did you come out and throw away the garbage? Besides, you were in a bad state that day, and you had something to say to me at that time, didn't you?" I'm a little excited.

"You can all come to the student union to weed. Do I have to pass someone's approval to throw something I don't use?"

We are really not suitable to get along alone. If we can't say a few words, we will become a state of tension against Mai Mang.

"I have seen this photo in Situ Lei's room. You and him must know where my father is, or that his disappearance has an inescapable relationship with you!" My tone escalated from doubt to affirmation.

"Xia Luolin, don't splash dirty water on people. Your father left silently with a shame in his heart and didn't tell you that it was between your father and daughter.

Anan said that he patted the table hard and stood up to walk towards the door. I hurried out to hold her.

"You let go..." Anan broke free from my hand and continued to walk forward.

"What about Situ Lei? If you don't know, he must know. Whether this matter is his own or not, he can't escape. My father left without saying goodbye to my house, and he obviously did something unforgivable but looked like he was injured. I'm fed up with your hypocrisy..."

The more I said, the more excited I became. I don't know where the courage and strength came from. I kept pressing the forward button without let go, and then hit the defenseless Anan on the ground and blocked the door of the cafe with my body: "You can't leave here before you make it clear." At this time, I showed the domineering and arrogance that I had never seen before.

But Anan was not scared by my sudden actions and extreme words, but also went up with my emotions.

"Since you want to know so much, I told you, but don't regret it..." Anlan's face was angry, which was a kind of accusation that I didn't know anything but still said so shamelessly against him and Situlei.

"Hehe, regret. What I regret most is that I came to Minghan to know you and him!"

"That year, after you gave me the pendant, I returned it to Lei. I hope he understands that he really can't torture himself so much for a woman like you."

Anan curled up her hair and got up from the ground. She sat down on the stool beside her and began to tell me what I didn't know two years ago.

-----Two years ago-

"This is what Xia Luolin asked me to return to you. He hopes that you have nothing to do with her in the future." Anan said and took out the pendant from her pocket.

Situ Lei sat quietly by the window. His face was pale and his lips were not bloody at all.

This is the fifth day he was under house arrest.

Don't eat, don't drink, and mess up everything in the room that can be touched and beaten.

There are also wounds of different sizes and depths on his body and arms, which were scratched when he smashed things and deliberately injured himself in order to go out.

But Situ Bohan had no intention of letting him out. He knew that if his heart softened him at this moment, he would definitely go to Xia Luolin's house to plead, wait, and even repeat the previous havoc.

After seeing the pendant in An's hand, he suddenly got up and staggered over.

It was a belated gift he gave me in Hangzhou. I have always regarded it as a treasure and never let it leave my neck. But at this time, it is in An's hands. There is no doubt that my love for Situ Lei will disappear forever with the removal of this pendant, and there will be no room for retention.

The pendant still shines with the same clear and dazzling light as usual, but Situ Lei's pupils are as dim as dead ash.

At this time, he was in despair. He didn't believe what his eyes saw, let alone every word Anlang said.

He almost crazily took the pendant from Anren's hand, then grabbed her and shook her body violently: "Where is she? Tell me! Tell me!" He shouted hysterically.

White skin tone, weak appearance. He seemed to be roaring with all the strength in his body.

"She is in Austria. You can't believe what I said and what means I got this pendant. This is her call abroad. You can call and ask yourself. An Ren endured the painful shoulder held by Situ Lei and struggled to take out a note recording a few numbers from his pocket.

He grabbed the paper and weakly dialed my Austrian phone with a last glimmer of hope.


At the moment I heard Situ Lei's voice, my voice immediately cooled down: "What's the matter?"

"Why did you give it back to me? Everyone should have a chance to be forgiven. Why can't you give me a chance to forgive me?" His voice is still as gentle as before, but it is very weak, as if it consumes a lot of physical strength to say simple words.

"Opportunity? Forgive? Everyone is qualified to ask, but only you can't. My voice is extremely cold, but no one knows. At this moment, my hand holding the phone is trembling.

"Since AnRAN has given things to you, I have made it clear to AnRAN. I don't want to repeat it to you again. Let's treat it as if we have never known each other. Don't contact me again. I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore..."

"Dududu..." With the mechanized phone call, everything in the world seemed to be empty at this moment.

He looked at the clenched pendant in his hand, and a tear fell on the starfish, splashing into countless fine tears. And my heart also burst silently with this tear.

Does it hurt?

Maybe the feeling at this moment has gone beyond a word of pain.

"Lei, forget her." Anan walked over, gently wrapped around Situ Lei from behind, and leaned his head on his back. I hope his small smile can make him feel less sad at this moment.

Situ Lei wrapped the pendant tightly around his wrist, and the black wax made a deep red mark on the already pale and bloodless wrist, but he couldn't wait to embed it in his skin and flesh.

Two days after that, he began to resume eating, but his face was still getting worse and worse. I can only eat a little at a time, and sometimes I vomit violently after eating.

Anan looked at him like this and didn't know whether he was right or wrong to do so.

"Ziyang, I'll go to your house later and have a drink with me." Situ Lei's weak voice.


The rain in the sky is lingering, weak and thin. There is no feeling when you fall in the palm of your hand. Unless you have been standing outside, you can gradually feel that your body is slowly being eroded by the rain, and a trace of coldness comes with the wind and enters your heart and spleen.

Countless empty bottles were scattered on the ground, and new bottles kept falling. The sound of glass bumping and the empty bottles rolled disorderly on the ground. Several bottles that have not been finished sprinkled the dark yellow ** along the way...

"A Lei, you drank too much." Liu Ziyang stopped Situ Lei, who was still pouring yellow** into his mouth, said.

"Only by constantly paralysis can I temporarily forget what pain is."

"Is it worth it?"

"Ziyang, have you ever lost it? Do you know what a tearing pain it is? If only I could be careful of being hurt to a limit like in the novel, my brain would automatically burn all my memories about her. From then on, I would have lost my memory and forgotten that such a person had appeared..."