Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 88: The Fun of the Student Union

Time is like a slow-down film, paused frame by frame in front of you. I seemed to see the girls in the elevator pounding their chests and feet, hoping to reach out and grab Ye Yi's clothes to prevent him from leaving the elevator.

He rushed to me, pinched my face when he suddenly came out and was shocked: "Hey, why don't you stop me?"

"Ah?" I didn't realize what he wanted to say for a moment.

"I mean, why did you exit the elevator and not drag me together?" He repeated it again, but there was no impatience in his tone, but a little childish stubbornness.

"Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. Staying in the elevator will only waste everyone's time."

"So aren't you jealous of the women in the elevator?"

"Why should I be jealous?"

"Because I have promised myself to you, shouldn't you show some possessiveness towards me when I'm targeted by others?" He looked forward to my reply.

"No, but since you said it, next time I will try to pretend to be jealous to cater to you." I said half jokingly.

But his smiling face with me suddenly stiffened, and then turned into that charming bad smile: "But what I want is really..."

He brushed up a wisp of black hair hanging on my chest with one hand, as if he wanted to do what he had done to Di Lan, but I decisively and ruthlessly knocked off his evil hand. But he did not show anger because of this, but was replaced by a sense of habit.

Every time, I am used to his evil spirit, and he is also used to my cold and thin feelings. We just looked at each other and smiled faintly, and thousands of words stopped at the gently touching of the corners of our mouths.

The distance pulled in, but they were speechless to each other and tacitly.

"Hey, don't you take the elevator?" I twisted my body and patted his arm and said.

"No, I happen to be in a hurry. It's not good to walk together. Otherwise, how could I come out of the elevator to find you? He smiled and pushed me through every elevator, but he didn't enter. Instead, he took me to walk around this gorgeous student union, which I think is very discommensurate with me.

Here, people go in and out. Although the air conditioner in the room is sufficient, every time some people around them pass by, they will feel that the heat spreads inside and outside. The people who come and go always conform to the decoration here and create a fake scene of prosperity, but what really remains in my heart is the mechanized action and indifferent appearance.

Most of the new here gives people a sense of lifelessness. Whether it is the decoration or the stair wall, it is spotless, clean and bright. If a petal quietly falls here from the window at this time, it will probably be regarded as a stain by the outside world, and then it must be washed again with disinfectant water to make this The people inside felt a little relieved.

"Is it that beautiful?" Ye Yichen asked me, who was right.

"It's okay, but it's too dead. The world should not have been manipulated by money.

"People have desires, but money is greater than others. You haven't tasted the taste of not having money, so that you can't understand what the real pain of life is.

"In your eyes, am I the person who has always lived at the top of the ivory tower?"

"Isn't it?"

I hesitated for a moment in the face of his doubts.

Money, desire...

Indeed, I have never worried about my life. I think that as long as I have a home, warm lights and my parents, I can live my life carefree. I don't ask for beautiful clothes and food, but only want to be warm.

But when I lost my home and experienced the life of the so-called hero, everything was no longer as naive as before.

"You are the young master of the Ye family, so naturally you haven't lived a hard life. I don't know what it's like to have no money, so you can talk to me about the desire for money at this time.

"Have you ever been moved by money?"


I answered him boldly and directly. I'm not afraid that people will know, and I'm not afraid of being looked down upon because of him. As he said, everyone has the right to choose their own desires, whether it is money, beauty, pompous luxury, or something else. I have the freedom to choose all this. It's not shameful to admit your desire.

If I had been rich, my parents and I would not have been separated, let alone trample on my personality and self-esteem by those who were manipulated with money...

"Aren't you afraid to be so blunt with me?"

"I've thought about it, and I've also seen it. What's so terrible about this? Is it possible that you will bribe me with money and be placed in your home as a senior doll you play with when you are bored? I smiled.

"I found that I really like you more and more. You are more mature than before..."

"Ai, stop, don't praise me anymore, I will be proud." I laughed and interrupted his next words that might change from praise to sarcasm.

"Why, don't you like to listen to me?"

"No. By the way, let me ask you a question. A bad idea suddenly flashed in my mind, and I immediately gave action.

"What's the problem?"

"You just said that I was more mature than before, so let me ask you, what do you think is the sign of a person's maturity?"

He was shocked first, and then seemed to be thinking about something, as if looking for a word that could concisely summarize the mature meaning, so as to perfectly suppress me.

Looking at him racking his brains to suppress me, I couldn't help laughing at him: "Ye Yichen, a top student from Hangzhou University, loved by thousands of girls..."

"Cough...what are you laughing about? Let me tell you, only women know the boundaries of maturity."

"Ye Yichen, are you perfunctory to me? Why can't I see the boundaries of your maturity?" I said with an unconvinced face.

"You don't see that you are not a woman. In addition to your voice and figure, which point do you have female characteristics? Far away, those in the elevator just now are absolutely better than you in terms of femininity alone.

Ye Yichen caught the opportunity and mocked me.

I turned my head, smacked at him without cutting, and ignored him.

"In fact, the sign of maturity is obvious, that is, you no longer miss the colorful and pompous world you see in front of you, and only want to live a peaceful and stable life with one person." When he saw that I ignored him, he explained it to me seriously.

"You're all wrong."

"...why." He looked unconvinced, as if his IQ was seriously suspected and despised.

"If you are wrong, you are wrong. If you don't accept it, continue to say the reason that convinces me."

"Then what do you say is the sign of maturity?"

"Are you giving up? If you give up, you will be punished by me." I said with a bad smile.

"I have to be convinced if you say it."

"Okay, let me tell you, the sign of maturity is..." I deliberately lengthened my tone and saw enough of his anxious appearance before snickering, "Fell from the tree."


I seem to see that his face is covered with black lines that can't be dissipated for a long time...

When I saw his appearance, I couldn't straighten up with a smile. Then I was smiling and came to a gorgeous end by his loud brain collapse.

"Xia Luolin, are you really getting more and more naughty?"

"Didn't you praise me for being mature just now?"

I smiled hippiely, as if Yuan Meng's thick face had been completely attached to my face at this time, making me gloriously become a two-faced person.

"Ye Yichen, I'm here. Hurry up and do your own business." I suddenly broke free from his hand and quickly ran 'run' in the spacious corridor of the student union. Then there was a sharp turn into the door of the activity room.

I don't like my privacy to be too exposed to everyone. It's better for everyone to have some secrets, so that the air in the private space is fresh enough to maintain enough freshness between people and not easy to get bored.

I have always felt that no matter how good the relationship between people is, as long as they know each other too well, they are not far from separation.

Feelings are not long enough to understand friendship or love. The so-called understanding is not only a familiarity with a person's personality and habits, but also includes an understanding of that person's shortcomings.

So I don't want anyone to know too much about me and explore my heart. Even if you want to break in, I won't easily open my heart and let you in.

I am like a glass mountain, transparent and bright without impurities, but can those people who pass by the glass mountain really see through me? What they saw was just my false illusion. Everyone seemed to have a strong hint in their hearts. By seeing the brightness in front of their eyes, they concluded that it was all about me.

In fact, I have kept a lot of things that they can't see. Those things may be dirty and unacceptable, but I won't expose them to the sun.

blindly disguising and protecting myself is the only thing I can and should do now.

What's the difference between me and Ye Yichen, who was once on guard. I thought of this and smiled, as if there were more and more similarities between me and him.

But no matter how similar we are and what we can make up for, at least now I am happy, Xia Luolin, who is happy to be with him. You can rely on it, laugh loudly, and don't have to worry about life.

Maybe one day, after we have accumulated enough secrets and enough to explode, can we still coexist like this?

I don't know whether what I'm thinking now is mediocre or predicts me and his tragedy. But whether it is the former or the latter, life cannot go according to their own ideas. Tragedy or comedy, and my fate and his fate cannot be reversed.

If you are naively disgusted with me and tired of controlling and playing with me, you will not let Situlei be so persistent, nor will you let Ye Yichen become a revenge effort.

And I will not act into my own feelings after playing the role of a chess piece in line with the only man I can rely on.

"Xia Luolin, what are you doing?"

A strange inquiry came. I turned around and saw the person sitting behind the desk in the activity room. The person I saw was An.

"Hey, hey..."

I looked at Anan and pulled back half of the body hidden at the door with a little embarrassment.