Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 96: Two Choices-1

The quarrel was accompanied by the continuous sound of beating and smashing coming into my eardrums from the other end of the wall.

"He hasn't returned to Hangzhou yet, and he lives next door to me?" Such an idea has been flashing in my mind. Although I feel a little incredible, I can't mishear that voice and tone of speech.

I put my head on the wall and tried to hear their conversation more clearly, and why Ye Yichen quarreled so loudly with whom in such a night.

The other end of the wall suddenly became quiet, and the surroundings were also immersed in a dead silence. The strong sound contrast made my head blank. I turned my head sideways and patted my ears with my hands, like a water control action when my ears entered. But there was still a silent silence around, and only the sound of the waves stroking the beach in the distance could be heard.

"Come with me!"

Suddenly, the voice of the coarse man sounded again. This makes me unable to calm down and continue to eavesdrop on the wall. I rushed out of the room and smashed the door next door.

The door opened with my hard knock, but what came into my eyes was Ye Yichen, who oozed a little red blood from the corners of his mouth, and the smashed messy room behind him.

"You, why are you there?" Ye Yichen looked at me in astonishment, as if I shouldn't be here.

"I live next to you. What were you doing just now?"

Looking at him as if he had just had a fierce fight with someone in the room, scars, bleeding corners of his mouth, messy room and noise just now. I didn't think so much and went to his room.

"You can't come in, go!" He suddenly raised his tone and almost roared out my body before I stepped into the room. The expression was cold and irritable that drove me away.

This is the first time he yelled at me and pushed me unprepared. The psychological surprise was only for a moment, but the body was real and light and drove back with the rolling of the carp.

This is also the first time I've seen him so flustered, lose his previous calmness and reason...

"Yi Chen."

Ye Yichen was about to close the door when he saw a strong man with a beard behind him coming out of the room angrily.

After the bearded man saw me, his already angry appearance appeared even more murderous like I came.

"Let's go!" Ye Yichen blocked the door and roared louder than before.

The beard rushed up and pushed away Ye Yichen, who blocked the door with only one hand. The physique and strength of the two people were not proportional at all. Ye Yichen was like a young bird in front of him, and there was no power to fight back or fight back.

"Isn't this little girl Xia Luolin?" The beard looked at me and asked fiercely.

Although I didn't quite understand the meaning of his sentence, at least I still heard Xia Luolin very clearly. I want to ask if my name is Xia Luolin. So I didn't know how to answer him for a moment, so I had to nod in a moment.

"You just came here. You little lady of the Situ family, who has a great cause, don't do it. Why are you always pestering my son?" The big face of the beard shook, and the breath from the nose blew the fluffy beard slightly. A model of blowing a beard and staring.

Son? Is he Ye Yichen's father?

When I was taken care of by him in Hangzhou, I said I would go to visit him, but Ye Yichen found a lot of excuses at that time, and I never had a chance to come to thank their Ye family for taking care of me.

But now he has met in this way. Obviously, his father has a deep misunderstanding of me, and he vaguely feels as if I am pestering Ye Yichen.

"Dad, if you have anything to say in our room, it's none of her business!" Ye Yichen tried to pull him back, but his father blocked me by the aisle of the hotel and would not let me go without making it clear.

"You boy, pull me aside. Why don't you care about her when you see her coming? You think my money is so easy to earn, and you can't pay for the trouble caused by chasing your buttocks."

Ye Yichen's father didn't even look at him and always looked at me up and down, as if he wanted to see me clearly from the inside out. Let's see what I am with Ye Yichen for, and what attracts his son so much that he has been fascinated by me and still protects me so much over the years.

"Let me tell you, although he has a son now, if he really doesn't recognize your daughter, it will make your life difficult. I'll open my mouth to your uncle and help you. Just tell me how much you want. But the lion opened his mouth and said, don't blame me for not selling the accounts of your juniors!"

He said bluntly. Although there are three hidden words that people can't find faults, he also made it clear that I approached Ye Yichen for the sake of his Ye family's money.

"Uncle Ye, that's not what you think. Ye Yichen and I are just friends. I am also very grateful for his and your care over the years. I have always wanted to thank you in person, but I didn't have a chance. In fact, I don't have any difficulties in life, and I don't mean to get any benefits from you.

The reason why I said this is that I don't think I will have a chance to meet this Uncle Ye in the future. I simply said it clearly to my face. I don't have any thoughts about his Ye family. And when Ye Yichen created Madeleine for me, I promised that the money I owed him will be repaid one day, and if I can't repay what I owe him in this life, I will have to repay it in the next life.

I don't know if what I said is too tactful, or whether it will be a little difficult for Hangzhou people to listen to Mandarin. He just looked at me. Although the angry expression on his face did not change, he was not gasping impatiently, making his beard churning like a mobile phone.

"Hahaha, it's worthy of being Situ Bohan's daughter. She speaks as much as he did back then, which makes people unable to pick out a little thorn." Ye Yichen's father suddenly laughed loudly. The laughter was strong and powerful, quite like a mountain hero.

"But what do you say, the 18 million debt that Yi Chen blocked for you? Did you let my son replace you because you didn't have the strength to repay it?

Since I saw him, he left a rough impression on me and didn't care about anything. When he provoked him, he scolded that you couldn't find a tone to cry. When he was happy, he would laugh wildly and unruly. He didn't care about anyone's opinions and comments on him. He seemed to be a very simple middle-aged man, a green forest man. .

But when I always thought so, it was also after he had just said that to me that, a trace of sharpness suddenly flashed in his eyes. That feeling was extremely like Ye Yichen, and his eyes were sharp as if he wanted to penetrate your heart and see all the hidden and public thoughts in your heart.

In the face of such a gaze, you have nowhere to escape. Either be seen through or fight back with sharper eyes to show confrontation.

But I'm undoubtedly the former. Although I'm not sure how deep I've been understood by Ye Yichen, I still have a lingering heart every time I face his eyes. Although it is attractive, it is fatal.

1 million, this number turned a few times in my mind and fell on the porcelain that was smashed by Ye Yichen in the student union to protect me.

"That's not the case, that's Ye Yichen's explanation..." half of the explanation, and a pair of big hands covered my mouth at some point.

"If you insist on not helping me, I will find a way to solve the 18 million myself. But if you ask me to go back to Hangzhou with you, don't mention it. I won't go back."

Ye Yichen stood behind me ghostly, with his cold and slender hand covering my mouth. But his eyes fell coldly on his father, and the words he said were like a cold ice cone, which was difficult to melt and there was no room for relaxation.

"Son, do you know what you're talking about now?"

"I know."

"What are the consequences?"

"Ha ha, do you think I will say this to you without knowing the consequences?"

"Oak, don't pretend to be tough with me now. It's Ye Zhutian's son who has to be a little manly responsible. If I'm soft, I can laugh at you for the rest of my life."

There was a sadistic smile on his face, as if Ye Yichen's attitude towards him at this moment had already violated his taboo. But I'm not in a hurry to deal with him now.

After he laughed a few times, I don't know whether he felt that my wheelchair was in the way, or whether he deliberately wanted to vent his anger on me and pushed me hard as he passed by me. If Ye Yichen hadn't been standing next to me, I'm afraid I would have been pushed to the ground.

I saw that Ye Yichen's face instantly became as gloomy and dark as bronze, and my body moved forward slightly, but I was stopped by my arm and shook my head at him.

If he is so impulsive and rushes to quarrel with his father, I'm afraid this old man really won't let me go with him so easily.

After Ye Zhutian left, he pushed me into the messy room that was destroyed and had no clean foothold.

I found the medicine box in the room and gently wiped the corners of his bleeding mouth, which had dried into black and red, clearly condensed on his white face.

"Did your father beat it?" I asked him while wiping the dry blood.

He hesitated for a moment and took the cotton swab from my hand: "Don't wipe it."

"What are you doing? Have you been yelling at me since just now? Are you addicted to yelling?" I pretended to be angry and pouted and looked away from his injured but still enchanting face.

"No, I just don't want you to meet my father."

"Why, are you afraid that he will say those rude words? Do you think those words may hurt me? I looked at him indifferently. In fact, what his father said seemed polite to me.

"Just, I don't want to."

"It's really nothing. It's much better than Han Heya and Liu Ziyang, and the bad words I heard in the past. If I cared, I would probably have died of anger a long time ago. How can I live until now?

I looked at his weak face and put my hand around him in my arms, like a mother holding a child in her arms, and put his head close to my chest.

Don't worry, I'm not that easy to get hurt. Don't always try to protect me in your arms. In fact, I also have the ability to hug you.

The night regained rare peace and calm. I stroked his head. He was like a little fox who had just been frightened. He relaxed himself for the first time and snuggled softly in my arms. There was nothing to worry about and no longer afraid of losing it.

In this quiet night, the wind, the waves, and the lingering and orderly breathing of me are intertwined with him...