Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 108: Legend is the root of disaster

A drop of cold, but with a little warm water droplets quietly slipped from my hair, dripping into my hand, slowly sliding down to the corner of my clothes and being absorbed.

In the lounge hall of the Student Union, it is obvious that several girls dodge and gather more and more people when they hear the sound.

Yuan Meng stood quietly behind me without saying a word, as if she had not digested the absolute bomb thrown by Han and Ya just now.

I originally lived in the student union with a light heart for everything, and I was also calm in front of all the people, things, things, and those gossips that were mixed to me personally. But what she just shook about Yuan Meng made me unbearable. For a moment, my brain fever made me forget that she still held a blunt weapon that could crush me in an instant.

"How do you treat me as my business? Why do you involve Yuan Meng?"

"Do heroes save beauty? Who do you think you are, the brainless Liu Ziyang? Han Heya 'cut' with disdain, and then said to me with a blank glance.

"Why did you do this?"

"Do I need a reason to do anything, or do I have a simple-minded woman beside you who has long forgotten what made a fool of me in front of Hangzhou at that time." Han and Ya laughed confidently and proudly. She seemed to have recognized the student union. In Minghui, no one could restrain her.


The memory at that time suddenly flashed. Although it was a little vague, it still vaguely remembered the scene at that time. It seemed that it was because the fear accumulated after two years broke out, causing me to enter an involuntary state of complete confusion. However, thanks to Yuan Meng's presence at that time, I was able to get out.

But I didn't expect that after such a long time, she still remembered it clearly and used such a way to shame herself.

Thinking of this, I feel a little uneasy in my heart. Time always invisibly changes the people and things around us. You are unprepared and you are caught off guard. Although those old memories of warmth and fear freely penetrate into our minds, we have long been unable to find those past. Nor can it change the scattered status quo in front of us.

"Xia Luolin, I can tolerate you staying in Minghui, and I can also not care about your work as an assistant to Situ Lei in the student union for the time being. But you also have a certain amount of weight, what you should do and what you shouldn't do. Don't kick your nose and crawl over my head. You know what will happen if you piss me off!" With that, the cup in Han Heya's hand slowly slipped and finally fell to the ground and smashed.

With the smashing sound of the cup falling to the ground, something that had been hidden in a corner of the body also began to creep out of the cracked gap.

Fear spread. I thought that forgetting would not hurt, and acceptance would be indifferent to pain, but now it is clearly forgotten but pulled out of the body by a hot red and nourishing iron hook.

In the sun, the water drops on my hair flashed with fine light, and I was once again speechless to the woman who was demonic and bottomless in front of me. I was defeated by her again and again, and every time I fought with her, I ended up defeat, and she seemed to deliberately not mock me without killing myself.

"Han Heya, if I don't speak, you treat me as a mute, right? Do you think this can hit me? Do you think Aunt Yuan is a vegetarian?

Yuan Meng suddenly burst out, scaring Han Heya, who was originally arrogant and domineering.

"I tell you, I really don't pay my eyes to the national competition. Don't think that everyone is full and looking for trouble like you. Luo Lin is determined to participate in this vice president's election!"

Yuan Meng's blood seemed to boil to the peak and patted the table next to him hard. The cups on it were shocked and made a muffled sound.

"Yuan Meng, stop talking."

I pressed her hand hard and continued to pat the table, lest she break the coffee cup or something on the table here. I can see it clearly in this place. Maybe one thing is worth 1.8 million yuan. She beats again and again, and maybe she will lose an astronomical figure later.

"Okay, Xia Luolin, Yuan Meng, don't regret what you said today." Han Heya gently stamped his feet regardless of his image, and looked like a little shrew by the roadside who quarreled and was injured without taking the upper hand. Although the range of the action was very small, it was still seen by me.

"I don't want to participate, let alone argue with you..."

I said this more because I wanted to give up my role in the vice president's election. I think I know very well what the significance of her suddenly came to me today, because the candidate listed on the list also has her name. And I just want to tell her that I don't mean to compete with her for this position.

"No, Luo Lin has decided this time. You just wait to go to the corner and cry after you lose the election. You can't even recognize your mother." Before Han and Ya could make a statement, Yuan Meng immediately took over my words and pushed me to the top of the tower again.

"I don't care whether you are intentional or not, I remember what you said here today. Since you want to play, let's play bigger. Small nose and small eyes are boring.

"Okay, I'd be happy to accompany you."

Yuan Meng did not ask for my opinion in the whole process. From private recommendation, the hardliner refused to revoke it, and now that I have been blocking her and writing it on my face reluctantly, she still agreed to Han Heya's obviously provocative words.

However, this also really made Han Heya angry. She has always been second to lose in everything. This time, she actually bumped into Yuan Meng, a rough and out of countless vulgar person. When she walked to the door of the hall, the cleaner happened to push the car in, and Han and Ya sprinkled her anger. He kicked over her trolley and scolded before leaving happily.

Yuan Meng also became famous after this fight and became the first 'strong man' who dared to challenge Minghui and Han Heya in a head-on conflict. Then, after Han Heya gradually disappeared behind him, he was surrounded by a group of primary school girls who seemed to have just entered school or had just entered the student union and looked up with admiring eyes.

And the boy also had a sense of respect for her, but he didn't know if Liu Ziyang would be full of jealousy when he saw this scene.

"I heard that you quarreled with Han Heya?" Situ Lei still buried his head in thick information, and only his voice came to his ears.

"Are you going to commit a crime?"

He snorted coldly and returned to our usual state of silence.

I know I said something wrong again, and I always instinctively say something that deliberately goes against him. There is no reason, just like looking at him inexplicably, there are all kinds of nameless fires.

After knowing that Yuan Meng was not doing it, there was a feeling of relief in my heart, as if someone had removed a big stone pressed on my heart, which made me slightly breathable.

And his habit of not saying anything makes me feel extremely familiar, because I am also a person of this personality. I remember that Ye Yichen once said to me with a smile that if I want to find a partner, I must find someone who is as lively and talkative as him. Any happiness and unhappiness must be hung on his face at the first time. It's okay to quarrel or throw things. As long as you have emotions, the person who vents immediately will be your partner.

At that time, I asked him why.

He just said simply that if two people with the same temperament as me live together, they will definitely lose a lot of happiness.

Now I have found again with Situ Lei all day that the number of times I laugh or talk to people is much less than before. Is this the 'unhappiness' that Ye Yichen has foreseen for a long time?

The heart is calm, quiet like a clear lake, with only a trace of ripples, not painful or itchy.

"Did you know that Yuan Meng's thing was done by Han Heya?"

"I know."

"Then why didn't you say it at the beginning?"

"Does it have a big impact on you?"

I looked at him and shook my head gently. His meaning is obvious. I'm sure to wrong him, so he doesn't need to explain to me more. It's okay for me to decide. Anyway, whether it is true or not, his status and image in my heart will not be changed or shaken.

After sorting out the information in his hand, he stretched out lazily outside the window: "Do you know why Han Heya blatantly quarreled with you and Yuan Meng at the student union without destroying her image?"


"I don't know when a legend has emerged in Minghui that the vice president and the president will definitely fall in love hand and conclude a relationship at the time of graduation." As he spoke, there was a look of ridicule on his face for the ignorant believer of this legend.

When I heard it, I understood why Yuan Meng wanted me to participate in this election for such unfounded rumors.

The so-called legend is just a beautiful fairy tale made up by incapable people to satisfy their empty hearts, and those who believe in it will cherish this so-called fateful feeling more and then grow old.

I have always thought so, but the people who inexplicably believe in such rumors are like tides, with waves of ups and waves of turbulent. Even Han and Ya are fooled by this kind of ignorance, feelings, fate and future, which are actually attached to such unfounded rumors. I don't know whether to feel funny or sad.

"Where did the previous vice president go?"

"The last vice president was An Ran. As for why she suddenly resigned from this position, I think you should know better than me."

I was stunned when I heard this. First of all, I didn't expect that he would take the initiative to tell me this, and then I was a little surprised that the previous vice president was An.

"Do you also believe this rumor?" I asked Situ Lei, who looked at the distance.

"What do you think?" He looked back at me and then picked up the clothes on the chair and left the room.

After Situ Lei left, I repeatedly thought about his words, "The last vice president was An Ran". But why did she give up this helpful position?

Since I learned something two years ago, I have begun to have some indescribable heartache for An. And what happened one after another, isn't it?

It suddenly occurred to me, is this the price of Han Heya's promise of blood transfusion for Situ Lei in Repulse Bay at that time?