Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 121: Close the wall of your heart

When I stepped into the maze, I found that it was not only huge and amazing from the outside, but also spacious enough for three or four people to walk side by side without being crowded.

From afar, in addition to the towering white wall or the wall, it is endless and pure white, which makes people feel some inexplicable panic. The white here is too monotonous, like a forbidden world. Even if I shout loudly now, no one will hear me, and no one will see the small me behind this tall wall.

"Do others sigh for it as much as I do and explore this white city?" I put my hand on the wall, and a cool feeling went into the blood through my skin.

I walked slowly against the wall. There were a few fallen leaves on the ground, but the wall was clean without a trace of dust, and there was no time to precipitate yellowing. This purity is not like a human thing, like Hetian mutton fat white jade, smooth and bright, but cold. But because of it, the setting sun in the afternoon is not so hot.

I don't know how long it has been, and I finally came to the first fork in front of the road.

The white wall is engraved with the question Ling Fei told me before, and the two fork represent two answers, as long as you follow the one I think is right.


[Which year was Minghui founded?]

I smiled bitterly. What is this kind of problem? For ordinary candidates, it may be to let them know the glorious history of the school, but for me, it is a reminder that the year when Minghui was founded was abandoned by the Situ family.

This is just the first question. What else will appear later? The reason for Minghui's establishment, the relationship between Ming Han and Minghui, the secret of mermaid tears, or the meaning of the existence of the Star Garden...

My brain was suddenly confused by this question, and my thoughts began to be more or less extreme. From the time I met Situ Bohan in the infirmary of the student union that day, the negative mood became like a soaked sea cucumber, began to grow wantonly horizontally, and gradually revealed the thorns hidden in the body.

After that, we didn't meet, but I always saw him entering and leaving the student union through the window, and walking in the garden of the student union like a real father and son, talking about things that had nothing to do with me.

I can't control my emotions that have begun to wreak, and resolutely choose the wrong path.

"I'm sorry, Ling Fei, Yuan Meng, I don't want to enter their world, just let me keep making mistakes and end this farce-like campaign." As I spoke, I entered the fork of the wrong answer.

I walked and stopped all the way. When I was tired, I leaned against the wall and rested for a while. I feel more and more that what I am doing now is so boring, as if it has become irrelevant to me at the beginning when I chose the wrong path.

I passed several forks on the way, probably because I chose the wrong answer in the first step, so the questions are all irrelevant questions.

For example, the current president's work and rest time, what he likes to eat for breakfast, what he hates, what he needs to pay attention to at work, and what bad customs his department members have.

Because the first step I stepped into was the wrong path, the next problem followed my feelings. Even if I was lucky enough to be guessed, I would never be able to say the center of the maze where Situ Lei was located.

I don't know how others are doing, and the deeper I go, the more I find that the road behind becomes a little muddy and difficult to walk. Although it is not at all, the road gradually becomes less flat, and sometimes I don't pay attention to being beaten by small stones on the road. Then the wheelchair trembles, and the body will tremble.

"Is this a punishment for the wrong person?" I thought so, but the sky also darkened unconsciously.

I don't know what time it is now. I feel that it hasn't been long since I entered here, but time flies. It seems that in the blink of an eye, it has changed from the scorching sun at noon to the stars and the moon.

I turned on the flashlight. If the road behind is really getting more and more difficult as I thought, it is easy for me to have any accidents with my mobility. Thinking so, my body continued to move almost like it was against the wall.

The cold at the end of autumn seems to have completely penetrated into the wall. It is cold and shudder. If it hadn't been for the students who would have prepared this thick sportswear for us in advance, I don't know how we would be frozen in the maze of the mountains and forests on such a night.

Suddenly, something that I don't know what it was glides past my face and instinctively hugged my head with a scream.

After a moment of silence, I was sure that it had been quiet all the time, and there were no unknown objects flying by, so I slowly raised my head and shone around with a flashlight.

There is nothing around, but the light of the flashlight has attracted a small group of flying insects or mosquitoes, which are much larger than those common in the city. Their wings rubbed against each other, making a buzzing sound, spinning back and forth around the light source, and sometimes pounced at me.

Are these the things that just skimmed my face? But vaguely, it feels that it should be bigger than these little flying insects.

I hesitated for a moment, and then took out the mosquito repellent that Situ Lei told me to bring before I took out of my bag. First, I sprayed some of it all over my body, and then touched the face that had just been scratched by the unknown flying object. A slight tingling sensation passed into my brain through my skin like a needle.

My cheeks are a little hot. I don't know if it's swollen or if I'm too nervous to cause blood to surge.

"The forest is the forest, and no matter how well decorated it is, it is the wild." I complained about this and waved my hand to disperse these bugs while slowly moving forward with a flashlight on the road ahead.

Suddenly, a harsh scream came from nowhere, and I couldn't tell who it was. I only felt that the cry was extremely hysterical, as if it was about to tear my throat. After hearing it, the cold hair not only stood upright, but also created a horrible feeling. The white walls around are slightly shining like translucent, and the strange feeling is self-evident.

I stepped up the pace, and it was another fork in the road. This time, the road has more options than before, from the previous two to three.

I looked around for the problematic brand with a flashlight. Each time the brand was placed in a different place, sometimes covered by dead branches, and sometimes engraved on the towering white wall. If there is no sign to ask questions, you don't know where the answer is.

I searched one by one along the places where the problem might appear, but this time I couldn't find the sign to ask questions in many places.

Just when I was at a loss, suddenly, with a 'bang', a light burst into the sky, and then burst into a small fireworks with a bang. The direction is probably to the west. After the UFO and tragic screams that just flew by me, someone finally couldn't go on and chose to give up, but will anyone sneak into the maze to pick her up at night?

The election of the vice president has begun to make me feel a little strange. It has gradually exceeded the work responsibilities of ordinary schools and student unions. What on earth are we doing? The scratched place on our face is getting more and more painful. Even if the mosquito repellent water is sprayed, the flying insects that keep gathering on my body makes me more and more restless.

This irritation finally turned into a fuse that made me irrational. I don't know which classmate screamed just now, and there was another person. She may have encountered a more dangerous and horrible thing than what we suffered.

Whether it was me or Han Heya, it was not easy for us to get here, but some people still chose to pull the signal and give up the election. What are we doing, choosing Situ Lei's person who knows him best, choosing Mrs. Situ, or choosing an all-faceted vice president for a school?

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became. The flashlight also became a little weak because I had been on, and began to shake the dim yellow light, like a street lamp that was about to break.

In such a fantasy, the translucent wall around is like a white wall with firefly light, and the autumn wind is rustling and the cold air is overflowing. In addition, the amazing cry just now still makes my heart lingering.

I was a little panicked to replace the battery that was about to run out of power, and then threw it on the ground like venting.

"Bang..." It seems to have hit something heavy, not the sound of something falling on this muddy land.

After I changed the new battery, I hurried to have a look. The place where the old battery fell was a scattered dead leaf. After a gust of wind blows, it will shake slightly, but it does not fly. They seem to have their own weight or are stuck to the ground, and they will not rise except swinging in the wind.

I carefully went over and collided with the wheel a few times, and there was another mystery below. After being hit hard by me like this, a wooden board stood up like a spring.

It turned out that the problem board at this fork in the road was hidden here. I smiled and pulled off the dead leaves on the sign, which were obviously deliberately stained to hide people's ears. Unexpectedly, I found it crookedly, and I couldn't help laughing that my luck would be so good.


[Which one would you choose, five cloves and four-leaf clover?]

I was laughing secretly, but when I tore off all the leaves on it, I found that the question penetrated my heart like a poison-covered thorn.

"Glorious and happy?" I said to myself, thinking of us when we were young.

I once said that I would find five-leaf lilacs for you, and you fulfilled your promise to find two rare specimens for me.

But now you use it as the topic of the election as the vice president. Do you know that I will definitely come to this road, or is everyone's topic the same? If they are all the same, which is the best answer to your heart for you or for me?

I was meditatively and hesitated and suddenly realized that there were three intersections in this question. What is the third answer?

After carefully reading the problematic board, I found that the answer to the third way was blank. You don't know what this means, or do you want one of these eight people to tell you a different answer?

In my mind like a lost soul, I repeatedly thought about what I said to you before Mingpei Xuanyi that year, and the way you touched your head and laughed at me.

I was in a trance in the past and wanted to stop thinking, but I couldn't bear these memories that moved and warmed me to pass away again. How beautiful these memories used to be, but now they are so painful.

Close your eyes, maybe both you and I have been destroyed and changed by time over the years. You are becoming more and more arrogant and indifferent, and I become more and more indifferent to the world. But the only thing that has not changed is the memory in each other's hearts. What is hidden in the depths of that memory is our immature appearance and unrealistic words.

The maze leading to your heart, for you, for everything in the past, am I really rejecting, or am I escaping? Perhaps, only from now on, can I give myself a satisfactory answer by going all the way seriously.