Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 125: Nightmare Comes

I quietly bent my body behind the wall, and a feeling of foresight of the future suddenly floated through the bottom of my heart.

Although it is common for them to make noises on weekdays, today's scene has gone beyond the usual sarcasm and turned into a storm ready to go.

Just slapping each other is no longer enough to vent the long-accumulated resentment in their hearts.

Han and Ya's loose hair was loosely beaten by An's palm. I had known how strong An'an's hand was, and I had already learned it when Ming Han was. But Han Heya's look did not seem to be light on her, and An Ran's face gradually showed a few light red marks.

Hate is similar and speechless.

"AnRan, I usually see you following me in a low voice. Although I know that you can't treat me sincerely, I didn't expect you to keep such a hand to deal with me." Han Heya finally couldn't stand such a dead silence and opened her mouth.

"Haya, in the final analysis, you are too stupid." Anlang not only sneered at Han and Ya's slightly messy appearance.

"This is not good for you, and Xia Luolin has not become Minghui's vice president. Do you think this can please A Lei and look at you differently? You dream!"

Han and Ya simply pulled off the crumbling hairband on her head, shook her hair casually and slightly irritably, with a graceful waist and a delicate and charming face. The white light in the corridor shone on her long hair on the waist, and a faint burgundy swayed in front of her eyes.

"Is there any benefit? What I said doesn't count. Situ Bohan's dizziness favoritism and you are not because of that kidney, otherwise you can have today?"

"Everyone has kidneys. God's help deliberately help me to match A Lei's, so you can only blame yourself for being disappointing and not complaining about others." Han Heya looked at Anan with a high face below zero.

"I don't complain about anyone. I just hate why you didn't die in that maze."

Anran gritted his teeth and stared at her. Although he was not impatient, his eyes showed that he wanted to reach out his hand to tear her to pieces.

"Ha ha, you also have this little ability to break down. It seems that I can come out alive with my own life, but this is also your bad luck."

"It's not me who is unlucky. I'm afraid it's you."

Anran smiled so proudly that she was neither angry nor continued to suppress words. Instead, she raised her hand and covered her lips with a smile.

I heard that in ancient times, there was a hidden weapon called the rain pear flower gun. This hidden weapon is usually only lying on the cuff like an inconspicuous small box, but I don't know that as long as the appraiser raises his hand, it will be as murderous and invisible as a pear flower falling in the rain.

And a slight smile on An's face at this time was like the pear blossom gun. Although it was not so eye-catching, it was murderous.

I looked at them from afar. Although my voice was small, I could not hear the conversation clearly, and there was also the anger and shame between each other's eyebrows that no one would let anyone.

"What do you mean?" Han Heya seemed to realize that there was another deep meaning in An's smile and became nervous.

"What if I say that the road Xia Luolin walked in the maze is pre-arranged..."

Anan smiled, her eyes narrowed like a cat, and the cold light shot out of her slightly open eyes.

"As early as the beginning of the first round of the election, A Lei admitted in public that he was the man behind Xia Luolin, and then did not hesitate to stand up for her. These two things have long fascinated you and her more.

Although Anran's words are leisurely and slow, they seem to be deliberately hanging Han and Ya's appetite. With that, he didn't forget to give her a contemptuous look from time to time.

"What if you arrange it, she is also worthy to stand beside me?" Han Heya turned his head slightly and rolled his eyes out of thin air.

"Haya, I thought you were not stupid, but I didn't expect to see things so one-sidedly. Has no one dared to provoke you for the past two years, so your self-confidence is too much? You know better than me whether she deserves it or not, otherwise why have you been so afraid of her since Minghan?

Anlan leaned against the wall and glanced at Han and Ya like a master outside the world.

"She doesn't want to argue with you at all, so she would rather give up the exit of the vice president election than be involved with you and me at all. If she chooses to continue this maze trip, do you think there will be a foothold in Minghui now? I'm afraid these people in the school have laughed at you thousands of times in private.

Such bursting out and a burst of bloody words not only scared Han and Ya back two steps, but also shocked my heart. These extremely sarcastic jokes, as well as the tone and way of speaking, are undoubtedly very similar to Ye Yichen. If I hadn't been beside him for a long time, I wouldn't have noticed this.

Perhaps, from the first step of our entry into the maze, it has been calculated by Anan, even the person behind him who counseled him.

Thinking of this, I began to become as nervous as Han Heya. How many pairs of eyes were hidden behind us staring at us.

"Angan, you bitch!"

Han Heya suddenly shouted and rushed to Anlang, and the corridor, which was originally quiet like a pool of stagnant water, was instantly filled with this sharp roar and uncontrollable abuse.

Soon, the people of the student union came when they heard the sound. First, they just gathered around in twos and threes, watching and persuading as if watching the bustle. It was not until Anan pulled Han Heya's hair and threw it hard to scratch a blush on the wall that the onlookers knew that the matter was big and went to pull the fight to dissuade them.

By the time Situ Lei heard the news, the storm had calmed down. Han Heya and Anran were sitting in the school infirmary of the student union, staring at each other fiercely from time to time. Then he refused to leave for a long time.

I wanted to go straight back to my room, but unfortunately Ling Fei saw me hiding at the corner, so she took me and went straight to the school infirm with the crowd.

Han Heya's head was sewn with four stitches, and some hair curtains were combed to cover it.

Anan didn't suffer much loss, but her arms and cheeks were scratched several times by her sharp nail patches, and even after treatment, there was still a little red and hot pain.

As soon as Han and Ya saw Situ Lei coming, her arrogant face immediately turned into aggrieved look of pear blossoms and rain. They pulled his sleeves and began to sob, and while sobbed, she talked about how Anlan bullied herself, and even pressed her head viciously and hit the wall.

But Situ Lei seemed to ignore her. He stroked the scratches on An's face a few times, and then asked the school doctor and witnesses present about the cause of the matter. But the responses were all answers that shook their heads.

Several students who usually can't stand Han and Ya's arrogantness saw me here and turned against me one after another. They hid behind me and snickered at Situ Lei, who obviously didn't like it, but he still had audacity to stick up like a dog skin plaster.

The school's medical room is full of people inside and outside. I don't want to be implicated inside, so I said, "Let's make way, let's make way" and go in the direction of the door.

All the people watching the bustle whispered, and some of them smiled and gave me a little space to pass after seeing me.

Their whispers are like ants, crawling along my body into my ears and then into my brain. First, it made people itchy, and then it was restless to remove these sounds from the body.

I was eager to leave and crowded in the crowd. I accidentally didn't hold the wall, so the wheelchair was squeezed and tilted up, almost turning me to the ground, and my eyes were closed for a moment of panic. When he opened, his forward body had been wrapped by Situ Lei's arm.

"Thank you, I'm going back." As soon as I saw him, I hurriedly pushed his hand away like a plague and fled after thanking him.

After I left, I vaguely heard several people begin to talk about my relationship with Situ Lei, and I don't know where I heard about it. After I gave up the vice president's election, President Situ personally sent me back.

I dare not look back for fear of seeing those who chew their tongues and bite their ears behind their backs like tongue-chewing women. I'm also more afraid to see Han Heya's face at this time, which has been covered by a layer of black clouds, and there is also a harsh 'squeak' sound between her teeth.

Back to the room, I put my back against the door and gasped.

Why am I so scared that my heart is tumbling up and down as if it was about to break my throat. After all, it has been spying on our every move behind our back. Originally, she thought that Han Heya was the most terrible and feared existence around her, but now even she has said it together.

"Ye Yichen, is that you? Are you going to help me or kill me..." I pressed my chest with my hands, and the surging blood and trembling arms made me unable to calm me down.

Suddenly, Han Heya's face flashed in his mind, and the terrible face that crawled in the green, hissing with a big mouth of blood basin.

I took out my mobile phone and was about to turn it off. The thing I had been worried about finally came.

"Xia Luolin, you made me the laughing stock of the whole school. I won't let you go!" Simple and clear words, full of hate words. When she came, she pointed her poisonous teeth at me again as I expected.

Over the past two years, I have been humbly and compromised everywhere. As long as I do something that can threaten her Han and Ya, she will send ghostly text messages to warn her.

No matter if I change my number and move in Austria, I can't dodge it. She seems to have put an eye on me. No matter where I go or where I go, as long as I can survive inhale, she will find me and kill me.

This time I returned to China and returned to Minghui. It was not my own intention, and I still avoided being careful about everything, but she still released the ** photos of me being bullied at that time.

And I gave up the vice president's election in the maze, and I just want to leave a way out for myself, as long as I can stay safely in the student union and slowly investigate my father's wheres by Situ Lei's side.

Although I had expected that Situ Lei would wait at the intersection outside the maze, it was just the result of my speculation based on my knowledge of him. Unexpectedly, he thought he was smart and hurt himself.

Anlang's words today, whether intentionally or unintentionally, made Han and Ya pour all their hatred on me.

I held my mobile phone and didn't know whether to reply or continue to dodge.

At this time, the phone rang again.

"Xia Luolin, you can do it. I thought a few photos could destroy you completely, but I didn't expect you to be so shameless. It seems that it was a big mistake for me to leave you in Minghui. Han Heya's voice is sharper than usual.

"I didn't..."

"No? Ha ha, I'll let you be proud for a while to see how long A Lei can like you and protect you. Those who can't get along with me and Han Heya will not have a good end.

Before I could say anything, Han and Ya hung up the phone. But instead of hanging up, I fell hard. I seemed to clearly feel the other side of the phone. She bit her pink and light lips, and then threw the phone to the ground angrily.


Under the dry branches of the student union garden, Han Heya's feet are broken mobile phones.

She raised her red lips, and a charming and strange smile fluttered in the wind:

"Xia Luolin, oh, let's wait and see..."