Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 129: The Scarlet Trap

Several phone calls came one after another like a series of deep-water bombs. Except for a few inquiries from the Ministry of Life, it was Yuan Meng. But the purpose is roughly the same, that is, to implement the purpose of my leave and where to go.

At first, I was patient to explain to the people in the Ministry of Life. Assuming that I had something to do at home, I really didn't want to tell them that I was going back to Hangzhou. After that, the successive inquiries also annoyed me, so I simply turned off my mobile phone.

But I can't ignore Yuan Meng's inquiry like others, but it was just vaguely taken by me. I just said that I would go back to get something and come back soon.

I know that Yuan Meng must ask for Liu Ziyang, but I can't say that I'm worried or guard against anything, but I'm inexplicably bored with this feeling of being monitored and restricted at all times.

Perhaps, it was because of the successive events that made me have a lot of rebellious feelings like a rebellious period. Especially whenever I think of Situ Bohan's righteous but selfish face to protect himself and the Situ family, a feeling of acid reflux surged into his throat.

I waited alone at the airport until late at night before boarding and leaving.

Deeper, the cold air in the autumn night came and penetrated into the body from every pore of the skin. I was still wearing thin summer clothes. I knew that I would experience the sultry feeling after arriving in Hangzhou, so I simply endured the severe cold for a while.

There are very few people on the plane. After all, there are not many people taking such an urgent flight late at night. Everyone in the cabin seems to have their own things on their own. No one can sleep peacefully under such a night, and so do I.

Looking at the dark ink-like night outside the window, no star stops in the air, but tonight's moon is extremely dazzling, making it difficult not to pay attention to it.

Because it does not coincide with the Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon seems to be round and not flat, and its strange shape is a little indescribable. A round of bright moon seems to have been bitten irregularly a small gap, which also adds a flaw to its beauty.

Looking from afar, it seems to be close in front of you, but it is far away from the sky that people can't reach or touch it. I watched its faint light shine into the cabin through the glass, adding a soft light and warmth to the darkness in the cabin.

But besides me, who in the cabin noticed this faint moonlight?

The plane passed through the sky and skipped in front of it as if it were fleeting. Everyone thought that at such a speed, everything in the night would be brought like the speed of light. But they all forgot that the moon revolves around the earth. No matter how fast the plane travels, the moon is silently rotating around the planet where we live.

Like me, even if I escape far away, I can't live without this blue planet, and I can't get rid of the predestined rotation trajectory...

Once you meet some people, you will never forget them for the rest of your life. Some things, once started, will go down the stream like it is difficult to collect, without turning around.

Although Situ Bohan's words will not affect me, they really messed up my body and mind that have just stabilized.

Sometimes it must be in life, and there is no time to force it in life. Rotating along the trajectory of fate is already an unavoidable fate, but after all, no one can easily assert whether it is a blessing or a curse.

The plane was disgusted for a while because of the weather. It was seven o'clock in the morning when it arrived in Hangzhou.

The weather in Hangzhou, as I expected, is a wet haze after the rain. The sky was bright, and the air was mixed with the coolness after the rain, and a stream of unspoilated heat slowly rose from the ground and rushed straight to the tip of the nose.

I couldn't rest all the way to Madeleine. Although I was in a hurry, I still delayed for another night. I can't imagine what happened this night. I just hope everything will be safe.

As soon as I arrived at the door of Madeleine, I saw that the door and the cafe were full of people, not like the deserted scene that the deputy store manager said.

But it was not until I got out of the car and approached that I found that it was not as simple as I thought. These people came to encirclefine.

Because of Mi Xiu's death, the citizens of Hangzhou and the old customers of Madeleine are all worried about the food hygiene here. Moreover, Ye's Group is not coming forward to explain the Madeleine circle. The deputy store manager alone can't stop the mass action like a riot.

I didn't dare to enter directly through the main door, but went around the back door of Madeleine to enter the store.

The deputy store manager's forehead was full of sweat, and he hurriedly stepped in the store and said, 'What can I do? What should I do...'

"Deputy store manager." I whispered to her.

"Store manager, you're back!" As soon as she saw me, she trotted towards me and grabbed my hand. Her palms were as wet as if they had just been fished out of the water. The wet and sticky sweat felt a little slippery.

"It's okay, I'm back. What's wrong with these people outside? I asked while calming her down.

"Madeleine was unattended all day yesterday, but as soon as it was clear this morning, a group of people gathered outside the store for some reason."

The deputy store manager said as he pushed me farther away from the store, for fear of being seen by people outside.

I wanted to go out and explain to them. If they want to get any explanation, explanation or apology from Madeleine, I can cash it immediately. After all, I have a clear conscience.

"Store manager, you can't go out now." Seeing that I had the intention, the deputy store manager quickly stopped me.

"Why, such a blind escape can't actually solve anything."

"Store manager, it's not that I advocate escaping, but that you are not suitable to solve this situation. You didn't make a decent appearance when Madeleine was renovated and opened, and you have been avoiding it because of presumably physical problems. Now that something like this has happened to Madeleine, is it appropriate for you to come forward at this time?

The deputy store manager patted my leg gently and whispered in my ear. And these words are also true and directly point to the most critical elements.

I looked at her rigorous appearance and at the people stationed outside the door. Although they were quiet, they were not smashed, abused and caused trouble like the people they faced at the school festival. But there is no guarantee that he will not rise up after seeing me.

The so-called adult and youth are just three words apart. People always become extreme and uncontrollable when their emotions rise to a certain level.

The deputy store manager's concerns are indeed not groundless, but I am too anxious to solve the problem now, forgetting my identity and what I have always wanted to avoid before.

I touched the tables, chairs and benches in the store, and there was still residual temperature and dust. I don't know whether it's true that no one has been here for a long time, or the illusion in my heart is making a fuss, secretly guiding me that Madeleine has been disliked and abandoned, and one day the whole store will be covered with dust and cobwebs...

"Store manager, you can go back if you have nothing to do. I don't think the people here will disperse for a while."

"Well, they just want to ask for an explanation and peace of mind. After all, I used to patronize Madeleine. Once something happens at the entrance, people will always panic for a while.

With that, I went to the back door when I came and was ready to leave.

Suddenly, a white shadow ran past my feet, which was like a white lightning. Before I could see it clearly, it had hidden under the table beside me.


I called its name and chased it with a happy face, but I took it out from under the table and found that I thought too much. Mixiu is no longer there. This little white guy is Laxiu.

As soon as I picked it up, it struggled in my hand, as if it didn't like to be so close to me and couldn't wait to get out of my hand.

After a few moans, it finally struggled to scratch the back of my hand and escaped.

"Laxiu, are you blaming me? Do you blame me for not protecting Mixiu?"

I whispered to it and then gradually approached it, but it looked scared and began to roar in a low voice, as if I would keep retreating like it, and finally get stuck in the corner of the wall.

"La Xiu, don't be afraid. My sister is back and won't hurt you anymore."

As I said, I approached it, but it suddenly made a posture to prepare for a raid, and then rushed over like me. I was caught off guard, and I didn't expect that La Xiu, who had always been docile, would do this to me.

The wheelchair hit the corner of the table and collapsed like a domino. He also fell to the floor.

The deputy store manager came to help me, but I have been exposed to the floor-to-ceiling window on the side of the store...

After the people who stopped outside suddenly saw my figure, they began to knock on the door and smash the window, asked me to come out and give them an explanation, at least to explain why my own pet suddenly died after eating dessert.

The sound of smashing the door fell like raindrops. The deputy store manager repeatedly asked me to be patient and persuaded me to leave quickly from the back door. The current situation is no longer a word that can be explained.

I was so panicked that I didn't know what to do. Laxiu was like a person stationed outside, crawling at the door and roaring at me, as if there was endless anger.

I was pushed to the back door by the deputy store manager. I looked back several times to see the angry eyes and my Laxiu. The bitterness and sweetness in my heart surged out. I didn't know what kind of mentality to use to calm my heart.

Although I was reluctant to leave, I still quietly left through the back door. I thought it was safe to escape from this disaster, but Laxiu also followed me and barked around my wheelchair.

It won't let me pick it up or leave. Even the deputy store manager who has been taking care of them for me for this period of time can't help but be crazy about this little white fur ball.

"Miss Xia Luolin? Please sign for something." As soon as I went out of the back door, a man in a cap and express clothes came to ask.

"Well, it's me. Bring it here."

"It's too big for me to hold it. Please come with me." With that, he pointed to a silver-gray van parked not far from the back door and said.

I followed him, and Laxiu followed me all the way. Although I didn't see the man's face, I vaguely felt that the tone and figure of this person's speech seemed to have been seen somewhere.

"That's it. Please sign for it." He pointed to a large paper shell box in the dim car and handed me the express waybill.

I looked at the dim light in the car and couldn't see what it was, so I thought that I wouldn't send it wrong anyway, so I took the order. When he was about to sign, he didn't know when a pair of big hands stretched out from behind him.

Although these hands are white, they are very powerful. He strangled my neck with one hand and covered my nose with a handkerchief-like thing in the other. Then dragged me into the van hard.

Seeing this, La Xiu seemed to rush over like crazy, biting the arm of the man who bound me, and couldn't help roaring and pulling.

The man cursed painfully, and then winched at the car. Then another person came out of the car and hit Laxiu with the tools used to repair the car.

Suddenly, the pure white plush burst into a burst of scarlet blood. After a few times, Laxiu finally loosened his arm and lay in the pool of blood on the ground while twitching and moaning a few times.

I looked at the blood red all over my body, and I only felt the blood surge in my mind. I remembered the way my mother fell off the cabinet at that time, and also remembered Mi Xiu's death...

A pungent smell penetrated into my body, and my eyes began to become hazy. The scarlet blood stains gradually blurred and farther away from me, and then there was no intuition...