Cold-faced president only likes to love

Chapter 53 Actually, you miss me, don't you?

After dawn, Lan Zifu tried on the dress sent after breakfast. After everything was ready, Lan Zifu and Nan Xingzhuo, as well as Mr. Lan, Xiao Kui went to the bidding venue together.

When they arrived, as expected, many people couldn't wait to arrive early, especially the media. As soon as they saw Lan Zifu get out of the car, they rushed up, but they were stopped by the bodyguards of the venue, and they conscientiously escorted Lan Zifu into the venue. Entering the venue, Lan Zifu saw Chu Li and Jun Nieyu at a glance, because they were very eye-catching.

Chu Li took a look at them and did not mean to come here to say hello, so Nan Xingzhuo just nodded and signaled. Instead, Xia Yunshan and the head of the Wei family came to them with a smile. When everyone saw them walking towards the four Lan Zifu, they quietly turned their eyes.

"Mr. Lan, long time no see!"

Xia Yunshan smiled at Mr. Lan.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. My old bone is still strong, and I can see it a few more times, hahahaha."

Mr. Lan laughed loudly.

"The old man has two good successors, and Xia is very impressed!"

Xia Yunshan said again.

"Young and energetic, full of potential, but the old man still watches and doesn't let them rush over."

The head of the Wei family also laughed.

"It doesn't matter. Just rush over your head and stop and wait for the people behind you. By the way, take a rest."

Mr. Lan said loudly.

"Ha ha, the old man is really open-minded."

Xia Yunshan said, and Mr. Lan smiled again and said, "When you are old, you have to be open-minded and let go."

"The old man's realm is still high, and Xia asked himself that he didn't reach this level!"

Xia Yunshan said, and Mr. Lan waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. You will experience it one day!"

"I hope!"

Xia Yunshan smiled for a while, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Lan Zifu looked aside and suddenly felt a little impatient, so she whispered to Mr. Lan, "Grandpa, I'll get some air."

"Go ahead."

Mr. Lan nodded lovingly to Lan Zifu, and Xiao Kui said, "I'll accompany you, miss."

"No, you follow grandpa, and I'll just do it."

Lan Zifu shook her head. Suddenly, she wanted to stay alone for a while. When Nanxing Zhuo saw her saying this, she said, "Go, I'll come to you later."


Lan Zifu nodded and walked to a place where there were few people.

"I'm alone. Oh, don't you want to say hello?"

Jun Nieyu looked at Chu Li with a smile. Chu Li gave him a cold look. He ignored Jun Nieyu and looked at Lan Zifu's back hidden behind the plants.

"Are you really not going?"

Jun Nieyu asked again. This time, Chu Li looked at him coldly and moved.

Lan Zifu stopped after walking to an empty place and tried to calm down the thoughts in her mind. Just after seeing Chu Li, she couldn't help thinking of the picture of Chu Li dining with that woman yesterday. Damn it!

"Are you thinking about me?"

Chu Li's voice suddenly appeared behind Lan Zifu. She turned around in shock and saw Chu Li standing behind her coldly.

"Master Chu, what do you want to do for your advice?"

Lan Zifu frowned, why did Chu Li follow?! She thought he wouldn't come here to breathe alone!

"Are you thinking about me?"

Chu Li looked at Lan Zifu coldly.

"Master Chu is telling a joke."

Lan Zifu laughed and secretly put away her emotions.

"Are you uncomfortable to see me eating with other women?"

Chu Li asked again and took a step closer to Lan Zifu.

"I didn't expect that Master Chu would pay attention to other things when he was dating."

Lan Zifu continued to laugh, but her heart stagnated. Chu Li really saw it, just because she didn't exist at that time!

"You say that to admit that you mind."

Chu Li took another step closer coldly. Lan Zifu saw this and wanted to take a step back, but found that there were trees behind her, and there was no place to retreat.

"Why, I'm not comfortable now. Do you want to go?"

Chu Li looked at Lan Zifu coldly, making her feel as if Chu Li suddenly saw through her!

"I do feel uncomfortable. How can I say that Master Chu and I are also different from men and women? Don't you think our distance is a little too close?"

Lan Zifu looked at Chu Li faintly, and she suddenly calmed down, because she found that Chu Li seemed to be deliberately cracking her emotions.

"There is a difference between men and women. I haven't seen anywhere on you."

Chu Li hooked the corners of his mouth coldly. Sure enough, he saw Lan Zifu's expression stop again, and then there was a look of shame and anger in his eyes.

"Chu Li!"

Lan Zifu stared coldly at Chu Li. What on earth does he want to do?!

"Lan Zifu, in fact, you miss me, don't you!"

Chu Li looked at Lan Zifu fixedly, and suddenly found that Lan Zifu was more powerful than charming! This damn woman!

"Excuse me, please get out of the way. I'm going back!"

Lan Zifu said coldly to Chu Li, but Chu Li looked at her coldly and did not mean to get out of the way. Lan Zifu couldn't help frowning gently and said again, "Master Chu, please make way, thank you!"

"Lan Zifu, I want to kiss you."

Chu Li said coldly, and his words stunned Lan Zifu. Then Lan Zifu saw Chu Li slowly approaching her lips. Just as she was about to paste it, Lan Zifu suddenly woke up and pushed her towards Chu Li, but Chu Li seemed to have expected her movements for a long time. She reached out and buckled Lan Zifu's wrist and reached out her other hand behind her back. Lan Zifu's waist made her whole body stick to Chu Li's chest.

Lan Zifu stared at Chu Li, and the expected kiss did not fall. Chu Li's lips stopped when there was only one line away from her!

"Lan Zifu, you obviously miss me."

Chu Li said in a low voice, and the heat of her speech touched Lan Zifu's lips little by little, which made her calm mood begin to ripple little by little, especially Chu Li's heartbeat against her chest, which made her more confused.

"Chu Li, I didn't miss you. Let me go!"

Lan Zifu gritted her teeth and said, unable to struggle a few times, but found that because of the struggle, she felt that the temperature between her and Chu Li seemed to be higher!

"Lan Zifu, are you panicking?"

Chu Li stared coldly at Lan Zifu, as if she had seen through. Lan Zifu couldn't help but look away and didn't want to look at Chu Li.

"Actually, you want me to kiss you, don't you?"

Chu Li said coldly that it was obviously a cold voice, but Lan Zifu's ears seemed to be electrocuted, which made her heart even more confused.

"No, Chu Li, that's enough, let me go!"

Lan Zifu roared at Chu Li, pushed Chu Li away desperately, and ran away in some confusion!

Chu Li looked at Lan Zifu, and the woman finally showed a panicked expression in front of him! Chu Li coldly withdrew his feet to chase in place. Lan Zifu, you finally panicked!

Lang Zifu left in a hurry. Due to her upset mood, she didn't pay attention to the person in front of her and bumped into a person inattention.


Lan Zifu calmed down, apologized to the person who was hit, and looked up to see a handsome face.

"Are you all right?"

The man asked Lan Zifu, and Lan Zifu noticed that his eyes were particularly bright.

"It's okay. I'm sorry that I didn't pay attention to the road."

Lan Zifu apologized again, and then saw Nanxing Zhuo coming this way.

"It doesn't matter, Miss Blue."

After the man said, the gentleman turned sideways and gave way. Then Lan Zifu saw the expression of Nanxing Zhuo a few meters away freeze in an instant, and then blurted out, "Yao!"

"See you next time, Miss Lan!"

The man smiled mysteriously at Lan Zifu, and then quickly flashed into the crowd next to him.

"Zifu, the bidding meeting has begun. Go quickly. I have something to explain to Grandpa later."

When Nanxing Zhuo passed by Lan Zifu, he hurriedly said something and ran in the direction where the man had just left.

Nam Xingzhuo knows that person?!

Lan Zifu frowned, and she saw Nanxing Zhuo with such an eager expression for the first time!

However, she didn't have time to delve. She believed that Nan Xingzhuo would come back to explain later, so she rushed back to the venue and saw that Mr. Lan and Xiaokui were waiting for her.

"Where's Xingzhuo?"

When Mr. Lan saw that Nan Xingzhuo was not with Lan Zifu, he asked.

"Xing Zhuo has something to do. He said he would explain to Grandpa later."

Lan Zifu should be Mr. Lan.

Then, Mr. Yang finally came out in the eyes of everyone, holding the tender in his hand. After he spoke for a while, he simply gave four owners of the central area led by Xia Wei, and the peripheral area fell into the hands of Lanshi Group. Hearing the news, everyone was surprised. Although they had guessed that the central area would fall into the hands of Xia Wei's four families, they really felt incredible when they heard the news. Lan Shi and Chu really didn't want the central area.

However, their surprise is not over yet. Lan Zifu immediately announced a plan about the periphery. People were even more shocked after hearing it. Lan Zifu's plan can be said to be bold but shocking, including Xia Yunshan and the head of the Wei family, who were shocked for a long time, and it was difficult to see the extreme!

When the announcement was over, Lan Zifu smiled and walked to Xia Yunshan and the head of the Wei family and congratulated, "President Xia, congratulations, on winning the central area."

"Miss Lan, you are not bad. It's easy to plan!"

Xia Yunshan smiled, but people with eyesight could see that his smile was very fake.

"It's just on a whim. In the future, President Xia will take more care of you in the central area!"

Lan Zifu smiled and said that Xia Yunshan heard her words and vaguely felt that there was something in Lan Zifu's words, so he said, "What does Miss Lan mean? Do you want to enter the central area?"


Lan Zifu shook her head with a smile and then said, "President Xia, haven't you found it yet? In fact, there is also my share in the central area!"


The head of the Wei family stared at Lan Zifu, and Xia Yunshan also stared at her in shock and said, "What do you mean?"

"Because Manghui and the Wang family lost to me, I accidentally accepted their qualifications in the central area."

Lan Zifu threw a bomb with a smile.