Cold-faced president only likes to love

Chapter 61 You Are Hurt!

"To be safe, I have to go first."

The bodyguard said again, and Keane nodded to him and told him, "Be careful."

The bodyguard nodded and quietly left Keane's room and walked to the bottom of the tanker.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

A joking voice suddenly sounded in front of him, and then Jun Nieyu appeared leisurely in front of the bodyguard.

"You still found it."

The bodyguard smiled gently. Jun Nieyu looked at him and said, "Can you ask what is your relationship with Nanxing Zhuo or Lan Zifu?"

"Why don't you continue to check?"

The bodyguard smiled and attacked Jun Nieyu, and the two fought together in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, Lan Zifu found that after Nan Xingzhuo asked Xiaokui to leave, she knew that Nan Xingzhuo wanted to ask her about Chu Li, so she didn't wait for Nanxing Zhuo to speak, and said, "Xing Zhuo, you don't care about the matter between me and Chu Li."


Nan Xingzhuo looked at Lan Zifu, and her injured eyes were easy to see. Lan Zifu couldn't help but feel a little guilty, but at this time, an idea suddenly flashed in her mind and couldn't help blurring out, "Wait, Xing Zhuo, we also need to leave the cruise ship quickly!"

"What's wrong?"

South Star Zhuo Road.

"Go and find Xiao Kui!"

Lan Zifu quickly ran into the room and changed her clothes and shoes. "We are still negligent. Since someone can take the killer on the boat, whether that person is capable or someone else intends to help, it can only say one thing..."

"There are still people who have problems!"

Nan Xingzhuo answered and went out of the room with Lan Zifu. When he reached the corner, he suddenly grabbed Lan Zifu and stopped. Lan Zifu looked at him.

"It's late, it's too quiet!"

Nan Xingzhuo whispered, pulling Lan Zifu to turn around and hide in a corner. The loudspeaker of the oil tanker is still echoing with music, but there is a strange silence around it.

Nan Xingzhuo took out his mobile phone and pressed a few buttons, and then whispered, "Xiao Kui is in the restaurant. We went to find her. Have you brought anything?"


Lan Zifu nodded and silently took out a delicate pistol. Nan Xingzhuo took a look and said, "Let's go."

When the two quietly approached the restaurant, Jun Nieyu also stopped after the headphones flashed.

"It seems that you have something to do."

The bodyguard smiled, as if he expected Jun Nieyu to stop.

"Your layout?"

Jun Nieyu stared at him. He smiled brightly and said, "Whether it's not, we can only meet again next time!"

After saying that, he continued to run to the bottom of the cruise ship. Jun Nieyu took a look, turned around and flashed away in the opposite direction. At the same time, "No. 1, No. 2 clear the dark pile as soon as possible, No. 3, No. 4, protect Lan Zifu and Nanxing Kui."

If Lan Zifu has an accident, that guy Chu Li will definitely lift the sky!

As Jun Nieyu expected, Chu Li found that the situation was wrong, so he coldly sneaked back to his room to find Lan Zifu. However, at that time, Lan Zifu and Nan Xingzhuo left, so they staggered, but Chu Li then followed the traces and finally met Lan Zifu and Nan Xingzhuo at the corner.

When Nanxing Zhuo saw that the person was Chu Li, he put away the gun in his hand, looked at Lan Zifu, and said, "Zifu, you go with Chu Li first. I'll find Xiaokui."

After saying that, Nan Xingzhuo said to Chu Li again, "Zifu will give it to you for the time being."

"Jun Nieyu has sent someone to Nanxing Kui."

Chu Li said coldly, then clasped Lan Zifu's hand and walked to the other side. Lan Zifu struggled for a moment and turned around and told Nan Xingzhuo, "Be careful."

Nan Xingzhuo nodded and disappeared at the corner.

"No, don't look at him!"

Chu Lihan pulled Lan Zifu with a cold face and continued to walk forward. Lan Zifu looked at him and asked, "How's the situation inside?"

"The person in the trial is asking the person inside to transfer the money. It is estimated that it will be completed in about ten minutes."

Chu Li said coldly.


Lan Zifu quickly searched for information about the trial in her mind, remembering that the materials she had read recorded that the trial was a relatively active organization in Europe recently. She regarded herself as a judge and specifically attacked and robbed the funds of the consortium they thought were improper. I didn't expect them to act so big this time!

"They won't just transfer money, will they?"

Lan Zifu asked again. Chu Li looked back at her and was a little unhappy, but she still said, "Maybe one or two people will be killed."

"Murder? Do they want to mess up the European business circle?

Lan Zifu frowned. If it was really as she thought, those leading conglomerates should have been killed. In this way, the Doug family may be the first to be the brunt!

Thinking of this, Lan Zifu couldn't help stopping. Chu Li looked at her coldly and said coldly, "You don't have to go back to help the Doug family."

This damn woman always thinks about others, why can't she think about him!

"Chu Li, if the economy on Europe is really disrupted, it may not be good for us."

Lan Zifu said.

"So what."

Chu Li said coldly, looking at him with no interest. Lan Zifu stared at him speechlessly, "You should know how can they just mess up the economy? Since there is this step, there must be a next step. Someone behind them must be manipulating this matter. Chu Li, you know that this matter can be big or small! "

"It has nothing to do with me!"

Chu Li snorted coldly, fixed Lan Zifu to look at it for a moment, and then said, "Or, you promise to move in with me later."

"Chu Li!"

Lan Zifu stared at Chu Li. He still had to negotiate with her at this time. It's really Chu Li!

"Otherwise, let's go!"

Chu Li said coldly, Lan Zifu stared at Chu Li silently and said, "You promised to help me take down Doug before. If Keane has an accident, I think our agreement can be cancelled!"

"Blue Purple!"

Chu Li's face became cold, and the woman actually took a bite back!

"Or, Master Chu wants to forget the agreement. I'd be happy to."

Lan Zifu gently raised the corners of her mouth. Chu Li looked at her, and his eyes gradually changed. After Lan Zifu noticed it, he put down the corners of his mouth a little uncomfortablely and deliberately said lightly, "What about Chu Li?"

"Remember what you said, Lan Zifu."

Chu Li said coldly, Huo Ran lowered his head and stabilized Lan Zifu's lips, but after a hard bite, he let go of Lan Zifu, and then pulled her back to the venue.

When he arrived near the venue, Chu Li's person came over on the 3rd, and Chu Li asked him to guard Lan Zifu, and then Chu Li sneaked into the venue like a ghost.

In the venue, as Chu Li said, the representatives of the consortium who came to the summit were being pressed to transfer money to a man one by one. The person who transferred the account was taken aside and stood. Keane and two other people were specially isolated, and Ricky and Berry lay at Keane's feet.

Soon, everyone turned Zhang. The man happily closed the computer, gave it to the people around him, and then said, "Thank you very much for your cooperation, so as long as we finish another small thing, we will leave and give you a small gift."

After saying that, he signaled to the people who were looking at Keane, and those people pressed Keane and the other two to the middle of the venue, and Richie and Berry, who were still asleep, were also carried to the middle and put down.

"Dogg, Ethan and Lim, these three families are the three giants. I know many of you want to develop, but because they are ahead, there is nothing you can do, so today I will help you shake these three obstacles!"

The man said, and as soon as the words came out, it immediately caused a gasp. Obviously, no one expected that the judge would kill the three giants!

"Who on earth told you to do this!"

A young man next to Keane roared.

"Hank Ethan, since you have made a sound, let's start with you!"

The man pointed his gun at Hank. Hank wanted to hide behind Keane, but he was put out.

"Do you want to take action?"

In a dark place, a dark shadow appeared beside Chu Li. Naturally, it was Jun Nieyu. He found Chu Li in time. Chu Li glanced at the venue coldly and said, "Half a person."

"Okay, old rules, it's a lost treat."

Jun Nieyu laughed and said, and the next moment he rushed out quietly like a shock. At the same time, Chu Li also turned into a ghost and disappeared in the dark.

"I'm sorry, Hank Ethan. I wish you don't be a member of the Ethan family in your next life."

The man said that he was about to pull the trigger. At this time, the chandelier at the top of the venue suddenly fell down. Keane and others quickly dodged aside. Those who held Hank also reflexively held Hank to hide aside, but Berry on the ground was not so lucky. Keane only had time to drag away when he dodged. Richie, so Berry was still in place, but miraculously, the chandelier only hit Berry's foot, but the huge pain made Berry bounce up and then made a shrill scream, but no one had time to pay attention to her.

Because the moment the chandelier fell, the members of the trial organization next to the venue also fell to the ground without warning. When their leaders reacted, a dark shadow quickly shuttled through the crowd and saw bright lights shooting in different directions. Then, the gunmen kept falling to the ground, their heads Ling immediately motioned them to besiege, but another figure appeared behind them, with the same action, but it seemed that the attack was more fierce.

The leader's eyes flashed fiercely, directly grabbed the charge of his men around him, and fired a burst of shots at the crowd. In an instant, the screams continued to rise and fall.

Then the alarm sounded, and several smoke bombs were thrown into the venue, and then the heavily armed special police rushed into the venue.

The special police finally came at this time, and the situation was quickly controlled. Chu Li and Jun Nieyu stopped when they found that the special police appeared and secretly withdrew from the venue.

"You are hurt!"

Jun Nieyu looked at Chu Li's bleeding arm a little incredibly, then turned his eyes and laughed, "Li, you did it on purpose!"

Chu Li looked at him coldly and hummed, "Shut up."

"Chu Li, how are you?"

After Lan Zifu, who had been waiting outside, heard the gunfire, she had the impulse to rush in. Finally, she saw Chu Li and Jun Nieyu come out and ran over. Then she saw Chu Li's bleeding arm, and her heart pounded instantly. "Why are you hurt?"

"You'd better take it away for dressing, or you'll bleed too much!"

Jun Nieyu said seriously that although Lan Zifu's attitude towards Jun Nieyu was a little strange, she was a little confused when she saw Chu Li's injury, and she was too lazy to think about it. She grabbed Chu Li and left.

Then No. 3 raised his feet to keep up, and Jun Nieyu raised his hand to stop him.

"Jun Shao, Chu Shao is injured. Don't you need to follow him to protect him?"

No. 3 asked, Jun Nieyu stared at him helplessly, "If you want to ruin the scenery, don't be afraid to tear you up!"
