Cold-faced president only likes to love

Chapter 67 You are greedy

"Miss Nan, do you mean that my father was poisoned?"

Keane said in a low voice. Xiao Kui shook her head and looked at Lan Zifu. Ying Kean said, "No, Master Keane is a virus that can make Mr. Cotton sleep all the time."

"Is it just sleeping?"

Keane asked, and Xiao Kui nodded. At this time, the noise outside was getting louder and louder, and more and more people came to make noise, and even Richie and Berry appeared. The housekeeper Laiwen also seemed to be a little unable to stop so many people, so Keane had to go to the door and said in a low voice, "What on earth do you want to do!"

Keane's momentum made the people outside the door pause for a moment, but Richie, who was sitting in a wheelchair, immediately shouted, "Kien, leave your father's room immediately. Don't think that you can control the whole family by druging your father!"

"Kien, get out of here with your Chinese people!"

Berry screamed, and Keane looked at them and said, "What evidence do you have to show that I took the medicine?"

"When your father fainted, you and Lai Wen were there. Is it still Lai Wen's medicine?"

Ritchie looked at Laiwen, but Laiwen didn't seem to hear what he said, and still just blocked the two women from entering the room.

"Keane, don't argue anymore. Hurry up and call out the shameless woman Lan Zifu. I'll let her pay the price!"

Berry stared at Lan Zifu, but the next second, a cold light rubbed her neck, instantly bringing out a red mark, and a fine dagger was stared at the wall.

"In another word, it will be your head next time."

Chu Li looked coldly at the people outside the door, and his cold eyes shocked those people.

"Go back."

Chu Li said coldly to Lan Zifu. Lan Zifu smiled and said to Keane, "Mr. Keane, we'd better go back first."


Keane nodded and motioned the servant to send Chu Li, Lan Zifu and Xiao Kui back. The people outside the door watched Chu Li and Lan Zifu walk out of the room and wanted to stop them, but when they saw Chu Li's cold eyes, no one dared to come forward, so the three of them successfully left Cotton's manor.

"Miss, would you like to help me wake up Cotton Doug?"

After returning to Keane's villa, Xiao Kui asked Lan Zifu, who smiled and said, "It's not the right time yet."

"Miss, who do you think gave Cotton Doug the medicine?"

Xiao Kui asked again, and Lan Zifu asked, "Who do you think can drug Gordon Doug under the eyelids of Keane and housekeeper Lai Wen?"

Xiaokui frowned and suddenly lowered his voice, "Miss, you said it was Cotton Doug himself! But why?"

"This is his attitude."

Lan Zifu smiled and said, it's worthy of Cotton Doug. This move is really good to pretend to be dead!

In another place, Brulim also said almost the same thing to his son Jos. He didn't expect that Cotton Doug would do such a thing, but it's okay, so that he could take good care of the Chinese!

Night is the best aid to cover up the things that can't see light. Two dark shadows quietly approached the balcony of Lan Zifu's room. After falling on the balcony like cats, they carefully blew a burst of colorless gas into the room. After a moment, they quietly sneaked into the room and hid something behind Lan Zifu's luggage. , and left quickly.

When the two of them jumped out of the balcony, a small thing fell silently on the collar of one of them.

"Miss, they're gone."

In the moonlight, you can see Xiaokui falling back to the room from the outside. Lan Zifu sat up from ** and said, "Let's see what good things they put."

"Yes, miss."

Xiao Kui nodded, opened Lan Zifu's luggage and checked it. She saw an extra dose of medicine in her luggage. However, Lan Zifu didn't think that Blue was just playing the blame.

"Miss, how to deal with it?"

Xiao Kui asked Lan Zifu, and Lan Zifu said, "Let's put it there first and see what happens over there."

At the other end, the two men in black left Keane's villa and went to a quiet place. One of them took out his mobile phone and reported to the other end of the phone, "It's ready."


A low voice sounded at the end. The man answered and hung up the phone, and then disappeared into the night with his companions.

"Miss, I can't hear your voice clearly."

Xiao Kui kept playing the monitored calls with her mobile phone.

"It's useless to hear clearly."

Lan Zifu whispered that Brulim was really powerful. She couldn't help thinking, if she were Brulim, what design would this medicine do?

After thinking for a while, Lan Zifu let Xiaokui stay in the room, and she quietly knocked on the door of Chu Li's room.

The next day, the servants found that Keane was also in a coma. After the doctor came to check and told him that the symptoms were the same as Codon Doug. Then Ricky and Berry gathered outside Keane's villa and shouted to take Chu Li and Lan Zifu, but Keane's men conscientiously stopped them from entering the villa. Richie and the others whispered to his servants. After a while, they pressed a pair of people to line up outside the villa. After seeing the people, some of Keane's servants changed their faces and ran to the door one after another.

"Listen, you humble servants, if you tie Chu Li and Lan Zifu out, your relatives will be safe, otherwise... hum!"

Ritchie nodded to his men with a grin and saw that his men tore a woman's clothes on the spot. The woman immediately screamed in horror and tried to escape, but was held tightly by his strange men.

Seeing this situation, Keane's servants looked at each other in embarrassment, and one of them wanted to rush over directly, but was pulled by the people next to them.

"It seems that they still want to hesitate. What a masterpiece!"

Berry motioned her servant to break a man's arm again, and the scream sounded again.

"You two had a good time."

Lan Zifu came out, followed by Xiao Kui and Chu Li.

"Lan Zifu, you, the woman who should go to hell, finally came out!"

Berry stared at Lan Zifu with resentment.

"Lan Zifu, send yourself bare, and I will...ah!"

Richie said fiercely, but in the middle of the words, one of his eyes burst, and a whole family looked at Lan Zifu and Chu Li in horror.

"You can all get out of here."

Chu Li said coldly, and his eyes passed by those people without temperature, and the people who were swept by his eyes trembled fiercely.

"Chu Li, how dare you be wild in our Doug family!"

Berry screamed hysterically. Lan Zifu stepped forward, looked at her with a smile, and said, "We are wild. What can you do?"

"You, you, you shameless woman, you wait! I will make you pay the price!"

Berry shouted ferociously, Lan Zifu looked at her faintly, and then glanced behind them, where Brulim and Jos were coming this way.

"Is Miss Lan and Mr. Chu a little noisy?"

As Blue walked around, the servants automatically gave him a way. Lan Zifu looked at him and smiled and said, "Don't Mr. Blue want us to do this?"

"Miss Lan is really humorous."

Blue smiled, and then the words suddenly turned, "I don't know if Miss Lan can explain to Richie why his brother Keane fell into a coma like Cotton?"

"I made it. What do you think, Mr. Blue?"

Lan Zifu smiled. When Blue heard her words, his eyes flashed. Obviously, he did not expect Lan Zifu to admit it directly, but then he showed a surprised expression and said, "Miss Lan, I don't know why you want to do this. Isn't the Doug family well treated well? And aren't you Keane's friends?

"Really, I don't seem to remember, Mr. Blue. You said that I am the two great people who murdered the Doug family. Should I inform the police and the senior figures in your country? After all, the Doug family is a pivotal position and can't be careless!"

Lan Zifu smiled, but Blue's face was getting heavier and heavier. He looked at Lan Zifu for a while and said, "Miss Lan, I despise you Chinese people. How about we cooperate?"

As soon as Blue's words came out, Richie was shocked, but Lan Zifu still smiled lightly, "Why do you cooperate, because there is no eternal opponent, right, Mr. Blue?"

After a pause, Lan Zifu said again, "However, our nation has a fine tradition, and we don't work with each other."

When Blue heard Lan Zifu's words, his face was completely dark and said, "It seems that I should go back."

After saying that, he turned to Richie and said, "Try your father for me, thank you for his hospitality."

Then, Blue left with Jos without looking back. Richie looked at Lan Zifu in shock. Obviously, he couldn't believe that Lan Zifu let Brulim leave like this!

"Master Richie, do you want to continue to make trouble?"

Blue and purple looked at Richie's men faintly.

"This is my family!"

Richi roared ferociously. Lan Zifu looked at the corners of her mouth and said to his men, "If you are smart enough, take your master back quickly. Otherwise, maybe I will use the same method to deal with the people around you. Huaxia has a saying, tit for tat. Do you want to have a try?"

After saying that, Lan Zifu looked at the excited servant on Keane's side and said, "I think they will be happy to take revenge."

"You woman, you are provoking our family!"

Ritchie's mother couldn't help jumping out and roaring.

"Madam, if I were you, I wouldn't be silent, otherwise your affairs would be exposed. Your son has no way out. Do you also think you have no way out?"

Lan Zifu looked at her with a smile. After listening to Lan Zifu's words, the lady immediately turned pale and stared at Lan Zifu in panic and said, "You vicious woman, what are you talking about!"

"Boring, go back."

Chu Li suddenly spoke coldly, and then said to Keane's servants, "Whoever quarrels again throws directly under the hillside?"

"Yes, Mr. Chu."

The servants couldn't help nodding and responding to Chu Li, and then respectfully made way, witnessing Chu Li pulling Lan Zifu back to the room.

Chu Li pulled Lan Zifu to her room. Lan Zifu found that she turned around and walked to Keen's study with her backhand.


Chu Li said coldly. Lan Zifu looked back at him, smiled, and suddenly turned sideways and kissed him on his face, "Is that okay, Master Chu?"

Chu Li looked at Lan Zifu coldly for a while and said, "It's not enough."

"You are greedy, Chu Li."

Lan Zifu looked at Chu Li and pulled him to continue to move forward, but Chu Li did not move. Lan Zifu had to turn around and look at Chu Li and asked, "Are you sure you want it?"

Chu Li looked at Lan Zifu without saying a sound. Xiao Kui was on one side and simply turned around and stared at the wall.

"Okay, satisfy you!"

Lan Zifu approached Chu Li with a smile.