Cold-faced president only likes to love

Chapter 140 I'm a vase!

Lan Zifu smiled, raised her hand and stopped the words that Chinese people wanted to say, saying, "Why don't you say that our Chinese gentlemen are kind people who are used to standing in front of women to protect girls, not like you who like to push women in front of people."


Mr. Sai was choked again, and his face changed again. He roared directly, "Lan Zifu, no matter how you can say it, the facts are in front of you. Nan Xingzhuo is already a suspect. You may have used some shady means to get the commercial street. You must reduce the contract fee according to our requirements today!"

"What if I don't fall?"

Lan Zifu said lightly. Mr. Sai was asked by Lan Zifu. Obviously, he didn't expect Lan Zifu to ask such a rhetorical question, but the person next to him threw out domineeringly, "If you don't surrender, we will terminate the contract!"

"Yes, if you don't surrender, we will collectively terminate the contract!"

The other person also echoed. When Mr. Sai heard the people behind him shouting like this, his face immediately looked much better and said proudly, "Yes, Lan Zifu, if you don't surrender today, we will withdraw collectively!"

After saying that, Mr. Sai looked at Lan Zifu proudly. Obviously, they had agreed on the front before they came.

"You are taking advantage of the fire! Falling into the well!"

The Shang Gui of China immediately said angrily. Mr. Sai was more proud when he saw it, as if he had a victory. He looked at Lan Zifu and asked, "Well, Lan Zifu, if we are kind and don't want you to drop so much. You can kick out several of your shops in China for us as collateral. After all, we are also very kind gentlemen."

"Bah, even if I don't open a store, I won't give up the store. I just occupy the latrine and won't shit!"

The Shang Gui of Huaxia hummed.

"Hmm, your mouth is hard!"

Mr. Sai said disdainfully, and then looked at Lan Zifu and urged again, "Lan Zifu, why don't you speak? Are you scared? Don't you have that young master Chu around you?!"

The more Mr. Sai said, the more complacent he became.

"Maybe it's...hahahaha"

Another man joked, and then the people next to him also laughed, "I heard that they are all like this. Women are actually just ornaments, but tools to earn eyeballs. By the way, there are also tools in that field... Ah!"

The man's words stopped abruptly, because he suddenly fell out, and those people only saw the man who seemed to be beside Lan Zifu move.

"How dare you hurt people!"

Mr. Sai stared at Lan Zifu. Lan Zifu raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Did you see that I hurt people? I'm a vase!"

"We Miss Lan stood well. Don't do something overworked by himself, smoke!"

The Shanggui of China laughed.


Mr. Sai's eyes widened, Lan Zifu hooked the corners of her mouth coldly and said, "I've heard enough of you. Now you listen carefully, what Lan Zifu said today is that the contract money in the commercial street will not be reduced by a penny!" If you want to terminate the contract, OK, no problem, as long as you pay liquidated damages according to the contract, I will withdraw with you!"

"You didn't fall?!"

Mr. Sai looked at Lan Zifu incredulously.

"Why should I drop?"

Lan Zifu smiled coldly. Mr. Sai was stunned and then said, "Even if we pay liquidated damages, as long as we withdraw from you, we will lose a lot!"

"I don't mind. What do you mind?"

Lan Zifu laughed.

"That's right, we Chinese just like to suffer losses, and we don't mind!"

The Shanggui of Huaxia is attached to Lan Zifu Road.


The people in Country A were dumbfounded. They didn't expect Lan Zifu to pay attention to their threat of withdrawal at all.

"Are you not afraid that no one will come to you for consumption after we withdraw?"

Mr. Sai said with a dark face, and Lan Zifu smiled again, "It doesn't matter. We can visit each other for a walk. After all, not everyone can walk in the most famous commercial street in Country A, can't we?"

"That is, when you are happy, you can also make a pot of tea and play chess in the aisle. How leisurely it is, and it is rare to be so leisurely in a lifetime!"

The Shanggui from Huaxia echoed again.

"! Don't be strong!"

Mr. Sai's face completely sank, and he found that things were completely out of his expectation! He is a little difficult to get off!

Naturally, Lan Zifu would not let him go so easily. She hooked the corners of her mouth coldly and said, "What, Mr. Sai, when are you going to terminate the contract? Seeing that you are so powerful, how about now?"


Mr. Sai can't answer the contract with a black face. It is impossible for him to terminate the contract, otherwise there is no way to explain to the family when he goes back, but now the Shang Gui of Country A looks at him, and he can't say whether to cancel it.

"So you're just talking, and you also said that our Miss Lan is a decoration and a vase. I think you're just a repeater, and you can make a sound."

Chinese merchants mocked.

"You fart!"

Mr. Sai roared with a dark face, and the Chinese Shang Gui immediately answered, "Yes, the repeater can also make a fart sound, but you are quite self-acious."

"Mr. Sai? What do you say?"

The A Shanggui next to him asked him in a low voice. Everyone else had closed their mouths. Obviously, at the critical moment, they would only speak for their own interests. Mr. Sai turned around and stared at them fiercely and roared gloomily, "I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do. Let's go first!"

After saying that, he was about to turn around and leave. However, how could Lan Zifu let him leave so easily? She motioned to the bodyguard, and the bodyguard immediately stopped him. Seeing this, Mr. Sai immediately shouted at the bodyguards with an ugly face, "What are you doing? Get out of the way! The watchdog of Huaxia!"

"Mr. Sai, do you want to leave after the wild? Do you really think Lan Zifu is easy to bully?

Lan Zifu raised the corners of her mouth enchantingly, and everyone was stunned when they saw her smile. Even Jun Nieyu, who was standing next to her, shook her, so that Lan Zifu hinted that he had recovered twice and put his attention back around. Then Lan Zifu smiled and said to him, "Mr. Sai, should you give us some compensation today?"


Mr. Sai was completely addicted to Lan Zifu's smile and didn't hear what Lan Zifu said at all. Lan Zifu smiled more and more enchantingly, and a thin silver needle quietly appeared in her hand. She continued, "Mr. Sai, I mean, do you want to leave without paying any price?"

"What do you want?"

Mr. Nassai finally came to his senses, but his eyes still stared greedily at Lan Zifu.

"I want!"

Lan Zifu's eyes turned cold, and the silver needle in her hand hit out awe-inspiringly, but the target was not Mr. Sai, but another person. At the same time, Jun Nieyu rushed over as quickly as the wind.

"You can actually see it!"

The man smiled and dodged Lan Zifu's silver needle, but Jun Nieyu entangled him at the moment he dodged. As soon as he played, he found that Jun Nieyu was stronger than he thought. It was this light enemy that he paid the price. Lan Zifu then shot another silver needle. This time, although he avoided it, the silver needle still pierced his arm.

He felt a numbness in his arm, and the numbness quickly spread along his arm. He had to retreat repeatedly to avoid Jun Nieyu's attack. At the same time, he punched his arm hard and shot the silver needle into the wall.

"Ocde, Jun Nieyu."

Lan Zifu whispered to Jun Nieyu, and Jun Nieyu immediately stopped the attack and retreated to Lan Zifu's side. The man also fell firmly to the ground and looked at Lan Zifu and Jun Nieyu, "I despise you."

"Who is this guy?!"

Mr. Nassai suddenly recovered, and a few people stared at Jun Nieyu and the man. Obviously, they only saw the match between the two of them and did not see Lan Zifu's action.

Lan Zifu didn't look at Mr. Sai and continued to stare at the man. It was an extremely ordinary face. It was because it was so ordinary that it was not noticeable that Lan Zifu just noticed him!

"Come and test us?"

Lan Zifu laughed.

"I'm a little curious about you and Jun Nieyu."

The man nodded.

"After the test, do you have any ideas?"

Lan Zifu asked again. The man looked at Lan Zifu for a while and said, "We will meet again."


Lan Zifu hooked the corners of her mouth and then motioned the bodyguard to let the man leave. When the man walked out of the hall, he looked back at Lan Zifu. Unexpectedly, Lan Zifu was more amazing than he thought!

"Lan Zifu, what are you doing! Don't think this can suff us! We are law-speaking here!"

Mr. Nassai couldn't help saying that Lan Zifu's eyes fell back to him, although he still pretended to be very proud on the surface.

"You start to scare us first, don't you?"

Lan Zifu smiled, then changed his tone and said coldly, "If you want to terminate the contract, do it now. If you don't have the courage, don't be wild on my blue territory in the future!"


Mr. Sai stared at Lan Zifu with a black face. Other Shang Gui in Country A also looked very ugly. They didn't expect Lan Zifu to be so strong. They looked at each other and their faces were calm and silent.

Lan Zifu looked coldly and wanted to deal with it silently and dream!

She hooked the corners of her mouth and said, "If you don't talk, I'll think you all want to ve off the contract. OK, satisfy you, secretary, take out the contract, calculate the liquidated damages for them, open the system, and transfer money to them!"

"Yes, Miss Lan!"

The secretary said loudly, and then took out the contract with another staff member. The people of Country A saw that Lan Zifu actually took out the contract, and the expression on his face was even worse, especially Mr. Nasai, who was as ugly as eating flies.

"Miss Lan, we don't really want to sect the contract."

A business nobleman in country abruptly squeezed out a sentence. Lan Zifu listened, hooked the corners of his mouth and said, "But I want to end the contract!"

"Miss Lan."

The secretary respectfully changed Lan Zifu, indicating that they were ready. Lan Zifu raised his hand and gave the order, "Satism, let them sign and terminate the contract, and transfer the money immediately after signing, no one!"