Cold-faced president only likes to love

Chapter 185 Who is Faceless?

"Don't try to touch me. It's useless."

The ghost hand said faintly, and Fu Yinghuan immediately hummed, "Damn, who said that I'm going to attack you now? I just know the bottom line, as long as you don't die, so you're not dead, I don't have to care!"

"I want to know your new method. I don't want Lan Zifu to take any risks."

Chu Li said coldly to the ghost hand, and the ghost hand looked back at Chu Li faintly and said, "I cooperated with Lan Zifu once that day and failed, but now think about it, maybe it's not a failure. If the end of evolution is really the cycle of life, then if you carry through evolution, maybe everything will return to normal."


Fu Yinghuan frowned when he heard this, "You mean that life may evolve to the end and may start again from the initial state?"


The ghost said, "So, I want to find Fengyang and the others as soon as possible."

"Wait a minute, can you say that you and Lan Zifu did an experiment on one of them?"

Fu Yinghuan suddenly asked, and she found that she still didn't know who the ghost hand and Lan Zifu had experimented on. Nanyuan Yi also looked at the ghost hand. The ghost hand looked at them lightly and said, "Fengyang, because of his mutiny, his situation is the most serious."

"Can I say that? In fact, the most suitable experimental subject is not you at all, but Fengyang! Are you the second choice?!"

Fu Yinghuan immediately said, "That's why the frame took the four people away, so did he guess your plan, that's why he stole the people! Shit, why did I suddenly become smart!"

After Fu Yinghuan finished speaking, Chu Li's mobile phone just rang. After he opened the call interface, Jun Nieyu appeared in front of several people. He looked around and said, "Li, there is news."


Chu Li is cold.

"There is no face, but I suspect he did it on purpose."

Jun Nieyu Dao.


Chu Li nodded and motioned Jun Nieyu to continue, so Jun Nieyu continued, "Then I will send you the address later. Also, now, country J has also sent people to track you. Although country E is not obvious, there are also a group of people who are active. They all have a tendency to take advantage of this opportunity to treat you and Lan Zifu. Li, and faceless seems to have leaked your news to them.

"Damn, that doesn't mean that we are besieged by many countries!"

Fu Yinghuan said.

"How about Nanxing Zhuo?"

Chu Li asked coldly.

"When he was monitored, he called a lawyer himself. A group of people stared at Nan Xingzhuo secretly. I arranged people to watch secretly, and Yecha woke up."

Jun Nieyu finally mentioned Yecha, "What should he do?"

"Let him go."

Chu Li said, and Jun Nieyu grinned awkwardly and said, "Well, Li, I told him something. He has left."

"I know."

Chu Li said coldly, "Is there anything else?"

"Of course, where's my dear Xiaokui... Xiaokui...Hey, leave..."

Jun Nieyu's shouting voice was directly shut down by Chu Li. Chu Li turned around and said coldly to the ghost hand, "He should go to find the frame."

"I'll go with you."

The ghost hand said lightly.

"I'll go too."

Nanyuanyi said, Chu Li looked at the two coldly and asked the ghost hand, "Who is the faceless?"


Ghost glanced at Chu Li and said, "He is the son of Qu Shen, but his personality is not very similar to Qu Shen."

"Is he the son of Qu Shen?"

Nanyuan seems to be a little unexpected.

"He was adopted by Qu Shen, not his own."

The ghost hand made up again.

"Adoption? Why do you think there is a sense of conspiracy?

Fu Yinghuan said.

"May transfer the tiger away from the mountain."

Chu Li said coldly, and then looked at Nanyuan and said, "You stay, I'll go with the ghost."

"Will it be a trap on your side?"

Nan Yuanyi is a little worried about the tunnel.

"So it's more suitable for him to go with me."

Ghost hand.

When they were talking, somewhere, Yasha was also talking to faceless, but they were not face to face, but through mobile phones.

"Where is my father?"

Yecha asked faceless.

"I didn't expect you not to die. It seems that Lan Zifu is really powerful!"

He smiled facelessly and said.

"Stop talking nonsense, where is my father?"

Wumian said again, looked at him and said, "Since you are not dead, you should know that Fengyang is now in the hands of the madman. But I have a message that I want to tell you for free. It's a congratulatory. You didn't really die.

Wumen paused for a moment, and after a light flashed in his eyes, he continued, "The situation of Fengyang has changed. Do you know how it happened? Because Lan Zifu and he jointly conducted an experiment on Fengyang and failed!"


Yecha listened to the faceless words and his face darkened, "What experiment did they do?"

"I don't know. The madman told me this conclusion. Your father, that is, Fengyang, is in a very unstable situation now, and it is him and Lan Zifu who caused this situation. So, do you still want to stand aside with them or come to my camp?"

He looked at Yecha with a faceless smile. Yecha looked at him and asked gloomily for a long time, "What on earth do you want to do?"

What do you want to do? The madman wants to beat him, and I want what I deserve!"

Faceless, a hatred flashed in his eyes.

"Faceless, what on earth are you hating?"

Yasha suddenly asked faceless, and his faceless face paused for a moment, and then Huo Ran smiled sarcasticly and said coldly, "Yecha, don't think you know anything, and don't want to guess anything. Now I tell you that if you want to find Fengyang, come to XXX."

After Wumen finally threw out an address, the call ended. Yesha looked at the mobile phone in his hand for a long time, and finally got up and left the same place.

In China's business circle, compared with the temporary calm of Chuli's island, the business circle has already turned upside down. The news that Nanxingzhuo was taken away by a national institution for investigation spread, shocking the whole business circle. Although they all knew that someone deliberately released this information, they couldn't help but start to think of the recent For a period of time, the news about Lanshi Group vaguely felt that there seemed to be a big storm coming, but they all wanted to know whether Lanshi Group, which had no response from the beginning, would be silent from the beginning, or would the Jedi counterattack and create a new era?!

Therefore, with such speculation, the attitude towards Lanshi Group in the business circle has gradually become delicate. Some of them have maintained a good relationship with Lanshi Group as always, while some have begun to alienate their relationship with Lanshi Group, and some are separated from the shore. Watch the fire and watch from afar.

In addition to these people, there is another group of people. After they arrived in China, they dived near Chuli Villa and Lanshi Villa to collect information. Due to Jun Nieyu's explanation, although they found their whereabouts, they still remained calm.

After observing, the people left and went to a secluded residence to report the situation to them. After hearing this, the man waved his men to retreat, and then connected a call, and an ordinary face appeared on the screen.

"Hello, Mr. Faceless."

The man treated him politely.

"Hello, Jiangmu Sanyuan."

He smiled facelessly and said, "I think you have sent someone to their villa."

"I've seen it. It seems that Chu Li and Lan Zifu have really left. I don't know where to go."

Jiang Musan went far away. He listened to him facelessly, jumped at the corners of his mouth lightly and said, "You don't have to test it. I don't know where they went, but I'm sure that they are indeed not here, so now is a good time if you want to avenge your brother Jiang Mu Yoshino."

"Revenge for Yoshino, hehe, Mr. Faceless, it's natural, but I think you still tell me more. I don't want to die in your hands like Yoshino."

Jiangmu Sanyuan Road still has a polite smile on his face, but there is a little more coldness in his smile.

"I'm about to tell you a piece of news that maybe Chu Li will go somewhere."

He smiled facelessly and told Jiang Mu Sanyuan an address, which was the same as what he told Yecha before!

After saying the address, Wumen said again, "As for whether to go or not, Mr. Jiang Mu will do it by himself."

After this sentence, the call was closed without face.

"The Chinese are really cunning!"

The smile on Jiang Mu Sanyuan's face faded in an instant, showing a grim look. He thought for a while, and then let his men come in and ordered them to check the address given by the faceless first.

Then, he planned to take a look at Chu Li's villa in person.

On the other side, after Wumian finished the call, he drove back to a secret place. As soon as he entered there, he saw the frame coming out of it. When the frame saw him, he said, "Is the news gone?"

"It's scattered."

Faceless, then looked at the coating frame, "When did you operate on me?"

"It's not the right time. There's not enough time for you to recover."

After painting the frame, he suddenly hit a hidden weapon to faceless. Faceless immediately rushed to avoid the sneak attack of the frame. Unfortunately, the attack of the framed framed was not just like this. After a hidden weapon was sent out, the painted frame quickly swept to faceless. His hand patted the faceless from an incredible angle and made an unknown one. The medicine was punched into the faceless back.

Faceless whole body shocked, looking at the painted frame with an ugly face, threw away the needle tube, looked at Faceless with a sneer, and said, "Remember, I'm not a ghost hand. Don't have any ideas!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand again and waved to Wumian, "Look clearly. I'm different from the ghost hand."

After saying that, he brushed the frame and brushed his sleeves away, leaving no face in place.

His hand has really grown back! Whether it's a real hand or a fake hand, the speed just like that is much faster than what he originally knew! He also wants to get this ability!

Looking at the back of the painted frame, a faint but strong hatred flashed in his eyes, and an unusually strong burning heat.