Cold-faced president only likes to love

Chapter 188 Lanshi Group will not really be accepted by the above, will it?


The first electric snake hit the square box along the silver needle. The Kai Lushan staggered fiercely and immediately shouted and rushed to the wall of the square container, trying to break it. Unfortunately, late, another electric snake hit the container, and because Kai Lushan just jumped on the wall, the electric snake jumped on her body without omission, especially her chest.


Kalushan made a frightening cry. With her scream, more and more electric snakes fell. In the blink of an eye, the container seemed to have turned into a small lightning field.

"Damn, this is... five thunderstorms!"

Fu Yinghuan sighed that she and Nanyuan were staring at the back, especially Nanyuan's intention. The whole person was already a little distracted. Fu Yinghuan was slightly better because he had seen Lan Zifu's pervert before.

"This, Fu girl, have I really slept too long, old?"

Nanyuan muttered.

"I won't let you go even if I fail. I will tell them your position even if I die!" You can't escape!"

Kalushan suddenly let out a gloomy roar. At this time, her whole body had become extremely black and completely humanoid!

With that, Kai Lushan, who had no human form, suddenly raised her hands, which could no longer be said to be her hands, and grabbed her chest fiercely.

"How dare you!"

Lan Zifu said coldly, and Huo Ran swept to the square container, took out a sword in his hand in an instant, and instantly split the metal ring on the square container.

"Damn, Lan... You're crazy!"

Fu Yinghuan shouted and swept over with Nanyuan.


The two of them were still a little late. Lan Zifu's sword cut on the metal ring and instantly detonated a large number of electric snakes, wrapping Lan Zifu in!

Fu Yinghuan and Nan Yuanyi could only stare and stop nearby, anxiously watching the lightning and thunder in front of them slowly fade away. After a while, but for them, it was like a century. Fu Yinghuan and Nanyuanyi finally saw Lan Zifu's figure. Although some electricity had not completely dissipated, they couldn't take care of it. They rushed forward and saw that Lan Zifu didn't seem to be seriously injured except for a little pale face.

"Won, are you all right?"

Nanyuan asked Lan Zifu urgently, while Fu Yinghuan looked at Lan Zifu carefully and immediately reached out on Lan Zifu's body to check.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Lan Zifu whispered. After Fu Yinghuan roughly checked, he took two steps and pressed a button on the top of the square container. Nanyuanyi also put his attention back into the container and found that Kailushan was almost left with a pile of burnt dust. As Lan Zifu pressed the button, the container quickly collected. Shrinking, it became the size of only one bead and fell to the ground. Lan Zifu bent down and picked it up in her hand and said to Fu Yinghuan, "After going back, melt it. There is no residue left."

" problem."

Fu Yinghuan took the bead, took a look, and couldn't help saying, "Lan Zifu, you are really a pervert. This is really a five thunderbolt, and there is no scum left!" Isn't it, old man Nan?"

"Ha ha, is she all right?"

Nanyuanyi still asked Fu Yinghuan a little uneasily. In his opinion, Lan Zifu just now shocked him!

"It's okay, just need to replenish some blood."

Fu Yinghuan said.

"Go back, Xiaolan and Xiaotian should be anxious."

Lan Zifu smiled and walked back after saying that.

"That's right, Lan Zifu, the last woman said she wanted to expose our position, didn't she succeed?"

Fu Yinghuan asked while following up. Lan Zifu paused for a moment. Just now, she completely intercepted Kailushan, but she was still not sure whether the altar at the other end did not get any information at all!

"Let's wait until Chu Li comes back."

Lan Zifu said softly, if it is really exposed, it's better to fight again!

A dark place suddenly made a strange explosion. There was thick blood everywhere, and the air was filled with a turbid smell. Several people gathered in front of an altar, and they had no breath. There was a horn on the altar, and finally fell on the southeast.

On Chu Li's side, after looking at Chu Yun's disappearance, he coldly looked at somewhere in the distance and left coldly. After the ghost hand also looked there, he also left.

In that place, I saw a man standing there silently and looking at everything just now. He came here according to the faceless address. When he saw Chu Yun appear, he was also shocked for a while.

Until Chu Li and Guishou left, he still couldn't recover a little. Then his mobile phone rang and a faceless voice came from it, "Well, now you fully believe it. As long as you cooperate, your father can stand in front of you vividly, otherwise he will become another one with Chu Yun. It's just an unconscious tool."

"What the hell do you want me to do?"

Yecha asked faceless in a low voice. Hearing his words, he smiled and said, "I want you to take over and fully acquire Lanshi Group."


Yasha sinks into the tunnel.

On this side, Wumian heard Yecha's answer, ended the call with a smile, and then walked to Jiang Mu Sanyuan, who had been waiting there for a long time. After Jiang Mu Sanyuan ran away from Chu Li and Guishou, he watched Chu Li and Chu Yun's fight from afar, and then went directly to a meeting place left for him in advance.

"Mr. Sanyuan."

Wufaceless smiled and greeted Jiang Mu Sanyuan. Jiang Mu Sanyuan looked up at him and said, "Faceless, you have made me lose a group of men."

"Ha ha, Mr. Sanyuan are all incompetent subordinates. If they don't, they will be gone. Why do you care?"

Faceless, he paused and continued, "And I believe you have seen the best combat tool I said."

"Faceless, such tools are prohibited. Our country doesn't want to be blamed internationally."

Jiang Mu Sanyuan laughed and smiled facelessly, "Jiang Mu Sanyuan, if you really don't want to, you won't come. Why do you say this useless nonsense?"

"...hahaha, faceless gentleman, it's really straightforward!"

Jiang Mu Sanyuan's eyes were cloudy, but then he laughed again. After laughing, he suddenly looked at the faceless and said, "Price?"

Hearing these two words, I smiled facelessly.

At this time, far away in country A, Eugen also smiled, and he laughed quite happily, because, with his secret help, Keen Doug has completed the acquisition of the entire commercial street! Huaxia's shops are withdrawing from the commercial street one after another. He is watching in the coffee shop opposite, and Keen Doug sits opposite him.

"It turns out that Mr. Keane is a real business wizard!"

Eugen said to Keane with a smile. Keane looked at him faintly and said, "I'm flattered."

"It's really a good scenery to watch them roll back to China with a gray face."

Yougen said proudly, "The next step is up to me. When I deal with Nanxingzhuo, you can capture the Chinese market. First of all, I wish the Doug family an amazing success in China."

"Thank you, Mr. Eugen, will."

Keane smiled.

In the mysterious building in China, Uncle Ye and Mr. Lan were drinking tea face to face. Uncle Ye told Mr. Lan the news he had just received. After hearing this, Mr. Lan just paused and didn't react much. Uncle Ye couldn't help saying, "Old man, you are really sinking. Live. Are you really not worried about those children at all?

"How can you not worry."

Mr. Lan sighed and then looked into the distance. "It's just that now, no matter what happens, I can only believe that they will deal with everything in the end."

"Uncle Ye, Grandpa Lan."

Ye Yao appeared behind the two. Uncle Ye looked back at Ye Yao and said, "What's wrong? Did the above know about the acquisition of the commercial street and change its attitude?

"Well, it's a little urgent. I may carry out the plan to receive Lanshi in advance."

Ye Yao said and looked at Mr. Lan.

"It doesn't matter. The purpose of establishing Lanshi Group is to protect Zifu. If it's gone, it will be gone, as long as Zifu is safe."

Mr. Lan said. Ye Yao took a look at Uncle Ye and said softly, "There is another piece of news. Country A seems to be secretly sending people to the southeast, and may have got information about Chu Li's whereabouts."


Mr. Lan looked back at Ye Yao, "Are they all right?"

"It should be all right at present. Looking at the actions of those people in Country A, I haven't found Chu Li yet."

Ye Yaodao.

"Hasn't country J taken action?"

Uncle Ye asked Ye Yao, and Ye Yao nodded, "Yes, Jiang Mu Sanyuan, the brother of Jiang Mu Yoshino. He seems to have met Wu. Two days ago, he sent someone to explore the villa in Chuli and Grandpa Lan's villa. Jiang Mu Sanyuan himself then visited Chu Li's villa again, but at present, there is no If there are traces of action, I will continue to let the people of the Yan group guard secretly.

"The girl and Chu Li are not here. He should not be interested in the villa, but he has no face. You should pay more attention to it."

Mr. Lan said.

On Lan Zifu's side, she, Fu Yinghuan and Nanyuanyi returned to the room. Little Chulan rushed to Lan Zifu, followed closely by Xiao Chutian and Xiaokui.

"Mommy! You just scared me to death!"

Little Chulan pouted and rushed to Lan Zifu's body. Lan Zifu bent down and picked up Xiao Chulan, patted her on the head, and said, "Isn't Mommy all right? Be bolder in the future!"

"No, I'd better be timid. I still have to worry about Mommy."

Little Chulan shook his head.

"Is my mom really all right, Aunt Fu?"

Little Chu asked Fu Yinghuan coldly, and Fu Yinghuan immediately nodded, "It's really okay. I just confirmed that your mother is a pervert!"

"Have you just found any good signals, Xiaotian?"

Lan Zifu asked little Chu Tiandao.

"There is one, but I bypassed it."

Little Chu Tiandao, Lan Zifu smiled and patted him on the head.

"Miss, just received a message from Jun Nieyu that our commercial street has been completely acquired by Keen, and it seems to be in a hurry."

Xiao Kui said.

Lan Zifu thought for a moment and said, "Let's not care about it. Let's wait for Chu Li and the ghostshou to come back and see what's going on there."

"Lan Zifu, if it goes on like this, Lanshi Group will not really be accepted by the above, will it?"

Fu Yinghuan couldn't help asking.