Cold-faced president only likes to love

Chapter 213 Life is like a play, Mr. Eugen

With that, the frame threw the injection in his hand to Yecha. Yecha only felt a cold wind attack him. He immediately instinctively to avoid it. However, as soon as he got up, there was a leather whip in the frame's hand. He shook it with a gloomy smile, and the whip rolled up Yecha's leg and dragged the Yecha back. .

Yecha's face changed, and when he saw that the injection was about to hit him, he quickly waved his sleeve and was ready to hit the injection in front of him with his sleeve, but the coating frame shook the whip again, pulled to Yecha's hand, rolled up his hand and pulled aside, and Yecha's hand was fiercely pulled to one side. The needle It was inserted into Yasha's body, and the ** inside was about to be injected into Yasha's body. A silver light suddenly hit from a distance and flew out the injection.

"Is there another one?!"

Tu Gang looked at a figure coming in with a dark smile. Yecha took the opportunity to struggle to stand up from the ground and also saw that the person who had just saved him turned out to be number one!

After No. 1 stood down, he took a look at Yecha, and then stared at the painted frame warily.

"He's out of control. Be careful!"

Yecha said in a low voice to No. 1, No. 1 nodded, and his eyes had been fixed on the frame, because he felt that the frame was more dangerous than the people he had seen before.

"You have a good physique, Chu Li's men?"

The frame stared at No. 1, which seemed to be looking at a cargo and a prey. The sense of crisis in No. 1's heart deepened little by little, and he threw out his long sword.

"It's really annoying. You always do something out of your ability!"

As soon as the frame shook the whip with a gloomy smile, it was about to roll up to No. 1's eyes, and the sword in his hand was about to be thrown up. At this time, the framed body suddenly shook strangely. Because of this shaking, his whip unexpectedly lost its head. No. 1 flashed easily, and the whip hit the wall next to it. 1 and Yecha was a little surprised, and what reacted more fiercely than them was the frame himself. After the whip was abnormal, he immediately shook the whip fiercely, but the same thing happened again. As soon as he shook the whip, his body twitched again, and this time even his hand followed, so, a The number didn't even hide this time.

"Damn it!"

With a low roar, he saw his figure flashing and quickly rushed out. No. 1 took a look at Yecha and immediately caught up with him.

After Yecha chased out on the 1st, he also wanted to chase him out, but he hesitated for a moment. Yecha still turned around and looked at the faceless in the container. At this time, his calf had been sewn up. After completing these movements, the manipulator did not get the next instructions, so he stopped at ** two sides, and its His manipulator is still holding his faceless limbs.

Yecha looked forward and looked at the buttons on the operating table. After thinking about it, he climbed directly into the container, forcibly pulled away the manipulators, and pulled the faceless out of the container.

"How are you?"

Yesha glanced at the faceless sitting on the ground, and his calf was still glowing a strange light.

Faceless raised his head and looked at Yasha. His eyes were like a beast that had just been released from the cage. Yecha couldn't help but be stunned.

"I will make him pay the price!"

He said word by word, and every word he said felt that he wanted to bite people. Yecha looked at him and said nothing more. He knew that now he couldn't listen to what he said.

He walked to one side and looked at the three people inside. He wanted to take these people away, but he didn't know if he would have any accident if he rushed these people out of the instrument.

Just as Yasha was thinking, a gust of wind suddenly flashed next to him, and he quickly hid aside.


With a deep sound, he picked up the chair and smashed it hard on the instrument, but the instrument was very strong. Although it made a loud sound and even shook for a while, there were no cracks. Faceless raised the broken chair and wanted to smash it on the container. Yecha hurriedly stopped him and said, "What are you going to do? Stop it!"

" Stop? I'm going to destroy his so-called results!"

Faceless said that he wanted to break away Yecha, but Yecha stopped him again and said in a low voice, "They have nothing to do with painting the frame."

"It doesn't matter! They are better than me in painting frames and in his eyes. I'm just a waste! It's a pity that I, this waste, can destroy them!"

Faceless said that he wanted to flash the overnight fork and hit the container again. Although Yecha tried his best to stop Faceless, the faceless at this time was a little crazy, and I don't know if it was because of his madness, he actually flashed over the night fork and completely hit the chair in his hand on the instrument. After a violent turmoil, Yecha found a small fine mark on the instrument. He couldn't help tightening his face. Huo Ran stopped in front of the faceless and said, "Don't blame me if you do it again!"

"Do you want to save them?"

Wumen suddenly looked at Yecha with a strange smile, "You didn't find that your companion from Chu Li hasn't come back yet. Aren't you worried about him?"

After listening to his words, Yecha's face was a little gloomy. He was right. He was indeed a little worried about No. 1 distraction, so he just failed to stop the destruction of the faceless container in time because of this.

Faceless looked at Yecha's expression and was about to speak again, but his eyes suddenly changed. Then he suddenly flashed and rushed out of the laboratory in a hurry. As he rushed out of the door, Yecha saw a man carrying another person at the door and directly swept over the two people's side. Continue to run outside.

The one holding the person was No. 1. He wanted to catch up, but he hesitated for a moment and gave up.

Yasha looked at the painted frame held by No. 1 and said, "What's wrong with him? Did you knock him unconscious?

"He fainted himself."

No. 1 Yingye fork. He had just followed the frame and chased it for a while. The frame suddenly twitched violently and fell to the ground, and there was no more movement. After sending a message to Jun Nieyu, he ran back with the frame.

"I want to take the three of them away. Chu Li should be able to save them."

Yasha said to No. 1, and No. 1 looked at the person in the container. He couldn't help shaking and said to No. 1, "I have told Jun Shao about the situation here."

Jun Nieyu told Chu Li after receiving the message of No. 1.

"Let No. 1 push him to the Yan group."

Ye Yao said softly to Chu Li, "This is also an explanation from above, and they should withdraw."

Chu Li took a look at Ye Yao and said coldly, "Whatever."

For him, he doesn't care about anyone except Lan Zifu.

"Then please tell No. 1 to send the painting frame and those three people to the Yan Group."

Ye Yao said to Jun Nieyu. Jun Nieyu took a look at Chu Li and said, "Yes."

After saying that, Jun Nieyu sent a message to No.1. Ye Yao looked at it and thought for a moment, walked to the outside aisle, and then dialed Ye Geng's phone. In less than three seconds, the phone was connected, and Ye Geng and Mr. Lan appeared on the screen.

"How are you doing over there, children? Zifu, are you all right?

Mr. Lan immediately asked Ye Yao.

"Zifu, it's okay."

Ye Yao hesitated for a moment, did not say that Lan Zifu was falling asleep, and then immediately changed the topic and said, "I have something to tell Uncle Ye."

"What's the matter?"

Ye Geng asked.

"No. 1 took down the coating frame, and he will send people to the Yan Group later, and there are three others. Uncle Ye, I think you'd better send some people to pick it up."

Ye Yao said to Ye Geng. Ye Geng and Mr. Lan were shocked when they heard him and said almost at the same time, "Do you think all three of them have been found?"

"Yes, but it's all in the container. In case, No. 1 and Yasha have not moved the container randomly. Uncle Ye, you'd better send someone to pick it up."

Ye Yao responded.

"Okay, I'll do it immediately!"

Ye Geng got up after saying that. Mr. Lan looked at Ye Yao and asked, "Is there something wrong with her? Ye Yao, tell me honestly?"

Ye Yao looked at Mr. Lan, sighed, and said with some reservations, "Grandpa Lan. Zifu is indeed a little uncomfortable, but Fu Yinghuan is checking her, so she can't talk to you now. Chu Li is accompanying her, and Xiaotian and Xiaolan are resting. If you want to talk to them, I can wake up the two little guys.

"No, as long as everything is fine. Tell Chu Li that he must protect the Zifu girl."

Mr. Lan said in a low voice to Ye Yao. Ye Yao nodded, then turned off the call and walked back to the laboratory.

"I really didn't expect that they could really find it!"

Mr. Lan looked at Ye Geng's sinking voice. Ye Geng had already walked to the door and heard Mr. Lan's sigh. He couldn't help slowing down and looked back at Mr. Lan, "Lao Lan, am I going to hand over someone over?"

When Mr. Lan listened to his words, he couldn't help frowning deeply and said for a long time, "Lao Ye, the times have changed. Maybe the children can give a different ending. Let's let go and see them do it."


Ye Geng said hard and then opened the door.

On the side of country A, Eugene saw that the person who walked into the ward was Keen, who he wanted to find but couldn't find before. He instantly darkened his face and said, "Kien, have you finally appeared!"

"Mr. Eugen, I know you're looking for me, so I'm here."

Keane said to Eugene with a smile.

"It's coming!"

Eugen stared at Keane with hatred, "Come to see my joke!" Keane Doug! You played a good play with Nan Xingzhuo!"

"Life is like a play, Mr. Eugen."

Keane smiled and then said, "But you don't have to be too angry. I disappeared to do something before. I think you will be interested."

With that, Keane nodded to Nan Xingzhuo, and then took out a document and put it in front of Eugen. Eugen hesitated for a moment and took the document. When he saw the above content, his expression was immediately shocked.

"What do you mean?!"

Eugen looked at Keane and Nan Xingzhuo. The movement of turning over the documents became more and more open, and the shock in his eyes became more and more intense. Finally, his whole body froze.