Spirit Breaks the World

Chapter 2 Tragedy

The hall was brightly lit, and two people stood in the middle of the hall. One was an old man with white hair and a blue robe, and the other was a tall man with heroic appearance in his eyebrows, just like Hai Lao and Lei Kang. Lei Kang held his fists and bowed to Hai Lao, slightly apologetically, "Hai Lao, I'm really sorry that many people have been offended."

Hai Lao was slightly stunned, and immediately smiled bitterly, held his fists and said, "Where?"

Lei Can looked at Hai Lao, and his face with a slight smile suddenly became serious and said, "Hai Lao, to make a long story short, the reason for inviting you to come this time has been clearly written in the letter. I don't know what you mean."

Hai Lao lowered his head, thought for a while, and then said indifferently, "Yes, but there is a requirement."

Hearing Hai Lao's answer, Lei Kang's body trembled slightly, and a trace of joy appeared in his eyes. In fact, Hai Lao did not agree, and Lei Kang has always been uncertain. After all, Hai Lao is the authority of Guluo City. His hidden spiritual strength and the sacred profession of spiritual teacher are enough to be proud of the heroes. It's unknown, so when he heard that Mr. Hai agreed to his request, Lei Can suddenly became ecstatic, but after all, it was not the time to be happy, so Lei Can forcibly suppressed his emotions in his heart, stretched out his right palm and waved it, and said, "I don't know what do you always have any orders?"

"In fact, it's nothing. I heard that there is a night plum in your Lei's house. If the patriarch Lei can bear the pain and give up his love, everything will be fine." Lei Gang smiled at the beginning, but when he heard that Hai Lao wanted the night plum, his face stiffened, and his expression became serious. Looking at the change of Lei Gang's expression, Hai Lao did not react much. On the contrary, he stood quietly and stared at Lei Gang with dark eyes. It is no wonder that Night Plum, which blooms in 50 years and bears fruit in 50 years, is an elixir that can improve mental strength. Although it is useless for most people, it is very useful for spiritualists, because in order to improve the level of spiritualists, you must first improve your spiritual strength, and Black Night Plum has this magical function, so Mr. Hai Lao wants it so much. Although this night Mei has no effect on the Lei family itself, it is sought after by many spiritual teachers, resulting in its own value. As long as it is sold, the Lei family can get a huge wealth and get unprecedented development, so it is not something that Lei Gang wants to give.

Lei Kung frowned, lowered his head and thought about it. Then he raised his head as if he had made up his mind, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "It's a deal."

Hearing this answer, Hai Lao's eyes narrowed slightly, and an arc appeared at the corners of his mouth, showing joy. Obviously, Lei Gan chose the latter on the issue of wealth and friendship with him, which made him very satisfied. Mr. Hai touched his beard and said, "Then please lead the way."

When Lei Gang just wanted to spread out his right hand to lead the way, suddenly there was a sound at the door of the hall, and then a person broke into the door. Lei Gang and Hai Lao were slightly stunned. When they saw clearly, it was a bloody wooden wind. Lei Gang's body suddenly trembled, and his toes suddenly jumped like a flying soul, almost like an electric light. He flashed straight to Mu Feng and came to Mu Feng in a moment. He stretched out his right hand to support Mu Feng and asked eagerly, "What's the matter, Mu Feng."

"Go, something happened to Linger, come on." Mu Feng covered the wound with his right hand, with pain on his face, and his voice was slightly hoarse.

"But, you" Lei Can seemed slightly hesitant.

"Don't worry about me, come on, come on." Looking at Lei Gan without any action, Mu Feng pressed the pain and stretched out his right hand to push Lei Gan. Lei Kang bit his teeth, stamped his toes on the ground, and disappeared in the hall like smoke.

All this came too suddenly. Looking at Lei gang's disappearing figure, Hai Lao came to his senses from surprise. Although it is not clear what happened, Jiang is still old and spicy. Hai Lao realized the seriousness of the problem and immediately ran over to support Mu Feng and said, "Wood housekeeper, what happened." Mr. Hai, let's talk about this next time. Can you help me to the bedroom? Hai Lao knew that Mu Feng did not intend to tell him the question, and he didn't ask much. He just nodded and helped Mu Feng walk towards the bedroom...

Mufeng opened the door, and the bedroom was simply arranged. Except for a few pots of green plants, there were only tables and chairs. In the middle of the bedroom stood a man in his 30s. He looked dull and kept staring at the front, holding a baby in his left hand, covering his chest with his right hand, and a trace of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth. The stain seems to have suffered a serious internal injury, and the man is Lei Quan. Looking at Lei Gang's appearance, Mu Feng and Hai Lao's bodies trembled violently. The former immediately ran to Lei Gang, and the latter was shocked: Lei Gang was a strong man in the realm of king-level spiritual power. He was injured. What happened?

Mu Feng stretched out his hand to help Lei Gan, but a blue flame suddenly appeared on Lei Gan's body and hit Mu Feng, which suddenly shook the Mu Feng. Suddenly, Mu Feng hit the wall like a broken kite. "Oh" screamed, fell to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spewed out, which seemed to be very embarrassed. Mufeng covered his chest with his right hand and got up from the ground with difficulty. His face looked very ugly. He finally stood up straight, but his right foot slipped and his body tilted forward. Just as he was about to fall down, a hand suddenly stopped his waist. Mu Feng raised his head and saw that it was Lei Gan. Before he could speak, he suddenly felt a fever. After entering the body, the body became relaxed for a moment, and his face began to turn red. Mu Feng whispered, "Enough, A Kong, I can heal myself." Hearing this, Lei Gang withdrew his right hand and turned around. His face was a little pale. His dark eyes looked deeply at the baby in his arms. He gritted his teeth and seemed to make up his mind, saying, "Hai Lao, please help my son make a spiritual lesson."

At this time, Hai Lao, who had been standing aside, heard this sentence. Although he still didn't know the context, he still nodded. So he went to Lei Gang's side, looked at the baby in Lei Gang's arms, and secretly said: This son's bones are average, and he can also know how difficult it is. Forget it's for the sake of the night plum, let's test it carefully. . Hai Lao took a breath, and his face became serious. He stretched out his right index finger. Suddenly, a yellow flame appeared, wrapped around his index finger, and then raised his left hand and drew a few strokes in the air. Suddenly, the temperature of the whole room dropped a lot. His right index finger slowly placed on the baby's forehead, a spiral cold airflow. Wrapped around Hai Lao's index finger, where the cold air flowed, the water vapor in the air condensed into drops of water dripping from the sky, and then Hai Lao slowly closed his eyes. As Hai Lao's eyes closed, the cold air flow also disappeared, and the whole room returned to its previous tranquility, but the only difference was that the flame on the index finger of Hai Lao's baby's forehead began to**, irregularly spraying around. As time passed minute by, Hai Lao's originally closed eyes suddenly opened, with a wrong face. He looked at the baby in Lei's arms with a stunned expression and muttered, "Born with no body? How can it be, how can it be that such a person really exists in the world."

Looking at Hai Lao's appearance, Lei Wan felt that something was wrong and hurriedly asked, "Hai Lao, what's going on? What are my son's attributes? Hai Lao didn't seem to hear Lei Can's words. He kept staring at the baby in Lei Can's arms and answered faintly with surprise on his face.

"What?" Lei ang looked at Hai Lao with a doubtful face and asked, "What do you mean?"

Hai Lao shook his head, sighed, and said, "It's just that there is no attribute." Lei Gang's mouth opened unconsciously, his teeth trembled, and his dark eyes looked straight at Hai Lao, and his voice was slightly sad: "Does this mean that my son can't cultivate spiritual power?"

"Well", although Lei Kang already knew the answer, his body stiffened instantly when he heard the answer. He felt a current passing through his body, and his head seemed to have been knocked by a stick, and he was suddenly stunned. It took a long time to spit out a sentence: "Wide off."

"Huh" Hai Lao raised his head slightly and looked at Lei Can in surprise. Then the blue veins on his face were exposed, and his beard floated with his exhalation and said angrily, "What did you just say?"

Feeling that the atmosphere had become wrong, Mu Feng hurriedly held his fists and said, "Hai Lao, don't be angry. The patriarch has no intention of rushing guests, but recently there have been many troubles in the clan, which need to be dealt with urgently. If you have been offended, please forgive me. You'd better go back first, and Heiyemei will be sent to your house later." Mr. Hai's face softened slightly, and he brushed his sleeves with a cold hum. No wonder, after all, he is a four-grade spiritual teacher. This identity will be respected everywhere, but after coming to the Lei family, he was humiliated one after another. How can this not make him angry?

Looking at Hai Lao's gradually disappearing figure, Mu Feng took a long breath and turned his head and said, "A gang, how can you talk to Hai Lao like this..." Before Mu Feng finished speaking, a column of blood spewed out of Lei Kang's mouth, and then Lei Kang's body fell back. Mu Feng's face changed greatly. As soon as his toes stamped the ground, he ran straight over, but the distance was too far away, and all this happened in the lightning and stone fire. Before Mu Feng was halfway, Lei Kang's body fell down. Half of it, Mu Feng's face suddenly turned pale. He knew that Lei Can't restrain any stimulation in his current state, otherwise he would die. Looking at Lei Gang's body about to be close to the ground, but there was nothing he could do. Suddenly, there was a tingling in his heart. His right hand inadvertently stretched out and shouted, "No." Suddenly, a dark shadow jumped behind him and ran like lightning to the place where Lei Gang was, just holding Lei Gang. Mu Feng slowed down, and his dark eyes were mixed with doubts and staring at the man in black. When he saw the person clearly, Mu Feng was stunned, and then a trace of surprise appeared on his face and blurted out: "Big patriarch."