Spirit Breaks the World

Chapter 9 Unexpected

Looking at the other party's so arrogant, Bai Lin was so angry that she raised her eyebrows and sneered. She stood in front of Lei Han. Her jade hand twitched around her waist and eight knives appeared. Bai Lin's face was cold, and the knife in her hand glowed blue, and she threw it fiercely at the big man who rushed in.

With a "oops", a big man fell to the ground, followed by people falling to the ground one after another. Some people saw that they wanted to take a detour from behind Bai Lin at this moment, but before they could do it, they were hit by a sudden knife...

The knife was like a part of Bai Lin's body, completely according to Bai Lin's instructions. Before long, more than a dozen big men fell to the ground. Lin Yan and Lei Han on the side looked at it, the more surprised they became. The former sighed: When did Bai Lin become so powerful? The latter shook his head and thought: Although he had always known that Xiaolin was very powerful, he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Lin Yan didn't want to run away, but his self-esteem didn't allow him to do so. He thought for a while, seemed to think of something with a cunning smile, and smiled, "Lei Han, you really only hide behind women." Lei Han's body trembled, his fists became tighter and tighter, and his eyes became sharp. He said angrily, "Who said I would only hide behind women?"

As soon as he saw that this plan worked, Lin Yan immediately used the method of excitement and laughed: "Isn't it?"

The blue veins appeared on Lei Han's face, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Looking at Lei Han's appearance, Lin Yan stretched out his fist to Lei Han, thumb down and sneered: "If you have the courage to do one-on-one, I'll give you three punches."

"Good" Lei Han agreed without hesitation.

Hearing Lei Han's answer, Bai Lin suddenly became anxious and quickly pulled Lei Han and persuaded him, "Brother Lei Han, calm down and don't be fooled by him." Lei Han looked at Bai Lin affectionately with a smile: "Don't worry, Xiaolin, I'll be fine." Immediately took Bai Lin's hand away and resolutely walked in the direction of Lin Yan...

Lei Han also knows that he may only be majestic for a while. After all, according to his strength, he is not Lin Yan's opponent at all, and he doesn't want to fight, but a man's dignity does not allow him to do this. Especially in front of the person he loves the most, he can't be a shrinking turtle. This is the only one who has been named waste for so many years. The self-esteem left behind.

Lin Yan looked disdainful, stretched out his food pointing and turned up, then gently touched his chest and said, "Come and hit me, let you have three punches." Lei Han gritted his teeth, clenched his fist, and his eyes spewed extreme anger. He stepped forward and punched Lin Yan's chest. However, as soon as his fist touched Lin Yan's chest, he suddenly felt a reaction force pushing him. Suddenly, he 'sprayed'. Lei Han flew out of thin air, and a stream of blood flowed out of his mouth and fell two feet away. Hahaha..." Lin Yan pointed to Lei Han and laughed. Bai Lin hurried to help Lei Han and asked eagerly, "Brother Lei Han, are you all right?" Lei Han wiped the blood stains on his mouth, covered his chest, and squeezed out a smile: "I'm fine"

Hearing this, Bai Lin's hanging heart suddenly calmed down and her face darkened. She turned around to teach Lin Yan a lesson, but was pulled by Lei Han. Lei Han said, "Let me solve my own affairs by myself."

"But you're like this now." "Don't worry, I'm fine." ......

Lei Han walked to Lin Yan step by step: "Continue."

Lin Yan shrugged his shoulders and laughed: "I'm most afraid that you dare not."

Lei Han exhaled, closed his eyes slightly, slowly gathered the spiritual power on his body, and suddenly opened his eyes and patted forward, exhausting his strength. But Lin Yan had nothing to do. On the contrary, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his expression showed contempt. At this time, Lei Han's face was not good, his lips became blue and purple, and sweat constantly oozed from his forehead. Although he hit Lin Yan, the spiritual power on Lin Yan's body shocked Lei Han. Lei Han had no choice but to stop. After all, if it goes on like this, his meridians may be cut off and he will really become a waste. When Lei Han withdrew his hand, a dark energy suddenly came from behind and pushed him. Lei Han's fist rushed to Lin Yan's chest again as if he was out of control. As soon as he saw Lei Han take action again, a cold smile appeared on Lin Yan's face, but his smile just appeared but solidified. Lin Yan's eyes suddenly shrank, and his originally ruddy face gradually became pale, and then became gray. His eyes were slightly bulging. His hands covered his chest, and his body slowly tilted to the ground...

Everyone present was stunned by this sudden change. Not only was Bai Lin stunned, but also Lei Han was surprised. He turned his head in surprise to see who helped him, but when he turned around, he only saw Bai Lin and some onlookers with a stunned face. He felt something was wrong, and he turned his head again. I wanted to see Lin Yan's condition, but Lin Yan fell to the ground without moving. At this time, a figure jumped out and appeared beside Lin Yan. Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Lin Yan's family general. I don't know when he woke up. The family raised Lin Yan with an anxious face, put his hand on Lin Yan's chest, and kept inputting Lin Yan into Lin Yan's body. It seemed that he was treating Lin Yan. For a long time, the family would raise his head, with a ferocious face and a slightly hoarse voice with murderous eyes. Extremely angry, he said in a low voice, "You bastard, you killed my young master."

Hearing this sentence, the whole audience was in an uproar, and no one could imagine the result. Lei Han's body stiffened and felt a sound blowing in his ear. In this flash, Lei Han was stunned.

"Gan back my young master's life." Lin Yan's family seemed to be out of control and rushed to Lei Han angrily. This move was so sudden that no one could react. At this time, Bai Lin's face was pale and she came to her senses first and exclaimed, "Brother Lei Han, be careful." Lei Han suddenly came to his senses and just wanted to prepare for defense, but all this was too late. The family also rushed to Lei Han and slapped Lei Han fiercely, trying to take Lei Han's life to avenge his young master. But the general's hand stopped when it approached Lei Han's body. I don't know when there was another person beside Lei Han. He grabbed the general's hand with one hand, his face darkened, and the other hand patted forward. Suddenly, the family general was like a broken kite, flying out of thin air, falling five meters away, spitting blood, and looking very ugly. Uncle Mu" Lei Han was shocked when he saw the people beside him.

Mu Feng smiled, touched Lei Han's head, and smiled, "Lei Han, are you all right?"

Lei Han lowered his head and whispered, "I'm fine, but..."

"Don't be careful, everything has me." Seeing Lei Han's hesitation, Mu Feng smiled and then turned around. His face suddenly changed, and his eyes were like cold electricity, staring at the general five meters away.

The family will get up from the ground with difficulty, cover his chest, and angrily, "Mu Feng, don't think that your Lei family can cover the sky with one hand. If you kill my young master, our Lin family will definitely take revenge."

"I didn't kill it." Lei Han's face appeared with panic and said anxiously.

As soon as they heard this sentence, the family burned with anger, exposed their blue veins, gritted their teeth and gritted their teeth and said, "It's not that you killed anyone else. Everyone present saw that you killed my young master. You still want to do this. Today, you have to sacrifice your blood to my young master's spirit in heaven." As soon as the words fell, the figure of the general shook, like a flying soul rushing to Lei Han. Mu Feng's face darkened and said indifferently, "What a big breath, how dare you play the axe in front of me." Immediately, his toes jumped, like a flash of lightning appeared in front of the general. The family was shocked and was slapped away by the palm of the wooden wind before he could react, falling directly on the ground ten feet away.

The family spit blood and seemed to have suffered serious internal injuries. They looked at Lei Han, Mu Feng and others viciously and said angrily, "This matter will not be like this." As soon as he finished speaking, he ran out. Mu Feng looked at the fleeing figure of the Lin family, frowned and looked full of things on his mind.

In Lei Han's hall, "parch, what do you think you should do now? Lei Han killed the young master of the Lin family, and the Lin family will definitely not give up." An old man in a blue robe, about 60 or 70 years old, asked eagerly. Lei Gan stood with his hands behind his back and looked solemn. He kept looking at the scenery outside the window and waved his hand and said indifferently, "Lei Mu, don't be so nervous. I have my own opinion."

Leimu hesitated and said, "But this situation is serious, which may trigger a struggle between the two ethnic groups. We..."

"Lei Mu, don't worry so much. It's just the Lin family. I don't believe he can make our Lei family. Don't be so timid." The voice was also an old man about 60 or 70 years old, wearing a tight blue suit, narrow eyes, yellow face, plump face, slightly wrinkled, and a goat-like white beard. Lei Yue, don't bully people too much. I haven't been afraid of anyone in Guluo City. Lei Mu's face was slightly unhappy, and his eyes kept glared at Lei Yue.

Hearing the quarrel between the two, Lei Gang sighed and shook his head. Just as he was about to make a sound, suddenly there was a rapid footsteps outside the door, and then the knock on the door came. The attention of the three people in the hall were coincidentally concentrated at the door of the hall. "Come in" Lei Gang took the lead. With a click, the door was opened. I saw a middle-aged man in plain clothes who was about 40 years old. As soon as Lei Han saw him, he asked, "Mu Feng, what's the matter?"

Mufeng looked a little ugly and said, "The Lin family is coming..."

This was undoubtedly like a thunder, which exploded fiercely in the ears of the three people present in vain. They knew that the Lin family would take action, but they didn't expect it to be so fast. Just as everyone was still worried about this matter, suddenly "hahaha..." A burst of laughter broke the silence of the room, and everyone looked up at the laughing man in surprise. Lei Cang looked relaxed and smiled.

Everyone was surprised. Lei Mu asked inexplicably, "Pearer, why are you laughing here now that the enemy is in front of you?"