Spirit Breaks the World

Chapter 14 Fighting for Hate

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..." The old man said lightly, but the gray airflow between his hands was entangled, and the breath of death surged out of his body and filled the air, and the whole mountain was suddenly surrounded by the breath of death.

Sweat kept oozing from Mr. Su's forehead, his fists were clenched, and the tip of his nails had penetrated into the flesh. He wanted to suddenly jump up and flashed behind the mysterious old man and seriously injured him with a palm. However, his body moved, he found that his body seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall. It seemed that the old man deliberately used the breath from his body to form an invisible wall. It blocked his way.

"Four, three, two" the old voice was still chanting. Su Lao jumped and appeared in the place where Lei gang fell to the ground. He picked up Lei and immediately said angrily to the old man, "Don't think it's about this. One day you will die tragically." After saying that, he disappeared in the back mountain like smoke.

Lei Han raised his head slightly, as if it had been hit by lightning, and rushed forward and howled wildly: "Go back to my father."

But it's too late, and Mr. Su has disappeared. The old man glanced at Mufeng coldly and said coldly, "Do you still want to fight with me?"

Mu Feng's heart was hairy. When he was about to leave, he seemed to remember something. He turned around and ran to Bai Yuan to help him up. He immediately slapped Lin Potian's life in the direction of Lin Potian. After that, he suddenly jumped up and disappeared on the back mountain,

All this old man saw it, but he had no intention of stopping it. Instead, he looked at it with great interest until Mufeng disappeared on the back mountain before turning around and looking at Lei Han. Lei Han looked dull, knelt on the ground, grabbed his hair with both hands, and muttered, "Give me back my father, give it back to my father."

The old man looked at Lei Han silently and said coldly, "You are endless. If something happens, you will only cry. You are a waste."

Lei Han's body shook, and his slightly low head suddenly raised. He saw that the beautiful and tender little face had now become ferocious and horrible. His clear dark eyes had turned blood red at this time, and his eyes burned with furious flames. He looked at the old man, and his teeth trembled and asked, "Why didn't you kill them? ?" The tone is mixed with a trace of murder.

The old man sneered and asked in a joking tone, "Why did I kill them? They just killed your father, not my father."

"But why did you save me?"

"Didn't I say that? I will come to repay your kindness. I will save you this time, and now everyone will not delay.

Lei Han shook his head with tears and said, "Why didn't you come earlier, then my father won't die."

The old man looked at Lei Han and sneered, "Who said I was late? I've been here early."

"What" Lei Han's body suddenly trembled and asked in disbelief, "You mean you've always been here?"

The old man said indifferently, "Yes, including seeing your father killed by them."

Lei Han unconsciously stepped back a few steps, clenched his fist and asked in a low voice, "Why didn't you come to save my father?"

The old man sneered and said, "Didn't I say that? The life and death of others is none of my business. I'm just giving it back to you.

"Damn" Lei Han heard this, his face suddenly looked ferocious and rushed to kill the old man at all costs. Seeing this, the old man showed a sneer, punched Lei Han and stepped on Lei Han with his right foot.

"Why, why? Obviously, you didn't save my father here, otherwise my father wouldn't have died. I'm going to kill you and kill you. Lei Han lay on the ground, clenched his fist and hit the ground, looking at the old man viciously and said angrily.

After hearing this, the old man's face darkened, slightly unhappy, and said coldly, "Kill me? Hahaha, this is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Now that I have saved you, you have come to kill me. You know, I have nothing to do with you. Why did I come to save you? If the whole thing is going to be strange, it's your fault. If you are not stupid enough to believe in your little shady and be cheated, your father will not die because of it. If you have the ability to protect yourself, your father will not struggle with others to save you. With his strength, you can have escaped long ago. If you have the ability to protect your father, your father will not die. If you don't have the ability, you will only be weird if something happens. Waste is waste. You just weird here. I'm leaving." The old man raised his feet and turned around to leave.

A voice came from behind him, "Wait a minute." The old man stopped and turned his head unhappily and said coldly, "Are you still trying to kill me? You don't have this ability yet."

Lei Han stood up with difficulty, clenched his fist, and his dark eyes burned with angry flames, but the obvious goal was not to the old man and said, "You're right. It's all my fault. If I hadn't been too weak, this wouldn't have happened." With that, Lei Han suddenly knelt on the ground, held his fists and said, "Please take me as an apprentice. I will definitely practice well."

The old man was slightly surprised and immediately looked up to the sky and laughed: "Do you want me to take you as an apprentice? Don't be delusional. I won't accept apprentices anymore. You'd better get out of here." Ray

After hearing this, Han knocked on the ground and made a noise. A trace of blood flowed from his forehead and said, "Please accept me as an apprentice. As long as you accept me as an apprentice, I will do whatever you want me to do."

"Can you do anything?" The old man's eyes turned around, and there was a curvature at the corners of his mouth as if he thought of something, and said with a joking mood, "It's not impossible for me to accept you as an apprentice, but?"

"But what, what do you want?" Lei Han asked eagerly.

"Come with me first." As soon as the voice fell, before Lei Han could react, the old man picked up Lei Han with one hand, jumped toes, and ran to the distance like a wild goose. The old man carried Lei Han, which was really as fast as lightning. The rugged mountain road was like a flat road at the foot of the old man, and the road was unimpeded. Lei Han was held in the hands of the old man. Along the way, he heard the sound of the wind and felt that his face and ears were a little tingling by the wind. The mountains and oceans, forests and weeds almost passed away in front of his eyes. Like the speed of light, like a meteor in the sky, in a blink of an eye, they have reached thousands of miles away.

The old man threw down Lei Han with one hand and said coldly, "It has arrived." Lei Han was shocked and kept looking around and asked, "Where is this?" The old man sneered and said, "Mountain of Beasts"

If the people in the Chuyun Empire hear these three words, they will definitely tremble with fear, but for the people of Guluo City, who have long been abandoned and isolated by the Chuyun Empire, these three words seem so strange. Wan Beast Mountain, as the name implies, is that there are tens of thousands of monsters here, and each monster is extremely fierce. Moreover, Wanshou Mountain is located in a very remote area, which can't even be illuminated by sunlight. It is covered by fog all year round, so the four seasons here are dark and light.

Lei Han asked, "Why did you bring me here?" The old man sneered: "Didn't you say you wanted to be my apprentice? There is a chance for you now." What opportunity?" Lei Han was overjoyed and asked eagerly. The old man narrowed his eyes, showed a trace of joking in his eyebrows, and said slowly, "As long as you can survive on this beast mountain for two months and kill a monster on this longevity mountain, I will take you as an apprentice." Lei Han clenched his fist and showed perseverance in his eyes.

The old man was a little stunned and immediately looked at Lei Han with a surprised eye. He didn't expect Lei Han to agree so quickly. This was unexpected. He should know that the monsters that can survive in this mountain of beasts are not idle people. They are fierce beasts. Although he wants to survive here, he should be very careful, otherwise he will lose. It has become a long-lasting hatred, but this is also limited to him now. If his strength is still at the peak of the past, this beast mountain is really not worth mentioning in his eyes. Nevertheless, for Lei Han, who is still in the spiritual realm of spiritual power, to survive in this mountain of beasts for two months is undoubtedly to seek his own death, let alone kill a monster. The reason why the old man said this was undoubtedly to scare off Lei Han, but he neglected two points. One is that the people of Guluo City have been isolated from the world for generations and have never heard the name of Wanbei Mountain, let alone fear it. The other is Lei Han's hatred that he ignored. Although Lei Han knew that Wanbei Mountain was extremely dangerous, Lei Han would still Agree to this condition, because at this moment, there is nothing that can stop Lei Han from his determination to revenge.

After a long time, the old man withdrew his eyes, expressionless and smiled faintly: "Then I will watch the play." As soon as the words fell, his body shook and disappeared on the mountain of beasts. Lei Han looked at the direction of the old man's disappearance, clenched his fist and muttered, "Wait for me, my father's hatred must be repaid with your blood." ......