Spirit Breaks the World

Chapter 41 Beginning of Swordsmanship

The stars in the sky are shining, and a crescent moon hangs halfway up the mountain. The moon in the air shines diagonally on a wooden house on the ground. The wooden house is simple and rough, and there is a hole the size of a fist on the roof. The cold wind passes by and sounds the wind of "huh..." Let people know at a glance that this wooden house is just built casually.

not far in front of the wooden house, a dark shadow leaped in the air, sometimes slowly, sometimes slowly, dragons and phoenixes danced, and suddenly the sky was full of figures. At this time, it was late and dark everywhere. In addition, the dark shadow leaped very fast and looked like a flying soul, so it was difficult for people to see the man's face clearly, but from his dress, it could be faintly known that he was a 17 or 18-year-old teenager in plain clothes.

The moonlight moved north, and the purple moonlight shone on the teenager. The teenager held a sharp sword about one meter long in his hand, and his sword body sparkled with a little light. He just waved gently and flashed cold light. Not only was the sword spirit compelling, but the strength of the sword also caused a sword wind. Although the sword wind is not strong, if you see the words to the bright eyes, you will be surprised, because there is still a trace of sword strength hidden in the sword wind. And the sword strength is not the general sword strength, but the legendary strength. You know, any swordsman dreams of becoming the legendary sword emperor in his life. But it is not easy to become a sword emperor. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many young talents have sought to become the sword emperor, but in the end, how many people shook their heads and sighed with hatred.

Over the past thousand years, there have been only three sword emperors in the world. From this, you can see how difficult it is to become a sword emperor. In fact, if you want to reach the legendary sword emperor level, the person must have three things, one is domineering, the other is the power, and the third is the source of the heart. These three things are indispensable. But these three things are not so easy to get. First of all, take domineering as an example. Everyone will have domineering at birth, but it does not mean that everyone can trigger their own domineering, because it is not easy to cause domineering from birth. It must have a big machine, which requires not only time, but also land. It takes people to trigger it. Therefore, some people may not be able to attract the domineering in their lifetime. In contrast, it is more difficult to cultivate absolute strength. Unlike domineering, it does not come with human birth. It can only be cultivated by talent and acquired efforts and hard work. And how to cultivate the source of the heart in the end is even more difficult for all the swordsmen today. Because so far, except for the three legendary sword emperors, I'm afraid no one knows how to cultivate the source of the heart. But these three sword emperors have become ancient, and the cultivation of the heart has become an unsolved mystery, and many highly talented people have to stop here in the end. But even if you have these three things, no one knows whether you can become a sword emperor in the end, because the road to becoming a sword emperor is a hundred times more difficult than expected, and no one can predict the final result.

And what the shadow has just exerted is absolute strength. But the shadow didn't seem to know how powerful the sword wind he had just made. Instead, he shook his head and complained about how he made it so bad, so he danced the sword again. His sword was light and unpredictable. His left palm and right sword suddenly came out of the sword. Under the palm of his palm, the tip of the sword had come, and the sharp sword was magical in his hand. He kept switching the trend of the sharp sword in his hand, cutting, stabbing, blocking, sweeping and other sword moves.

At this time, the sky is getting brighter, the fog is shrouded, the morning beads are dripping, the grass is green, and a ray of sunshine shines on the dark shadow, shining all parts of his body clearly, so that people can finally see the face of this person. I only saw that this person has an ordinary appearance and an average figure, which is not very special. Even if he is placed in the crowd, it is difficult to be recognized, and it is difficult for such a person to attract the attention of others. This person is Lei Han, but even a very ordinary person like him also attracts people's attention, that is, his eyes with a trace of firm belief are a pair of dark eyes as quiet as the sky, moving like the universe, deep and firm.

At this time, his face was pale, and bean-sized sweat flowed out of his forehead, dripping on the ground and turning into a wisp of smoke rising up. Unconsciously, Lei Han has been practicing all day, and his physical strength and spirit have fallen into a state of extreme lack. At this time, he should have stopped practicing, sat down and took a rest to replenish his energy. But he did not do this, but desperately. He stamped the ground with his toes, rose vertically, and swept out a sword in the air, like a white practice, swept over. Then a sword next to a sword, stabbing like rain, and suddenly the shadow of the sword flew all over the sky.

Suddenly, a hot feeling surged into his heart. Lei Han felt that there was a turbulent flame in Dantian, constantly flowing around, and he couldn't help but be happy. Lei Han knew that he was the most important and dangerous step in practicing crystal swordsmanship at this time. I remember that Grandpa once told him that the fastest way to cultivate spiritual power is to face a desperate situation, or when you are exhausted, because these two times are the easiest time to break through your limits. If you can break through your limits at these two times, your spiritual realm will rise to a higher level, but if you can't break through this barrier, your future practice will also stop.

After Lei Han remembered some of Grandpa's words, a terrible idea came to his mind for some reason. He guessed: Hasn't my spiritual power been sealed by Grandpa? If I can break through my limits under this exhausted conditions and maybe break the seal imposed on me by Grandpa, then I can use spiritual power in the future, and may directly trigger the underworld power on me, then my revenge plan can also succeed.

Thinking of this, Lei Han clenched his fist and decided to take risks. Now Lei Han is quite a gamble. If he can break through this barrier, his crystal swordsmanship can be completed. At the same time, he can also restore his spiritual power. But if he can't break through this barrier, Lei Han doesn't know when he will have a chance to improve. At this moment, Lei Han's heart is very heavy, and every sword dance is with incomparable determination. With the passage of time, whenever Lei Han's eyebrows appear in the practice of crystal swordsmanship, there will be a slight change in his eyes. Sometimes it actually ripples, like Qingming, but his heart is confused by the progress of practice; sometimes it seems to be thorough, but there is too much pain; sometimes it is like indifferent, but with a strong hatred, and now, It added a touch of relief and surprise.

"Ah." Lei Han suddenly shouted and felt a familiar energy gushing out of his body. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and said happily, "It's spiritual power. I feel it's spiritual power. It finally appeared." But before he was happy, his chest suddenly stung, and he felt an unprecedented energy suddenly appeared in his body. That energy seemed to gradually distort the spiritual power gushing from Lei Han's body and gradually swallow them up. Within a few minutes, only 1% of the original spiritual power gushed out of Lei Han's body. Lei Han's face was full of fear, and bean-sized sweat dripped from his forehead. He felt that there was little spiritual power left in his body. An unprecedented fear emerged in his heart, and an idea came to his mind: That power must be a underworld fire. What is it doing? Do you want to absorb all my spiritual power?

At the thought of losing his spiritual power and changing back to his former waste, he not only could not revenge, but also did not have the ability to protect himself. The scene of being bullied in Guluo City before appeared in front of him like a slide. Seeing this, Lei Han was anxious and his lips were purple. He couldn't help shouting, "No, don't suck away my spiritual power. No, I don't want to become that waste again." Lei Han tried his best to protect the spiritual power in his body, but the underworld power in his body seemed to be like a bottomless abyss, gradually devouring the spiritual power in Lei Han's body.

Lei Han felt that his spiritual power was gradually weakening, so he gritted his teeth like something, his face darkened, and he shouted coldly: "I will never let the long-lost spiritual power disappear from my body again, and I don't want to die." As soon as the words fell, Lei Han bit his lips, and a trace of blood flowed out of Lei Han's mouth. The blood stains were bright red, staining Lei Han's whole lips. Lei Han smiled faintly, and his vague consciousness began to wake up. Immediately, the speed and strength of the sword dance were strengthened. It turned out that Lei Han just bit his lips in order to clear his mind with pain. After all, at this moment, he is extremely weak in both mentally and physically. The only thing he can do now is to keep his mind clear and let himself stick to it, otherwise there will be nothing to support him. West, and all this will be over.

Lei Han danced the snow-clothed sword and kept playing the crystal swordsmanship. The moves were unpredictable, fast and slow, the sword light flashed, and the strength of the sword caused a huge strong wind and rushed around. Although Lei Han was extremely willing to protect the last remaining spiritual power, contrary to others, the spiritual power in his body was not preserved, but gradually disappeared. Lei Han gritted his teeth and said wildly, "Damn, why, why, give me hope and take my hope away. God, you are too cruel. I hate you, I hate you." A sad howling resounded through the sky. Lei Han slowed down the speed of sword dance. When the spiritual power in his body was finally close to zero, Lei Han closed his eyes and waited for the moment when the spiritual power disappeared. But things did not go as he thought. When he thought that his spiritual power was about to disappear, a strong spiritual power suddenly gushed out of his body, flowing from his chest through the veins and veins of his body. Suddenly, Lei Han felt a hundred times more energetic, his body was extremely comfortable, and his fatigue and hunger suddenly disappeared. Lei Han was overjoyed. The snow sword was placed at his waist, and his body turned around like a windmill. The snow sword in Lei Han's hand glowed blue, and the cold light flashed, forming countless sword strength and air knives to scrape around. With a bang, a small ditch was formed in five miles around Lei Han.

Lei Han quietly fell to the ground, with an unprecedented smile on his face. The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes. He muttered, "Finally succeeded. Not only has the spiritual power recovered, but also finally achieved crystal swordsmanship. Now there is hope for revenge. Mu Feng, wait, I will soon I'm back." After saying that, I felt black in front of my eyes, and my body collapsed, and I fell to the ground...

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