Spirit Breaks the World

Chapter 50 Real Illusion

"What, you cracked my illusion from the beginning." Shen Rulong couldn't help but be stunned with a slightly surprised expression, but after thinking for a while, his face darkened and resolutely said, "It's impossible. The people who fell into my illusion can't tell which are realistic and which are illusory at all. Even if you know that these are illusions, you can't make those phantom attacks created by me so fearlessly. You should know that as long as you have a trace of worry in your heart that you will be hurt, then my illusion can infinitely magnify the fear in your heart, and you will also cause great harm because of your fear. In this way, you can't have nothing to do. How can you be so fearless after my illusion? Shen Rulong said, with more and more doubts on his face.

Lei Han raised his snow sword and put it flat on his chest, and the flame in his hand was churning. He looked at Shen Rulong faintly, with a smile on his face and said indifferently, "Let me tell you, the key is here." Lei Han finished speaking and slowly pointed to his chest with his left hand.

Shen Rulong looked in the direction pointed by Lei Han, but he only saw the snow sword surrounded by flames in Lei Han's hand. After that, he didn't find anything. He couldn't help asking doubtfully, "What do you want to say? Do you think all this is due to the snow sword? Shen Rulong's monk was puzzled, but immediately as if he remembered something, his body was full of shock, and he said confidently, "Can you already communicate with the martial soul in the snow sword, and then the martial soul tells you these scenes in front of you It's all fake. Are they all illusions? Impossible, although you can communicate with the martial soul of the snow sword, and it is impossible to crack my illusion. Although the snow sword is also a good sword, it has not been formed for a long time, and the formed martial soul cannot have such high wisdom. It is even more difficult to crack my illusion.

"Don't speculate. All this is not the credit of the snow sword, but this." Lei Han said, clenched his fist, and the flame that had been covering the snow sword suddenly expanded a lot, and the sparks were shining brightly. Shen Rulong was slightly stunned and showed doubt. Immediately, the corners of his eyes turned up, and his inspiration flashed and blurted out, "Is it..."

Lei Han said, "Yes, the key is the flame on the snow sword. At the beginning, I knew that you would definitely use illusions to deal with me. Although it was my first time to fight with people who knew illusions, if I guess correctly, illusions are just a kind of hypnosis that affects people's brain waves, so I put my feelings on the flames. You may not know that my grandfather once told me that no matter how strong a person is, as long as you move a little, there will be a trace of air flow around you. It is difficult for human beings to detect this weak air change. But the flame on the snow sword is different. As long as there is a slight change in air, the direction of the flame on the sword will change a little. When fighting, as long as I keep observing the direction of the flame of the snow sword, I can know whether those scenes are hallucinations. So from the beginning, I knew that those scenes were hallucinations, but I didn't expose them. Instead, I deliberately pretended to be confused by your illusions, hoping that this would paralyze your vision and then make a surprise attack. For this reason, I injected too much spiritual power into the snow sword at the beginning, hoping that I could give you a heavy blow in the end, but I didn't expect you to be so cautious that you blocked my attack at once.

Shen Rulong showed a solemn expression on his face, and his dark eyes stared at Lei Han. It took him a long time to say a sentence: "To tell the truth, you are really a real genius. You can find this method to deal with my illusion at once. To be honest, it's really a pleasure to fight with you.

"I think so too. It's really interesting to fight with you. You are the strongest opponent I have ever met. Although I am defeated by my opponents every time, I gradually become stronger every time. I am confident that even if I meet previous opponents, I can easily defeat them. All this is thanks to you. To be honest, I thank you very much." Lei Han smiled and immediately darkened his face and said, "But I won't let you because of this. Next, let's fight." After saying that, Lei Han put away the flame covering the snow sword, and only slightly injected a little spiritual power into the snow sword.

Shen Rulong asked, "What's the matter? Why do you put away the flame on the snow sword? Don't you want to win or lose? He hastily put away the flame, and if he hit my illusion, it would be terrible. Or do you know that you can't beat me? Was it just a quarrel?

Lei Han smiled and said, "I didn't give up, but I don't want to waste too much spiritual power. I injected too much spiritual power into the snow sword before. Although I can avoid your illusion every time I attack you, it consumes too much. If it goes on, I will definitely lose, so I decided to put away the flame of the snow sword, or Fight with you like this."

"Take away the flame of the snow sword, so what can you do to avoid my illusion?" Shen Rulong asked.

Lei Han raised his right hand and the back of his hand was facing Shen Rulong. A smile appeared on the corners of his mouth and said, "As soon as this" fell, Lei Han clenched his fist, and the flame in his hand suddenly expanded several times, and Mars shot everywhere.

Shen Rulong nodded: "So, take the flame in your hand as the steering wheel, which not only reduces the consumption of spiritual power, but also can rush the condensed spiritual power into the snow sword at a critical moment, so that it can give the opponent a heavy blow. Yes, it's a good idea. Come on, let's have a decisive battle." Shen Rulong said, his face darkened, turning his sword into an awe-inspiring sword.

Lei Han gave a "sw" sound, and the snow sword suddenly came out, and his body suddenly jumped like lightning, stabbing Shen Rulong's chest. With a flash of cold light, the snow sword suddenly came. Shen Rulong's face was cold and he attacked, "touched", his sword fingers touched each other, and sparks rose everywhere.

Lei Han smiled at the corners of his mouth, turned his body sideways, abandoned the snow sword, cut to Shen Rulong's body, and punched Shen Rulong in the chest. Shen Rulong's face was pale, and his chest was indeed hit by Lei Han, and a trace of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

When Lei Han thought he had won, suddenly there was a finger behind him. Lei Han was shocked, turned his head and found that there was also a Shen Rulong standing behind him, and his face was suddenly stunned.

Shen Rulong said with a cold face, "Actually, you can't be blamed. You haven't seen a real illusion. The real illusion can materialize the illusion." After saying that, Shen Rulong's finger behind him gently touched, and Lei Han felt a shock in his chest and fainted.

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