Spirit Breaks the World

Chapter 54 Dilemma

Lei Han clenched his fist and waited intently, and suddenly a strong breath gushed out of Lei Han's body. Lei Han shouted, and an orange flame floated on Lei Han's forehead. Lei Han's hands were angry, and a pair of quiet eyes looked at Mu Feng and said coldly, "Let's start"

Mu Feng looked at Lei Han's changes and was a little surprised, but he soon recovered his composure, and a sneer appeared on the corners of his mouth: "Lei Han, I haven't seen you for a while, and my strength has progressed a lot. If this speed of progress is maintained, it will definitely defeat me in time. Unfortunately, you have met me now. Do you think I will let go of a person who may kill me in the future? As soon as Mu Feng's voice fell, his face darkened, and his toes stamped the ground, like a phantom, straight to Lei Han. As soon as he took action, he used his whole body's spiritual power. His moves were fierce and vicious. He wanted to clean up Lei Han with a single blow. Seeing this, Lei Han moved his toes slightly, flashed Mu Feng's attack, and then flashed behind Mu Feng and punched him. He thought that this punch would definitely hit Mu Feng. Unexpectedly, Mu Feng's body shook and disappeared in front of Lei Han's eyes. Lei Han threw himself into the air and immediately turned his sideways. His eyes were like cold electricity. He looked around warily to prevent the sudden attack of the wooden wind.

But after a while, he still didn't see any movement of Mufeng. Lei Han looked around and did not find any trace of Mufeng. Lei Han was even more suspicious and thought: Why did Mu Feng disappear? Why did he hide from me? With his strength, he didn't have to be afraid of me at all. Is it impossible for him to leave? With his strength, he doesn't have to be afraid of me at all.

Lei Han thought about it, but the monk was still confused and always didn't know the intention of Mufeng. He carefully walked to the corner, next to the wall, with his eyes like cold electricity, looking around the front. Although no trace of Mufeng was found, Lei Han did not relax because of this. Although he did not find the trace of Mufeng or feel the breath of Mufeng, he had an inexplicable feeling. This feeling told him that Mufeng did not leave him, but kept wandering around, but Lei Han just couldn't find Mufeng. After thinking about it, Lei Han felt that the only explanation was that Mu Feng was now hiding in an extremely secret place, staring at himself like a hunter catching prey. As long as he was a little relaxed, Mu Feng rushed like a lion catching a deer.

Knowing Mu Feng's intention, Lei Han will not take any action to let Mu Feng do whatever he wants. He thought for a while, took a breath, raised his hands on his chest, as if he was ready to go to war. The flame in his hand began to** and gradually became irregular, constantly spraying around. Lei Han looked around and said slowly, "Come out, Mu Feng, I know you've been here all the time." After a while, Lei Han saw that Mu Feng did not respond, and then said, "Oh, Mu Feng. To be honest, I used to admire you very much and thought you were great. But I really didn't expect that you would only do these dirty things. Aren't you very strong? He not only framed me for killing Lin Yan, but also planned to kill my father. You dare to do such a thing, why don't you dare to come out and fight with me?"

In the dark, the shadow showed a sneer and muttered, "Hahaha... Lei Han, have you forgotten that I used to be your father's military division? This little trick also wants to provoke me..."

Before the shadow voice was finished, Lei Han's face was cold and he punched in the direction of the sound. His action was as fast as lightning, without any hesitation. Lei Han punched his right and formed a huge fireball with a strong wind, "hoo..." and hit the direction of making a sound. With a touch, the ground was blown up with a big hole and gravel.

Seeing this, Lei Han's face was cold and he didn't feel anything. His orange eyes had been staring at the place where the hole had been blown up. Suddenly, he frowned, and the flame in his hand soared even more fiercely.

"Hee hee..., very disappointed, Lei Han. Jiang is still old and spicy. You think I didn't know you were deliberately trying to lead me to talk so that you could find my location. Unfortunately, I have known your purpose for a long time. I just changed the direction of the sound a little, and you are too busy to attack and think you have succeeded. It's really funny.

Lei Han smiled faintly: "I've never thought so?"

"Who are you lying to?"

"Mufeng, don't forget that I have lived with you since I was a child. Don't I know your strength and wisdom? I'm just doing this to confirm a little bit."

"Oh, are you sure of something? That's interesting. So what do you want to be sure? Is it my position or something else?

Lei Han said indifferently, "You don't need to know this, but I found something very interesting when I was sure. That's why I finally know why you hid instead of attacking me directly. It turned out that you were afraid of me becoming this state. Because even you don't know if you can win and become me in this state. Right, Mufeng"

Mufeng was silent.

"It seems that I guessed right" Lei Han smiled at the corners of his mouth.

"Indeed, I'm not sure to win you in this state, but don't think you can beat me in this way. Because you can't find me at all, let alone defeat me. Hahaha... Although your attack power is obviously dozens of times stronger than usual in this state. However, if I guess correctly, if you keep this state, you will also consume a lot of energy. So as long as I spend time with you and wait until your spiritual power is exhausted, I will come out to destroy you, so that I can destroy you without any effort.

Lei Han's face was cold, and the smile on his face dissipated. His orange eyes looked around silently and said indifferently, "Then let's try it."

As time went by, Lei Han's fists became tighter and tighter, and cold sweat kept flowing from his forehead to the ground. This is an endurance race

, the only thing Lei Han can do now is to spend time with Mu Feng. Whether he is the first to find Mu Feng's position and then fight with him, or Mu Feng comes out to kill him after his spiritual power is exhausted, which is still unknown.

Outside the study, Shen Xueye wandered at the door of the study, turned to one end, and then turned to the other end, reading, "Why haven't you come out after going in for so long?"

Suddenly, "Ah..." came out with a scream. Shen Xueye's body stiffened, his eyes looked at the position of the study, and his heart hung up. Without saying anything, he hurriedly ran in the direction of the study...

[It's not easy for a novice to write a book. I hope you can support it. Please click and collect it. Your every move will change a person's life. I hope you can comment more on this novel and give me a chance to correct it and make your writing more outstanding]