Spirit Breaks the World

Chapter 59 Helpless

Under the blue sky, there are continuous green trees. All kinds of unknown wild flowers are blooming in the jungle, blooming with gorgeous colors like clouds.

This is an endless grassland with fluffy green grass, which goes straight to the sky with the continuous ups and downs of the terrain, like laying a thick blanket on the earth. A simple wooden house stands resolutely in the middle of this grassland. In the wooden house, a teenager lay on the wood**. His body cringed into a ball, and the quilt on his body just covered Lei Han's body. A cold wind blew, and the teenager's body trembled and woke up. He shivered, covered his shoulders with his hands, and looked at the holes around the wooden house. The cold wind entered the wooden house from the holes. He couldn't help but be angry. His teeth were trembling and he said angrily, "Damn it. Is there anyone living here?"

"Of course there are people living here, otherwise you wouldn't have slept here." A figure came in and laughed.

"Alas, two knives. To be honest, I really don't understand why you can sleep so soundly in such an environment. Lei Han looked at the figure who came in and said.

Two knives yawned and said, "Is the environment here very bad? Why don't I think so? Just take a little bit. It's okay to have a tile to cover your head, and you still dislike so much. It's really a blessing that you don't know happiness.

"Do you have it?" Lei Han couldn't help but be stunned and asked, "This is also a blessing in a blessing. Then I slept in the guest room before. That's not heaven. Lei Han shook his head helplessly and missed the good time when he slept in the guest room. He sighed in his heart and muttered, "Damn, why am I so unhumbled to meet her?"

Five hours ago, Lei Han was eating in the kitchen. When he was eating deliciously, a scream suddenly came not far away, which attracted the attention of Lei Han and Shen Xueye. Without saying a word, Lei Han put down the rice bowl in his hand, stamped his toes on the ground, and ran in the direction of the sound like lightning. However, a trace of hesitation flashed on Shen Xueye's face and his body trembled a little. When he saw Lei Han running to the place where the sound came from, he just wanted to make a sound to stop it, but Lei Han could not see him and couldn't help scream. Then he ran out.

Lei Han gave a "sw" and came to the place where the scream came. There were weeds everywhere, the breeze was blowing, and the weeds were laughing and bending down. In front of Lei Han is a huge lake. The lake is clear to the bottom. The twinkling stars in the night sky and the light of the moon hanging in mid-air shine on the lake, sparkling. Lei Han looked around, but there was no trace of a person. He couldn't help but wonder: Why is there no one? I heard someone screaming just now, but I didn't see anyone when I came. Did I hear it wrong? No, it's impossible. Snowy night also heard it. Lei Han looked at the lake and found that the water on the lake was rippling. He thought for a moment and thought: There must be someone here just now. Who is that person? Why did he hide it? Could it be doing something invisible? No, I must find him out.

When Lei Han thought of this, he still felt that he looked around. When he first took a step, "hissing..." Lei Han found a slight sound from a grass ball not far away, and his face suddenly became heavy. His face darkened, and his eyes slanted in the direction of the grass. He faintly saw a shadow shaking, a smile on the corners of his mouth, and then pretended to wander around as if nothing had happened.

After wandering around casually, Lei Han said loudly, "Did I hear it wrong? Forget it, ignore it. I'd better go back." After saying that, Lei Han turned around and walked towards the kitchen, but when he went to the dark place, he immediately hid in the grass and quietly observed the grass. But the grass ball didn't seem to respond. Lei Han stayed there and watched quietly. After about a minute or two, Lei Han couldn't help thinking, was it true that I was wrong? There was no one in the grass ball. After a while, just as Lei Han was about to go back, the grass mass had a slight **. "Hee" Lei Han raised his eyebrows, smiled secretly in his heart, and muttered, "As expected, the dark shadow really thought I was gone, so he relaxed his vigilance." Lei Han thought of this and immediately walked along the opposite side of the grass ball. After a big circle, he gradually walked into the grass.

As he was getting closer and closer to the grass ball, Lei Han's heart hung up and thought to himself: Who is the dark shadow in the grass pile? It's sneaky and certainly not a good person. I ignore it and deal with it carefully. Thinking of this, Lei Han clenched his fist, and a blue flame suddenly wrapped around his fist.

Less than five meters away from the grass ball, Lei Han crossed his heart, strode to the meteor, and ran to the grass ball. Lei Han pulled away the weeds of the grass with one hand, and the flame in his hand suddenly wanted to hit the shadow, but when he saw the appearance of the shadow, he was stunned, and a spring light appeared in front of him. A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl hid in the grass and spread a head of green silk, like a smooth dark cloud, with red lips and white teeth. She did not wear any clothes on her body, revealing her flawless skin, which looked very touching. As soon as the girl was stunned when she saw Lei Han, she covered her chest and shouted, "A pervert." As soon as the words fell, a bright red palm print suddenly appeared on Lei Han's face.

Lei Han came to his senses, immediately covered his eyes and said urgently, "Shen Lin, I didn't mean to. I really didn't expect that it was you inside."

"Turn around, turn around quickly." Shen Lin picked up the clothes next to him and covered it in front of his chest and shouted.

After hearing this, Lei Han immediately turned around and said, "I really didn't mean to. Believe me, I really didn't mean to." There was no reaction later. Lei Han suddenly doubted and thought: Why is there no reaction later? Did something happen to Shen Lin? When Lei Han thought of this, he was anxious and wanted to turn his head slightly. "Don't turn your head" came. Lei Han was shocked and hurriedly straightened his head.

After a while, Lei Han asked, "Have you dressed yet?" There was still a silence later, and Lei Han couldn't help but suspect: "What's the matter? There is no sound at all. Did Shen Lin leave? No, with Shen Lin's personality, she won't let me go so easily. Could it be..." Suddenly, a sense of crisis surged into his heart. Lei Han couldn't help but be energetic and muttered, "Is it possible that she is..."

Before Lei Han finished thinking about it, the "Let's die" came. Lei Han only felt a chill in his back and was shocked. Fortunately, thanks to his preparation, he stamped on the ground and suddenly jumped up to avoid Shen Lin's fierce blow.

[It's not easy for a novice to write a book. I hope you can support it. Please click and collect it. Your every move will change a person's life. I hope you can comment more on this novel and give me a chance to correct this novel and make my writing more outstanding]