Spirit Breaks the World

Chapter 138 Crossing the Sea

"Bafeit, you, you" Lei Han forcibly suppressed the pain in his heart and barely recovered from the pain. His orange eyes have turned back to the previous dark, and his body has returned to normal from the previous grid battle mode. His face was pale and weak, but his eyes were full of firmness. He gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and said coldly, "Don't pretend anymore. People like you won't understand why I did this at all."

"To be honest, I really don't understand why you know that resistance will only suffer more cruel harm and persist, but you are wrong. It's not that people like me don't understand, because I'm not a human at all, so I don't understand why you do this." Ba Feit shook his head, expressionless, and his face was full of endless indifference, and said slowly.

Lei Han covered his chest, smiled coldly after hearing Ba Feit's words, and continued, "Sure enough, beasts can't understand our human emotions at all. Today, I can only be unlucky when I die here." When Lei Han said this, there was endless sadness and helplessness in his voice, and he seemed to feel extremely sad that he could not avenge his blood.

"Kid, do you know that you talked to me like that just now, but it's not enough to die 10,000 times?" When Bafet said this, his face suddenly sank, and there was a cold chill on his body. He stared at Lei Han coldly and said gloomily, "Kid, how are you going to die? Make your own decision." As soon as Ba Feite's voice fell, he stamped on the ground with his toes, and his body jumped up in the air. Like a cheetah, he ran in the direction of Lei Han.

Lei Han gritted his teeth and gathered together. He tried to adjust the spiritual power on his body, but the injury on his body was extremely serious and he couldn't be angry at all. Seeing that Dofet was coming, he had nothing to do. Thinking of this, Lei Han's heart was cold, and the feeling of despair kept pouring out in his heart. Previously, no matter how Lei Han gave up, it was also a plan of power delay, in order to paralyze the other party's sight so that he could escape from the opponent's hand. But until now, Lei Han finally felt complete helplessness, and the feeling of despair rippled in his heart.

Just when Lei Han felt hopeless, a miracle happened. Lei Han's hands actually glowed with a faint yellow light, and then the yellow light gradually became shining, covering Lei Han's body. Ba Feite attacked and couldn't help but feel alert in his heart, but the arrow was on the string. Ba Feite didn't pay much attention to his belief that he could not create any high-intensity moves with Lei Han's strength at all, so he didn't think about it, kept hitting Lei Han's chest fiercely.

The roar only heard a loud noise, and the two figures flew out to both sides.

Baffert's body twisted in the air, and then his toes kicked twice in a row in the air, buffering his body's inertia and then quietly fell to the ground. However, what was very surprising was that there was a trace of blood on the corners of Bafert's mouth. It's really unexpected that Feth is so powerful that he was hurt by the yellow light.

On the contrary, Lei Han's body flew up in the air like a broken kite, and then fell down at the highest point. A mouthful of blood spit out from the corners of his mouth and dyed the whole world red.

"How is that possible?" Ba Feit gritted his teeth, with a trace of puzzlement on his face, and muttered, "Kid, what kind of magic have you used? How can you hurt me with your strength? This is absolutely impossible."

Lei Han covered his chest and got up from the ground with difficulty, and his face also showed a puzzled look. He thought to himself: Why does my body have that yellow light? What the hell happened? Not only did this surprise Ba Feit, but also Lei Han felt very strange. He thought for a while, as if he remembered something. The corners of his eyes raised slightly and muttered, "Yes, I know why."

Lei Han remembered that when he practiced with Erdaozi, Erdaozi once injected something into Lei Han's body, saying that he could save his life when he was in danger. However, when he fought with Lin Yan that time, it had no effect at all, so Lei Han forgot that he had this for a long time ago. Now it seems that it is two The thing entered by the knife has worked, but the second knife also told himself that this thing can only be used once, and it will not work next time. That is to say, if Ba Feit attacks next time, Lei Han will die. Although this was the case, when Lei Han's eyes fell on Ba Feit, he saw the shock on Ba Feit's face and suddenly flashed an idea and came up with a plan in his mind. He knew that although the move just now did not seriously injure Bafeit, Bafeit was already in awe. It was because of this psychology that Lei Han felt that there was still a glimmer of life.

"Hahahaha..." Lei Han suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, with a faint smile on his face. Seeing this, Ba Feite suddenly had doubts in his heart. His blood-red eyes stared at Lei Han coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "Kid, what are you laughing at? What's so funny?"

"Hahahaha............" Lei Han still kept laughing and ignored Feth at all. When Ba Feit saw that Lei Han didn't pay attention to himself, his face suddenly sank, and there was a cold chill on his body. He said coldly, "Kid, I'll ask you again, what on earth are you laughing at? Answer me quickly, or I want you to die."

"Fait, who are you scaring?" Lei Han lowered his head, looked at Ba Fet coldly, and said gloomily, "If you could do it, you would have done it long ago. If I hadn't guessed anything wrong, you would still be afraid of the move I just used. That's why you didn't take action late. That's right.

Ba Feth heard the expression behind him, and a blood-red eye stared coldly at Lei Han, and an unprecedented murderous atmosphere surged out of his body. He clenched his fist slightly, and a hand suddenly stretched out. He pointed to Lei Han and said coldly, "Kid, do you think I will be afraid of you? No kidding. Who do you think I am? There will be no more than five people who want to beat me in this world. Do you think you are one of them?

"Bfet, don't pretend anymore. If you are not afraid, why don't you attack immediately? You have to talk nonsense to me for so long. If you have the courage, come up immediately. Don't talk nonsense. Lei Han said provocatively, in fact, Lei Han has no idea in his heart, because that move can no longer be used. If Bafat comes to attack at this time, the result will only be a dead end. So he absolutely wants to make Ba Feit afraid, so that he will not attack. But how can we make Ba Feite afraid? This is also a difficult thing. Lei Hansi thought about it, but he still had to overwhelm Feth in momentum. If you give in, you will be known by Bafeit and further attack yourself. Thinking of this, Lei Han clenched his teeth and planned to adopt psychological warfare, constantly oppressing Ba Feite in his words, deliberately provoking Ba Feite and let him attack him, so that Ba Feite felt something was wrong and dared not attack him.

Sure enough, when he saw Lei Han desperately trying to attack Lei Han, he suddenly became suspicious. He stood up straight and his suspicious eyes fell on Lei Han. While observing Lei Han, he thought to himself, "Why does this boy want me to attack him all the way? Damn it. I'm afraid of fraud. If I attack him and that kind of move comes out again, it will be a big deal. If it hadn't been for my hard skin to block his move last time, I believe I would have died a long time ago. Damn it, I was shocked that a little hidden boy would contain such powerful moves. It seems that it's better to be careful, otherwise you don't know what's going on when you die.

When Bafert thought of this, he became alert, looked at Lei Han coldly, and said slowly, "Kid, your fierce fighting method is useless to me. Let me tell you, although I don't know why your body contains such a powerful move, it has no effect on me. I was accidentally hurt by your move just now, but I won't do it next time. Because I can use all my strength in the next attack, which is enough energy to make you die more than 10,000 times. If I were you, I wouldn't have struggled and suffer this death obediently. Because in this way, you won't feel any pain, boy, am I right?" When Bafert said this, the corners of his mouth tilted slightly up, showing a cold smile.

After hearing this, Lei Han also had an arc on his face, and his eyes did not turn. He looked straight at Ba Feite and said coldly, "Ba Feite, you'd better stop alarmist. You know it's useless. Because I didn't understand a word you said. The current situation is very clear to everyone. You are afraid that I will use that move, so you have been asking me to commit suicide all the way, telling you that I will not commit suicide. Or you can solve it with me. Otherwise, I'll count three times. If you don't attack me again, I'll have to go. One, "

"Two..." Lei Han slowly counted. He knew that he could not be anxious, because if he was anxious, he might be known by Bafat that he had no bottom in his heart. In this way, there was only one way to wait in front of Lei Han. So no matter how anxious Lei Han was, he still pretended to be cold on the surface. He sneered and said slowly, "Bafat, I'm about to count to three. Why don't you attack? If you don't attack, I'm really leaving. Three..."

As soon as the word "three" fell, Lei Han shrugged his shoulders, smiled coldly at Ba Feite, and immediately said, "Ba Feite, you won't attack yourself, so I'll leave." As soon as Lei Han finished speaking, he turned around and swaggered out.

Ba Feite watched Lei Han stay away from him step by step, and his heart suddenly became angry, but he was afraid that the move just now would appear again, so his body would suffer unprecedented damage. In fact, the strongest thing about Ba Feit lies in his solid body, fast behind him and his extremely powerful combat effectiveness. These three things are what Ba Feit is most proud of. However, although the strongest is these three things, the weakness is also in these three things. Although Bafert's body is extremely hard, it is also a hard layer of skin outside. If this layer of skin is broken, it is simply extremely weak, and it has also received a certain corrosion, so Bafert dares not attack again. Second, Lei Han walked in front of his eyes defenselessly, and there must be a universe inside. So he had to hold back his anger and let Lei Han leave in front of him.

On the contrary, although Lei Han walked lazily, he had already held a cold sweat in his heart and muttered in his heart, "Don't attack me, don't attack me..."

In a blink of an eye, Lei Han had disappeared from the sight of Ba Feth. At this time, Lei Han took a breath, but he did not dare to stay and immediately ran forward...