Spirit Breaks the World

Chapter 142 Yuan Kai

Time passed minute by. The bodyguard threw a pocket watch from his arms, opened the lid of the pocket watch and looked into the pocket watch. Immediately, a trace of displeasure appeared on his face and muttered, "Cut, why are you moving so slow?"

When Chen Zhigu heard the bodyguard say this, he immediately clenched his hands, bent his body, and then said respectfully, "chief bodyguard, don't be so anxious. You believe in the villain. I'm sure that the cloakman must still be in the restaurant, but I don't know where he is hiding. Please wait patiently. Our people can find him immediately, and there is anything else to explain to the shopkeeper.

After listening to Chen Zhigu's words, the bodyguard did not show any expression. On the contrary, his face was gloomy, and his dark eyes swept over the store'er. Seeing the calm appearance of the store's face, he immediately lowered his head and fell into meditation. After a while, the guards came back from different places and directions. The bodyguard embroidered with "Lin" on one shoulder knelt on one knee, bowed to the position of the chief bodyguard with fists in his hands, and said respectfully, "Report to the chief bodyguard, nothing has been found in the kitchen position."

The bodyguard waved his hand after hearing this. He said in a low voice, "Recede."

"Yes." Lin Shiwei stood up from the ground and retreated. When he retreated, another bodyguard came out. Seeing the bodyguard kneeling on one knee, he looked like the previous Lin bodyguard, and said respectfully, "Report to the bodyguard, there is nothing found in the toilet."

Hearing the bodyguard's answer, the corners of the bodyguard's eyes slightly raised, and there was a trace of consteration on his face, but he regained his composure in an instant. Then his dark eyes coldly moved from the bodyguard to the store's second. Seeing the relaxed face of the store's second, he suddenly sensed something. However, the chief bodyguard did not show any expression. Although he thought so in his heart, there was no evidence that he could not say anything. The bodyguard knew that although they were majestic on the surface, after all, they were just guards in the wooden house. To put it nicely, the Mu clan is one of the four major families in Guluo City, but everyone knows that the Mu clan is now only a dog in the hands of the Bailuo family, so other families have never regarded the Mu clan as one of the four major families, but due to the power of the Bailuo family, there is no objection, just private contempt Just look at them. Although this is the case, the people in the Mu clan don't think so. Maybe the people in the Mu clan have been strictly selected by Mufeng, and they have also personally experienced the guidance of Mufeng. Although the people outside are not optimistic about Mufeng, the people in the Mufu are all convinced of Mufeng and even regard Mufeng as gods. Kneeling, and believing that Mufeng will definitely lead Mufu into the strongest family in Guluo City. Therefore, although the Mu clan is the weakest family among various families, it is also the most moraleful family. It is also because of this that other families have developed a little defense against the Mu clan. The reason why the Mu clan is the weakest family among the families is that it is a new family with a weak foundation compared with other families. Because other families have taken root in Guluo City, they are far better than the Mu clan in many aspects. In addition, the Bailuo family is desperately oppressing the Mu clan, which does not allow the Mu clan to develop or the Mu clan to retreat. Therefore, although Mufeng has extremely strong morale, it can only be one of the last of the families. Mu Feng knew this truth well. Although he knew that the Bailuo family had bad intentions, he still relied on the Bailuo family and obeyed the orders of the Bailuo family. At the same time, Mufeng also ordered the people in the family not to offend any of the four families and kill those who disobey the order. And now this land is managed by one of the four families in Guluo City, the ancient clan. This is why the chief bodyguard dared not open and search the whole restaurant.

With the reports of the bodyguard one by one, the bodyguard heard the answer of "no discovery" until the last bodyguard stood back to his original position. The bodyguard's face suddenly turned black and his body became murderous.

"It's said that it's gone, and you don't believe it. Look, you can't find it now." The shopkeeper next to him said with a sneer.

Seeing this, Chen Zhigu gritted his teeth and clenched his fists and said angrily, "Don't think I didn't know you hid the cloakman. Hand it over quickly when you know it, or don't blame me for being cruel."

After hearing this, the shopkeeper was angry, gritted his teeth, patted the table with one hand, and said angrily, "Damn it, the villain will sue first. Haven't I asked you to compensate for the loss in our store? Don't think that you are from the wooden house and can be so rude. Let me tell you that this is the land of the ancient clan. It's not that you dogs can bark here. If you don't give an explanation today, you will be thought to leave so easily.

"What?" Chen Zhigu frowned, and the green roots appeared on his face. His face became much darker in an instant. His dark eyes only stared at the shopkeeper with a bloody red color and said coldly, "Don't you want to live?"

As soon as Chen Zhigu's voice fell, he suddenly "popped" and saw an unknown time when there was a scarlet palm print on Chen Zhigu's face. Chen Zhigu covered his face with astonishment. His eyes looked at the bodyguard beside him with surprise and puzzlement, and his body began to tremble.

When everyone came to their senses, they suddenly became surprised. Because the person who slapped Chen Zhigu in the face was none other than the chief bodyguard. Seeing this, not only the guards in the wooden house were very surprised, but also the shopkeeper was very surprised to see it.

"The bodyguard, you, how do you..." Chen Zhigu covered his face and pointed to the bodyguard with a trembling hand, with a puzzled look on his face and asked tremblingly.

"Have you had enough nonsense?" The bodyguard's cold face showed a murderous look. His dark eyes stared at Chen Zhigu with bursts of scarlet blood and said coldly, "Chen Zhigu, I still value you so much. You are so messing around that you can't even follow anyone. Now you are still shirking your responsibility. It's really losing the face of Mufu."

"That's not the case. The cloak man is really still here. Chief bodyguard, I'm not lying. I'm sure that the man is still here." Chen Zhigu hurriedly explained.

"Do you want me to punish you severely? You said that the man was still here, but I sent so many people to search here, but I couldn't even find anyone. Will that person evaporate from the world? It's obvious that you dare not say anything after losing people and talk nonsense, wasting the human and material resources of our wooden house. This crime is not serious. From now on, you will be removed from the identity of the wooden house guard and transferred back to be a fireman. Do you know?" The bodyguard said loudly.

"The chief bodyguard, it's wrong." Chen Zhigu was shocked and hurriedly pleaded for mercy.

"Do you also want me to deal with you?"

Chen Zhigu was shocked when he heard this and hurriedly stopped his words and dared not make a sound again. Seeing this, the bodyguard's face softened slightly. He turned around and held his fists in the shopkeeper and said slowly, "How offended you were just now. Please don't keep it in mind. I will discipline this dog slave when I go back. It's getting late. I'll leave first." As soon as the bodyguard finished speaking, he waved his hand and immediately turned around resolutely. He ignored the reaction of the store's second child and walked out in the direction of the door, and the guards behind him also followed him out...

After the bodyguard left the restaurant, he walked about ten meters. Chen Zhigu behind him gritted his teeth and couldn't calm down any longer. He hurriedly ran in the direction of the bodyguard from behind him, blocked in front of the bodyguard, held his fists with both hands, and knelt down on the ground with a bang, respectfully He said, "The bodyguard, you just believe the villain. The villain is really not lying. The cloak man is still in the restaurant. The villain can take his life as a protection. Please believe in the villain."

Seeing this, the bodyguard glanced back and said slowly, "Get up. In fact, I can also conclude that the cloak is in the restaurant."

"What?" Chen Zhigu couldn't help but be stunned and said puzzledly, "Guard, what are you talking about? You mean you know that the cloakman must be hiding in the restaurant?

"Ye." The bodyguard nodded and immediately said, "Get up. I'll tell you later. Find a place now." As soon as the bodyguard finished speaking, he ignored Chen Zhigu and strode forward............

Finally, he came to a corner. Chen Zhigu couldn't help but ask questions and eagerly asked, "Guard, what kind of medicine did you buy in the gourd?" What I said made my mind fuzzy.

"Chen Zhigu, you are too impulsive. Didn't you notice the expression of the second child in that store? It's so calm to see you search his hotel, so I know that he must have hidden the cloakman in a very secret place. No matter how we search, we can't search the cloakman. It turned out like this. So why are we wasting so much energy?

"The bodyguard, it's like this. You don't have to slap me in public and demote me." Chen Zhigu said aggrievedly.

The bodyguard smiled coldly and said indifferently, "Who called you so idiot? I didn't know that others had set up a trap for you to step on it, and you still stepped on it. After stepping on it, I still don't know what's wrong, and I'm still so arrogant. Have you forgotten that the Mu patriarch ordered us not to conflict with any of the four families at present? Otherwise, it will be a big deal. That's why I slapped you, hoping that this would stop the mouth of the second child in the store.

"The chief bodyguard, you are too worried. What can the second child of the store do?"

"Idiot, you have been guided by me so many times, but you still don't know. Let me tell you, the second child in that store is not an ordinary person.

"What? Not an ordinary person?" Chen Zhigu couldn't help asking with a trace of surprise on his face.

"Yes, do you think a shopkeeper can still be so calm when he sees so many of us searching his place?" The bodyguard sneered and said, looking at Chen Zhigu's expression, and immediately turned around. His dark eyes stared coldly at the restaurant not far away, with a trace of faint solemnity in his eyes, and then said slowly, "Do you think a small shopkeeper dares to fight back in the face of your domineering momentum? ? If I didn't guess correctly, the shopkeeper must have something to do with the cloak man. Chen Zhigu, please help me investigate the identity of the second child in that store. At the same time, you also send some people here to monitor the restaurant day and night, and report to me as soon as there is any movement. This time, take it as your contribution to make up for it. If there is any loss, don't go back to the Mu clan again, okay?

After hearing this, Chen Zhigu held his fists and said respectfully, "The little man is ordered." After he finished speaking, his toes were on the ground, and then his body shook and disappeared in front of the bodyguard. On the other hand, the bodyguard's face was gloomy, his eyes were like cold electricity, and he stared at the restaurant coldly and said coldly, "Although I don't know who you are?" What does it have to do with the Lei clan, but I, Yuan Kai, swear to heaven that I will not let you escape from my Five-Finger Mountain, otherwise I will no longer be a bodyguard and retreat from now on.