Spirit Breaks the World

Chapter 145 Each has a ghost

"Bai Hu, what's so proud of this? These things were all expected by the old man. In the whole Guluo City, the only thing I fear is the Lei family. Now that the Lei family has been beaten and retreated by us, I believe nothing can be done. In this way, as long as our Bailuo family recovers, the whole Guluo City will be us. Bai Yuan said with a faint smile on his face, as if he was winning.

Seeing the patriarch's happy appearance, Bai Hu couldn't help but flatter Bai Yuan and said, "All this is under the wise leadership of the patriarch that our Bailuo family can grow to this point. The wisdom and strength of the patriarch can be regarded as the first person in Guluo City. My admiration for the patriarch is like a continuous river; it is like the flood of the Yellow River, which is out of control..."

"All's done." Bai Yuan waved his hand and interrupted Bai Hu's words. He looked slightly unhappy and said coldly, "Bai Hu, how many times do you want me to say it? I'm not a mediocrity. Don't flatter me. Even if you slap me loudly, I won't respect you because of it. Instead, I despise you. I, Bai Yuan, have always paid attention to a person's ability rather than a person's mouth. As long as you have the ability, I will naturally promote you. Don't be obedient, okay?

After hearing this, Bai Hu hurriedly stopped his mouth, held his fists, bowed to Bai Yuan and said respectfully, "Yes, yes, patriarch, the villain will remember it and dare not sell his words again in the future."

Seeing that Bai Hu was so frightened, Bai Yuan sneered and immediately stood up from the throne and walked to Bai Hu's position step by step. After he came to Bai Hu, he patted Bai Hu on the shoulder with one hand and said earnestly, "Bai Hu, don't blame me for being so strict with you. In fact, as you know, I have worked hard for so many years to build the Bailuo family. But I only have one daughter, and she can't inherit my family property at all. I don't want the Wanshi foundation that I built with my own hands to be given to my daughter. If that's the case, I might as well hand over my family business to capable people, so I have observed the whole family for a long time and feel that you are the person with the most potential to replace me. Bai Yuan paused here, immediately looked at Bai Hu with dark eyes, and then asked, "I don't know if you mean that?"

Bai Hu's body suddenly stiffened, with a stunned expression on his face. When he came to his senses, an unprecedented joy suddenly covered Baihu's face. Bai Hu gritted his teeth and tried his best to suppress the joy in his heart, but his body did not obey his command. His hands kept trembling unconsciously and asked excitedly, "The clan, clan, patriarch, you, you, are you true?"

"Will I lie to you? I keep my word and keep my word. Can I lie to you? Bai Yuan was a little unhappy after hearing this, but the displeasure flashed by, and then the corners of his mouth turned slightly up, with a smile on his face, and said slowly.

Hearing Bai Yuan's affirmative answer, Bai Hu worshiped with great joy and said, "The kindness of the patriarch is like a rebirth of parents. In the future, what does the patriarch ask the villain to do? As long as there is a word, the villain will not hesitate to go up to the mountain of knives and go down the sea of fire."

Just as Bai Hu's body was about to bow down, Bai Yuan suddenly took action to help Bai Hu and said, "Bai Hu, don't be so happy first. Although I asked you to be the next patriarch, I have the conditions."

The corners of Baihu's eyes were slightly upturned, and a pair of dark eyes looked at Bai Yuan with this question. After a while, he asked, "Py patriarch, what's the condition?"

"You also know that although we are all members of the Bailuo family, there is no blood relationship between us. Do you think I will hand over the Bailuo family I have worked hard to build to a person who has nothing to do with me?" Bai Yuan said slowly. In fact, Bai Yuan's sentence just got to the point. People outside are not familiar with the Bailuo family, but blindly think that this family is very strange, because people born in this family should have the surname Bai for men and Luo for women, which makes many people feel very strange. In fact, the Bailuo family is much more complicated than they thought. Many people in the Bailuo family can be said to have nothing to do with it. If they insist that they have something to do with it, it can only be said that they have the same surname. This will be traced back to the establishment of the Bai Luo family hundreds of years ago. The Bailuo family was first combined by seven families. At that time, in order to resist the external strength, seven people with unique skills led their families to unite and love each other and fight against the enemy together. Although they finally repelled the enemy, the seven people knew that if they separated, no one could survive, so they finally decided to form a family. Because this is a new family, they decided to take a surname to represent them, so they finally decided that the male surname is Bai and the female surname is Luo, which is a strange family. Although they are close to each other, there is still a gap between them. Because the original status of these seven families was different from each other, some were superior nobles, and some were just some civilians. Although they finally united due to the situation, their own dignity still did not want to be in the same position as them. Therefore, in order to preserve their dignity, the seven families have never married within the clan, and most of them are married outside. In this way, although the Bailuo family is a family, in fact, they are divided into seven different small tribes, all of which are not convinced by each other. However, they also knew that such an outcome might lead to the destruction of the family, so they decided to elect a patriarch every ten years. As long as it is the order of the patriarch, their seven large and small tribes will obey. Therefore, although the Bailuo family seems to be very beautiful in front of outsiders, in fact, the interior has long been a mess.

Bai Hu thought for a while and immediately asked, "Py patriarch, what are the conditions?"

"To be the old man's son-in-law, then everything is yours." Bai Yuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a smile, and said slowly.

After hearing this, Bai Hu was stunned for a while. After thinking for a while, he immediately thought of something. He smiled faintly and said, "The patriarch is indeed the patriarch. He knows that the ten-year deadline is approaching. Although he finally laid the whole Guluo City for the Bailuo family, as soon as the deadline is reached, it is just a retirement for him in the end. Honor, that's nothing at all. In the Bailuo family, retired people will not get anything at all, even if they make great contributions. The reason why you want to do this is nothing more than to attract me and let me become your son-in-law, so your tribe can still have the current honor even after you abdicate, two birds with one stone.

"So I didn't misread you, and I can guess my thoughts so quickly. Bai Hu, you are indeed the person with the most potential to be the patriarch. How about you? If you are willing to be my son-in-law? As long as you are willing to speak, when I abdicated, I can recommend you to the elders of the tribes. You know, although I abdicated at that time, I still have a little authority. Bai Yuan looked at Bai Hu as he spoke, with a faint smile on his face, which seemed to be very confident.

"Psong, you should also know that people from the seven major tribes are against intra-ethnic marriage. Even if I am willing to be your son-in-law, I'm afraid my parents will oppose it." Bai Hu looked a little ready to move, but he immediately remembered something and looked a little hesitant. He gritted his teeth and said hesitantly, "I'm afraid I can't do the patriarch's business."

"Don't veto it so soon. I speak to you. You can figure it out in the future, and it's not too late to come back. Well, let's not talk about this now. Let's talk about important things. Bai Yuan's face suddenly changed when he said this, and he returned to his previous serious look. He said in a low voice, "In addition to the Lin and the ancients, do you have any news?"

Bai Hu also cleaned up his mood, and his face returned to his previous seriousness. He held his fists and said respectfully, "There is another news that I don't know whether to say or not."

"What's the news? Tell me."

"It was Mufu found a suspicious person this morning, but he disappeared after tracking a restaurant called Yuyun Qinlou. The people in Mufu suspected that the man was related to the Lei family, but there was no evidence, so the villain did not dare to say it."

"Suspicious people?" Bai Yuan turned his eyes around while reading these four words, and then his dark eyes looked at the scenery outside coldly. He suddenly turned around and said gloomily, "Bai Hu, how many times have I said it? No matter what happens, I should pay attention to everything. At this critical moment, I don't want to make any mistakes. From now on, you will assist Mufu to investigate that person. If you find anything suspicious, do it directly without the consent of the old man. Do you know?

Bai Hu nodded, but immediately remembered something and asked, "Py patriarch, in fact, the villain has always had a question. In fact, compared with other families, I think Mufu is more horrible, especially the Mufeng, who is as sinister and intelligent as the patriarch. The villain will never believe that he is willing to obey the orders of the patriarch. For such a horrible person, why does the patriarch keep him down?

"Bai Hu, you don't understand. Although Mufeng is extremely horrible, the gap between Mufu and the Bailuo family is so huge. No matter how smart he is, it is simply difficult to catch up with our Bailuo family in such a short time. What's more, with the tool of Mufu, we can let him help us do things. On the one's, we can destroy the enemy, and on the other, we can nourish our spirits, so I know that he is threatening but still refuse to destroy Mufu.

"The patriarch really has foresight, and I really admire him." After hearing Bai Yuan's answer, Bai Hu suddenly raised a wave of admiration and said respectfully.

"Baihu, you are still too tough. It will take some time to become like me, but don't worry. As long as you are willing to accept my advice, I can personally guide you. But I won't embarrass you. Then retreat first. I still have something to do. After saying that, Bai Yuan issued an eviction order.

After hearing this, Bai Hu nodded, turned around and walked over to the door of the study. When Bai Hu's figure slowly disappeared in front of Bai Yuan's eyes, the smile on Bai Yuan's face swept away, replaced by a gloomy face. He stared coldly at the figure that had long disappeared in the distance and muttered, "Stupid boy, you are still too tough. Do you think I will give up my hard-won imperial career?" After I finish the imperial career, the Bailuo family will no more exist, hahahahahaha..."