Spirit Breaks the World

Chapter 169 Alliance Generation

Time flies, three days passed so quickly, and it was time for the ancient people to discuss with the Lei family. At this time, it was a desolate hut a few days ago. At this time, it was already a new look. A huge row of four-cornered tables was placed in the middle of the hut. Several chairs are neatly arranged on both sides of the bench. The two teams sat opposite the table and were looking at each other.

A middle-aged man with his feet on the right side of the table, wearing black robes and eyebrows took the lead in saying, "Everyone is here, so let's stop wasting time. Let's start studying the battle plan now."

Directly opposite a 50-year-old middle-aged man in plain clothes with cold eyes shook his head and said lightly, "Gu patriarch, don't worry. Before studying the battle plan, we should talk about everything, otherwise it will be bad if it will cause conflicts when the battle is launched.

The patriarch nodded and smiled faintly. His dark eyes looked at Lei Hong with a trace of curiosity and said softly, "You are right. Although we have decided on the alliance, there are still many aspects that need to be clearly distinguished, otherwise everyone will break their heads in order to share the stolen goods, then It's not good."

"The ancient patriarch also said so, so I won't avoid it. Let's do it directly. Didn't we say before that if we take the land of the Bailuo family in the future, we will have four or six accounts? Now I want to change the agreement.

"What?" After hearing this, the ancient patriarch frowned slightly, and there was a trace of displeasure on his face. Then he said in a gloomy voice, "So how do you want to change now? Five-five or four-six accounts?"

When Lei Hong saw the expression of the ancient patriarch, there was a faint smile on his face. He immediately shook his head and said slowly, "Our Lei family doesn't want five or five accounts, nor six * four accounts."

Seeing Lei Hong's reversal of his language and still having such an unrelenting expression, the ancient patriarch suddenly became angry at this time. When he clenched his fist and was about to attack, he suddenly felt that the corners of his clothes were gently scratched. The ancient patriarch couldn't help feeling a trace of consternment. Out of physical instinct, he slowly looked underground. The corner of his clothes was being pulled by a hand at this time, and he looked in the direction of this hand and found that the man was his son, Gutian Road.

Seeing Gutian Road stop his action, Gu patriarch couldn't help feeling a little doubt, but seeing the expression on Gutian Lu's face, Gu patriarch could clearly know that Gu Tianlu wanted to make himself hold back. But how can this anger be unbearable? Previously, he blindly begged himself to agree to their alliance. Has the ancient patriarch successfully persuaded the stubborn people in the clan to listen to his opinions, but now the Lei family has gone back on its head. Doesn't this make him angry? But if you are really angry, the matter of the alliance will be put on hold for the time being. Although this did not affect his family, in this way, the prestige of the ancient patriarch will also be damaged, because the ancient patriarch himself intended to form an alliance with the Lei family, but now it has not been negotiated. How can the ancient patriarch rise in the family in the future? It is for this reason that the ancient patriarch was so angry.

"The ancient patriarch, don't be angry. You misunderstood me just now. Lei Hong smiled faintly and explained slowly.

"What do you mean? Do you want 70%, 80%, or 90%?" The ancient patriarch did not listen to Lei Hong's words at all, but became more angry and said coldly.

"Ancient patriarch, don't be angry. We have never thought about more shares at all. On the contrary, we have to make a step backwards, that is, if we take 70% of the land in the future, we only need 30%. What do you think?"

"What?" Hearing Lei Hong's words, not only the ancient patriarch was surprised, but even Gu Tian Road, who had been calm beside him, couldn't help but raise the corners of his eyes slightly, with a stunned expression on his face. The former couldn't help asking, "Lei Hong, what kind of medicine do you sell in the gourd?"

"What?" Lei Hong couldn't help but be stunned and immediately asked puzzled, "What did the ancient patriarch say?" How can you hurt my heart so much with my kindness? Well, can I still be so kind in the future?"

After hearing this, the ancient patriarch waved his hand and said coldly, "Lei Hong, don't play this with me. You and I know it well. Do you think I will believe that you will change the previous six * four accounts to seven or three accounts so kindly? Tell me, what kind of conspiracy do you have?"

"The ancient patriarch is indeed the ancient patriarch, and his knowledge is indeed so broad. As soon as I heard this sentence, I knew I had a purpose. Yes, I don't cover it. I have a purpose. As long as you agree to one of my requests, we can change it to seven or three accounts. What do you think? Lei Han's face became solemn and said lightly.

What are the conditions? Say it." The ancient patriarch asked coldly.

"It's very simple. If we start to fight with the Bailuo family, the grain and fodder of our Lei family will be transported by your ancient people in the future. As long as you are willing to agree to this condition, then we will get the land according to that rule in the future. What do you think? Lei Hong said.

Hearing Lei Hong's answer, the ancient patriarch frowned slightly, touched his chin, and immediately fell into meditation. Yes, although Lei Hong's conditions are more attractive, the price of requiring his own family to be responsible for the supply of food and fodder throughout the Lei family's war period is not clear. Because at that time, not only the Lei family had to eat, but also the ancient clan had to supply food and fodder. If so, the combined food of the two families can be said to be an astronomical figure. If the ancient people in the past may still have this ability, but now the ancient people have become weaker and weaker, and I don't know if they can afford this cost at all. Thinking of this, the ancient patriarch looked difficult. While the ancient patriarch was still in thought, he suddenly felt that someone was pulling his collar. The ancient patriarch turned his head and looked at Gutian Road beside him. At this time, Gutian Road's face was firm. He didn't know what he said in the ancient patriarch's ear, and after hearing this, his face suddenly turned from worry to joy. Seeing the expression of the ancient patriarch, Lei Hong's heart hung up and silently thought to himself: What on earth did Gu Tianlu say to the ancient patriarch? Why did the patriarch Gu show such a happy expression after hearing it? What on earth is he thinking?

After hearing this, the ancient patriarch immediately waved his hand, and the Gutian Road next to him also sat back to his original position. The ancient patriarch then smiled faintly at Lei Hong and said indifferently, "Well, it's a deal. Our ancient clan will be responsible for the food and fodder of the Lei family during the battle."

Hearing the answer of the ancient patriarch, although Lei Hong was a little doubtful, he still had more joy than worry. He suddenly stood up, held his fists, bowed to the ancient patriarch and said, "Then I, Lei Hong, on behalf of the Lei family, thank you for your ancient clan."

"Actually, we don't have to be so polite. Anyway, everyone can get what they want. Am I right? Lei Hong." The patriarch shook his head, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with a smile on his face, and then said slowly.

"You're absolutely right, ancient patriarch, we are about to form an alliance. Do we still need to be so polite? Hahahaha┉┉┉┉┉" Lei Hong said knowingly, with a happy smile on his face. He immediately remembered something and then said slowly, "It's getting late. We should also start discussing the battle plan against the Bai Luo family."

"Well, that's right. Let's start now." The ancient patriarch nodded and replied.

The two families also held a two-hour meeting. The meeting was very intense. Although there were three or four people present on both sides, only Lei Hong and the ancient patriarchs were really talking, and the others were just listening all the time. When necessary, they just said a few words of approval. /P>

"Well, if everyone has no objection, then our meeting is over, so that everyone can go back and prepare for it. Are you right?" The ancient patriarch stretched out and seemed to be very tired. He yawned and asked slowly.

"Well, it's time to say it. The purpose of the meeting has been completed, so it's time for us to leave." Lei Hong stood up, clenched his fists at the ancient patriarch, bowed slightly, and immediately said respectfully, "Then let's say goodbye. See you later." As Lei Hong's sound fell, a group of people beside Lei Hong also stood up, held their fists at the ancient people, and followed Lei Hong.

Looking at the gradually disappearing figure of the Lei family, the ancient patriarch raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a kind smile, turned around and looked at Gutian Road beside him, and said excitedly, "This meeting was very smooth, but the greatest credit should belong to you. You are smarter than your brother and me, and I have been approved in advance. I have prepared food and fodder. If it hadn't been for this, I wouldn't have dared to agree to the request of the Lei family. I will definitely reward you when I go back.

"Father, can you come with me?" Gutian Road did not show much expression after hearing this. On the contrary, he became very solemn and said slowly.

"Is there anything you can't say in public?" The ancient patriarch listened to Gutian Road and asked doubtfully.

Gutian Road's eyes tilted slightly towards the ancient people next door, as if they were saying that it was inconvenient for someone here. Seeing Gu Tianlu's expression, the patriarch knew that there must be something urgent, so he calmed down, nodded and said lightly, "Okay, I'll go with you." As soon as the words fell, the ancient patriarch also followed Gutian Road to the side.

After a while, there was a fierce quarrel, and after a while, the quarrel gradually became smaller. When the ancient patriarch and Gu Tian Road came back again, they saw that the ancient patriarch's previous excitement had already dissipated, but now his face was full of melancholy, as if he had something on his mind, with a heavy expression on his face. Seeing the appearance of the ancient patriarch, the people who followed the ancient patriarch couldn't help but feel very confused. The second monk was confused and couldn't figure out why the patriarch was still so energetic before, but after talking to Gu Tianlu for a while, they seemed to have a lot of trouble. They didn't know what Gu Tianlu said to the ancient patriarch. However, they can be sure that the matter must be very serious, otherwise the ancient patriarch would not have shown such an expression.

Gutian Road observed the expressions of the people and immediately pulled the corner of the Lagu patriarch's clothes. The ancient patriarch couldn't help but turn his head and look at Gu Tianli. Seeing Gu Tianli's expression, the ancient patriarch suddenly understood everything and knew that his current expression made the accompanying ancient people very worried. So he shook his head, forcibly suppressed his emotions, reluctantly squeezed out a smile, and said to the clan, "Don't worry, I just heard that a best friend of mine died, so I was so sad."