Spirit Ruins

Ending speech

"Spirit Ruins" has been serialized for exactly one year since July last year, and it has never been updated in the past year. For a writer like me, it is also a big achievement. Although "Spirit Ruins" is complete, "Spirit Ruins" is the first in a fairy chivalrous series I conceived, and this book finally leaves a tail. I will write another sequel to "Spirit Ruins" in the future.

Here, I would like to thank all the book lovers for their support over the past year. Although the results of this book are not very good, I am confident that the results of the next book will be better.

I plan to change the theme of the new book and write a book of other types that are not immortals and chivalrous, telling a story related to cosmic hunters.

The title of the book is Kingdom of the Gods, and the portal is as follows:


The new book was officially uploaded on July 25th, and the pit has been dug. I also hope that all book friends can move to the new book area and continue to support the old road~