Spirit Ruins

Chapter 12 Authentic

When Lin Xiao saw that everyone did it indiscriminately, he couldn't help shouting, "You savages, why did you do it without saying a word? I'm just going to a small valley. Why is it your holy place? You are going to fight, right? Come on, it happens that my hands are itchy, who is afraid of whom!"

After saying that, Lin Xiao suddenly stepped on a step, grabbed the spears stabbed by the two young savages with their left and right hands, exerted his hands, and suddenly threw them behind him!

The two savages were thrown up by Lin Xiao and fell heavily to the ground, making a cry of pain. The ribs were broken and they couldn't get up for a moment.

The wilders were shocked by Lin Xiao's great power, and for a moment they were afraid and dared not come forward.

When the old savage saw that everyone was scared by Lin Xiao, he quickly knocked on the ground with a crutch and spit out a series of savage barbarism in his mouth, urging everyone to come forward.

At the urging of the old man, the savages roared again and rushed up one by one. The first one to rush up was the little wild man!

Lin Xiao was stunned. He had never seen a child so desperate. He couldn't react for a moment!

Just as he was distracted, the little savage rolled on the spot, came to Lin Xiao's feet, suddenly hugged his right leg, opened his mouth, and bit it hard!

The little wild man bit it down and thought he could bite off Lin Xiao's thigh, but Lin Xiao was the peak cultivation of the bone casting. His body had already been extremely strong. The little Savage not only did not want Lin Xiao's meat down, but was pulled out of a rabbit tooth by Lin Xiao's leg meat!

At this time, the old, weak and strong savages also surrounded them. There were no less than 40 or 50 savages inside and outside. Except for the old man who could not come down, the whole savage tribe all participated in the group fight against Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao shouted, "It's great to rely on the number of people!?"

After saying that, Lin Xiao gently shook his right leg, took the little guy who was crying because his teeth were gone, and then suddenly exerted his strength and charged forward. The weapons of the wild people were smashed, stabbed, or cut, and hit Lin Xiao's flesh, but it did not hurt him at all. Instead, Lin Xiao walked all the way. The next time they pass by the savages, they will use capture to lock the meridians of the whole body, then raise the savages with one hand and throw them behind them.

Just like throwing sandbags, men, women and children, dozens of savages were thrown to the ground by Lin Xiao, fell to the ground, and rolled painfully on the ground. In addition, the meridians were locked, and they lost their strength and could no longer get up.

At this time, there were only four people left in the audience who could still stand. In addition to Lin Xiao, there were also the old savage. In addition, there were two strong savages standing in front of two old men with bright green tattoos on their upper body.

These two savages are the two people who just caught Lin Xiao with the big net. Their blood is boiling all over their bodies, and their breath is very different from other savages in the village. Obviously, they are warriors in the savage tribe, and their force is much stronger than those on the ground.

Seeing Lin Xiao coming over murderously, the two warriors looked at each other, nodded to each other, and then walked forward together and pulled out their machetes hanging around their waists.

Lin Xiao saw the posture of two savages drawing knives, and immediately saw that the two were also martial artists who had practiced martial arts and could not be underestimated, so he paused and stared at them.

"Huha!" The two warriors roared in unison and rushed to Lin Xiao with a knife at the same time. One jumped up and split Lin Xiao's spiritual cover with a knife! And the other specialized on the road, suddenly rolled down, and the machete blade took Lin Xiao's legs straight!

The two cooperate well. Obviously, they have been specially trained, and their hands are sharp, and their strength is not as good as the masters in the early stage of bone casting. This joint move is extremely fierce!

Lin Xiao's double pupil suddenly turned red! The power of the two-handed sword starts!

Although the sword is not in hand, Lin Xiao still has two hands!

"Drink!" Lin Xiao finished accumulating his strength, his eyes were red, and he suddenly jumped. His right hand hit the blade of the samurai above his head like a long knife!

"Dang!" Lin Xiao's right hand collided with the machete and made a metal roar! The warrior with the knife only felt that the tiger's mouth suddenly cracked, and a sharp pain came. The warrior said, "Ah!" With a sound, he let go of his hand holding the knife and flew back!

The warrior who specialized in the road lost his goal when Lin Xiao jumped up, but he responded very quickly. The machete in his hand immediately changed direction and waved upwards, trying to break Lin Xiao's legs.

However, how could Lin Xiao make him wish? He stepped on his right leg and rolled in the air. Suddenly, he came behind the warrior on the ground, and his left hand became a sword and quickly hit the warrior's back cervical spine.

Before the poor warrior turned around, his cervical spine was hit hard, and his eyes suddenly darkened and fell softly.

The retreating warrior just lost his machete, felt ashamed, roared, and waited to come forward to fight with Lin Xiao, but was stopped by the old savage.

The old man shouted angrily, "Huh! If most of the warriors and young people in our village had not been transferred to form a tribal coalition to fight against those foreign invaders, you would definitely have died here today!"

"Intruder?" Lin Xiao was shocked and thought that it should not be General Manager Lei and Lei Yingying them, right? They have been leaving for two days. If it is really the thunder manager and his party to invade here, then the old man just said that the valley is their holy place, which seems that it is not just a casual talk.

However, Director Lei actually wants to invade the holy land of the savage tribe? What exactly does he want?

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoyue wanted to go to the valley called the Holy Land to have a look. This time, he did not leave his hand. He used his best again, turned over the warrior and the old man who did not know martial arts as quickly as possible. Then he squatted down beside the old man and threatened murderily, "Old man, don't talk too much. You savages must know the ideal of becoming a king and defeating the bandit. Take me to the Holy Land quickly! Otherwise... Humph!"

"You can't think about it!" The old man said breathlessly, "Even if you kill us, no one will take you to the Holy Land!"

Lin Xiao is not a good-tempered person. Hearing this, he suddenly became angry, "Don't drink a toast, do you? OK, I'll tie you up first, and then go to your tribe to look for it slowly. If you don't believe it, I can't find any clues about the Holy Land!"

Although he has no impulse to kill, he still wants these savages to suffer.

As he said, Lin Xiao really tore the big net that had been torn by him into ropes again, and tied all the hands of the wild people back. Including the remaining warrior and the old man, they were all tied into meat dumplings and piled together.

Then Lin Xiao clapped his hands and ran into the savage tribe to search for clues. The piles of wild people watched Lin Xiao run into their village with red eyes and couldn't wait to remove him with their eyes.

Only the old man and the old man in several villages looked at Lin Xiao's back, with deep worries and despair in his eyes.

I ignored the fierce hostility of the savages, and soon Lin Xiao targeted the search - a single-story stone house that looked like a sacrificial hall in the middle of the tribe.

Entering the house, there is a stone statue sitting on a divine case with a height of one person.

The upper part of the statue is a human body, which looks like an old man, but the lower part is a thick snake. Moreover, the statue holds a staff higher than the human body in his left hand and a treasure mirror engraved with gossip arrays in his right hand. The image is extremely majestic.

"Is this the immortal worshipped by the wild? Why does it look so strange?" Lin Xiao touched his nose and looked at the statue for a moment and said to himself, "It is said that strange power is a god. Although I am not afraid, I would rather believe it or not."

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao hurriedly put his hands together, saluted in front of his chest, and then shouted, "The god is up. The boy just came here to look for a map to the valley. It's not a deliberate offense. It's no wonder!"

After he closed his eyes, his consciousness began to be released in his mind. Now his consciousness can be placed within one meter around his body. Lin Xiao walked and stopped in the altar and kept exploring.

Just as he closed his eyes, the happy bell on Lin Xiao's chest suddenly made a buzz that was imperceptible to the human ear! Looks extremely excited!

It's just that Lin Xiao didn't notice all this at all and was still searching every corner carefully.

Finally, Lin Xiao suddenly opened his eyes, and his consciousness finally detected something strange, and it was empty under a bluestone floor not far from Lin Xiao!

"There is!" Lin Xiao was overjoyed and hurriedly dug up the floor. Sure enough, there was a row of curved stone ladders under the floor. Obviously, there were tunnels under the ground!

When Lin Xiao saw the tunnel, he hesitated for a moment, but finally gritted his teeth and jumped down the tunnel.

After confirming that there was air circulation in the tunnel, Lin Xiao closed the bluestone above his head, took out the fire fold from his arms, lit up the road ahead, and then walked straight ahead.

When Lin Xiao disappeared at the mouth of the tunnel, countless subtle cracks suddenly appeared on the stone statue that had been sitting quietly on the divine case and had not been shaken by wind and rain for thousands of years!

A cyan light emanates from the cracks, reflecting the whole statue into a green color! The statue is like coming back to life!

After a while, the green light gradually faded and finally disappeared, and the stone statue slowly fell silent and returned to its old appearance.

Only cracks on the stone statue record what happened here...