Spirit Ruins

Chapter 20 Robbery!

Outside the White Night City, in the Wuliu campus of the border military camp.

In the scorching sun, there is a huge rack in the middle of the Wuliu school yard. At the top of the shelf, there are four upper bodies**. The skin and flesh have been opened because they have been whipped. The flesh and flesh has even been roasted to stink by the scorching sun. The hands of the man covered with black-headed flies are tied and hung on the beam of the shelf. Five meters above the ground, it is already dying.

These men are Lin Xiao's followers in the border army, and they are also some of the best brothers, Li Dazui, Wu Laogui, Wang Fugui and Zhou Tai.

After General Manager Lei withdrew from the valley, he had been looking for Lin Xiao for many days. Hou Zijian, who was resentful of Lin Xiao, suddenly remembered the scene of being bullied by Lin Xiao and his brothers in the past, so he was poisoned and suggested to General Manager Lei that these four people be used as threats.

Now the four people have been tortured and hung on the shelf for several days. They have already been out of breath. I'm afraid they won't last long.

In the distance of the shelf, the Wuliu school yard is a huge training square surrounded by wooden fences. There are several side-by-side wooden houses on the edge, which are used as the garrison of the soldiers on duty, and there is a huge bronze clock outside the wooden house as a warning. Once an abnormality occurs, the bell rings, and the border troops left in the camp outside the school yard will rush in and surround the school yard.

In one of the wooden rooms, there were several soldiers who were specially designed to take care of the torture of Li Dazui and others. At this moment, they looked at the half-dead people hanging on the shelf, with some pity in their eyes.

"Well, I don't know if Lin Xiao will come or not. Li Dazui and others died in vain." One of the soldiers who recognized Li Dazui and others and had bet in the night bet set up by Lin Xiao sighed.

There were three soldiers left in the wooden house, and the other two shook their heads together when they heard the soldier's sigh.

One of the older veterans snorted coldly, "How dare Lin Xiao come? A well-eyed person can see that this is a trap. If he enters the Wuliu campus, he can only die with Li Dazui and others.

"But..." A relatively young and full-blooded young soldier suddenly stirred up a fire in his chest and said in a very indignant tone, "Li Dazui and others were originally tortured because of Lin Xiao. Is Lin Xiao so unrighteous and watched his brothers die in order to live?"

The veteran glanced at the young soldier coldly and sneered, "Kid, you are still too young. Who the fucks righteousness in this troubled world? Whoever talks about righteousness is the eight idiots of the turtle king! What is a brother? Brothers are sold at the critical moment! You take good care of others, and it's good that they don't stab you in the back! Everyone usually drinks and borrows money to guess and play with women, but if you want others to shed their blood for you, there is no door!"

After saying that, the veteran glanced at the young soldier and said coldly, "I think you put your righteousness on your mouth all day long. I guess if you are Lin Xiao, I'm afraid you will run faster than anyone else?"

"You fart!" The young soldier was also young and angry. He had a grumpy temper. He was splashed with cold water by the veteran and ridiculed again. His face suddenly couldn't hang on his face. He reached out and was about to draw his knife to fight with the veteran.

"Oh, it won't go well if you say two words?" The veteran said without ambiguity. He picked up the big axe beside him and wanted to give the young soldiers a look. "If you want to fight, fight, who is afraid of!"

Seeing the veteran's big axe, the young soldier suddenly woke up. The veteran is a solid bone casting cultivation. He is just a soldier in the training period. How can he fight this fight?

The young soldier suddenly became discouraged and sat down. "If Lin Xiao doesn't come, I'm afraid it will chill all the people in the border army who know him. Except for Li Dazui and others, some officers and soldiers who are more or less related to him have been transferred. And I heard that General Pei was directly dismissed by General Lei because he did not obey the order of General Manager Lei to deploy troops to contain Lin Xiao! Now General Pei's direct line has all been suppressed, and those guys who have been fighting against General Pei have been promoted instead. I don't know what will happen to our border troops in the future.

I was discouraged when I saw the young soldiers. Although the veterans' hands were itchy, the fight was still not completed. He said slowly, "I dare to guarantee that Lin Xiao will never come. If he comes, I will eat shit!"

Is that right? I'm sorry, I'm afraid you're really going to eat shit!" Suddenly, a man's voice sounded behind the veteran.

The three guards suddenly turned around and saw a short-haired man in cyan clothes suddenly appear behind the three of them, and they had not realized it before!

Seeing the man in blue, the young soldier suddenly cheered up and pointed to the person, "Lin Xiao! You're really here!"

Lin Xiao grinned, "I offended!"

Then he moved! Before the three soldiers, together with the veteran of the bone casting field, could see how Lin Xiao took action, only felt that the back of the neck was hit hard, and his eyes were dark, so he fell into a coma.

After putting down the three guards, Lin Xiao went to the window of the wooden house and looked at the four hanging brothers in the center of the school yard. There was a sadness in his eyes and secretly said in his heart, "Six brothers, let you suffer this punishment for me. Lin Xiao is sorry for you!"

At this moment, a sad arrow roar suddenly came from Lin Xiao's ear, and four long black arrows shot at the four people hanging from the wooden frame like four black lightning.

Lin Xiao seemed to have known that the sharp arrow would appear for a long time, and his face did not change color.

The four long arrows did not shoot at Li Dazui's bodies, but broke the hemp rope hanging them one by one, showing the archer's extraordinary archery.

appeared in the campus with four long arrows, and there were four swift figures. Li Dazui fell down and had not yet landed, firmly catch Li Dazui.

All four people who suddenly appeared were covered and dressed in black armor. They should be all male warriors. Lin Xiao walked out of the wooden house and met four people in black. After communicating with the five people, the four people in black helped Li Dazui and turned around and left.

However, at this time, outside the Wuliu campus suddenly remembered a sad trumpet, which became more and more harsh. Suddenly, the sound spread for several miles. After Lin Xiao and others could react, the dense soldiers suddenly poured into the Wuliu campus from all directions and surrounded them in the core circle in an instant.

There are soldiers and officers in all directions. Surrounded by almost thousands of well-dressed and armed soldiers, Lin Xiao and five people are like ants on a hot pot. Although they are panicked, there is no way to escape!

After a while, the encirclement of the soldiers slowly opened a small gap, one made of a wooden frame, five meters high, and the platform with a moving pulley below was slowly pushed in by more than a dozen soldiers.

There are two black and silver figures sitting and standing on the stage. Sitting on the chair of the Taishi is the thunder general manager wearing a black cloak, and standing beside him is Hou Zhan, dressed in silver armor and holding a long gun.

General Lei raised his forehead with his right hand and looked a little weak, but he still looked at Lin Xiao coldly, as if he were looking at a dead man and said harshly in a hoarse voice, "Lin Xiao, I didn't expect you to dare to come!"

Lin Xiao took a step forward, glanced at the soldiers holding spears ten meters away, and then slowly took down the package behind him and shook off the package cloth, which lay quietly with a knife and a sword.

Lin Xiao held a sword and lay across both sides of his body. Then he looked up at the thunder captain on the stage in the distance and replied loudly, "Mr. thunder, why don't I dare to come? Your move is so cruel that it tortured my brother like this! I came here today to avenge them!"

"Hahahaha! Revenge? Lin Xiao, are you confused? Don't look at what kind of situation you are in now? It's ridiculous and pitiful to want revenge!" Hou Zhan, who had been standing beside General Manager Lei, suddenly stepped forward, held a long gun, pointed at Lin Xiao and the four black warriors behind him with the tip of the gun, and shouted harshly, "Catch Lin Xiao alive, the rest of the people will be killed without mercy!"

"Drink!" The thousand soldiers under the stage roared together, and the waves came one after another, and a violent murderous atmosphere rushed up to the sky. The soldiers in front of them held knives and rushed to the five Lin Xiao, who stretched out from the tip of the storm like a locust!

A big war, kick off!