Spirit Ruins

Chapter 33 Trading

Zhu Hao was shocked when he heard the words and turned around and saw Wang Laowu with yellow teeth standing behind him, looking at himself with a hippie smile.

As if he was not sure that the words just now came from Wang Laowu, Zhu Hao asked doubtfully, "Can this brother help me solve that boy?"

He carefully observed the breath on Wang Laowu's body. Wang Laowu's spirit was very weak. He didn't look like a martial artist with a high realm at all. How could this man say that he could deal with a magical bloody warrior like Lin Xiao?

Isn't it a magic stick? Zhu Hao said suspiciously. But he has been walking around the world for many years, and he has never seen the hidden master, so he can calm down and watch how Wang Laowu answers.

Wang Laowu reached out and pinched the sparse goatee and nodded, "Of course, but I, Wang Laowu, have always done nothing, so..."

Zhu Hao waved his hand and said, "This is easy to do. If you can help me with this, 5,000 taels of silver will be delivered immediately!"

Unexpectedly, Wang Laowu stared at the words and said angrily, "5,000 taels! Do you want to send food for food? You think I'm a beggar!"

Zhu Hao was shocked, "So, brother, do you offer a price? As long as it is not ridiculous, our Hongfu gambling house can accept it.

Wang Laowu stretched out three fingers, "30,000 silver, plus one thing."

"What?" Zhu Haoqidao.

"The bronze tripod that your group of men just dug out of a cave in the Wuyun Mountains recently." Wang Laowu compared the size of the small tripod.

Zhu Hao was shocked when he heard the words. Last month, a group of his men learned from a group of people collecting medicine in the Wuyun Mountains that there was a cave in a dangerous place that was suspected to be sitting by ancients, so he quickly sent people to explore the cave. After working for more than half a month, everyone got nothing and only dug out a broken bronze tripod from the depths of the cave. Zhu Hao looked for people everywhere to study Xiaoding, but he got nothing. Everyone agreed that this Xiaoding was just a broken ancient vessel used to hold things.

Because the function of the small tripod could not be seen, Zhu Hao himself thought that the small tripod was just a broken antique, so he placed it up and the exploration of the cave was stopped.

Zhu Hao did a very secret job, and even the owner of the Hongfu Gang did not know it. Unexpectedly, Wang Laowu actually knew about Xiaoding!

Although he was surprised how Wang Laowu knew about this matter, he also doubted why Wang Laowu had the idea of Xiaoding. But after thinking about it carefully, Zhu Hao felt that Xiaoding was useless for himself anyway, so he might as well give it to Wang Laowu. If Wang Laowu was just here to deceive his scoundrel, he directly interrupted a pair of dog legs and threw it out of the gambling house. If Wang Laowu is really a hidden master, he will also be regarded as a personal favor and make friends with a master with a small tripod who doesn't know the purpose, and he will make no loss.

Thinking of this, Zhu Hao nodded, agreed at this time, and ordered an attendants to bring the broken tripod.

Wang Laowu saw that the matter was settled, so he smiled, turned around, looked at Lin Xiao sitting next to Zheng'an's gambling table, his eyes flashed, and said with a smile, "Kid, your good luck is coming to an end!"

He then turned his head, looked at Zhu Hao and said, "Change that gambler, let me go, and make sure that Lin will spit out all the won money within three games, and he doesn't even dare to fart!"

Lin Xiao suddenly raised his head and looked at Wang Laowu, who rolled up his sleeves and walked to the position of the banker. After seeing his obscene look, he couldn't help frowning and thinking that the people of Hongfu Casino were dumbfounded? How can you find such a second-rate person to be a banker?

At this time, someone behind Lin Xiao recognized Wang Laowu and knew his new gambler. He couldn't help shouting, "Wang Laowu, when did you become a gambler?" What are you going to do when you run to the banker's seat?

Wang Laoyi glanced at the gamblers and hummed, "Didn't I, Wang Laowu, say this morning that I want to bet with this boy surnamed Lin to let you see my power!"

"If you say such a big thing, you are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue!"

"That's it! You lost three taels of silver to me last time. Do you still dare to fart in front of Brother Lin?

"It's really blind for the gambling house to come to the casino. Why don't you come to me!"

Everyone raised their voices. In the sound of ridicule, Wang Laowu did not move. He calmly picked up the black gambling cup, shook it in mid-air, and then put it down and firmly pressed on the gambling table.

Everyone's eyes fell on the gambling cup, but Wang Laowu's thin eyes stared at Lin Xiao and said with a smile, "Brother Lin, what's the * method this time?"

Lin Xiao saw at a glance that it was exactly two, four, five, a total of 11 o'clock. According to his usual practice, when changing a new banker, it is not easy to make full bets, so he thought about it and transferred one-third of the silver ticket to the number "Eleven" on the gambling table.

Everyone hurriedly followed*.

Wang Laowu smiled, reached out and gently pressed it on the table. A faint true breath came out, turning the dice in the gambling cup into one, four, four, nine points in total.

This move is very secretive. Others didn't see it, but Lin Xiao saw it. Seeing that Wang Laowu had the same move as the previous bone-casting gambler, he couldn't help but be angry and snorted coldly.

But Lin Xiao was still calm and didn't make a sound. He just planned to teach Wang Laowu a small lesson in the next set.

Wang Laowu saw that everyone was determined to leave, so he opened the gambling cup, looked at the dice, and then sang: "One, four, four! Nine o'clock! Kill it all!"

Everyone was in an uproar again. This is the second time that Lin Xiao failed today, and he lost to Wang Laowu, who no one is optimistic about! For a while, there was another uproar in the gambling house.

Wang Laowu smiled complaedly, then shook the gambling cup and said, "I see that Brother Lin is covered by dark clouds today. He is doomed to be unlucky. Don't follow him. Be careful to suffer!"

"Bah! Brother Lin just failed for a while, will you be awesome?

"That's right, I can't even remember what your parents will win you!"


In the shouting and scolding of the crowd, Wang Laowu once again took a look at Lin Xiao and motioned to him*.

Lin Xiao's face was gloomy, snorted coldly, and pressed half of the silver ticket at hand on the number "six".

Wang Laowu smiled and still pressed his right hand on the gambling table.

At this time, Lin Xiao's sadness was launched!

An invisible thought came along the gambling table and easily penetrated into the palm of Wang Laowu's right hand!

Lin Xiao sneered in his heart and waited for Wang Laowu to scream, but suddenly his face changed! He suddenly looked up at Wang Laowu with an incredible expression.

Just at that moment, Lin Xiao suddenly found that the magic wound he sent disappeared after entering Wang Laowu's body! The sad mind is like a mud cow entering the sea, and there is no trace to be found!

And Wang Laowu in front of him looked calm, as if nothing had happened!

At the same time, Lin Xiao saw that the dice in the gambling cup had been turned over again!

My heavenly son's hopecraft actually failed for the first time!

Lin Xiao knew that he had met a master, and he knew that he could not even stand the ordinary master of bone casting! The one who can unconsciously resolve his magical power into the invisible must be the master of the peak of blood evil! It may even be a monk in the fairyland!

A cold sweat emerged from Lin Xiao's spine, and then slowly flowed down the spine of the back.

Wang Laowu smiled coldly and opened the gambling cup!

"Two, three, four! A total of nine points! Kill it all!" Wang Laowu's obscene shouts sounded again.

There is silence in the gambling house.