Spirit Ruins

Chapter 57 Sky Floating World

In the afternoon, in a small restaurant in Wuyun City, Huangfuqi sat opposite Lin Xiao, who changed into casual clothes and then dressed up.

The two ordered a full table of wine and dishes, but did not move at all, but looked at each other.

After a while, Huangfu asked, "What can you do? Let's talk about it now!"

Lin Xiao raised his glass, took a soft sip, and then said slowly, "I'm generally clear about your grudge against Ziyue. She instigated you to steal the elixir from the family, causing you to be expelled from the family, right?"

Huangfuqi gritted his teeth and nodded.

"If you want to revenge on Ziyue, there must be a goal. Do you want to kill her with a knife or what do you want?" Lin Xiao asked again.

"I want her to kneel in front of me and beg me for mercy, and then ** her day and night to let her know how tragic it will end up cheating me!" Huangfuqi's eyes turned red, and what he said was like what the fierce ghost in the underworld said.

Lin Xiao was stunned when he heard the words, but he didn't expect that such a quiet prince could say such vulgar words. He pondered for a moment and then said, "To put it bluntly, you don't want to kill Ziyue, but you want to catch her and take her for yourself... Let me ask you first, what do you know about the strength and origin of Ziyue?

Huangfuqi was stunned when he heard Lin Xiao's question. After thinking about it for a long time, he said a little sorryly, "Actually... I don't know her very well, but I know that she comes from the glazed realm and is a disciple of a mysterious sect called 'Tian Miao'an', that's all.

Lin Xiao can't help slandering in his heart. If you don't know anything about others, you dare to steal the elixir treasured by the family to others. It's really convinced you.

But Lin Xiao was aroused by another thing. He quickly asked, "What is the glazed realm you just mentioned?"

Huangfuqi was surprised to hear the words and said, "You don't even know the glazed world?" The glazed realm is not something, but a general name for a mysterious area.

He then asked, "Since you don't know the glazed realm, you must have never even heard of the 'four secret realms'?"

Lin Xiao nodded, "I'm about to ask Brother Huangfu for advice."

Huangfuqi had been dominated by Lin Xiao before. This time, he had a rare opportunity to show off himself, so he said with a frown, "The so-called four secret places are the four vast areas of immortal cultivation in our immortal world. The aura in these areas is hundreds of times more than that of the outside mainland, and there are various distributions. Immortal spirits, strange flowers and grass, and all kinds of former caves. It is the holy land that immortals and practitioners yearn for most to enter!"

The four secret realms are divided into 'Kunlun Realm', 'No Empty Realm', 'Qianqiu Realm' and 'Glass Realm'. These secret places have different characteristics. Some areas are thousands of miles wide and boundless, which are larger than the eastern land we are now in, such as Kunlun and glazed land. Some are relatively small, only large areas in medium-sized countries such as the State of Yan, such as no empty borders and thousands of years.

Lin Xiao was shocked when he heard the words, "There is such a mysterious place!" Didn't all the monks in the world squeeze into the secret place? Why do I still see that there are still many monks on the eastern land?

Huangfuqi rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think these secret realms are so easy to enter? These secret lands have long been carved up by those huge forces. Every vein and every blessed land in it can only be occupied at the cost of blood after the great forces compete for and attack each other. How can outsiders enter the finger?

Huangfuqi then said, "So, if outsiders want to enter the secret world to practice, there are only two ways to go."

"What's the way?" Lin Xiao's eyes lit up.

"First, attack the secret world with absolute force, pull down some of the lower-ranked forces in the secret world and drive them out of the secret world, thus occupying all their resources. As long as there is enough strength, other big forces in the secret world will not ask about this.

Lin Xiao's eyes widened and asked in surprise, "Is this okay?"

Huangfuqi snorted, "What's wrong with this? Don't the sects in the secret world often attack each other in order to compete for mineral resources? Every year, some forces have to retreat from the secret land, because the sacrifice is too high. Thousands of years ago, when our Huangfu family was at its peak, it also had a place in the secret land of Kunlun, but was finally driven out.

Hearing these secrets of the immortal world, Lin Xiao couldn't help yearning for it, and then quickly asked, "It's too difficult to enter the secret world. What about the second method?"

"The second method is relatively simple, but it is not very simple, that is, as an individual or power, to join the huge forces in the secret world as a dependent existence. So naturally, you can gain a foothold in the secret world. If you just want to join those big doors, the test you have to stand is not ordinary simple... Don't look at me. I don't know how to join the sect in the secret world. I've just heard my parents say these things.

Lin Xiao heard Huangfuqi's words, sighed, dispelled his unrealistic ideas, and just picked up the glass and drank it all.

When Huangfuqi saw Lin Xiao's lonely appearance, he couldn't help sneering and said, "You just heard about the secret place. If you know that there is a more mysterious and huge place in the world than the secret place, you don't know what will become."

Lin Xiao almost spit out the wine in his mouth. He asked loudly, "What? Is there a bigger place than the secret place?

"Of course there is." Huangfuqi also took a sip of wine, "Have you heard of the saying that there are three thousand practitioners?"

Lin Xiao nodded, "I've seen it in the classics before, but I thought it was just a delusion."

"It's not nonsense." Huangfuqi said seriously, "There is indeed an 'interface' among people who practice, and there are many interfaces in the world, far more than 3,000. It's just that most interfaces don't know each other's position and coordinates.

Lin Xiao was already able to accept all kinds of strange statements at this time. He calmed down and asked strangely, "You just said that the interface is bigger than the secret place. What's going on?"

Huangfuqi heard that he stained his fingers with alcohol and drew a palm-sized circle on the table. Then he drew four circles of different sizes around the circle.

Huangfuqi pointed to the circle in the middle and said, "This is the continent we are in, called 'Tianfu' continent."

"The Tianfu Continent is actually divided into two halves," Huangfuqi said and drew a straight line that divides the circle into two halves in the middle of the circle with wine. "Where we are now is the eastern land of Tianfu Continent, which is also the most populous continent. As for the other half of the Westland, ordinary people dare not rely on it. Close."

"Why does no one dare to approach the western land?" Lin Xiao was puzzled. This is the first time he has heard about the origin of Donglu, which was actually separated from a huge land called Tianfu Continent. And there is also a sparsely populated western land.

Huangfuqi frowned, "I don't know the details. It is said that that place is the power of the demon clan. The demons dance wildly, and human beings can't get close to it."

"Forget it, not to mention the West Land, the four circles around you draw are the four secret worlds, right?" Lin Xiao pointed to the four circles around the circle in the middle and asked.

Huangfuqi nodded, "Exactly, these four secret realms are parallel with the Tianfu Continent. The two do not interfere with each other, but the entrance of the secret land is set on the eastern land, but ordinary people don't know where the entrance is."

Huangfuqi then made an unexpected move. He saw that he stained the wine with his fingers and drew a larger circle outside the five circles, surrounding all five circles.

Lin Xiao was stunned. Today's words are destined to have a great impact on the world outlook of his whole life!

I only heard him mutter, "Is it... Is this the interface?"

Huangfuqi laughed and said, "Exactly, this is the Tianfu world where we are located, the Tianfu Continent, and the four secret realms are all in this interface. Now, you should understand what the three realms of practitioners are, right?

Lin Xiao nodded, but there were stormy waves in his heart, but it turned out that he was such a small existence. There was a secret place outside the mainland, and there was an interface on it! There are more interfaces besides the interface! In the past, Lin Xiao dared not imagine this.

So, is there a broader and mysterious existence on the interface?

This idea came out of his life, and Lin Xiao suddenly took a deep breath and dared not think about it anymore. He suddenly felt like suffocating.

At this time, Huangfuqi said dissatisfiedly, "I've talked so much nonsense with you. You haven't told me your plan to avenge Ziyue for me!"

Lin Xiao calmed down and said slowly, "If what you just said is true, since Ziyue comes from the sect in the secret world, it is not an existence that you and I can deal with alone. Therefore, if you want to capture Ziyue, you must organize a team to besiege Ziyue, and create an opportunity for Ziyue to be left alone, and no one can come to rescue..."

Lin Xiao said this and said, "Forget, let's not talk about whether you can organize a group of people to ambush Ziyue. Since you know yourself and know your enemy, since you don't know Ziyue at all, we have to collect some more information about her and grasp her whereabouts, so that we can formulate an ambush strategy."

"How to collect information?" Huangfuqi said in a franx.

Lin Xiao said angrily, "Do you still need me to teach you? Find someone to monitor her outside Ziyue's residence all day long! This is just the first step. Your second step is to try to find an opportunity to get close to Ziyue and check her preferences and weaknesses closely.

"Only when I really understand the woman Ziyue can I improve our ambush plan." Lin Xiao drank another glass of wine.

Huangfuqi shook his head, "I can send someone to monitor Ziyue, but how can I get close to her?" She has always been closed, not to mention that I have offended her before. She is even more unlikely to see me!"

Lin Xiao suddenly grinned, "The so-called concern is messy. Have you forgotten what the little white face called Bai Zhengxiang said to Ziyue? Purple Moon will hold a small discussion meeting in a few days! At that time, we can naturally go there. It's not easy for her to drive us away.