Spirit Ruins

Chapter 94 March

At the foot of Danqing Peak on the floating island where Qingmen is located, there is a spiritual field with several square sizes, full of elixirs and flowers.

And next to Lingtian, there are two side-by-side cabins.

This is the field property of An Le'an, a disciple of the inner door of Qingmen. When An Le was still a disciple of the outer door, he started from here. After he became a disciple of the inner door and had his own cave, he no longer lived here. This place was generously given by Anle to Changsheng.

Time flies. It has been three months since Lin Xiao moved in to live with Changsheng.

During this period, Lin Xiao mainly did four things--

The first thing is that Lin Xiao is gritting his teeth to practice the 'green spirit secret'.

Although this green spirit formula is really rotten and can't even be rotten, and there is no method of condensing the sea of gas, at least it is the first magic formula officially bought by Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao still practiced it as a tasteless and regrettable chicken ribs of food.

Because the magic formula is too inferior and Lin Xiao's unremitting practice day after day, Lin Xiao's hands are very fast, and soon he will cultivate the Qingling formula, which is only divided into two realms, to the second cultivation.

According to the description on the 'Green Spirit Secret', now Lin Xiao has also crossed the first "gassing into the body" and reached the second realm of "wood aura". As long as you practice for a period of time, you can cultivate the Qingling secret to the realm of great success.

The two realms of the green spiritual secret, as the name implies, is to teach people how to absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth and absorb the spiritual power of the outside into the human body. This step is a key step for practitioners to enter the fairyland, and it is also the biggest difference between monks and warriors.

The true qi in the martial artist's body is self-generated and is not a foreign object. Therefore, it also has great limitations. No matter how powerful the martial artist is, he is still waiting to be slaughtered. Unlike immortals, the immortals themselves can absorb the aura that moves between heaven and earth and turn them into their own spiritual power. It can be said that as long as the spirit of immortals is sufficient, no matter how much spiritual power is consumed, they will not be afraid.

Therefore, whether you can absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth into the body is the key to becoming a immortal.

It took Lin Xiao two months to finally take this important step and successfully absorbed the wandering aura between heaven and earth, and thus officially stepped into the fairyland from the warriors in the bloody realm and entered the ranks of immortals.

In fact, the most difficult part of the Qingling formula is only the first skill, and the next second skill is relatively a piece of cake.

The second method is called "Jimu Reiki", which means that the monks "filter" the five elements of the chaotic spiritual power absorbed into the body according to a certain method, leaving only the purest wooden spiritual power for the monks to use and form their own mana.

This step is relatively simple. Lin Xiao has soon mastered it, and only the final closing stage can use the Qingling formula freely.

And when the Qingling formula was about to be completed, Lin Xiao suddenly seemed to have magical power in the blood realm, and inexplicably had a very keen touch of wood attributes in his body.

After having this strange touch, Lin Xiao found that his affinity for wood-like materials such as spiritual grass, spiritual flowers, spiritual wood and other wood attributes has become higher. Lin Xiao often knows the year and medicinal use of some alchemy materials without careful identification.

This is the only special function attached to the Qingling formula! Because practitioners contain wood aura in their bodies, things with wood properties will become very **.

Although Lin Xiao failed to condense the sea of gas and could not store the spiritual power in his body. Every time he absorbed the spiritual power, the time he left in his body was only about half an hour, Lin Xiao was at least "positing" magic power. In addition, he has been diligently practicing the 'divine reliction' taught by the monk, and now his divine consciousness is strong. However, it surpasses the ordinary Taoist monk--

has mana and divine consciousness. Generally speaking, after more than a year since he left the State of Chu to seek Taoism, Lin Xiao is now a real monk!

In addition to practicing the magic formula, the second thing Lin Xiao did was to go to Anle's cave on the mountainside of Danqingfeng every three days to help Anle alchemy. By the way, I secretly learned some alchemy knowledge from Anle.

Although Lin Xiao is always forced to do hard work every time, he is almost exhausted every night. But in fact, his gains during this period are huge.

In the past three months, Lin Xiao has finally learned some alchemy fur when he has consumed a lot of materials and angered him. He began to learn how to choose a furnace tripod and identify herbs and materials. Identify fire and other basic knowledge about refining elixir.

With the progress of time, Lin Xiao has also begun to refine some simple elixir by himself. And with the improvement of his skills, An Le gradually reprimanded him.

Two months later, when Lin Xiao finally successfully cultivated the Qingling formula and had a better understanding of the medicinal properties of wood medicinal herbs, Anle was inseparable from Lin Xiao, an assistant.

Now when Lin Xiao went to help Anle's alchemy, Anle began to pay him, shouting that he was also going to practice the green formula.

But in the view of Anle, an alchemist, Lin Xiao mastered the skills of alchemy so quickly in such a short time, except for his own good understanding, I'm afraid there are other reasons. However, Anle can't tell what the specific reason is.

He has asked Changsheng that Lin Xiao has clearly detected that he is not one of the three cold bodies during the entry test. So in terms of physique, Lin Xiao should not have much advantage, but what on earth made Lin Xiao make such a rapid progress on the way to alchemy? Anle is puzzled. In a word, Anle concluded that Lin Xiao's progress was not fast because Lin Xiao practiced the green spiritual formula.

The third thing Lin Xiao did was to study a jade slip called 'Tianfu Palace's infinite jade jade charm record'.

The arrival of this jade slip can be traced back to the time when Lin Xiao killed Qingming. At that time, he took advantage of Wang Laowu's coma and killed Qingming's soul, so he took Wang Laowu and Qingming's storage ring.

Because there was no magic power in his body at that time, Lin Xiao could not open these two storage rings at that time, but at that time, by using divine knowledge to invade the ring and observe, Lin Xiao had seen a jade slip engraved with the words 'The infinite jade charm record of Tianfu Palace' in Wang Laowu's ring.

Lin Xiao was happy for this jade Jane for a long time, thinking that this was the cultivation formula he had been pursuing.

Later, Lin Xiao practiced the spiritual formula. After he had a meager mana, he began to try to open two storage rings with his power and take out the contents.

First of all, Qingming's ring, which contains several sets of spiritual weapons and more than 10,000 crystals. This fortune came very timely, because Lin Xiao did not plant spiritual fields at all in the past three months, and the alchemy had just begun to start. Before he had time to use elixir to profit for himself, Lin Xiao was unable to pay for the three-month sect "offering".

Qingmen stipulates that each disciple must offer 3,000 crystals or corresponding equivalents to the sect every month, and if any of them cannot be handed over, they will be expelled from the school.

Under such pressure, every disciple of the outside door practiced desperately and earned crystals, and did not dare to slack off at all.

However, Lin Xiao is also a strange person. He has never worried about money for three months, nor has he thought about how to earn crystals. He is very anxious about immortality. He is afraid that he will really be expelled from his teacher in three months.

Changsheng originally wanted to help Lin Xiao, but he has grasped more than 2,000 crystals in the past few months. He also asked others to borrow 1,000 crystals to barely raise the amount of 3,000 crystals. There is nothing he can do to help Lin Xiao.

Just when Changsheng was worried about Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao suddenly became rich. He not only paid 3,000 offerings, but also helped Changsheng pay off the debt of more than 1,000 crystals. Changsheng was suddenly overjoyed, but he also doubted where so many crystals came from.

Lin Xiao's crystal naturally comes from Qingming's storage ring. After paying off the debt of worship and elongation, Lin Xiao still has a surplus of more than 6,000 products of crystals, and there is no problem in dealing with the next year's offering.

Lin Xiao was originally lazy. Since he still had a year of energy, he was not interested in taking care of the spiritual field. He simply closed his practice and began to study the ring obtained from Wang Laowu.

In fact, there is nothing in Wang Laowu's storage ring, only some scattered crystals, some messy runes, a broken bronze tripod and the jade slip.

The moment he saw Xiaoding, Lin Xiao's eyes were a little hot. At the beginning, he had seen that Wang Laowuguang could play with Qingming in the palm of his hand with this incomplete magic weapon!

Lin Xiao naturally knew that the broken little tripod was a magic weapon, but after taking the small tripod out of the ring, how did Lin Xiao pour magic power into the bronze tripod? The small tripod did not move at all, which made Lin Xiao tired.

At this time, Lin Xiao knew that this incomplete magic weapon could not be driven by himself at present, so he put Xiaoding back into the ring and turned his attention on the jade slip.

To Lin Xiao's surprise, this jade slip called 'Tianfu Palace Unasurable Jade Symbol Record' records not the magic formula of cultivation, but all kinds of rune skills!

Lin Xiao finally knew where Wang Laowu's endless runes came from. No wonder Wang Laowu cares so much about this storage ring. It turned out that in addition to the broken bronze tripod, there was such a good thing in the ring!

It is precisely by relying on the production method recorded in this jade slip that Wang Laowu has to have so many runes. Qingming died precisely because she was greedy for Wang Laowu's method of making charms, but she didn't expect that Lin Xiao was cheaper in the end.