Spirit Ruins

Chapter 102 Invitation

Night banquet

After Lin Xiao returned to Qingmen Floating Island, he immediately told Anle about his attack.

When Fatty An saw his scarred golden eagle, he immediately became furious and ran to the cave of several elders in Qingmen to tell Zhang Jixian.

However, after all, Zhang Jixian has a master as the elder of Qingmen, and Lin Xiao himself is not a big problem, but this matter was not over in the end.

However, after this incident, all the disciples of Qingmen have known Lin Xiao and know that he has offended Zhang Jixian.

Everyone is guessing how the narrow-minded Zhang Jixian will choose to revenge against Lin Xiao. But after waiting for more than two months, they found that Lin Xiao was still safe and sound.

Everyone is a little strange. How can Zhang Jixian's personality be easily spared by Lin Xiao?

In fact, it was not Zhang Jixian who spared Lin Xiao, but his eldest teacher's father who gave him a death order to take care of himself, otherwise he would be punished.

Therefore, Zhang Jixian could not retaliate against Lin Xiao in a short period of time, so as not to attract the master's anger.

And Lin Xiao did not come out for a walk these days, but practiced, alchemy, and studied the art of Fu in the happy cave.

In these days, in addition to the inability to improve his own mana cultivation due to the limitations of magic formulas, Lin Xiao has made great progress in his alchemy technology and charm making techniques, and a batch of second-grade Qingmu Dan refined for Jindanju has also been successfully refined.

Lin Xiao will naturally not go to Jindanju to deliver elixir by himself. If he is stopped by Zhang Jixian again, he will have no chance to get out again. Therefore, the things that went to Xianjie to deliver elixir and buy materials were left to Changsheng.

Lin Xiao himself did not have much contact with other internal and external disciples of Qingmen except for his friendship with immortality and Anle. Therefore, although Lin Xiao did not walk outside, no one felt anything strange.

After living quietly for a few days, an uninvited guest suddenly came outside the happy cave.

When Lin Xiao was still immersed in alchemy in the Dan room, he was called out by An Le.

Lin Xiao walked out of the elixir room and saw a handsome man with his hands in his sleeves standing beside Anle with a smile. Seeing Lin Xiao coming out, the man smiled and said, "Are you Lin Xiao, Brother Lin?"

"I am, are you..."

"When we met for the first time, I was the Lingkong of 'Red Sword Peak'. I was ordered by the master to invite you to the 'Warm Jade Pavilion' for the banquet."

Lin Xiao wondered, "Going to the banquet?"

Lingkong smiled apologetically, "Brother Lin was saddened by Sister Huo Yuer at the beginning?"

Seeing that Lingkong mentioned Huo Yuer and reported the name of Chijian Peak at the same time, Lin Xiao vaguely guessed Lingkong's intention. He did not answer the question in the air, but asked directly, "Is the master you talking about the first Huo Yuanchun in Chimen?" What does he have to do with Huo Yuer?

Lingkong replied, "Sister Yuer is the only daughter of the family teacher."

Lin Xiao suddenly realized and said in his heart, "No wonder that Huo Yuer is so domineering. It turns out that there is a father in charge behind his back?"

"Since Brother Ling already knows that I have a festival with Huo Yuer, he came to invite me to the banquet today. What does this mean? Do you want to have a first salute and then a soldier?" Lin Xiao frowned.

He shook his head, and his face was still smiling, as if his smile had never disappeared. "Brother Lin misunderstood that this banquet was held by my master to celebrate the birthday of Sister Yuer. The family has heard about the conflict between Brother Lin and Sister Yuer. This matter is indeed the first to be reckless. The teacher asked me to invite Brother Lin to the banquet in order to make Sister Yuer apologize to you in front of everyone.

"Apologize?" Lin Xiao was a little surprised. It was good that Huo Yuanchun didn't teach himself a lesson to vent his anger for his daughter. How could he let Huo Yuer apologize in front of so many people? Isn't that worse than killing her?

So Lin Xiao shook his head and said, "There is no need to apologize. I won't go to the banquet either. Brother Lingkong, please come back!"

Lingkong was stunned when he heard the words. Before he could say anything, An Le around him suddenly said, "Brother Lin, you are really good. Don't you even invite you to the head of the Red Gate? If this matter spreads, I'm afraid the fire master won't be happy, will he?

Anle is euphemistically reminding Lin Xiao not to offend the head of the family. Lin Xiao suddenly woke up when he heard the words. He was dissatisfied with Huo Yuer just now, and even blamed Huo Yuanchun for his daughter's incompetence, so he spoke a little rudely.

At this moment, Lin Xiao was reminded by Anle and immediately realized that he could not offend the head of the family!

So Lin Xiao quickly changed his words and said, "Well, Brother Lingkong, I just said it wrong. I will go to the banquet, but I have two conditions."

Lingkong saw that Lin Xiao was willing to go to the banquet, and most of his work had been completed. He was overjoyed and quickly said, "Brother Lin has any conditions, but it's okay to say."

Lin Xiao said directly, "First, I will attend the banquet, but it is inevitable that Huo Yuer will apologize to me. Please tell Brother Lingkong to take back his order."

Lingkong nodded with appreciation, "It is rare for Brother Lin to be kind-hearted and the overall situation is important. I will tell my teacher about this matter."

Lin Xiao then looked at Anle, "The second condition is that it's not convenient for me to travel alone recently, so I want to take a few people to the banquet with me. I don't know if it's okay?"

Lingkong was stunned when he heard the words, but then nodded and said, "This matter is simple. To tell you the truth, this warm jade pavilion banquet is run by myself. Without the consent of the teacher, I can directly agree to Brother Lin."

After he said, he took out five invitations from his sleeve, "Here are a few invitations for the warm jade pavilion banquet. Brother Lin has received them, and then he can go to Zhijianfeng with the invitation."

After a few words with Lin Xiao, Lingkong said goodbye and left directly.

Anle looked at the invitations in Lin Xiao's hand and quietly swallowed his saliva, "Brother Lin, hey hey, can you discuss with me a few invitations?"

Lin Xiao laughed and said, "Brother Anle, you don't have to ask me, I will also give you an invitation, but I have a small invitation."

"If you have any requirements, just let me know!" An Le waved his fat hand.

"Please invite a few close brothers to the banquet with me, and be sure to protect me at that time!" Lin Xiao said with a wry smile.

Anle was stunned first, and then reacted, "Brother Lin, don't you have to fight so much, do you? Do you need to be so cautious when you go to the banquet instead of going to the battlefield?

Lin Xiao shook his head and said, "Who knows what Huoyuan Chun'an's heart is? It's always right to be careful. Do you want an invitation or not? Don't let me give it to others!"

"I want! Why don't you?" An Le raised her eyebrows.


Anle was in charge of the purchase of gifts. Lin Xiao waited for a day and a half in his inner torment. Then the next evening, Lin Xiao and Anle and several other brothers who were friends with Anle embarked on the road to Chijianfeng.

There is another peak in the northwest of the Lingxu Palace, called Red Sword Peak, which is one of the seven peaks of Lingxu.

The scenery on the mountain is beautiful, the spirit beasts are wandering, the trees are stacked, and there are countless caves hidden between the trees, full of aura.

There is a staggered courtyard behind the Red Sword Peak. During this period, the buildings came one after another, and the canine teeth were intertwined, which was unique.

At this time, someone seemed to be talking about something in a small courtyard in the northeast corner of the courtyard.

"What! That guy Lin Xiao is coming to our Red Sword Peak!?" A woman shouted, "Dad, mother, how can you let this guy come over!"

The woman wears a red tight gauze, with a beautiful figure and a gorgeous appearance, which is exactly Huo Yuer. Huo Yuer is pestering a beautiful young woman at this moment. She is indomitable. The young woman is dressed in yellow and is very beautiful, but she can't see the specific age. At this moment, the young woman is smiling and comforting her daughter's back, but her eyes are looking at a middle-aged man sitting not far away.

The man is dressed in red, with a Chinese character face, with square eyebrows and shining eyes. He is the first Huo Yuanchun in Chimen.

Hearing Huo Yuer's noise, Huo Yuanchun frowned gently, and a momentum of anger and self-intimidation emerged from him, which made Huo Yuer tremble for fear of annoy him.

"Nonsense! I have asked Lin Xiao to come to the banquet. Can't I still ask him to leave? Do you have any reason to repeatedly violate the religious precepts and make things difficult for the same family? The man scolded.

Huo Yuer suddenly felt wronged and quickly looked at her mother.

The young woman smiled and said to Huo Yuer, "Your father has made it clear before that Lin Xiao was invited to make up for your previous mistake. Things need to be important, just give up!"

Huo Yuer didn't help herself when she saw that her mother knew that it was a fore, so she flattened her mouth and said unwillingly, "Well, come and come. What accident will happen to him then? Don't say it's me."

"Presumptuous!" Huo Yuanchun stood up angrily, "At the beginning, you robbed other people's belongings first and then did it. After suffering a small loss, you intercepted them halfway with Zhang Jixian. If Ji Yao hadn't found out earlier and stopped you. I don't know what else you will do! Now that you don't repent, do you still want to ruin my face on my Red Sword Peak?

Huo Yuer was scolded by Huo Yuanchun, full of grievances, and said with red eyes, "Well, today is my birthday, but your parents want to protect the guys who have offended their daughters. I, I will ignore you anymore!"

After saying that, Huo Yuer wiped her tears and ran out of the door.

When the young woman saw this, she felt a little sad and wanted to call her back, but when she saw that her husband had not calmed down, she sighed, "Brother Chun, you just said a few words to her. Why do you scold her so much?"

Huo Yuanchun shook his head and sat down again. "This daughter is spoiled by you. Usually, the etiquette and shame I taught her didn't work. Now she still has done things that block roads and must be repaid. It's already been calculated that I don't punish her. Do you still want me to praise her?

Seeing that Huo Yuanchun was still angry, the young woman stopped talking about her daughter and referred to Lin Xiao. "I heard that Wan Jiantao took Lin Xiao, who received the Guangcheng immortal order, and took him back to the Lingxu Palace, but he had never met him. I don't know why he suddenly entered Qingmen and became a disciple of Qingmen?"

Huo Yuanchun disdained and said, "Who knows what medicine is sold in Brother Wan's gourd? Forget it, let's go out to see the arrangement of tonight's dinner!"