Spirit Ruins

Chapter 111 Blue Mirror

After the sea of gas condensed, Lin Xiao suddenly found that he jumped from a "poor ghost" who could not even leave power in his body for more than a day or two to a rich man with huge spiritual power.

In Lin Xiao's body, the blue sea of air whirlpool is constantly rotating slowly, constantly refining the spiritual power of heaven and earth absorbed into the body, and then transforming the spiritual power into mana and storing it.

With a continuous supply of mana, Lin Xiao no longer has to worry about the failure of mana when making alchemy and making runes, and the success rate has suddenly increased a lot.

Feering the great progress he has made in all aspects, Lin Xiao couldn't help sighing in his heart. Sure enough, having a superior elixir is the guarantee to go further on the road to immortal cultivation!

However, while Lin Xiao was pleased with his achievements, he also felt a little regretful. Although this Taiyi Qingmu Danjue can be called a high-level Danjue, it is a pity that this Danjue only has the content after the condensed Jindan, and how to break through the Jindan realm, there is no content of the advanced Yuanying realm at all.

That is to say, if you only practice this Taiyi Qingmu formula, Lin Xiao's achievements will be limited to Jindan at most, and it will be difficult to take further.

Lin Xiaoxin is very big. Naturally, he will not only be satisfied with the cultivation of Jindan Realm. If he wants to go to another level, he can only find another way to find a higher-level elixir.

The idea of looking for a higher-level elixir just came to mind, and Lin Xiao suddenly became very strange, as if he remembered something important--

Before entering the Lingxu Cave, he once made a deal with the monk to help him find the secret of 'Zifu Yuanzong'!

Suddenly remembered the agreement with the master, Lin Xiao was scared into a cold sweat, forgot what was wrong, and actually forgot the advice of the monk!

He hurriedly closed his eyes and looked for the brand planted by the unjieable monk in his sea of knowledge.

In Lin Xiao's vast sea of knowledge, a green bodhi Buddha tree stands in the void. Under the Buddha tree, a young monk with white eyebrows is sitting with his eyes closed.

The monks seem to have settled, and even Lin Xiao hasn't noticed the arrival of Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao knew that the monk was just a wisp of distraction from the monk. Seeing that there was no movement from the monk, Lin Xiao did not say anything and quietly withdrew from the sea of knowledge.

Lin Xiao still decided to find Zifu Yuanzong for the monk.

Although the monk did not urge himself, since Lin Xiao had remembered the deal and had made a vow at the beginning, it was naturally not easy to repudiate the debt. Otherwise, it would not be a joke to explode in the distraction in the sea.

In addition, Lin Xiao also wants to find the Yuanzong of Zifu in his heart. The elixir that can be valued by unjie monks is naturally the most top-level elixir. If he can get it, he doesn't have to be afraid that he can't rely on it when he advances to the realm of Yuanying in the future.

However, it's one thing to do, and it's another thing to really do it.

Lin Xiao has been in the Lingxu Palace for nearly a year. Although he is dedicated to practicing hard behind closed doors, he also has some understanding of some of the history of the Lingxu Palace.

The elixir 'Zifu Yuanzong' comes from the 'Zimen' of the Lingxu Palace, which is one of the top-level elixirs of the Zimen. It is not allowed to be taught by non-inner disciples. It is known as the "Red-blooded Futu" elixir, Qingmen's "bitter sea green lotus" elixir, Jinmen's "dongling golden light" elixir, and Yunmen's "Wushan Yunlou" and the five permanent classics of Lingxu Palace.

However, unlike the other four families, Zimen has always had very few disciples. When it came to the hands of Lu Zongwu, the last person, he was cold by nature and did not like to accept apprentices. He always went alone, resulting in Lu Zongwu left alone in the whole Purple Gate. !

Many years ago, Lu Zongwu resolutely betrayed the Lingxu Palace for some unknown reasons and became a scattered cultivation. When Lu Zongwu left, he did not leave any inheritance about Zimen. Therefore, Zimen has been defeated in the Lingxu Palace since then, and no one cares about it.

Lu Zongwu walked unrestrainedly, and Zifu Yuanzong was also taken away by him without leaving a word. In order to get Zifu Yuanzong, he had to find Lu Zongwu. But this vast three-thousand-face asked Lin Xiao to find such a person and ask for such a formula. Isn't it a haystack to find a needle?

Moreover, even if Lin Xiao was lucky enough to find Lu Zongwu, how could he get Zifu Yuanzong from others?

When Lin Xiao thought of this, he suddenly sighed and thought that since he had already explained it, he would do his best. Anyway, there was no time limit, right? If you can't find it for ten years, then you can find it for a hundred years. It's not that you don't look for it.

Lin Xiao put down the matter for the time being, and suddenly thought of something and took out a palm-sized blue mirror from his close arms.

It's the Blue Mirror.

Lin Xiao has always carried this mirror close to his body and never left half of his body. In the past, when he began to generate mana because of the cultivation of the Qingling formula, Lin Xiao tried to input mana in the previous Qingming mirror to stimulate this magic weapon. But it ended in failure.

Now that Lin Xiaoqi Hai Ning still did not give up. He picked up the Qingming Mirror again, puffed up his mana again, and continuously input the mana into the mirror.

With Lin Xiao's cultivation, this mirror can't see what level of magic weapon it belongs to, but Lin Xiao is sure that this mirror is definitely much higher than ordinary spiritual weapons. Because although Lin Xiao almost entered the mana of his whole body into the mirror, the mirror still did not move at all.

Tired and panting, Lin Xiao, who was sweating heavily, took back his right hand breathlessly after entering the last mana in his body into the mirror, waiting for the dry sea of air to slowly recover.

After entering so much spiritual power, the Qingming Mirror still had no reaction. Lin Xiao couldn't help shaking his head with some disappointment. Lin Xiao originally wanted to experiment with the bronze tripod in the storage ring, but now he also gave up this idea. Even the Qingming mirror of unknown grade can't be driven, and it is even more impossible to use the bronze tripod, which has been determined to be a broken magic weapon.

After Lin Xiao regained some strength, he reached out and picked up the Qingming mirror to put it back in his arms.

However, at this time, the complicated pattern behind the blue mirror suddenly began to light up, emitting a faint cyan light.

A white light suddenly flashed on the smooth mirror, and then a circle of words appeared on the blue mirror under Lin Xiao's surprised gaze.

Each two words form a group, which is divided into about seven or eight groups, forming a circle around the mirror, but only three groups of characters can be faintly identified. The rest of the text is extremely dim, and Lin Xiao can't see what it looks like at all.

And the three sets of words that can be seen clearly are an ancient text, all of which are silver. Although Lin Xiao does not recognize these words, he recognizes what they mean at the first sight of these silver words like tadpole texts.

So Lin Xiao whispered the meaning of the three sets of words, "'divination', 'fazhen', 'cang fu'?"

While Lin Xiao read out the meaning of these three groups of words, he suddenly had some detailed information in his mind. He seemed to suddenly understand the specific meaning of these three groups of words and some of the uses of the Qingming Mirror.

The so-called 'divination' means that if the caster's skills, Taoism and realm are sufficient, he can use the ability of the blue underworld mirror to communicate with the underworld to carry out a divination and calculate what the caster wants to measure. Of course, if the Taoism is not enough and forced calculation, the caster may be strongly counterattacked by touching the sky.

As for the 'law array', it means that the blue mirror can be used to replace the general array, acting as an eye in the magic array constructed by the monks to control the operation of the magic array.

The third group of 'cang fu' means that the Blue Underworld Mirror can serve as a carrier for monks to make runes. Monks can make runes in the Blue Underworld Mirror without using the materials to make runes. The made runes can be hidden in the Blue Underworld Mirror and can be called out against the enemy at any time.

Of course, there is also a premise to use this function, that is, the charm cultivation of the caster must reach the level of "empty symbols", and the number of charms that the Blue Mirror can accommodate is also directly related to the level of the monk's cultivation.

When Lin Xiao clearly realized the meaning of these functions of Qingming Mirror, Lin Xiao's shock was not enough to describe the stormy waves.

Although there are five other sets of words that have not been revealed, these three functions that have been revealed are enough to make any monk crazy!

The Qingming Mirror is definitely beyond the general magic weapon and even beyond the original magic weapon! Lin Xiao made a clear definition in his heart.

So, isn't the Qingming Mirror a Taoist instrument?

No matter whether the Qingming Mirror is a Taoist weapon or not, Lin Xiao has secretly made up his mind that he can't let people know that he has such an anti-sky magic weapon as Qingmingjing in his hand in the future.

Although the functions of the magic array and hidden charm are attractive, they are not necessary for Lin Xiao now. After all, he has not been in serious contact with the magic array. Similarly, Lin Xiao's charm level is far from reaching the high level of being able to make void charms. That is a monk above the realm of Jindan. Things that can be done.

But in addition to the magic circle and Tibetan charm, the Qingming Mirror also has a third function - 'divination'!

Lin Xiao couldn't help but start beating faster. Someone sent pillows when he really wanted to sleep. He had been struggling to find Zifu Yuanzong, but if he took a fortune through the 'divination' function, maybe he could get the inspiration to find Zifu Yuanzong?

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao stretched out his finger meaningfully and prepared to point to the line of 'divination' on the mirror of the Qingming mirror.

But Lin Xiao hesitated again halfway. According to the content shown in those silver tadpoles, if the Taoist line is not enough to carry out 'divination', it will be strongly counterattacked. Should you take this risk?

After hesitating for a long time, Lin Xiao finally felt cruel and clicked on the line of 'divination', thinking to himself, die! Whether the Qingmingjing is a real guy or a smattering thing, you have to test it to know!