Spirit Ruins

Chapter 163 Dust settled

After the fall of the giant ape beast king, the remnant monsters that followed the beast king could no longer constitute a threat. The remaining monks of Tianshang City rushed out and soon annihilated all the remaining monsters in Tianshang City.

With the last wolf demon being cut into several sections by more than a dozen flying swords, the fierce battle that lasted for several days finally came to an end.

Everything settled, but Tianshang City suddenly fell into silence, and no one applauded or cheered.

Looking around, Tianshang City is desolate at this moment. Except for the important architectural complexes such as Juling House and Lingxiao Pavilion, which have been under key care before and are still intact, the remaining facilities in the city have turned into ruins.

Even the once prosperous fairy street in the city is now devastated by the flames of war and full of desolation.

Elder Qingfeng stood in the middle of the city and looked around. What he saw was the bodies of monsters and monks piled up. Thinking of the prosperous scene in Tianshang City in the past, he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Even if he resisted this once-hundred-year-old beast tide, the city is now close to complete destruction. Presumably after this battle, he will be the first to the position of the immortal alliance of Tianshang City.

"Eadmiral Qingfeng, the war is over. It's time to clean up the mess. Those monks who help us resist the tide of beasts are waiting for us to comfort us!"

Qingfeng turned around when he heard the words and saw Fang Zhan standing not far behind him. At this moment, his face was also full of fatigue. The golden armor on his body was pitted and badly damaged.

Although Fang Zhan is one of the elders of Tianshang City, he has always been only responsible for the affairs of the war department, and the daily affairs in the city still have to be decided by Qingfeng.

Qingfeng pondered for a moment, and then said, "Let's pass the order, open all the spiritual houses, and let the remaining monks go in to heal their wounds. Let's make a final determination after we call the meeting of the Fairy League!"

Fang Zhan nodded and turned around and left.

When Fang Zhan left, Qingfeng waved his hand and a subordinate who had been waiting near him hurried over and hugged his fist and said, "What do you want to do with Elder Qingfeng?"

"Immediately sent a letter to the business leaders who left Tianshang City before the war and asked them all to come back, saying that the beast tide has been repelled by us, and a meeting of Tianshang Fairy League will be held immediately in order to rebuild Tianshang City."

"I obey!"

The monk was about to leave when Qingfeng suddenly thought of something and stopped him. "You send a few scout monks to track down the retreating monsters and be sure to confirm whether they have really dispersed. Besides, let those scouts carefully investigate the traces of Elder Huo, Xie Qinghou, Elder Hongyun and others all the way. Once they find something, they will return it immediately!"

"Yes!" The monk hurried to carry out the order.

At this time, Qingfeng was relieved. Although he remembered the safety of Huo Yuanchun and others, as today, Shangcheng had become a mess, and Qingfeng really could not find them in person, so he could only ask for more blessings.


In the evening, countless huge flying boats, boats, and colorful birds and racks suddenly appeared in the sky.

These are the fairy merchants who left Tianshang City before the outbreak of the beast tide began to call back to the city one after another.

For these merchants, they do not have their own strong armed forces, so when the beast tide comes, they have to evacuate all their belongings from Tianshang City for the safety of their property.

If Shangcheng turns to safety today, these people will naturally come back. After all, this is the throat of communicating with 100,000 mountains and the outside trade channels. No one wants to leave permanently unless they have to.

However, after these immortal giants landed in Tianshang City one after another, they were stunned by such a desolate scene in front of them. Although most of the bodies of those monsters and monks had been cleaned up, this scene of broken walls and ruins still deeply stimulated many people.

Some monks who survived the tide of beasts looked disdainful after seeing these brightly dressed merchants and their followers. Some people were more grumpy and became sarcastic, saying that these merchants fled when the disaster came. After the beast tide calmed down, they rushed back for fear that others would seize their territory, and they finally understood what brazenness was.

Some merchants could never see it, so they quarreled with the left-behind monks, and finally fought, causing a burst of chaos in Tianshang City, which had been gradually calmed down.

However, these chaos are nothing in the eyes of those real big shots.

In the center of Tianshang City, the Tianshang Tower, which was originally a space magic weapon that could be moved at any time, was rebuilt.

And inside the Tianshang Tower, there are more than a dozen monks sitting around a huge stone table.

These monks are the real masters of this Tianshang City.

Qingfeng suddenly occupied a place in it. As for Fang Zhan, he stood behind Qingfeng and had no place to sit.

An old man in a brocade robe sitting on the head stretched out a dry right hand, gently knocked on the stone table in front of him with his fingers, and said lightly, "You have just heard Elder Qingfeng state the beginning and end of this beast tide. I don't know what everyone thinks?"

A middle-aged man sitting next to the old man with a gloomy look took the lead in saying, "Lord Luo, although Qingfeng has the credit of repelling the tide of beasts in this battle, their battle has seriously injured our Tianshang City. The city has been destroyed, the moth array has been destroyed, and the whereabouts of the elder Hongyun are unknown. Even our Tianshang regiment has been depleted. There are only 20 monks left! I think that Qingfeng's achievements are not worth it. He should be removed from his position as a moat elder and choose another virtuous person to replace him.

At this time, Fang Zhan, who had been standing behind Qingfeng, shouted dissatisfiedly, "Humph! Deacon, you haven't experienced the chaos of the beast tide these days. It's easy to say, not to mention that the destruction of the moth array is due to the sudden emergence of this variable by blood crystal ants. The scale of this beast tide alone is rare in a hundred years. It is by no means comparable to those small-scale beast tides in previous years. If Elder Qingfeng hadn't led me We fought to the end. If Shangcheng had been erased today, can you still sit here and say sarcastic words?

"You!" When the deacon Cheng was said by Fang Zhan, he was suddenly furious, but the Lord of Los City was by his side. After all, he put up with it and just said coldly to Qingfeng, "Ead Elder Qingfeng, you are so unruly in the Tianshang War Department. Do you commit the following crimes?"

Qingfeng was still waiting to fight back, but the Lord of Los Angeles snorted coldly, "Enough."

The deacon and Qingfeng seemed to be very afraid of the Lord of Los Angeles. They looked at each other and then fell silent and dared not make a come back.

The Lord of Los Angeles pondered for a while, and then said to the thirteen people present: "Since the deacon proposed to remove the position of Elder Qingfeng, let's start voting and raise your hand if you agree with the deacon's proposal."

At present, a total of seven people, including the deacon, raised their hands.

Some of these people are with the deacon. They have long wanted to drive Qingfeng, who has always been at peace with them. Now they have just found an excuse, while others are also very dissatisfied with Qingfeng because they have suffered the greatest losses in the disaster of the destruction of Tianshang City.

An old man sitting below hummed and complained, "Anyway, Qingfeng is really not suitable to continue to serve as an elder if the city is destroyed like this."

Qingfeng looked coldly at the old monk when he heard the words, "At the beginning, Tianshang City was the main battlefield, and the matter of opening the door to meet the enemy was voted by everyone, and you Chu Zhilin also raised your hand in favor at that time. Why do you want to blame me for the damage the city now?"

The old man named Chu Zhilin said angrily, "How did I know that the city could be damaged like this in your hands? If I had known earlier, I would never have agreed to your proposal at that time!"

"Okay! Don't quarrel!" The Lord of Los Angeles stopped everyone's dispute again, and then said, "In the vote just now, seven of you supported Qingfeng's abdication. I, the city lord, have three formulas in my hand, and I support Qingfeng to continue to serve as a moat elder."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. What else did the deacon with the surname Cheng want to say? But the Lord of Los Angeles stretched out his hand to stop him. "You don't have to say much. With my three votes, the final result is 9 to 7. Qingfeng continues to stay in office, and that's all."

Since the Lord of Los Angeles has said so, the monks below have nothing to say.

The owner of Los Angeles pondered for a while before slowly said, "We still underestimated the scale of this beast tide, resulting in some insufficient layout, resulting in serious damage to Tianshang City. At this point, everyone should think about how to repair Tianshang City. It doesn't make sense to quarrel any more."

He turned his head and asked a chubby monk sitting on the other side of him, "Ren Chong, you have always been in charge of the public property of our Tianshang City Fairy League, which is our internal elder. Then tell everyone how much crystal stone will be spent for the reconstruction of Tianshang City?"

The monk named Ren Chong nodded and then said, "The accounts under me have calculated the cost of rebuilding the city, plus the remuneration to be paid to those monks who have completed the task of picking the star list, the pension of the regiment monks, and the rest of the fragmentary expenses, and then deduct some from those who were After the value of the useful materials taken back from the killed monsters, we still have to spend at least 503 grades of crystals!"

Then Ren Chong smiled at the seven monks from the representatives of the Tianshang City Chamber of Commerce sitting at the head and said, "This money has to be spent by the Chamber of Commerce in Tianshang City."

Everyone was suddenly silent.

After a long time, someone moaned: "500,000 three grades of crystal! That's the income of our collective merchants in Tianshang City for nearly a year! How much crystal should each family share with such a large amount?

These people are all greedy for profit, and they are unwilling to suddenly ask them to pay so many crystals.

Finally, the Lord of Los Angeles said toughly: "In order to resist the casualties of this wave of beasts, our Tianshang Fairy League has made great sacrifices, and the merchants, as vested interests, have to pay something. Merchants who are willing to pay crystals can continue to stay. If they don't want to, they can withdraw from Tianshang City as soon as possible. I, Luo Zhongyang, will never retain it!"

The seven people from the Chamber of Commerce sitting at the bottom, look at me, I look at you, and finally acquiesced to this matter.

Although everyone is distressed, it is not unacceptable to exchange a year's income for more than ten years of stability.

The crowd then discussed some other things that needed to be solved immediately, and then Luo Zhongyang was about to let everyone disperse.

However, at this moment, a monk suddenly broke into the conference hall and hurriedly shouted to the more than a dozen bigwigs of Tianshang City: "The Lord of the city, elders, we have found traces of the Elders of the spiritual ruins palace fire thousands of their unknown outside the city. They are returning to Tianshang City. Back, there are also the previously missing Elder Hongyun!"

"What? Has she found Hongyun?" Qingfeng suddenly stood up with a happy face.

He had been worried about the safety of Hongyun before. He thought that his subordinate had fallen, but unexpectedly, Hongyun could actually kill him from the blood crystal ants and be with Huo Yuanchun and others!