Spirit Ruins

Chapter 174 Dangerous Trial

Lao Fanghe was also stunned by Lin Xiao's fierce blow. By the time he reacted, Lin Xiao had launched a charge towards the next huge stone puppet!

Lao Fanghe knew that he could not let Lin Xiao destroy a huge stone puppet again, so he did not care about the previous layout, and hurriedly mobilized the 'mosquito needle' that had been hidden on one side and rushed to Lin Xiaofei like a bunch of locusts, trying to force Lin Xiao back.

However, at this moment, it has already emerged, and it has not paid attention to the dense 'mosquito needles' behind him at all, but rushed to the second boulder puppet without looking back!

The second boulder puppet had no feelings, and naturally did not know how powerful Lin Xiao was. When he saw Lin Xiao coming, he stepped on Lin Xiao, but Lin Xiao did not dodge. He punched again and punched the big foot of the boulder puppet!


The huge foot of the boulder puppet, which was bigger than Lin Xiao's whole body, burst under Lin Xiao's iron fist and turned into powder. The boulder puppet lost its foothold and fell to the ground.

At this time, the 'mosquito needle' had also shot behind Lin Xiao, close to Lin Xiao, but Lin Xiao did not respond at all.

In the screams of the people around, Lin Xiao's divine armor suddenly shot a black light, wrapping all the 'mosquito needles'.

The face of the Lao Fanghe in the distance suddenly changed greatly. At the moment when the black light wrapped the 'mosquito needle', the Lao Fanghe actually lost its sense of the 'mosquito needle'!

Lin Xiao showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth, and Lao Fanghe's expression was very stunned and didn't understand what had happened. But Lin Xiao's heart is clear.

That black light was actually transformed by Lin Xiao's original magic weapon of the wandering old monster that was previously integrated into the divine armor. The corpse incense is an extremely poisonous magic weapon. The corpse is strong and specially defiling others' magic weapon. The 'mosquito needle' that released the crane was trapped by the 'corpse incense'. The spiritual power wrapped outside was gradually melted by the corpse gas, and the connection with the spirit of the crane was suddenly interrupted.

Lin Xiao glanced at the uncertain Lao Fanghe, then snorted coldly and continued to walk towards the third boulder puppet.

At this moment, Lao Fanghe suddenly shouted, "Stop! I admit defeat!"

Lao Fanghe directly admitted defeat, which immediately surprised everyone under the stage. Although everyone was a little angry with Lao Fanghe, when they thought about it, they felt that perhaps admitting defeat was the best choice for Lao Fanghe.

Lin Xiaoguang destroyed two of the three huge stone puppets with his body, and the 'mosquito needle' in Lao Fanghe's hand could not even hurt Lin Xiao, and the various means shown by Lin Xiao in the last battle have not been used so far, and the victory or defeat is obvious so far.

If Lao Fanghe continues to persist, he will only suffer greater losses. It's better to stop here.

With the Jindan monk announcing Lin Xiao's victory in this round of fighting in public, Lin Xiao's popularity among the monks inside and outside the Lingxu Palace once again rose a lot.

Lin Xiao was like a famous sword that had been covered with dust for a long time, but suddenly burst into a fierce sword, and the limelight chased Ao Shi, Ji Yao and Yang Kuan.

In addition to his hidden strength, Lin Xiaojunlang's image also gave him a lot of points, which also led to a sharp increase in the number of female practitioners who admire him.

Looking at some nymphomaniac nuns shouting at herself crazily under the stage, Lin Xiao hurriedly found an excuse to leave the magic arena for fear of being eaten by these female tigers if she left late.

In the end, the second round of the Lingxu Palace Sect competition ended, and 30 monks were unfortunately eliminated. Together with the monk who drew the empty lottery from the beginning, a total of 31 people entered the third round of the Sect competition, which is also the last round of this year's competition.

The first round and the second round of the big comparison are different in the form of ring fighting. The third round of the clan big ratio has changed the content and no longer carries out the ring fighting method.

Because there was no longer a ring fight, dozens of fighting arenas arranged in Taichu Square began to be demolished one by one, and those monks on Taichu Square also began to disperse one after another, and the originally lively Taichu Square suddenly deserted.

After ten days, the first two rounds of this sect competition will become the daily talk of the inner and outer monks. It was also after the first two rounds of this sect big comparison that the monks of the whole Lingxu Palace began to know a figure named Lin Xiao.

All the deeds about Lin Xiao began to be gradually known to the public under the excavation of people with intentions.

But all this is now unknown for the time being. After the second round of fighting, he was summoned into the Xuanxiao Hall. At this moment, he is standing in a hall inside the Xuanxiao Hall, with him, as well as 30 other inner door monks who have entered the third round of the sect.

Standing not far in front of everyone, there was only a slightly fat middle-aged man in a green robe - Song Zuixian, the first in Qingmen.

Song Zuixian glanced at the crowd and then slowly said, "First of all, I want to congratulate you on entering the third round of our Lingxu Palace Sect. Unlike the previous two rounds, our third round is not a ring fight, but to send you to the 'barbaric hunting ground' in the West Land for a month. Waste trial. Then decide your final ranking based on your performance in the trial.

Wild hunting ground!

Including Lin Xiao, 31 inner door monks raised their heads at the same time they heard these four words, and their eyes were full of excitement.

Lin Xiao said secretly in his heart, "What kind of secrets does this mysterious place contain? Let countless inner monks fight so enthusiastically to get a place to enter it?

Song Zuixian continued to say, "Originally, according to the past practice, you had to have another stage fight to choose the top 20. However, because our Lingxu Palace Taixu real person has recently entered the land of thunder disaster, our Lingxu Palace has been able to increase the quota to enter the wilderness hunting field. This time, all 31 of you are qualified to enter the 'barbaric hunting field' in the West Land and can enter the wilderness for trial!"

Before Song Zuixian's words fell, 31 monks suddenly burst into cheers. On the one hand, they heard that there was no need to carry out the next fierce competition, and on the other hand, because they were qualified to enter the wilderness hunting ground.


Song Zuixian coughed twice, and everyone suddenly calmed down.

Song Zuixian put his hands behind him and said condescendingly to the crowd: "You don't have to be happy too early. I believe that a considerable number of you 31 people only know a rough idea, but they don't really know the origin of the wilderness hunting ground. Let me explain it to you. I believe you will never think it is a place full of opportunities after listening to it.

Immediately, Song Zuixian patiently explained the origin of the wild hunting ground to Lin Xiao and others.

However, it turned out that the wild hunting ground was a trial ground opened up by some great powers in the thirteen caves of Kunlun territory tens of thousands of years ago.

This trial place is specially provided for the inner gate monks of the thirteen caves in Kunlunjing for trial and practice.

The trial land is located in the West Land, and no other monks have ever set foot on it, so it is full of all kinds of dangerous monsters, but also because it has not been developed by monks, so it is full of all kinds of precious treasures. In the past, there were many monks who got it in the wild hunting ground. Some amazing treasures eventually became examples of one side's power.

After listening to it, everyone did not show the solemn look expected by Song Zuixian. Instead, they became more and more excited, as if as long as they could enter the wild hunting field, they could get some rare treasures to improve their realm.

Song Zuixian shook his head and thought that these guys really don't know whether to live or die. If the rare treasures are so easy to get, can that place be called a place of trial? Do you really regard those monsters as air?

So, Song Zuixian coldly reminded everyone, "As I said, don't be happy too early."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and then looked at Song Zuixian together, waiting for his further explanation.

Song Zuixian glanced at the crowd coldly, and then said slowly, "In the past, every time our spiritual ruins palace sent out to participate in the wild trials, there were no more than ten monks who could finally return to the sect safely."

Song Zuixian's words were like a bolt from a bolt from the blue, which shocked everyone. In the past, only 20 monks in the Lingxu Palace could enter the wild hunting ground, but there were less than ten monks who came back. In other words, nearly half of the monks fell in the wilderness every time!

What's going on?

Looking at the surprised and suspicious look of the crowd, Song Zuixian explained, "As I said, the wild hunting ground is a trial place in the West Land. Our monks in the East Land have never entered the West Land on a large scale in tens of thousands of years. The sinister there is far from what you can imagine."

At this time, someone suddenly asked, "Song Shouzuo, did those fallen monks all die in the hands of monsters?"

Song Zuixian sneered, "Of course, it's not all. In addition to the fallen monks who died in the attack of monsters, some people died at the hands of those clans who have not been very harmonious with our Lingxu Palace, some were killed by the demons who sneaked into the boundary of the Westland demons into the wilderness hunting ground, and some died in In the hands of our own people!"

Song Zuixian's words once again set off a huge wave in the hearts of the monks, and these monks who could have restrained themselves suddenly shouted desperately.

"In addition to us, are there any other sect monks who entered the wilderness hunting ground together? Why has the sect never said it before?

"The barbarian hunting ground is in the West Land, so what should we do about our safety? Unexpectedly, there are demons who can sneak into the boundary. If some demons can enter the barbarian hunting ground, won't we die?"

"Didn't the sect order fellow monks not to kill each other? Why does it happen to the same family in the wild hunting ground? Doesn't the sect listen to this?"

Everyone was talkative and excited, and they kept questioning Song Zuixian.

No matter how good Song Zuixian's self-control was, he was also a little angry at this time, "Shut up!"

Song Zuixian's roar containing spiritual power suddenly calmed down everyone's excitement. At this time, they realized that standing in front of them was the head of the Lingxu Palace. How could they be questioned by their own monks?

Looking at the uneasy look of the crowd, Song Zuixian snorted coldly, "I will naturally explain these problems to you next. What's the hurry? Or do you think you can not pay attention to my first seat if you have won a few fights?

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly became silent.

At this time, Yang Kuan, who stood in front of everyone, took a step forward and saluted, "Please calm your anger. You are also because you have not heard of the rules of the barbarian hunting ground, so you are confused for a moment. Please forgive me."

Song Zuixian looked at Yang Kuan, his own disciple, and nodded, "I'm too lazy to care about anything with them. Well, since Yang Kuan has already opened your mouth, you can explain the rules of the wild hunting ground to them instead of your teacher!"