Spirit Ruins

Chapter 188 No Disaster

When it comes to Tiandao Palace, all the monks from the secret land of Kunlun are absolutely thunderous.

It is familiar because Tiandao Palace has been ranked first in the thirteen caves of Kunlun's secret land all year round. For thousands of years, its status has never been shaken.

There are not many disciples under the Tiandao Palace. On the contrary, compared with those sects with thousands of children, the number of disciples in Tiandao Palace is very rare.

The real strength of Tiandao Palace lies in the fact that Tiandao Palace specializes in the strong, and it is a strong man above the realm of thunder and robbery!

Today, among the elders in the Kunlun Fairy Pavilion, there are three elders from the Tiandao Palace!

It is also because of the strong thunderstorms that the sparsely populated Tiandao Palace can firmly sit firmly in the No. 1 hole in Kunlun's secret land over the years.

However, such a powerful Tiandao Palace has a mountain gate commandment that makes the world puzzle.

That is, unless recognized by the elders of the sect, the young monks under the sect are not allowed to step out of the mountain gate and walk around in the outside world. Even Jindan monks must follow this commandment.

Because of this rule, few young monks in the Tiandao Palace have been walking around for nearly a hundred years.

For some monks, Tiandao Palace is both powerful and mysterious. Therefore, when they heard that Wufeng claimed to be a disciple of Tiandao Palace, everyone cast awe at him.

How powerful is this Wufeng to be recognized by the elders of Tiandao Palace and become the first young monk to step out of the mountain gate of Tiandao Palace in nearly 100 years?

Hearing the name of Tiandao Palace, no matter how arrogant the descendant of Jinpeng is, his face has changed.

In the Wanyao Valley, there is still a legend of Tiandao Palace. Before the establishment of the former barbarian hunting ground, Wanyao Valley had an appointment with the secret land of Kunlun because of the barbarian hunting field.

In that battle, he thought that the thunder robbery master of Tiandao Palace defeated the two thunder robbers in Wanyao Valley with his own power, and his voice was shocked.

It was also after that war that there was a rumor among the demon clan that unless the realm was far beyond the other party, you should never provoke the descendants of the Tiandao Palace.

The descendant of Jinpeng pondered for a moment, finally stared at Wufeng and said slowly, "Since you are the heir of Tiandao Palace, don't you know that the stupid nun just now almost destroyed the process of condensing Xuantian fruit?"

"I just took action to stop that stupid woman from continuing to do other stupid things."

The monks of the people were shocked and angry when they heard the words. On the one hand, they were surprised at how the nun prevented the Xuantian flower tree from bearing fruit, and on the other hand, they were deeply angry at the arrogant attitude of the Jinpeng's descendants.

Some monks can't help cursing Jin Peng's descendants, but no one forcibly comes forward. Nonsense, the descendants of Tiandao Palace are still ahead. If they steal his limelight, who knows if they will offend him?

But after saying this, the Jinpeng descendant ignored the crowd and completely ignored those wastes who only knew how to talk but did not have the courage to take action.

Seeing that Jin Peng's descendants ignored him, the monks were even more angry and encouraged Wu Feng to teach the arrogant guy a lesson.

Wu Feng also frowned at this time. He was not satisfied with the explanation of Jin Peng's descendants, so he said, "What do you mean by saying that the Taoist friend you killed would hinder the result of the Xuantian flower tree?"

This time, Jin Peng's descendants were a little strange. He asked, "You really don't know?"

Wu Feng shook his head, "I'm leaving the mountain gate for the first time, and I'm not very clear about what's going on outside."

Jin Peng's descendants suddenly laughed, and their evaluation of Wufeng fell a little. They thought that the people in Tiandao Palace were not omnipotent monsters!

"I really admire you. You don't know anything. How dare you come to grab Xuantian Lingguo." Jin Peng's descendants relaxed some vigilance against Wufeng, and began to talk more, "Why do you think Xuantianhuashu suddenly killed so many monks and absorbed their souls?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words and looked at the descendant of Jin Peng with doubt.

Jin Peng's descendants pointed to the Xuantianhua tree, which was still constantly refining the soul in his body and said slowly, "The Xuantianhua tree absorbs these souls to resist the thunderstorm that is coming soon."

"Thunder robbery!?" Wufeng raised his head and looked at the Xuantian flower tree. "Do you mean that every time the Xuantian flower tree causes thunderstorm before it results, and the Xuantian flower tree absorbs the soul just to resist the thunderstorm?"

Jin Peng's descendants nodded, "Yes, that's why I said that woman was stupid and completely forgot that the purpose of coming here was to compete for the spiritual fruit. But is Xuantian Lingguo so easy to get? If there is no sacrifice, it is still unknown whether Xuantian Lingguo can appear in the world!"

Everyone was silent when they heard this.

Although I was still dissatisfied with the arrogance of Jin Peng's descendants, I didn't take the lead for the nun again. If what Jin Peng's descendants said was true, the nun really almost ruined all the monks here.

These monks have worked so hard to come here. Some people have to participate in this wild trial in order to seek the opportunity to get the Xuantian spirit fruit.

If the Xuantian flower tree stops the process of condensing Xuantian's spiritual fruit because of being attacked by the nun, I'm afraid that it will be the people on the human monks who take action against the nun at that time.

Human nature is selfish. When I didn't know the reason just now, everyone still resented Jin Peng's descendants, but when the matter was opened, many monks thought that Jin Peng's descendants were right to take action.

Just when everyone was silent, the Xuantian flower tree finally refined the absorbed soul, and the huge spiritual flower virtual shadow at the top of the flower tree suddenly changed into a huge pink skull.

The skull opened a big white mouth and suddenly let out a long roar to the sky!

The sharp long roar came to the monks, stabbing the monks to know the sea, and suddenly made many people cover their heads in pain and roll on the ground, but this time everyone was ready, so most of the monks still barely resisted the sound of this fierce roar.

With the roar of the pink skeleton, countless thick dark clouds suddenly gathered from all directions over the Xuantianhua tree and condensed into a huge dark cloud covering hundreds of miles.

The central position of the cloud slowly forms a huge whirlpool. In the center of the whirlpool, there are continuous golden electric light, and a huge thunder and lightning pressure instantly filled the space within a hundred miles around the Xuantian flower tree.

"Thunder Robbery! The Xuantianhua tree attracted the thunderstorm!"

Some monks shouted loudly, and some weak monks were shocked by the huge pressure emitted by the thunder and lightning when they accumulated, and the spiritual power in their bodies surged, as if they were about to burn the next moment.

All the monks were shocked and wanted to stay away from the Xuantian flower tree, but it was too late. Lei Yun had already locked the space within kilometers around the Xuantian flower tree. These monks who were still in the realm of Taoist fetus could not leave at all!

Everyone was a young monk who had never experienced a thunderstorm. They accidentally found themselves trapped in a thunderstorm, and the surrounding space was locked, so that they could not get out of it. They suddenly panicked. The human monks were in chaos, and some monks began to scream.


In the distance, Jin Peng's descendants laughed wantonly. Obviously, such a scene had long been expected by him. Looking at the human monks who were at a loss because they could not get out of the scope of the thunderstorm, he suddenly felt a little gloating.

Wu Feng realized that it was not good, so he shouted harshly: "Gentlemen, immediately use your strongest means to protect yourself, so as not to be affected by the thunderstorm caused by the Xuantian flower tree!"

"Thunder disaster is mainly aimed at the Xuantianhua tree. Although we can't leave, as long as we resist the aftermath of the thunderstorm, we may save our lives!"

Everyone heard Wufeng's voice and knew that it was too late to escape, so everyone sacrificed their magic weapons and laid layers of defense around them.

At this moment, everyone has already regretted it, and they all blame themselves for being fascinated for a while. They came rashly before exploring the reality of the mysterious flower tree in detail, resulting in being involved in the thunder of flowers and trees. Now they can ask for more blessings.

Lin Xiao had rushed to Han Wei's side at this time. Han Wei saw a strange masked monk suddenly approaching her. She was shocked and was about to say something. Lin Xiao suddenly whispered, "Miss Han, it's me, Lin Xiao."

Han Wei was overjoyed to hear this, "Are you here too!"

Lin Xiao nodded and hurriedly said, "Okay, stop talking. You will follow me from now on. Remember not to leave half a step."

After saying that, Lin Xiao suddenly opened his mouth, and a blue shield flew out of his mouth and quickly became bigger. Finally, it turned into a huge blue shield, wrapping Lin Xiao and Han Wei in it.

Lin Xiao immediately sacrificed the blue ice sword spirit, and also condensed an ice wall under the blue shield.

Before this is over, Lin Xiao actually took out the Jiuyou tripod that had never been used from the storage ring and threw the treasure tripod into the air. The Baoding suddenly rose crazily, and the mouth of the tripod turned upside down and buckled Lin Xiao and Han Wei into the treasure tripod.

After doing this, Lin Xiaocai sat down cross-legged, took out a jade bottle from his arms, poured out an elixir to eat, and operated the purple gas refining power in his body, and quickly recovered the mana just lost due to the use of the Jiuyou tripod.

Han Wei has been standing beside Lin Xiao and witnessed that he used so many means, and he was very cautious from beginning to end. She was also secretly surprised and no longer dared to be careless. So she also took out a petal-like magic weapon from the storage ring and injected spiritual power and flowers. The flap suddenly changed into a pink mask, which enveloped himself and Lin Xiao.

When everyone was almost protected, a buzz suddenly broke out in the huge thunder cloud vortex above the head of the Xuantianhua tree, and a huge golden thunderbolt with a water tank fell from the thunder cloud vortex and heavily bombarded the red pink skeleton at the top of the crown of the Xuantianhua tree!

The pink skeleton let out a whine, and its body actually emitted a black light mask composed of the power of the soul that had just been refined by the Xuantian flower tree, blocking the thick thunder and lightning!

The lightning power was blocked by the black light mask and suddenly splashed around like water. The flying golden lightning instantly penetrated all the ground within kilometers around the Xuantian flower tree.

Some unlucky monks were directly hit by the power of golden thunder and lightning, and the magic weapon of protecting themselves was destroyed by golden thunder and lightning in an instant. Before they could even make a scream, they instantly turned into flying ashes.

While the red-pink skeleton dissolved most of the electricity of the huge lightning, some thunder and lightning power passed through the red-pink skeleton and was directly absorbed by the crown branches of the Xuantian bouquet. Then, after further refining through the Xuantian flower tree, these lightning essences were all transmitted to Xuantian flower branches. There are only a dozen spiritual flowers left at the end.

Some spiritual flowers can't withstand these thunder and lightning essences after all. They burst instantly and turn into flying ash, but several spiritual flowers successfully absorbed these thunder and lightning essences and stored them.

In this way, as the thunderstorm continues to bombard down, the red and pink skeletons continue to resolve most of the electricity, absorb a small part of the electricity, and then recycle and store the essence of the refining thunderstorm into the remaining spiritual flowers.

After more than a dozen cycles of this process, the dark clouds in the sky gradually became thinner, and the thunder disaster gradually came to an end, and the remaining spiritual flowers that absorbed a large amount of thunderstorm essence began to mutate amazingly!

However, these mutations are destined to be unable to be seen by most monks. After more than a dozen waves of thunder and lightning just now, more than 100 monks and demons have been directly killed by the thunder and lightning power melted out by the pink skeleton and turned into flying ashes.

Before the fruit of the mysterious flower tree, most people have fallen in this reckless disaster.